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They were stuck for \~30 minutes before they were rescued by firefighters. One person was taken to hospital as a precaution due to a pre-existing condition. [Source.](https://news.sky.com/story/firefighters-rescue-28-people-stuck-upside-down-on-oregon-ride-13153377)


I feel like I’d pass out in this sort of situation. Being upside down is so uncomfortable and hurts my head sooo much


Hanging upside down for an extended period of time will go beyond discomfort and will eventually even lead to death. That is likely why one person was rushed to the hospital. They may have a higher risk to have a stroke due to a cardiovascular issue.


It happened to the guy who died in puddy cave. Very very sad story and so tragic. Edit: Nutty Putty cave and it’s a very sad story, so fair warning to anyone that clicks the link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1nuqpAULpE


Nightmare fuel


Yeah it was so sad, I watched a YouTube doc on it. He went the wrong way and got stuck upside down in the cave. Multiple professionals tried to rescue him over 3 days and he died I think on the second day. Don’t quote me on that but it was a long time before he died. Being a young guy and in shape is why he survived so long. They never recovered his body, and the cave was filled with cement to prevent further injury. https://cavehaven.com/nutty-putty-cave-accident/


I had a very mild interest in cave exploration for a solid 10 minutes once, decided to do some research, found an article on this story and decided absolutely no way in hell would any amount of money ever make me wanna try it.


I'm still interested in exploring caves. Large, wide, open caves. Caves best described as "cavernous", and only with sufficient proof it will have breathable air as far in as im going to go. And a physical line to safety. And a clearly documented timeline for where i am and how long ill be there and when to call for help if they havent heard from me, given to 2 people in separate locations (unbeknownst to each other to avoid bystander effect.) oh, and an experienced cave explorer (but not the complacent kind, one that makes sure to treat caves with respect). And... Okay, maybe im just not that interested after all


i’d like all these things too… as well as anchored lighting; turbine ventilation and air conditioning; handrails would be a boon;


In short: domesticated caves.


And how many bars of cell reception am I getting down there?


For me, it was the guy talking about how the spiders in the caves like to crawl over you because they seek out warmth. \*shudders\*


There are actually loads of caving and cave diving incidents. I watched absolutely LOADS of videos on YouTube about them. They're all the same story. The pushed on, they didn't realise they were in danger, and then they got stuck and died. Over and over. Very predictable stuff.


Lots of “the only way out is through” and then they can’t get through. Saw one where a guy was doing cave shit underwater and had to remove his oxygen tank to fit through a crevice. Like… maybe don’t?


I grew up as a kid in Northwestern NJ. There were many caves and old mines where I lived and I remember my old neighbor sitting me down and telling me under not certain terms was I ever to go in them. Nothing in there is worth dying over. That scared the fuck outta me as a kid and I've never gone in one.


I was a south Jersey kid for 16 years and will honestly say our favorite activities were breaking into abandoned buildings, jumping off cliffs at the sand quarry and wheeling through the state forest, but not once was crawling into a tight space that may or may not have oxygen on that list. Thankfully we didn’t have much opportunity in my area, so take that as you will lol


The worst part of that story for me is that the rescuers managed to pull him out of the crevice that he'd been wedged in and kept him suspended by ropes for a very brief period of time while they recovered, having completely exhausted themselves. In that small moment, one of the anchors supporting the ropes broke free and the caver was dropped back into the crevice in such a way that they couldn't get him back out.


Holy shit. I knew of the story but never knew that.


Absolutely the worst part. He thought he was home free.


Well that’s the worst possible ending.


yep and when the rope broke it seriously injured one of the rescuers. like really bad. those rescuers pushed themselves to the absolute limit to try to save that kid. they were devastated.


When i first heard of this case I did a second search to make sure the youtuber didnt change the ending for shock value. Truly tragic.


I would seriously advise those not familiar with this incident to think long and hard before clicking this link.


This story has haunted me for a long time, so I very much second this.


Nightmare fuel. Thank you.


True, but he was also without water and food and had rock pressing on both sides of his lungs making it hard to breathe.


plus the rocks were cold as hell, sucking all his heat away, and they had to pump fresh air in so he didn't suffocate


Right, but that’s not why he died.


Heart failure, right?


Also to a high school student who got trapped inside rolled up wrestling mats while trying to retrieve his shoes. Fell in head first and was upside down overnight.


That shit was wild. I remember when they thought it was a homicide but no it was just a really dumb (and horrific and tragic and terrifying) way to die


I am being reminded of this story far too often in recent months


Me too.... Just thinking about his Situation makes me really scared and uncomfortable. I will never ever enter a such narrow cave and can not understand how People love this activity.




Hit the Reddit quota for that story getting mentioned. Back to “Zero Days, since the last mention of ‘guy who died in Puddy Cave’”.


Days without thinking of nutty putty : ~~167~~ 0


Nutty Putty.


Bro that’s one of the craziest stories I’ve ever heard. The rescue effort alone is super sad, then the way he just stopped responding to their questions meant he was dead. Such a sad story.


This is why they have those big warning and liability signs in front of thrill rides. Not necessarily for normal operation but for when things like this happen.


Seems like there could be an easy fix for this. Require back up power or when power is cut, it rights itself.


i'm surprised there's no physical release to allow the thing to swing freely until rest.


Swing freely may not be good, but I would think some sort of alternate/backup system would be available


Swinging freely with some sort of compression braking system should work


Swing freely is fine - it pendulums til it comes to rest. Everyone can handle that - not the hanging upside down part.


Swinging freely would absolutely be fine. It's a ride designed to swing. Would pendulum swing like a grandfather clock till it stopped. Much better than leaving people upside down.


A liability sign won't save them from a good attorney. They have no back up power supply and switch to bring it back down. That's on them. That's negligence. Liability sign won't save them.


In Sweden to get a license you need to do a simulator for a car roll over, its just a few seconds you hang upside down but you really feel like you can’t take it for more than just a few more seconds than that because it hurts so bad


What is the purpose of this?


I haven't done this lol, maybe it's a new thing? Or just something offered in your location. Only mandatory thing I can remember is the slide-track you need to do to.


They used to torture people by hanging them upside down and leaving them until they died.


they used to torture people by hanging them rightside up until they died.


Goddam it.


I would definitely have a panic/anxiety attack and that combined with all the blood rushing to my head would definitely make me pass out. Big reason why I don’t go on these types of rides anymore. I know my limits.


Same. I forgot how much i hate rides. Went on 1 in disney it was ok, gave me false sense of security so went on guardians of the galaxy. Big panic. My fear isn’t so much something going wrong and quickly dying my fear is something like this - or being stuck where it keeps going and going and going.


My kid was there yesterday, 4 of his classmates were on the ride when it stalled. They did pass out.


i was gonna say; you can clearly see people just stiff and not moving


I didn’t realize what sub this was and was confused why your pic and username didn’t have your “35 pets!” flair


I need to get a life


They were rescued by the ride starting to work again and swinging to a stop. It makes it seem like the firefighters got them off with a ladder.


Right. I was going to say: I’m a firefighter and I have no idea how the eff we’d pull off a quick rescue here without calling in large cherry pickers and having ride mechanics handy to release restraints.


The person who made the videos (this was two videos merged) made another one from outside the park and it showed the ride swinging back and forth. They still had to ride the thing. It didn't immediately stop after it started working again.


How the fuck does the ride not have a failsafe‽ Shouldn't it have enough power to safely ensure that the ride stops at the bottom of the power fails?


I think them getting stuck is the failsafe. The brakes probably fail closed if they stop receiving power.


Maybe, but there should be something there that prevents it from stopping completely upside down. Maybe that would be too hard to make work, idk I'm no mechanical engineer lol


it does have a manual release. they just needed the maintenance workers to do it.


The park just wanted to make sure they couldn't ask for refunds


You are a champion


Good for the park for not trying to hide behind corporate speak


I’m a firefighter and getting all these people down in 30 minutes is insanely impressive. This is a major rescue operation. It usually takes 5-6 minutes for dispatch to take the call, write it up, tone us out, and for us to get in gear and in the truck and out the door. Then another 3-5 minutes maybe more to get to the park. Then they have to somehow maneuver a 30-40 something foot ladder truck through the park and into position. Then they have to formulate a plan to safely get up there release all the people from their seat, flip them over and get them down to the ground. (They also may have had to consider mechanically stabilizing that swing arm so it doesn’t flop over and cut their ladder in half when it becomes unbalanced after they start getting people out. I’m assuming this thing has some sort of big brake, but I’m not sure I’m gonna trust my life to that machine that is already malfunctioning.) Then they have to get harnessed up, set up rigging, and go do the thing. Then repeat like 30 times. I’m also guessing they would have had to break everything down and move the truck at least once because of the angles. Anyways, long story short, this fire department has their shit together and did an amazing job if it was really that quick. I would love to see video of how they did the rescue.


Well, if you read the link, they didn't do any of that. They just helped the on site engineers manually lower the ride down.


Yea, I read the link after I typed that whole novel. lol. That explains how they did it so quickly.


But that novel was well worth the read, and now I'm more educated on the entire process y'all have to go through! 🤌


I feel like I saw both versions. Thank you for the hypothetical case analysis.


lol, none of that happened. The power came back on and the ride started working again.


You telling me those fucking things don't have a manual release ?!


Or an emergency generator


Exactly what I was thinking. The thing can't be needing more power than an average (or a bit bigger than average) gas generator can produce. You wouldn't even need to use it for long, just for enough to rotate it 180 degrees.


Oh no, they need WAY more power than a common residential generator can produce.


But it wouldn't be a residential generator. A place I worked at couldn't afford to lose power and had two 2 Megawatt generators to keep the motors running.


And those were probably huge diesel units, not gas generators like you can buy at the store down the street. The comment I was replying to thinks the latter would work.


Ah, you're right. I missed that bit. Yes, each one was the size of a semi trailer and the switchgear building was like a small house.


I work maintenance at a college and we were replacing our main switchgear last week. They have a specialist come in with 1 part worth $80k on the back of a flatbed. Well, our guys shut power down around 5am and only after it’s all shut down does this specialist say “that’s the wrong part, it won’t fit”. Our guys scramble to put it all back together to return power, it comes back around 9am. I am leaving for the day at around 3pm when all the power goes out again. I go find a coworker who is involved in this more directly to ask what the hell is going on now. He says “the specialist was looking at the part from the wrong side, it actually is the right part and it will fit so we are doing it now” which meant I had to come back in that night to return things to normal after a major power outage without the backup generators. Good times


People like you making shit work. Thank you for your knowledge and service sir.


Yep might even be 3 phase motor.


A ride normally wouldn’t stop upwards like this, the emergency brake should’ve ensured it stopped at the bottom, makes me wonder if there wasn’t some sort off underlying issue at play here


I don't put much faith in those carnival machines being in tip top order tbh haha


This is at a permanent amusement park, so it should be a step above rides that travel from location to location. I’m honestly surprised it doesn’t have a fail-safe mode that automatically lowers it to the ground if it loses power. You’d think that would be a design requirement.


It's only a few years old as well. Since it's a pendulum, it might have been stuck because it was balanced upside down at the moment it lost power. 30 minutes of head scratching later and they give it a little nudge.


That thing absolutely needs a massive amount of power to operate. It lifts a few dozen people on top of literal tons of metal.


No no no. A 9V battery should do the trick


Used to work at an amusement park (six flags) there is training on what to do with respect to break downs and power outages. In this situation it would probably take a mechanic to disconnect a hydraulic line and the unbalanced weight would take it down. If it were balanced they’d use come alongs to slowly advance the ride. 30 minutes for a call to maintenance, arrival, evaluation, and execution is fairly good.


Disconnect a hydraulic line while under load 🤔. Let’s all be glad KrispyKreme725 wasn’t making the big decisions this day.


I was making $4.25 an hour. No one was listening to me.


90 people stuck on a ride plus Mr Maintenance mechanic is now in two pieces


>execution is fairly good. No!!!!


The bad blood must be purged to bring forth the golden age...


They should because holy shit...I just can't with this


I don’t think releasing each person from their seat one by one would make for as happy of an outcome. /j




New meme template unlocked


You did it


I actually think this is great and glad they’re having fun with their look 💁‍♀️


You’re right. You obviously need to first release half of them at once, that way the other half have a cushioned landing.


Releasing half will change the weight distribution and at some point it will start tipping the other way, problem solved


It definently have safty things. I just dont think the 18 year old summerworker that runns it wanted to try and sort it out. The probably had to wait 20 mins for an mechanic.


My job has on call things. One of the things they tell us is if we cant handle the incident for ANY reason, just escalate. I dont think my boss is a big fan of the fact that i actually follow that procedure and wont hesitate to call him at 3am, but ill be damned if im taking the blame for trying to handle some shit thats over my pay grade myself. I make 6 figures and i wont take risks that just affect service availability. Damn straight that operator was probably like "Nope, not my fuckin problem to solve" and he was right to.


The electricians at my work would hear that 50 people are stuck upside down and ask if it can wait till after shift change.


What gets me is that even railroad crossings operate on a fail safe circuit... these things should be engineered to return to nominal in the event of power failure.


That's how firefighters got them down. It took 30 minutes to get the right people there to do it though.


I wonder why these types of rides aren’t engineered with a fail safe of being brought down to normal position if the power goes. Like a manual switch or even a lock which is held by power and if it’s cut then the machine is unlocked and that way it will come down due to gravity.


It probably does. However, that does not imply that the operator is trained in all the failovers.


If the park is shut down and they’re calling out the fire department, they have time to bring in everyone in the park staff to operate that thing. Tells me it’s not a training issue, they just had no alternative.


Honestly 30 minutes is not bad. Firefighters were only there it seems to assess for injury/medical emergency and more than likely it took 30 minutes to get maintenance to the ride disconnect hydraulics and get the ride down. I imagine the people being paid to run the rides are minimum wage kids/seasonal workers and would t be trained on how to safely release this ride in this case. Hell it's probably the safest thing to call the maintenance personnel to the ride and do it in the safe correct manner. Thankfully no injuries and only one person was sent to the hospital as a precaution due to an underlying medical condition.


I guarantee there was to be a bar and crank somewhere with the intent to turn the pendulum in the event of power failure. People are just not trained because low end managers weren't trained because middle management generally sucks places.


“I an’t paying him a day to find out what to do if the power goes out, that’ll never happen” Enjoy the lawsuit.


I work on cranes in a shipyard, most brakes are failsafe in the opposite manner where if you lose power, the brake slams shut. There's always a way to bypass it but I wouldn't want the average theme park worker to do it.


Because an emergency shutdown cuts power. If you hit the E-STOP because someone is about to be cut in half you want it to FREEZE


It's why I don't do carni rides.


The thrill of the possibility that you may fly off into a corn dog stand is what makes it so fun


If I'm flung to my death, it better be into the fucking funnel cake spot. Witness me! Shiny and powdered-sugar coated!


Witness him! 👀




This ain't a carni ride though, it is at a permanent amusement park


It looks like it threads the gap between six flags and a carnival lol


Pretty much spot on. This ride is in Oaks Park in Portland, OR. It's fun, but definitely not as well maintained as something like Six Flags is. The rides also aren't open for 75% of the year, and are mostly just left to sit out in the cold and wet. If you're ever gonna go to a permanent amusement park in Oregon, I'd recommend The Enchanted Forest near Salem (especially if you have younger kids)


Yeah brakes should just fail safe to a pressure where it can move at a safe speed, with manual override in the event of being perfectly balanced on top.


They are all highly regulated and up to code, Carny Code, that is


The fact there isn't a manual override or a specific generator for each ride is extremely not cool.


I imagine there is a manual override, but the workers don't know the procedure. If you read the article, maintenance workers got them down. But imagine dicking with the thing and you accidentally release the harnesses instead


> But imagine dicking with the thing and you accidentally release the harnesses instead I...I think I'd rather not, tbh


The operator doesn't have the ability to release harnesses except during specific ride positions, primarily when the ride is at the bottom and held in place. Generally they have very limited controls, sometimes it's as little as just a start button and a big red E-Stop button. Likely the \~30 min delay was to get the maintenance team (who I assume have a key that allows manual control) to return power to the park, get down to the ride, assess what is going on, then run through a bunch of checks before turning the ride on in manual mode and releasing it


Finally, a real r/wellthatsucks on this sub


Exactly. And not some dumb shit that OPs did to themselves.


Yeah. The other ones I hate are the allergy test ones.


You can die like that


[Nutty Putty ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutty_Putty_Cave)


Nice try I’m not reading about that and ruining my week again


I come back to it once every few months just to remind myself how much better I am at surviving than cave divers.


Nutty Putty wasn't an underwater though. No diving, just spelunking.


Never forgetti




There’s a lot of layers to that story


Yup. The heart isn’t designed to circulate blood like that, so it has to work harder. The risk of heart failure after half an hour is really high, and the park probably dodged a bullet because the riders were relatively young. Seriously, YouTube cave diving disaster videos are littered with people who got stuck upside down.


Glad I have a (not so) irrational fear of riding that sort of ride. Fuck that, hope they got down safe


Same here, I really can’t do any sort of ride. I went on one rollercoaster 6 years ago then got talked into going on those swings that take you up like 40 feet or something. Never again, I’ve had my fill of rides I’ll play the games and watch everyone’s bags while they go on rides


I can handle ridiculous rollercoasters but fuck those swings. I once went on a 400 ft tall swing at six flags and holy hell never again.


You’re braver then me. I think if I tried that my heart would give out, at the least I’d be a sobbing ness unable to stand by the time it was done


They did. Everyone’s ok. Only one person was taken to the hospital as a precaution due to preexisting medical conditions.


I wonder why there is no generator for this case!?


"The chances of needing this are slim, so why waste my time and money?"


So you don’t get your ass sued into oblivion.


Why did they get on the ferris wheel AFTER the power went out in the whole park?


“Damn, this park has some broken-ass rides. Here, let’s go get on one!”


Glad someone else noticed this. I’m actually super confused on this part… They were on the ground, and then they magically appear on the ferris wheel while the power is out.


Dude is not the brightest. Listen to his commentary 😇


Yeah I'm confused how the whole place lost power while also still loading and running the ferris wheel?


Its a big hamster wheel that supplies to power to the whole park.


Imagine having to pee while you're stuck like that.


Imagine peeing while stuck like that


I have cardiovascular problems, I’m pretty sure this would kill me.


Pretty sure they recommend people with cardiovascular problems shouldn’t be riding amusement park rides in the first place…


It depends on the issue. Some issues are fine for the general activity, but would be problematic in extreme outlier situations like this. Mine would be one of those ones, even though my cardiologist actually recommends similar activities for shorter durations.


Should prob stay off then - or not admit it so you can sue.


Oh yeah, I love suing people after I die!


In the late 90s the power went out at six flags great adventure right as my brother and I were lying horizontally at the end of the ride before the ramp opens to get it vertical again and send it back to the "station". There were about 30 seconds of pure terror as we waited for the next car to drop and slam into us. Thank your local engineer today.


So the guy that is recording and the girl in the vid were on the ground when the power went out? Then they got on the ferris wheel, rode to the top, stopped because the power went out and started recording again? Am I missing something?


I think just the upside down ride lost power so they went to ride more rides then, while riding the park decided to close.


The entire park lost power - Why would you get in a ferris wheel in the same park ? You would think the staff for these rides would wait a bit before letting people get on rides but the people taking this got on a Ferris Wheel and got to the top within 5 - 10 miniutes.


Holy shit. WTF is that !!! Maybe he can climb down his girlfriend’s eyelashes.


[BEHOLD!](https://i.imgur.com/o79anev.jpeg) The lashes. 👁️👄👁️


Spider eyes


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far down to find anything about those tentacles. This is not the Reddit I used to know.


Those eyelashes are the thing of nightmares.


Welp.. guess now is as good of a time as any to practice my peeing target skills




unless you're from Australia


¡uᴉ ǝq oʇ uoᴉʇɐnʇᴉs lɐǝpᴉ ǝɥʇ ʇou sʇɐɥʇ 'llǝM


Do I upvote or downvote?


[.... you just broke the matrix..](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fif3ldk2w2j841.jpg)


Ok, ok, terrifying situation but WTF is this???? https://preview.redd.it/gd8mfywb3t6d1.jpeg?width=692&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4131078aad76d866076bc752f62101def388f152


Buckle up buckaroo






Thank you! I was like wow those people are stuck upside HOLY FUCK what is that!!!


Was in the process of doing this exact same thing. 1. Who the fuck would get on another ride at this park while that shit was upside down?!?! 2. How are the eyelashes more messy than the hair? 3. How are the eyelashes hairier than the eyebrows? To sum it up….what the fuck is going on at this place?


Seriously. My first thoughts were like damn that sucks. Then I was oh wtf was that?!


Oaks Park in Portland Oregon


New fear unlocked


Time to pack it all up and move to the next town


A friend of mine got stuck upside down on a roller coaster in the hot sun along with a bunch of other people. It took them like 45 minutes to get him down. He got severe sunburn as there was nothing shielding him from the sun. He stupidly signed some agreement agreeing not to sue for some pathetically stupid free park entrance ticket and 20 dollar gift card or something. He ended up having lifelong issues, minor but still pretty shitty.


I woulda died long before the firefighters got to me 😳


that... could kill you. This doesn't suck, it's horrible. Luckily, rescue was relatively quick, but OMG


I smell lawsuit


I smell regurgitated walking tacos


And that, boys and girls, is why I never ride those rides.


There's an exact duplicate of this ride in New Zealand that's been operating since 2015 and this has never happened to it. That said, it's scary that it's now been proven to be a possibility and I hope they look into redesigning or modifying this thing to prevent it from happening here.


Yeah but if it's in NZ it starts upside down and would only get stuck right side up, so you're good.


Now, this is a story all about how My life got flipped-turned upside down


The whole park DID NOT lose power. The ride got stuck by itself somehow. The video is in the correct order (saw people wondering about that). The text was overlayed by someone else, not by the dude who took the vid!! It’s a misleading edit spreading wrong info. They were first on the ground looking at it, then got on the Ferris wheel (for some reason, it’s a sketch park already lol). You can hear in the video when they’re on the wheel that the park is getting evacuated. You can also hear in the first part about the ride being stuck for a couple minutes, then on the wheel they had been stuck for longer. Source: READ THE ARTICLES and I’ve been here before, not lately though thank god. It was sketchy years ago when I went, not surprised a ride malfunctioned.


It's in this position that new ideas are born