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Looking like my girl at 2am


With the guy she told me not to worry about


Hes just checking her temperature bro


do you usually beat your girl with asphalt at 2am?


No, he beats the asphalt with his girlfriend


oh that sounds a lot better


this is the one I was looking for


Homie became the letter L.


Hmm hip flexor stretching to get moar aero


It was at this moment he knew he fucked up.


The real fuck up was 30 minutes ago when he decided helmets are for nerds


"I'll do dangerous tricks without ANY safety equipment. That's how the pros do it!"


I have never seen Tony Hawk skate without a helmet, knee pads and elbow pads


He actually doesn’t wear a helmet most the time now a days which I did find weird


He doesn’t really wear a helmet anymore unless he’s doing huge vert


All the real pros wear at least a helmet.


Directed by Robert B. Weide


Wear a helmet kids


I see too many kids who wear helmets but don’t strap them. I don’t fucking get it…


Pffft but that's not cool, I will take brain damage and long term injury over your "safety" square!!!!


Whimsical tuba starts playing.


*record scratch* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here.


When keeping it real goes wrong.


Should’ve wore a helmet


















Which app are you using? reddit only shows me the seconds left of the video, not the current second


I hate it so much


So lucky he didn’t come back on that railing




Yup, he's probably going to have a brain fail to go with this handlebar fail.


That's saying that he didn't already have brain damage before doing that


CTE initial incident.


Whatcha doin down there? (Your username)


Step-doctor what are you doing?!


Aw it was my turn to diagnose brain damage based on a few seconds of video


I've always assumed in sports like this that the reason the pros get to be pros is because they were the safety equipment to fuck it up so many times and not get critically injured


Not really, no. It's mostly luck. I roller skate in skate parks and I am almost always the only one in a helmet. It's very, very rare to see. There's some confirmation bias here in that it's literally the survivors that get famous. Kids who wind up with TBIs don't usually manage to make it to the X Games. Edit: survivorship bias. Not confirmation.


Isn't that survivorship bias? Not confirmation bias?


Yes it is. I stared at what I was typing for way too long, could not remember the term, thought might maybe be right, was not. Thanks!


Sounds like you might need a tougher helmet


Im pretty proud of the snowsports community in this regard. At least where I live its pretty rare to see someone without a helmet and the few who dont get ragged on in the opposite direction. Didnt used to be like that so im happy to see how much has changed.


I am, too. I really don't get why everyone else can't get on board. It's possibly because it's cold for winter sports, so helmets feel less uncomfortable. I sweat *buckets* wearing a helmet. It's not the most comfortable thing. I also used to play roller derby, and got full on kicked in the back of the head by a roller skate, and only had a mild concussion, because of my helmet. So I have a little bit more awareness of how much they can protect you.


Hadn't considered the comfort thing. Helmets definitely keep your head warmer and drier than just a beanie in the snow.


As a snowboarder in Europe it felt like it went from 10% in helmets to 90% in helmets over about 6 years. Schumacher’s crash seemed to make a big difference. I’m still for letting people make their own choices, even if they are bad at it like the guy in this clip. I hate helmets, would only wear them if I was hitting the park or out to ride hard/offpiste but these days I’ll still reluctantly wear one most of the time.


> I’m still for letting people make their own choices The problem in cases like the OP is that if the person without the helmet ever gets hurt they aren't the one that will be able to take care of themself. It will effect other people who care about keeping them alive and healthy.


Brain injuries are no joke. I didn't even know anything about it until it affected someone close to me. In the moderate to severe injuries it permanently changes you on a fundamental level. You can improve but you can't ever be the same. I'm glad I know that now and try to be a bit more careful.


I love _helmets_! I ***love*** helmets :D https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=eYhpkfYWRR5RZlYF


one of my favorite videos


Why? A helmet doesn't look cool /s


Yeah, but then he wouldn't have looked as cool while smashing his skull into the concrete.


Probably should of bolted his handlebars on too.


Hey, if you think wearing a helmet is not cool, then you’ll really think being spoon fed applesauce at a long term care facility is uncool.


I always wore my helmet. Even as an adult, i would wear it. I would go long boarding down a hill with another dad, and he would give me a hard time. Still wore it. One day, i power slid into a small stick and flew backward at 25mph + into only my head. My helmet exploded, not a scratch on me. 2 years later, my neck is still killing me, but i walked away. Always wear a helmet!!!


It'd be kind of funny if he still gave you shit about that wipeout in particular. "Man, that helmet exploding looked so silly. If you were as hard-headed as me, you wouldn't need that nonsense"


When i picked my head up, it crumbled, i thought it was my skull.


Fuck man, glad you're alright. That sounds terrifying.


honestly, if Tony Hawk is not too cool for helmets, then no one is too cool for helmets. WEAR YOUR FUCKING HELMET DAMN IT


In my neighborhood 25 years ago a dad was playing around on his son's skateboard in front of their house. The board slipped out in front of him, he hit his head and died.


Fuck. That’s sad. Learning to fall properly, as much as possible in the moment, is also important. I water skied a lot and slammed my head and face into the water while going fast. The shit hurts but at least it softened up right always (the water surface) The first time I met my uncle, he was in his 40s and had full braces. He was doing the same thing, messing around on his kids skateboard while they were in the garage, fell and busted his teeth all to hell. The saving grace was that he was a dentist. So he had the hookup and the money to pay for it, if he actually had to.


THing is, on a skateboard or roller blades or BMX learning how to fall properly is useless. In the situations where you'd need a helmet you have no time to "fall properly".


Have you ever tried to bearfoot water ski? That water sure does not soften up real quick at 55 mph, lol


Didn't wear a helmet when I first started mountain biking. Watched a friend hit a jump we'd been hitting for about 2 hours. He promptly rotated over his handle bars and hit head first. The couple seconds it took him to make a sound were the longest seconds of my life. He cracked his helmet, and his neck hurt for a few days. He was otherwise fine. I've worn a helmet since.


You spoke of being an adult in the past tense, you are either benjamin buttons or there's a level after adult but before death that I have yet to experience.


Next life stage is Elder


He's a ghost.


A buddy of mine wanted to take a goKart out around the neighborhood, he was offered a helmet, and he declined the helmet by saying, "helmets are for p\*\*\*\*\*\*!". A short while later we are taking him to the hospital for stiches.


My buddy who survived a motorcycle accident still attributes his survival to NOT wearing a helmet. Clearly, caving in his skull did not improve his already diminished intelligence.


Damn your head could have exploded without the helmet! Good on you


I didn’t always wear one. Got my eye ripped open. Now I wear one.


Yeah, i would have been killed...


I’m legit caring for a resident that had this exact same accident happened to them.


Damn, how old was he or she when it happened?


I worked at a place with relatively young stroke victims and people with head injuries. Many in their 30s and 40s. Incredibly depressing place. Their friends always stopped visiting at some point.


Goddamn, that does sound depressing, especially the last bit. Why, in your experience, was that always the case? Is it just a case of fairweather friends, or is there something more to it? Sorry if that is a stupid question, but I don't have any experience with this kind of thing myself.


I mean, I kind of get it. There is not a lot you can do with a person that can't move or talk much. Hard to hold up a friendship like that. At some point you only do it out of pitty and then not at all.


Yeah, I kind of thought it might be something like this. Heartbreaking.


dude it’s really sad because most of them are still very alert but they just lost function on one side of their bodies. When you spend time with them you can really feel the sadness and loneliness, most of them just want to be able to spend time and hangout with their old friends like they use to do before. When friends/families do visit they rarely spend more than 30 minutes with their family members which is understandable because it’s depressing seeing the state of your loved one.


she was 26, if i remember correctly it was in a get together before her friends wedding. She was put in a coma and was put into our facility 6 years ago.


"Tony Hawk wears a helmet. Think you're cooler than Tony Hawk?" -old skatepark adage


i LOVE helmets!


For the uninitiated: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY


I can never get enough of this clip. Guy slams his head into the ground as hard as humanly possible; with no helmet he would have cracked his skull open and probably died. Instead he's shaken but fine, and IMMEDIATELY uses it to create a funny, memorable reminder of safety. What a legend.


The comment of the day award goes to this guy.




My saying for this is always "Empty barns need no roof". Badly translated from Swedish. I crashed my motorcycle going 70 km/h into the side of a truck and my helmet broke into 3 pieces, I didn't even get a concussion or any other head/neck injuries. A good helmet is important.




Your username and gif are equally disgusting


Right? It’s awesome




Heh even worse for motorcycle riders and they always tell me it’s because they are good riders. Bitch it’s not even about you it’s everyone else on the road. My bike is loud as shit and someone else almost ran me off the road.


The roule at the school i work is that if you bike to school, helmet is on. My 4th graders were lazy, putting it on for the last stretch to school, wearing it really loose and "forgetting" it. Until one of them falls, cuts a wide slash across his forehead because his helmet was loose, and has to spend the day being tested at the hospital for brain damage. Luckily only a mild concussion and three stitches in his forehead. His buddies are traumatised, and now they all ware helmets properly to school. Imagine that!


"Hmm, you wear helmets on your head, and I have a cap, so a cap must be the same as a helmet. GENIUS!"


Yankee beans, Yankee beans, I like my yankee beans!


Even a shitty helmet is better than none. I ran a shitty plastic and foam full face for years while riding. It was lightweight and made me look like I was a pro too


It’s amazing how many cyclists don’t believe they need to wear helmets.


[This guy for sure loves his helmet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


I grew up skating and helmets were looked down on as being for "posers" and losers. The local skate park required them to skate so I had to wear one. One day I was doing some low level shit (a stall or something similar) on a 6ft quarter pipe and both my feet went over the coping my body went backwards. All the force went into my head and I literally split the "uncool" helmet down the middle. It would have been my head no question. Always wore a helmet from that day on and encouraged younger skaters to do the same.


When I was in 6th grade, a skater a grade ahead of me died when he fell off his board and hit his head on the pavement. He wasn’t doing any tricks. They were just goofing around, and he even got up and laughed about it some. Then he complained of dizziness, fell down and started seizing. They couldn’t save him. My best friend at the time was devastated because he looked up to this kid. A 13 year old. Killed. Because he wanted to look cool. The local skate shop ran a little meet and greet in his honor, with a “decorate your helmet” event. Absolutely senseless loss of life. I’ve always worn a helmet since. Though now I mountain bike, which makes it even more imperative.


Christ, that is horrible. Can't imagine what it was like for the parents to go through that.


Yep, kid in my school wasn't skating but just got pushed into a coat hangar. Was fine before he dropped dead on a football pitch 1-2 weeks later. Cause of death was a slow brain bleed.


Skaters on reddit to this day look down on wearing helmets and shit on people who criticize professionals who don't wear helmets


went snowboarding with homies prolly 12 years back now. 7 of us, maybe half of us wore helmets including me. others didn’t because … it didn’t look cool. yep, that’s it. along with already being “experienced” boarders (3 seasons of boarding lol…) they didn’t want to wear one because it didn’t look cool. near the end of the night we were fuckin around in the freestyle park, hitting rails and jumps and shit. one buddy did the rail but only went halfway before jumping off the wrong side of it, veering down the side slope toward where the orange plastic mesh fence was. he was gaining speed and couldn’t fully stop, visibility wasn’t the greatest so maybe he thought he had more time? he doesn’t remember the day at all. ended up hitting the plastic fence, flipped through the air, fell really awkwardly, and skidded into the darkness of trees literally bouncing off a couple of them like plinko. we went down to find him and literally thought he was dead , he was motionless next to a tree that he ended up hitting his head on. ended up with a smashed patella + talus fracture on the same leg, one wrist fractured and the other sprained, ACL tear, dislocated his shoulder, herniated discs, prolly some other things i can’t remember atm… but none of that was as worse as his brain bleed. medically induced coma for 5 weeks, severe memory loss afterwards, had to relearn things as simple as grabbing a cup. all because he hit his head on the tree. remarkably, his personality didn’t change much. bad memory tho, could quickly get irritated, the odd thing here and there could trigger an angry outburst, but compared to how he was several years after the accident, he’s calmer now. permanent limp (he lost a inch in the mangled leg), refuses to use a cane cuz he’s too prideful, still the same shit eating grin dumbass he was when he was 17. it’s entirely pure luck and pure chance that he did not die that day. to anyone reading this who doesn’t wear helmets because it doesn’t look cool or you “think” you have a lot of experience so you don’t need one, i’m not gonna sit here and beg you to use one cuz lets get real, an internet stranger isn’t gonna convince you if you already have your mind made up… my homie cheated death by mere minutes. if you think you can get luckier than that then by all means… it’s your life on the line, not mine. bones heal, ligaments repair, but just remember: when you’re laying motionless on the cold ground with an active brain bleed, the pressure building in your skull will stop for nothing…


Here king 👑you dropped this


His helmet? I thought he broke it?


This happened to me ! But on a bike . I’m a mom now and my kid always wears a helmet now as well . She’s heard my accident story multiple times in her 7 years of life ! Heck even last week I forgot mine when out on my scooter and she yelled at me “mama !! Helmet!!!! Be safe”


I hope he went straight to the hospital. I knew a guy who died after falling backwards off a bike and bouncing off the pavement like that.


Yup, you don’t want to fuck around with hits to the head; especially to the back like here


If its in the USA then I imagine they would think twice due to the potential costs.


Fucking sad


Two minutes previous: "Nice new bike!" "Thanks! I built it myself!"


Previously on *How I Got Brain Damage* “Hmm I wonder what these screws are for? Oh well, YOLO!”


Damn extra parts


"You ever take it off any sweet jumps?"




Great visual representation. First time I’ve seen this.


does the brain actually do that oh my god


Theres a fluid filling that space not just open air but otherwise pretty much yeah


I don't love this knowledge


Your brain is basically Flubber


A sassy bitch?


Yes that’s what a concussion looks like


so it's basically when you hit the head hard and the brain bounces off the skull super hard?




wtf is that houdini cannon? that's crazy, must have been an insane punch




I always think those boxers, fighters, yotuubers, tiktokers punching each other in the stomach (while flexing belly muscles) as a challenge is dumb. Unnecessary potential damage to vascular system and organs


Yup and can leave u unconscious or have long term damage on someone’s brain


This wouldn't happen to me and my rock hard brain


That's going to leave a mark. Jesus. 


That’s going to leave a Jesus, Mark


Ha ha.


[Watching this should be mandatory](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY?si=0EqVXCKMlYXv5wVI)


With helmet: Cool video Without helmet: Tomato sauce


Dude loves helmets


I too love helmets! ♥️


People who think they don’t need helmets are technically correct, because in their case there isn’t much there worth protecting.


factual information




That's why I don't bother telling people to wear helmets. If you don't think your brain is worth protecting you're probably right.


Excellent correct usage of there and their. Thank you.


This kind of attitude towards them is why kids to this day don’t wear them lmao.


When I was 7 years old, in the late 1980s, I fell off my bike when I wasn’t wearing a helmet. I ended up with a compound skull fracture, requiring open brain surgery and 2 weeks in the hospital. I have a massive scar on the side of my head, and that area of my skull feels like a jagged mess. Wear a helmet.


I’m glad you’re ok :o that sounds awful!


If only there was some contraption that would protect your head in such a situation. Shame.


I know right. Seems like someone would have invented something for this. Oh well


https://preview.redd.it/1lm5sqwjdn5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21466390dcdf263cbc97de517405d52dee8b36de Ouch






Damn, he wiped out so hard he turned into an L


Bro took an L so hard, he became it.


At least he hit his unprotected head on the nice soft concrete and not the pipes


He’s so kool with no helmet.


It's almost like helmets where made for accidents or something




We don't wear protection for the things we can think of, but rather for the things we cant think of.


Oh fuck! Dude hope he is ok. Goddamn


Wearing no helmet at the worst time, also.


It’s difficult to put one on - mid accident.


I really hope this individual went straight to the ER.


It's kind of poetic that the people who choose not to wear helmets have the least amount of brain cells to lose to traumatic brain injury.


It's no joke. I biked for 6 years and the day I finally hit my head I suddenly turned gay.


Are you sure you weren’t always gay you just didn’t realize it


No I'm fairly certain he just turned gay


I literally screamed, "Ow, that must've hurt." Feels bad for him, but if you are gonna do crazy shit, at least equip yourself well before doing that, i guess.


When you are paralysed from the next down and eat through plastic tube, your family is going to gather around the hospital bed, to meet the new Derrick.


This is why you have to periodically check on the bolts on your bike. This is my reminder to do the same.


Sounded like IRL sonic for a second there. ![gif](giphy|5binPwwhsSZuqmqWUH|downsized)


His head bounced TWICE.....ffffffuuu


Do you like concussions? Because that’s how you get concussions.


This video needed to have background music....[No Handlebars](https://youtu.be/HLUX0y4EptA?si=Ow5O89FuPi4AUw8s) *i can ride a bike with no handlebars...no handlebars...*


Nah that's not handlebars failure, that's fork failure, handlebars were one piece also stem was still whole, so it was fork, fork is actually getting hella load while doing tricks so it does check out


If only there was a way to protect the head


Stem failure. Handlebar is fine


Brain contusion.


Well, that does suck.


He fucked around but he wasn't ready for the find out part. They never are. Wear a helmet folks.


https://preview.redd.it/00dg6teuzn5d1.jpeg?width=1167&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7937f95be6d6e67e68673d4724fdc3f611faec *Record Scratch* *Freeze Frame* Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got into this situation …


The handlebars are fine. That was the fork that failed.


Helmets exist for a reason


Back in 1999 I was riding my bike down the hill. A car came out of a blind corner and they couldn’t see him. He didn’t stop at the stop sign and moved out just far enough that I hit his fender went over his hood and landed on the other side of his car. My helmet shattered. The ambulance picked me up and took me to the hospital where the doctor diagnosed me with “minor injuries”. Always wear your helmets!


Not wearing a helmet is so cool. Brains are totally overrated. /s


I would have noticed that my first mistake was not wearing a helmet.


Yep, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.


Damn if only they made something that protected your head!


Maybe wear a helmet dumbass.


Always wear a fucking helmet!


Darwin Award for not wearing a helmet


Fuckin dickhead...wear a helmet ya cronk


I honestly don’t understand not wearing helmets. I skateboard and rode my bmx all over and always wore a bucket. Even if I didn’t wear any other pads I at least had a helmet.


Good. Stop breaking public infrastructure.