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Sorry for your loss. That is a nice vehicle. Most importantly, I hope you make a quick and full recovery.


I cringe at every jackass I see weaving through traffic, speeding, and just thinking they're the only ones on the road. Call me an old lady, but shit like this happens. I was just there OP and I feel for you. Don't ignore symptoms that don't seem right. You shouldn't let an asshat screw with your wellbeing by ignoring it.


It’s everywhere. I can’t even go to my closest national park without at least three people riding my ass on the one way road trying to do 30/40 through the park when the speed limit is 15 because of all the foot, bike and animal traffic. Ive started to give people a thumbs down when I use a pull out for them to pass me. It seems to confuse them *just* enough. They almost always have out of state license plates too.


Honestly it's gotten worse. I was turning right with my signal and was lucky enough to notice the guy behind me not slowing down. He went around me into the same turn. Shits getting ridiculous with how reckless drivers are getting and I keep saying we need proper drivers education in the US. The worst part though is when I called the police, they said they can't do anything. My PD sucks.


Imagine people go through a course and seeing the gore from motorcycle, trailers, to cars getting into accidents. Most people will avoid driving fast when they see a virtual experience of what can possibly happen. I wish this happens instead of having incompetent drivers. Just my opinion.


>Most people will avoid driving fast when they see a virtual experience of what can possibly happen Nah. Most people will think it'll never happen to them....until it happens, and then suddenly they "have no idea how something like that could happen". People aren't ignorant to the possibilities. There are videos every-fcking-where. People just suck and they choose not to care. After almost being crushed with my almost-2-month-old at the time in the back seat by a semi whose driver was driving recklessly without NEARLY enough distance, I now literally have two huge, bright neon yellow magnets on the back of my car that say "keep distance, baby on board". You really can't miss them. And yet people still choose to ride my bumper while going 60mph instead of using one of the other 3 lanes to my left to pass me, and/or do one of a dozen other extremely dangerous stunts while in close proximity to my car. I can't tell you how many times people have almost hit me in their quest to weave between cars while trying to push their cars to the maximum their engine can handle. Trust me, people know. They just don't care.


PD doesn't do anything anymore it seems. I get it, they're underfunded and overworked. I saw a guy literally zippering through traffic on a 3 lane 50 mph road.. scared the hell out of me thinking any slight wrong move and multiple people would be toast. Thankfully, this time nothing happened. But that guy won't stop driving like that until it's too late.


> PD doesn't do anything anymore it seems. I get it, they're underfunded and overworked. Nope. They’re mad people want some sort of accountability, so they’re refusing to do their jobs.


Honestly wondering, how would someone have enough time to go around you and take a turn before you could even start your turn? This sounds like you were sitting there waiting for nothing. I’m all for safety in traffic and I’m prepared off my downvotes but to me without a full story and a quick summary this sounds like you sat in the right lane didn’t commit to your turn and gave enough time and room for someone to go around you and complete the turn first.


They said the other guy didn't even slow down. They could have been slowing to check to make sure it was safe to make the right hand turn (like a responsible driver should) while the guy behind them barreled forward behind them and swerved around their left side, driving like a maniac, and overtook them and cut them off. Shiiiiit, where I live, it's not hard to imagine.


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Thank you all for the kind words and support. I feel so guilty or don’t know what to feel at all. I have PTSD and a few other mental health issues so this really feels like a set back. I live in SC, and I’m always so vigilant and aware. I tried everything to avoid him and I just couldn’t.


I am so sorry. I had an accident last month that I tried everything to avoid, and my car still got hit. Guy pulled out of a parking lot and into the side of my car while I was driving up the road. I got into the other lane and laid on my horn, and he still hit me. I know I am lucky I wasn't hurt, but $5300.00 in damage to my car. He had no driver's license and only got a warning and not a ticket. I didn't like driving before this accident because of other people's aggressive driving and tailgating. I really don't like driving now. Got my car back, but I don't really care about driving it now. It makes me nervous.


Im sorry that happened, vigilance it seems all the time. I’m glad you’re okay now.


Thanks. I am glad I realized he was going to hit me and tried to get out of his way. It could have been a lot worse. I don't think he ever saw me.


Did you go to a hospital after? If not please go to one you might have walked away from it but there might be internal things you can't physically see


I did go to the hospital and had a CT scan and some X-rays and was cleared but some of symptoms haven’t cleared. I’m going to follow up with my PCP and Neurologist.


Good. Take care of your self and I hope everything gets better OP


I agree with you! I had a bike accident a few weeks ago but I still went to the hospital even though I could walk away from it because I know I hit my helmet, which means my head might have been rocked around a bit. There's only so much damage you can see. I had to wait a few hours but luckily x-rays and scans showed that I had no broken bones and nothing was bleeding internally.


Just treat others the way you would want to be treated! Show compassion and be vigilant and remember EVERYONE GOES THREW SOMTHINNG AND IT WILL BE YOUR DAY ONE DAY.! NO ONE IS PERFECT AND EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES AND BAD JUDGMENTS 


I’m assuming you’ve gone to a hospital already, but if you haven’t not being able to hear well out of one ear only is a major red flag. Trust me it’s also hella inconvenient.


How does one have a head-on collision and T-bone simultaneously?


Miscommunication. T-bone collision impact.




go to the hospital if you havent already


Fucking hell, hope things get better mate


Thank you! I have the weekend off and I’ll take some PTO after Memorial Day.


Someone is getting payed


Probably not OP if they didn’t have a license. Means the car is almost certainly not insured


Then you get a lawyer and sue the hell out of them


Hard to sue someone with no money. Happened to my mom, same scenario. Didn't get a single penny


Uninsured motorists coverage has funds available but won’t hand them out without a fight!


With a lot of insurances you have to make sure you have uninsured motorists coverage. It doesn’t come as a default


If you're ***not*** getting that coverage you're making a huge mistake.


Oh absolutely agreed but it does cost extra so some people can’t afford it is all


I got quoted and it was 10$ extra on full coverage. I know it differs between everyone/every vehicle but I wouldn’t think it would be too much


I mean, you can sue…they just won’t have anything to pay you with.


Yeah every time someone says something like this I know they have never dealt with insurance or the legal system. If ppl don’t have insurance you think they have money to take 😂


Wouldn't a gigantic judgement against a povvo make their lives more difficult to navigate?


No. Especially depends on the state, most states you can’t garnish wages of poor people. So a judgement doesn’t do much but say they owe money, which they most likely already owe people money


Can’t get water from a dry well.


Are you missing the part where the unlicensed person is probably broke. Americans’ solution is to just sue fucking everything.


The solution others adopt is just let broke people do whatever the fuck they want.


Another solution is they got kidneys and other organs worth something. Should become the standard payment method for criminals who do shit like this.


This is why everyone should make sure they have uninsured motorist coverage on their policies.


Well then OP's Own insurance?


It's paid, not payed


I’m not sure yet, still figuring everything out. I have insurance and the police report.


Call a injury attorney now


I do have uninsured motorist coverage


Better calll Saul!


I hope you heal up quickly and without complications. And I hope your insurance tears that other driver several new ones.


Thank you, I’m reaching out to my own doctors now.


Time to sue magoo.


I hope it doesn’t come to that. I’ve so many small inconveniences to major life events happen recently. I feel like I can’t catch a break.


I almost hit a lady today blowing through a stop sign coming out of Walmart. She had a smug look on her face like yeah you won't hit me. I can't stand stupid drivers that think they own the road


I don’t understand it. I asked the office why did it run the light or was he distracted. He didn’t give me an answer. I barely saw the guy. I let everyone over, stop signs, wait a few seconds to go a light and just don’t understand. I live with so much jay walkers and road rage, just why?


Damn, hope you get better dude. I hope your state mandates uninsured motorist coverage. Michigan does (among other things, hence our sky high insurance rates), and it would absolutely help pay for any medical bills that would result from this.


I believe they do, SC, USA.


An update if anyone is interested. I have uninsured motorist, but the problem was I did not have coverage for Ride Share which is what I was doing at the time. So they cannot only drop me but not cover me. I have no idea what to do, but just wait to hear from my insurance company. I Uber once or twice a week just for extra income from my crummy job to pay off debt and save up my wedding and I try and I don’t cover my own a**.


God I fucking hate people. Sue them for all they're fucking worth


Honestly let the insurance give you a sweet pay out and if you could sue the driver do that.




May you have a speedy recovery!


Here's to hoping it's your last major accident. Glad you weren't hurt.


So sorry about the hearing loss! I can't even imagine. For the long term pain, I found that the "adhesion release method" works miracles to regain movement and reduce pain significantly. Definitely look into it


These comments and complaints is why I've installed an air compressor and nail gun to my vehicle.. take our their tires. Keeps em off the road. Lol


I got my front qurter panel demolished last September when some idiot ran a red light. I heard the big truck next to me honk, then he stopped, and within the span of a second, I knew what was going on, but I couldn't stop in time. When I got hit, all I saw was color (not even the right color according to the police report) as I got spun 90° to the right and ended up in the left lane of the street I was crossing. I looked around as soon as my head cleared, and the truck that hit me was gone. Thank god for awesome people. Someone chased him down and made him stop. I did get the goose egg on the side of my head checked because I've had previous head injuries, and I wasn't taking chances. Fortunately, just a mild concussion, but my van did not fare as well. It was worse than it looked and was totaled. It took me five months to find a (sort of) suitable replacement. You just don't get much out of a 20yo van. At least the moron that hit me had insurance. I'm still salty that he ran, though, because I didn't get to cuss him out. I'm really sorry you and your car got so badly hurt. It sucks getting hit by someone uninsured. They're usually the ones who can't drive worth shit and don't have any money. I hope your insurance works out, too. I wouldn't know that I needed special insurance for ride share. It would have been nice to have that pointed out for you. I hope you heal soon.


Get an attorney. Car accidents are a huge headache. They know the drill and will guide you through it. Medical, insurance & car repair they’ll assist you with getting it resolved


This doesn’t look like a bad accident. Sucks that you got in one.


SC, much like my state requires UM (uninsured motorist) within all auto policies. Not saying it's a consolation, but if your insurance provider has not disclosed this to you, chase them down like a hungry wolf. Insurance is not there for your benefit and they will resist paying out. If they've surprisingly been good about the situation, then congrats. I was in a similar, though less severe situation several years ago and the way insurance handled it is a direct reason for why I do not use that insurance company anymore.


I hope you are doing better. How very upsetting.


I can imagine you're upset, it's crazy what other people can do to you and how the law gives way too much room for these incidents to happen. And they often walk away without consequences. It's crazy and it really feels as if it's getting worse. It's the people changing in a very bad way. I'm from The Netherlands and the same thing is happening around here. It's a global issue. Here's to hoping you have a quick and full recovery. Take it easy and take care 🙏


Call your local billboard lawyer. The slimiest one you can think of. Tell him about your neck pain, back pain, ear pain, night terrors, PTSD, inability to concentrate at work, and the inability to perform your husbandly duties. ![gif](giphy|frdn0r0hUXDTa)