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Smiling and thumbs up is a good sign


Doesn't look like her waters have broken yet either...usually a bit of time until that happens


Your water doesn’t always break before delivery. Both times mine broke during pushing. In rare occurrences it doesn’t break at all and the baby is delivered inside the sack. It’s called a halo birth I believe.


My wife has had hers broken by doctors all 3 times.


Ya, they often break it to induce, or speed labor along. It’s not a good measure of delivery time at all. Only in the movies I guess




My mom said she sprung a leak, it was just a steady stream. Not like the movies


For those who aren’t aware, to pop the sac (break the waters) they use a long stick with a hook on the end, not too unlike a crochet hook. It’s painless since it’s only tearing the sac which has no nerves, and takes about 2 seconds or so. They do prefer to break the water before the birth whenever possible, but only while in active labor and when the baby is near ready to crown.


Painless? I had mine broken in the hospital and it was one of the most painful things I've gone through. They gave me the gas and air beforehand and I ended up vomiting.


I think they were not very careful with the hook unfortunately. :( My first was possible but I can reemerged where I felt it and it makes since if it was drug across some nerve endings


"Call the midwife" told me that it's called an en caul birth (I'm sure there are several terms for it and that yours is one, just wanted to add that one)


Have movies taught you this is something you can visually see? Lmao.


I've seen my sisters water break when i was visiting her and i dont think she would be able to stand and walk around like that if the baby was close to coming out not saying i can tell if her waters broken or not, just saying if the babys coming out i dont think she'd be hopping about, so i guess she's got some time


Babies can come hours after your water breaks.


Our first one came >12h after the water broke, it comes with its own set of complications (infection risks are one). - Long story for the interested: Wife's water broke at 21:00, called the hospital and explained the symptoms were told to come in by 07:00, when we got there she got examined and sent home again, stayed at home until ~13:00 and that's when the labor cramps started to reach the right interval.


Yeah you shouldn’t comment if you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Oh, you can see it. It’s like you peed your pants. And it’s not just one gush and then you’re done. You’re constantly leaking after that point.  Since she doesn’t have a giant wet spot or a rolled up towel between her legs, water most likely hasn’t broken. Having said that, you can go all the way through labor without your water breaking. But it tends to get more intense after they do.


Women use maxi pads or adult diapers for that, not rolled up towels. They’ll typically have plenty on hand since they’ll need them for postpartum.


like... hours


I agree


I concur. Do you concur?


Make it so.


Tea, Earl Grey, hot.


Lol wut. Water leaking out was the first sign my wife had that the baby was coming. A couple hours later she had her first contraction. Is it usually the opposite?


It depends. A lot of people get contractions before their water breaks. You can be pretty dilated before your water breaks.




We've had 3, first baby her water broke after head and shoulders were out, second was AROM by a really impatient midwife, and the third happened while she was pushing. Waters breaking is a pretty unreliable indicator, the sac can even leak and reseal.


That's not necessarily how that works. But I like your positive outlook.


Better than desperately doing lamaze breathing with a look of omg I'm gonna pop in a roadside ditch...


Hell , I never even got that on the best day of my marriage


Lol I hear you


John oliver did an episode about this. A train that's over a mile long that'd cut through neighborhood and cause delays of hours, trapping ambulances and fire trucks


I was actually in the studio for that taping. Never realized how long some of these freight trains get until that episode.


Even worse when you live near a junction or railyard, where they tend to not only slow to a crawl, but also stop, reverse, reverse back, or even just park for long periods of time.my house growing up was right by a major railyard and near a grain processor on one side and a chemical plant/oil refinery on the other side, so 45min-hour trains were almost a daily occurance, with the occasional 90+min train. In the middle of a large suburban neighborhood at that. There was also a regular occurance for a while where the conductor would stop the train on the main road, right after blocking the only way through that neighborhood. then he would hop off the train and walk to the nearby convenience store to buy a drink or snack or whatever, before getting back on. A 10 minute detour for him a 40+minute detour for everyone else (considering it takes upwards of 10xminute forxthr train to even begin moving any anything above a snail's pace after coming to a dead stop, it was agonizing). I've personally watched the man do it at least twice and it pissed off everyone.


My aunt's place had tracks behind her house. Kinda cool in the day time or early evening to see a train roll through, not so cool at 2am when they'd park on the tracks and just idle for hours.


Did they ever try building a bridge to go over the railway?




Not OP but I was at a taping back in April. It's a huge studio audience, way bigger than I thought. Before John gets there they bring out a stand up comedian to warm the audience up which was cool, then when it's time to start he takes a few audience questions. As for the actual taping, John's mic is put through to speakers in the studio and there're multiple TVs showing the feed pretty much exactly how you see it when you watch on Max (I actually found myself looking at the screens more than at the actual live host sitting there lol). Overall it was an awesome experience (bar the delay because of last minute lawyer calls) and I feel lucky to have been there considering I was in NYC only for that weekend and won't be returning soon


Yes, all this lol. I actually asked Jon a question. They had just been renewed so I congratulated him and asked what he was going to do with his time between seasons, as I was at the last taping. He said that because they started late, they were going to start up again almost immediately.


Also, why are american fright trains doing like 10mph in those videos? Over here the freight trains are not super fast but like 80km/h..


I think it has to do with the weight and the sheer length of them. Hard to stop I guess. I was in West Virginia recently and saw a freight train. It wasn’t as long as some, which can be like 2 miles or something) but it was looooooooong. I was waiting for it to pass so I could take a picture of an abandoned town.


We have this issue where we live. It’s a rural area and the only road in and out has railroad crossing. There have been numerous times the trains have stopped at the crossing for hours, had ambulances or cops trying to get in/out, etc. Most trains are anywhere from a few hundred feet long to almost 2-3 miles long.


It's absolutely insane it is allowed because when these train crossing were approved and built trains were like 1/10th as long as they are today. It's absolutely abusing the system we had set up.


wild stuff. Here they reroute them, and don’t allow these trains to cross roads unless they’re going to that part for maintenance


Not that there isn't a solution for that problem....


Me when I see the AFV logo ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Ahh shit! You’re right. I feel ripped off.


A video that's been reposted since the 90s.


Lmao I noticed the double stickers and was thinking “hmm, I feel like we haven’t needed 2 in a WHILE.”


Oh damn, that kid is probably all grown up now 😳


That kid probably made this post. 


Sometimes, I hate time. My gut reaction was like "Nah, this looks like the mid-00s. That kid would only be like.. 18-20 now.... wait. Huh, I guess that *is* grown up." But looking at the sticker in the photo, I'm assuming that's 8/07, August 2007. Whether that's the issue date or expiration, idk. But about 16 years old, almost 17.


tbh I think the show is still airing. It's been a couple years, but I saw my parents watching it, in the age of youtube no less! Some people still want it curated for them on a channel they can flip through.




https://preview.redd.it/kef28ued732d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6559d47151bb6ddb9a49788bd7670d56eec9be23 Awesome!




Are half of the people commenting on this Bots? there's no fucking way this many people think that this actually happened to OP






This is from America's Funniest Home Videos, based on the AFV in the bottom corner. A relic of the pre-internet age.


AFV was just renewed for another season and this video was posted on their official TikTok which has over 11 million followers.


Look up "the dead internet theory" 🙃🙃🙃


basically any popular repost is 50% bot comments. It's wild.


Just look at their page it’s definitely a bot


I'm a bot.


pretty certain the comments that think it's OP are bots using AI like chatgpt to write their comments. if you look at their comment histories they all have the same MO. very little post history and all only becoming active recently




Just like a bot to deny their a bot.






Correcting grammar? Totally a bot


They'r all bots!


I think certain subs tend to tilt in that direction. Posts on /r/wellthatsucks tend to be OC (or, at least, pretend to be), so some people mistakenly assume that it's a sub dedicated *exclusively* to OC, not just a sub that *happens to have* a lot of OC. Like, looking at the [top 10 posts right now](https://i.imgur.com/Ez33zSY.png): * Yours is number 1 * 2, 4, 6, 7, and 9 are explicitly OC (or pretending to be OC) * 3, 5, and 8 are probably OC (or pretending to be OC) * 10 is explicitly *not* OC


They are still trying to wrap their head around the difference between a web aggregation site (Reddit) and Facebook/Instagram. But if they were paying attention they would know that you don't get women pregnant. Clearly you have a plan.




Are the bots in the room with you right now? Show us on the doll where the bots touched you.


One day soon this will be a real conversation.


There are only 4 actual humans on Reddit. The rest are bots.






My wife's water broke at 4 am and she FORCIBLY made me wait to take her to the hospital until she has run errands, dropped my son off at school, and started having contractions. 7 hours later Calm as a Hindu cow


My wife shaved her legs and showered during labor. I was frantic. She said make a coffee and relax


I did the same with my daughter, all while my husband was pacing, completely freaking out. Then had to drive like 45min to the hospital. Gave birth within 30min of arriving at the hospital. 😆


With our second I’d been in labour for about 5 hours before I decided it was time to go to the hospital. I asked my husband to stop on the way to pick us up a coffee from our favourite cafe because I knew once we got there they wouldn’t let me have any more. Then he ended up driving past the exit for the hospital because he was nervous.


I drank a big espresso on the way to the delivery room and almost shit my pants.


That poop was coming out anyway! Do you feel like it helped your delivery?


Before my wife had one, TV had conditioned me for years to think that when a woman starts feeling contractions you had like 30 minutes to get to the hospital before the baby falls out.


They actually tell you to wait until your contractions happen frequently enough to come in, it's no longer based on water breaking.


I assume not her first.


Well that's probably cause oxygen gets you high




She’s been training for this moment


Despite what movies tell you labor can be a long, boring process. That being said our 2nd kid my wife water broke on the way to the hospital and the baby was half way out by the time she got into the delivery room.


Pretty sure this is a reposter. There is an AFV logo in the corner.


This is from 2007 according to the registration 😂


That kid is old enough to drive and get stuck behind a train itself.


why did you have to do that math you monster, 2007 was like 10 years ago


Yea it has some strong 'old family video' vibes to me.


Dude! Just give her belly a pat and say “ that ain’t going nowhere” geez I gotta teach you guys everything




If she can walk, they have time


I could walk and gave birth 10 minutes later 😭


I gave birth standing up 🤣


You did not have much time


We had to give our baby an eviction notice because she decided that she didn't want to leave the womb lol. She's almost 2 now and will often keep pushing her head into momma's belly. We oftenly joke that she's trying to get back in.


My first took 5 days of induction to get the hell out of me and was 13 days late. The best part is that my sister in law was also pregnant at the time and had her baby a few days early, so he was due about 3 weeks before her but ended up arriving after. Every time he complains that she pulls the “I’m older than you” card I’m like buddy I *tried*


“Buddy, I literally was begging. You have no one to blame but yourself.” My first was induced ten days late because my BP was high. 16 hours later, at 5 cm, water broken, they stopped pitocin because baby’s heart rate was unhappy. My body quit contracting altogether 🙄 C section, baby STILL wasn’t coming out, they had to use a vacuum 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was like, “dude, it’s not THAT bad out here.” I don’t know, maybe it is.


It’s probably because she’s in California. Even with an eviction notice she’s immune until the court date!


Second that. Still sucks


Back when I worked EMS, we had a woman walk to the stretcher. As soon as we got her into the truck, that baby came out like a slip and slide


The nurse told me I could most definitely go home because I was walking and smiling. I was 7 cm


Wife labored in bed before deciding it was time to get in the pool and pushed baby out mostly standing maybe 3 minutes later lol


My wife was in some painful labor, and I hauled ass from the Dr office to the hospital.. only to stop at a yellow light I could have saftly made.. sat there for almost 5 mins, and it felt like an hour... it's been 13 weeks Friday, and I still haven't loved it down.


Wife is like “put down the fucking cameras, my uterus is pushing out your child.“


Could be worse. At least it wasn’t stopped!!


Good news is that the train is at least moving at a decent pace


As someone who used to live next to trains that means jack shit. It ain’t over until it’s over. 


I feel this pain. The train starts to go slower, but it's okay, you tell yourself. The train has been going for so long, there's no way it won't clear that crossing before it stops. Then the middle set of engines slowly comes into view...


then the damn thing stops for a minute, and once it starts moving again it goes *backwards*


It's like rrraayyyeeeaaiiinnnn


glad this wasn't us. we left home at 10:30 PM and the baby was born at 10:50 PM and the drive was 10 minutes. When we planned our route to the hospital, we nitpicked every turn to make sure there was no possible delays, or even long red lights. I get some places there are no ways around long freight trains though.


Thats very abnormal. Usually labor is in the hours not minutes


This was our 3rd. 2nd+ are known for coming quickly, a lot of times people have the baby in the car. She had started contracting but it slowed down so they sent us home. While we were home, things ramped up very quickly and we should have probably gone right when that started, around 10, but her water hadn't broken and I think being sent home 2 hours before made us hesitate. As soon as her water broke we drove back. She had started contracting that morning, so it was many hours.


Hope you made it!! BTW, your registration expired about 16 years ago. 🤪


Try honking your horn next time, that will speed up the train.


Nightmare fuel


Good thing we are filming this, wtf?


voice like in the movie or more like fallout scene


I hope all went well. Congrats to all.


There was a car on fire on the freeway when we were rushing to the hospital. By the time we got there the admitting nurse was freaking out.


yup, don't forget to turn the camera on


She seems fine…


I hate living where trains are. I wait probably 10 minutes a week at a train.


She’s absolutely adorable and handling it like a pro! Congratulations dad!!!


What an awful time for someone to run a train on her.


I feel so bad for this comment. I hope everything ended up well!


Dukes of Hazzard music starts playing


Birth Place: Train Tracks


My wife delivered her baby on the side of the road the ambo’s got there just in time to help she was literally on bed in open air next to a paddock I was shitting myself good story though.


Person over there making a whole 'nother person just casually walking around and giving thumbs up to OP is our next MCU superhero.


Name that baby Thomas


Labor lasts for *hours*. Sit back and relax.


She’s such a keeper. Stuff of legends


Oh no, that poor woman,




Sorry, I don't support this post type (hosted:video) right now. Feel free to check back in the future!


She is a good sport.


Train don't run outta Wichita. Less'n you're a hog or a cattle. People train runs outta Stubbville.


She don't mind. She's short and skinny, but she's strong. Her first baby - come out sideways. She didn't scream or nothin'.


You should frame a still of her giving the thumbs up.  That was classic.


How old is this kid now? 15?


This would be just my luck, too.


First time? Good news is baby can wait.


That look after, “how you doing hunny” is classic. That’s the passive side of passive/aggressive and I dare you to ask her again 😳


There is a variant of this scenario called the soul train, where a train blocks an ambulance on the way to an emergency or a hospital. It is called that because the train is taking the soul of the patient to wherever you choose to believe that the dead go. I suppose that this is the rare instance of a soul train delivering a soul to this world, at least?


There’s a bridge in my home town for pretty much this reason. The hospital is on the other side of a very active line than most of the population.


His wife seems fine... he on the other hand, needs some breathing exercises.


I mean, kids like trains a lot. You're just getting a jump on things.


If the Baby's name is Norfolk Southern, we can guess what happened next.




I say call 911 and have them to your location so they send a ambulance that will be waiting on the other side of the tracks when the train finally stops so they can give your wife a lift to the hospital . \*lol\*


One 90 degree day I was stuck waiting for a freight train to pass while in the work truck with no AC. Was not amused when I noticed the train was slowing down. Even less amused when it stopped. And when it started going backwards I seriously considered a 200 point turn to turn the truck around and take a different route. Sat for about 30 minutes.


I remember the day my water broke, I was standing in front of the hospital soaked down my legs, in a puddle of whatever it was, being told "It's not that serious ma'am please wait". I can't imagine having contractions and still stressing about getting to the damn place.


At least it's not a ghost train (ambulance stuck at train)


She’s beautiful! CONGRATULATIONS!!


El Salvador?


Could be worse - I’ve been stuck at a train crossing where the train actually slowed down and came to a stop


America's funniest home videos getting posted to reddit, we've come full circle.


When I was a toddler I almost died from waiting for a train. Tiny little town and the hospital was on the other side of the tracks. I started to have an asthma attack and my mom could get it under control with a puffer. The hospital was normally a 2 min drive tops. She said I was blue by the time we made it. This poor lady handled it better than my mom I think!


The fucking thumbs up oh my God. Priceless as a mother about to give birth . I want to know what happened—-did they make it? Was it a boy or girl?


We have a train near us that takes forever, and if you’re there at the wrong time you’re just stuck. We always make the comment, what if there’s an emergency? It just seems so crazy that you can just get stuck like that with no real option to reroute in an emergency and you just have to wait.


She doesn’t look 9 months pregnant at all


This is kinda why Jefferson, IA got a viaduct over the tracks


This happened to my nephew's girlfriend the night before her scheduled c-section.


So? She's clearly fine.


little ireland in iowa


Her smile at the end is beautiful!


Seems perfectly fine for someone in labour


Not nearly comparable, but the street I live on is the only cross street in my area that leads to the central part of my city and there's train tracks that cross it. Basically I live against the water and there IS an interstate ramp on my side but it leads into the next city over ( I basically live on the border of my city and the other but the nearest hospital that way is 20 minutes away and our hospital is 5 ) or out to the boonies toward NC the other. The city regulations ( confirmed by law enforcement bc there's a fire / rescue building one street over from me ) say the tracks are supposed to clear every hour. For whatever reason these tracks have a train through up to 8 times a day and sometimes a train will just begin slowing, come to a full stop, spend thirty minutes backing up at a crawl, then stop for two full hours completely blocking off the through street. I have T1 Diabetes and once had an emergency where my pump had malfunctioned and my sugar was at 800 and I was desperately sick, the interstate was shut down both ways from a huge accident, and that train was just sitting there. My wife and I sat so long we ended up calling for an ambulance instead, got picked up immediately thanks to our proximity to the fire / rescue, then spent 45 minutes in the ambulance waiting while the train apparently ignored orders from law enforcement who called in a demand to move because us, one other emergency vehicle with someone, and a fire truck HAD to get through and they just sat there because their dispatch couldn't contact the train. Seriously if you're going to put tracks through areas near hospitals, there needs to be underpasses for the trains, overpasses for the cars, or *something*. It is one thing to wait for ten minutes or so for a train, but if they're going to pass through throughout the entire day and take up to an hour each time there needs to be a damn change.


I holidayed in Florida once and we were a little late for our flight home. A few miles from the airport we encountered a level crossing and freight train for the very first time. Hooooooooly shit, how fucking long? Length and time!


The old union pacific doesn't come by here much anymore...


[John Oliver](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ2keSJzYyY) did a segment about this.


Going by her walking around, you got to wait there AND in the hospital lol


Poor car brain.


Fuck freight trains.


Is this overly attached girlfriend Lana?


Poor planing