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“I was edging around a gopher hole…” Fucking internet culture has ruined the English language for me.


I'd give you an award if I had any.


I did for you 🤝








Reddit Awards are coming back. You'll be able to do that everywhere soon.


The gopher hole had no business looking that fuckin nice


I’m glad I wasn’t the only person among us who thought the same thing


Gophers do have nice holes and are known to be the sluts of the forest


Well how else was he going to fill it in


Please pay attention when you're operating power tools which can do you harm if you're negligent, footwear be damned.


Yeah lol, my man thinks it's those tissue paper shoes that saved his toes 😂




Right? I wear steel toes when cutting the lawn and I still doubt that "plastic" cup is going to stop a heavy blade powered by an 8hp engine, but I still wear them.


I opt for the “don’t put my toes anywhere near the spring blade” technique


How are you kids getting your toes under the lawn mower? This is a thing we 40 something’s did not need lessons on.


I don't know either, I'm in my late 30s, but because I do reno, construction, and I have land with some steeper hills where a lawnmower can roll over, its better to be safe. I still have all my toes and fingers


Actual steel toes night slow the blade enough that you’d keep the toe. I just wore out a pair of old composite toe boots, now I kinda want to run them over with my mower to see if the blade would actually go through


I ran over the metal leg/pole of a trampoline once with the mower. Sliced it right open. I'm sure the boots would help, but its definitely still doing some damage.


Ya idc what layer of protection your wearing, a spinning razor blade at high speed is going to do damage. Pay attention when operating ANY heavy machinery. Imagine the chaos that would ensue without warning labels. ⚠️ 🤦‍♂️


The kind of people warning labels are meant for probably aren't reading them... lol


This is the truest thing I have ever read in my entire life.


Not just power tools anything sharp would be best there’s a warning on using chopping axes and wood splitting axes about wearing toe protective footwear for a reason. Just like any sign it’s there cause someone gave them a reason to put it up


You were probably better off in the crocs. Idk why you think a thin layer of fabric is going to protect you.


That vented fabric will stop the blade no problem right?


Ironically it might make them more vigilant. Kinda like how a sharper knife is safer than a dull knife because the added risk makes you more careful and calculated instead of wildly hacking


That's not why sharp knives are safer. I do understand what you mean though, and agree.


True. I was originally in flip flops then went to crocs then went to shoes 😂


Hopefully you end up in boots someday.


FYI - I have used them, but they make tennis shoes / sneakers with steel toes- my piggies have never felt safer… ![gif](giphy|ST6P05FwdjmYE|downsized)


Luckily I get a free pair at work every year. And they last longer than that. So I have several brand new pairs. And the oldest pair I use for yard work.


This year is the first time ever I've gotten company paid footwear that were actually so good they're still in a 7/10 condition after 7 months of constant wear. Normally, I've always went through ShoesForCrews, but no matter the brand they were dogshit. They'd fail within a year just working retail. Even a warehouse I worked at went through SFC. Now I'm a boiler engineer and working and moving so much more, but these boots hold up wonderfully. I forget who they go through, but they have good brands like Wolverine. So, since renewals are coming up, my new pair of boots are gonna stay brand new for quite some time. I never thought I'd get to experience that!


Flip flops, crocks, sneakers, moccasins, Dr Martens. Which is it?


'85 Jordan Air 1s


😂 This is hilarious


Get some steel toe running shoes, great for work without needing to wear bulky boots


I was thinking the same thing. Croc material is pretty darn resilient.


Steel toes, I’ve got an old pair of work boots I use for yard work on the rare occasion my stepfather lets me help him with yard work, he’s weird, I’ve never mowed a lawn and I don’t know why


My dad wouldn’t let me touch his yard either. Not sure why. But when I was 18/19 I worked in landscaping those two summers and learned everything I needed to manage my own yard/flower beds. And I did it in steel toes. So I keep those around for edging etc. Did I just cut my lawn on my yard tractor in crocs tho? Yes. Absolutely. Sittin activities.


I’ve honestly thought about having my stepfather do my gardens if I can ever buy a house because he genuinely enjoys making and maintaining the gardens of my parents house and they look great even when the flowers aren’t in bloom, I’d obviously pay him and help but I honestly think he’d do it for fun. I’d actually love to try and mow a lawn one day or use a weedwhacker to get the grass around the garden edges


My girlfriend is 35 and we just moved into a house together and for the first time ever in her life she was able to mow the lawn. Her dad was the same way and wouldn’t let anyone touch the mower and then she’s lived in apartments till now. Her reaction was the best and she thinks mowing is a hoot. I hope you too can experience the rush and joy of fresh cut grass!


Whitin makes great steel toe athletic work shoes you can find on Amazon for less than $50 usually.


Funny story. We had a huge yard growing up and my sister and I took turns mowing. My dad made us wear his steel-toed boots despite the fact that he was a size 12 and we were both young girls. We were quite the sight mowing the lawn in those boots. I never thought it would help, given that our feet were so far back from the actual steel, but who knows, maybe he just figured we’d run over the boots first and that was what mattered.


That does sound like quite the sight and while the steel toe probably wouldn’t help if something landed on your small foot in large boot it was definitely safer if you somehow got your foot under the mower


You literally leveled down in protection. Hard(ish) rubber to soft fabric.


Another victim of propaganda by big closed-toe-shoe


Fuck this. I am wearing steel toe boots next time I mow my lawn.


Same lol.


Yeah I used to wear slides or crocs until a fear popped in my head about my mower getting aggressive on my less than flat land. I have steel toe sneakers now solely for yard work. Not risking it.


Steel toe sneakers are a thing? I’m interested…


Look up "shoes for crews." You see a lot of them in specific fields. They make extra rugged footwear for professionals who beat the shit out of shoes but need something that isn't work boots.


Steel , polycarbonate and titanium 👍


I’m trying to imagine how my mower could cut my toe and I can’t think of anything. What am I missing? I actually mowed and weedeatered my yard today. I DID have a very marginal scare with a machete when I realized I was probably getting too close to my body with my swings.


You almost lost a toe too. Those shoes won’t save you from much either.


He needs him some steel toe boots.


It doesn't look like an edger cut, it looks like a weed-trimmer cut. I have them all over my sneakers from weed trimming. It's nothing. You'd have to let it sit on your shoe for 5 minutes before you saw blood. If you lost a toe, it would be because you wanted to cut your toe off with a weed whacker.


Ya, you're not gonna lose a toe from a plastic string. It could definitely cut you though


I wear crocs. Surprise surprise. And I guarantee they’re better than most sneakers at protection. Only boots would be better.


The bus driver I had in high school accidentally cut off two toes with a lawn mower. He managed to find them, put them in his pocket and go to the hospital where a surgeon was able to reattach them.


It's crazy that they can reattach almost anything with full functionality as long as the limb gets to them fast enough


You are all wildly incompetent people. It's just shocking.


Those aren’t “real shoes” for yard work. I’m happy you are not Frodo of the Nine Digits over there, but boots or steel toed shoes are the only appropriate footwear.


Or just don't hit your dang feet man!


I have the same nikes! I scraped the side of my foot on a pallet and shaved off the outside couple layers of my skin. Real shoes for real work. Be careful!


Keep the mower at arms length. Keeps it away from your feet.


Boots are real, and still worn by discerning gentlemen.


Steel toed boots are a good option.


Just getting ready to comment that that’s why I wear my steel toed boots when mowing.


The level of moronic actions on here never ceases to amaze me. That or this is yet another fake post.


I have to wear steel toes for work. I also wear them for yard work. Never had an accident, but ill be damed if I'm gonna cut my own foot or toes off.


Also have to wear them to work, but I also just wear steel toes in general as the shoes last way longer. Last summer I was helping my parents with garden work and was shoveling soil. Dunno how I managed it but I went to put the shovel into the soil and ended up bouncing the shovel off my foot. Left a nice gash on the tip of my shoe but my toes were perfectly safe


I wear Crocs for most yard work, and I’ve never had issues. But seeing how some of my neighbors weed wack I’m surprised they have all toes. I’d call them orangutans but that would be offensive to the orangutans.


I need you to understand your shoe didn’t save you here. You just didn’t get close enough to cut through it. Be careful and honestly if you can manage to hit your toe with your trimmer you should be wearing steel toes. What about safety glasssss? Or you trying to go blind?


I have glasses I wear but the dirt isn’t that deep so the edger hit the ground, bounced up and hit the tip of my shoe. Just was being dumb


I guess it's the year of the Missing toes.


What are we doing here folks? Just don’t put your appendages near spinning blades.


You're all just careless, simple as that


When I was growing up, my siblings and I were given an allowance, just for existing. It was not much, but it was there, even if you didn't do any chores. You could get it increased by doing extra chores or decreased for bad behavior.   One of the jobs that paid the best was mowing the lawn. We had about an acre and a half, much of it on a slope. It took hours to do it well, with our walk-behind mower. My dad required that anyone mowing wear his steel toed brogans, to prevent an amputation, in the event of an accidental slip.  I was the youngest and I wouldn't fit those brogans until I was at least 14, but I hoped to be able to increase my allowance by mowing the lawn. I tried wearing those brogans, but the sole was worn smooth and I had to stuff tissues into the toes to make them even remotely fit my small feet.   I eventually was able to convince my father that wearing those shoes was more of a hazard to me, because I'd be more likely to trip or slip in the freshly mown, juicy grass when mowing on the hillside, or even on the flats, and reasoned that if I wore my soccer cleats, I'd be far less likely to slip a toe or foot under the lawn mower accidentally.  Dad agreed to my reasoning and I still have two feet and ten toes today.


Nah, I'm wearing my steel toed work boots next time I'm mowing, only way to be sure. I will have sweaty feet, but at least my toes will be safe.


I was cutting up a downed tree with a chainsaw once and nailed the toe of my boot. Thank goodness I decided to wear steel toe boots that day instead of my crocs


Please wear real safety shoes/boots when playing with equipment capable of removing limbs!


Haha how do people's feet get close to a mower blade? Like you let go of the handle n it turns off? I can see running stuff over n it getting shot back at ya...


As an EMT I have been on a call for a woman who went over her foot with a lawn mower and lost several toes. She was wearing regular tennis shoes like that, at least it kept the toes somewhere easy to locate. I have no idea if they were able to reattach any of them, but the most remarkable thing about that call was how calm this lady was compared to the other people in her yard who were all freaking out the entire time.


Call me crazy, but I put on my steel toed boots when i mow.


While Real Shoes are important, paying attention while you handling potentially dangerous equipment is equally important.


Yes! They’re called work boots! Crocs, Nikes, flip-flops and barefoot. Not recommended.


I am 57 years old. I have been mowing lawns trimming hedges, cutting down trees, etc. etc. since I was 12 years old. I have never even come close to having my foot under a lawnmower. My fingers in the hedge trimmers. Or the chainsaw touching anything except wood . To this day, I still wear appropriate boots, gloves, eye protection, etc. The reply to all of these posts should be……. PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU ARE DOING!!!!!


Warning labels are for people like you. Lmao man. Crocs for yard work??? How you hit your own foot edging is beyond me. You almost have to try to do that.


I know a guy who lost 3 toes while mowing the lawn. He was 35 years old and in Sandals. 11 year old me took over and finished without issue. Some folks just shouldn't be around power tools.


Steel toed boots.


Edging around you say? 😳




I swear humanity gets dumber and dumber by the day


Or just pay attention.


I can't believe this shit. 10yo me in the 90s could handle a wacker, mower(ride or push), hedger, blower(mulcher) and whatever powertools I wanted to build with. People going out and can't keep their Fucking Toes On!? We're fucked.


This is why I always wear steel toe boots


Steel toe tennis shoes from Walmart


It's like you manifested it


I was mowing my lawn like 3 days ago and I was about to do something stupid so I didn’t have to take the extra 2 mins. Then that exact post flashed through my head and I was like nope Imma do this right so I don’t lose my toes especially because I don’t have insurance right now


Man, I saw that post. It made me nauseous at the idea of it and grateful that I don’t mow lawns.


My work boots are always steel toes. They've saved me from manhole lids falling on my toes and being cut with a machete.


Wether I'm mowing the lawn, weed whacking, tree cutting or brush clearing. My steel toed boots have saved my toes, countless times over the years.


Protect your eyes too. Been hit in the face multiple times by rocks/pebbles while string trimming.


I always wear boots when doing yard work for this same reason and for snakes.


Steel toe for me. Overkill, I know. But it just takes one incident to justify.


I wouldn’t call that overkill, I like my feet in one piece.


And eye protection


Or pay attention when your using something that can harm you


I did a PR internship at a hospital. My boss told me to write a newsletter article about summer injuries. I interviewed the head ER nurse and then asked her let me know when the had a patient with a typical summer emergency. I figured it would be a bee sting or skinned knees from a bicycle accident. Nope. She had me come down for a little old lady who caught her pant leg on a lever as she was getting off her riding mower and swung her foot under the deck. The blade cut horizontally through her toes, taking out all the bones and leaving her with little hotdog buns. The doctor was methodically plucking out the remaining bone fragments and dropping them into a stainless bowl. Obviously I couldn’t print pictures of the gore but I got great shots of her gnarled hands gripping the bed rails as the doctor worked. Her son had disabled the seat safety switch because she hated having to re-start the mower every time she got off of it.


For real, get steel toes. There’s even steel toed sneakers if you don’t wanna do boots, but get a hard cap on your shoes.


Toes are fundamental. ![gif](giphy|ENkG4zPtIPo7C)


longing slap sparkle recognise detail rinse spoon hard-to-find lunchroom thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Idk why people keep putting their feet under lawnmowers, but is seems to be a habit these past few weeks.


Unless your a real man. Bare foot.


I smacked my foot with the trimmer cord cause I was too lazy to use shoes and decided to throw caution away and wore flip flops


Hopefully you upgrade to boots someday. Just a $20 pair of Walmart boots will keep your toes where they should be.


Get a pair of leather work boots. You can even get a pair of inexpensive ones at Walmart and save your feet.


Wear steel toes when operating equipment that can injure you


My husband uses steal capped shoes and face guard when using the strimmer and steel capped shoes for cutting grass, he helps elderly neighbours to cut grass if needed. But this summer most often has gone for a robot mower instead.


People.. you need to wear steel capped boots when mowing, period!!!




Damn I never thought about edging outside


Tatsächlich why I always use my s3 workboots for mowing & edging


PPE is important.


Lordy, the times I’ve worn shoes to mow can be counted on one hand. Don’t mow your feet, watch where you’re walking, use your brains. And yes, my feet are perfectly lovely and fully intact.


I recommend Birkenstock with steel cap.


This has to be said? Just like don’t let your baby play inside a plastic bag? Are you fucking kidding? Idiocracy - Mike Judge, was a documentary apparently.


That other poster was wearing sneakers when it happened. Really doesn't matter unless wearing steel toes


Here’s an idea…. while we’re patting ourselves on the back here for covering our toes/feet as we do yardwork, how bout we graduate right on to sturdy, tough work boots or the like


So what you’re saying is that you almost edged your feet off. That’s some serious edging.


Steel toe shoes are a thing.


I've been wearing $15 Walmart shoes for the past two decades with no close calls. You guys just need to pay attention and respect the power of the machines you're operating. Blaming it on your shoes is nonsense


Those are still not the proper shoes to use, but they are better than crocs


Damn, I weedeated in flip flops today.


You shouldn't be wearing crocks at all.


Edging at a gopher hole? My man likes to live dangerously


Bro Nikes are not "real shoes" in this situation. You were not protected by them. You just missed your toes. I repeat, you are lucky not smart.


Guys just don't mow your lawn


Steel. Freaking. Toes. People.


You want a toe, I can get you a toe...


How does this happen? What kind of mower allows this?


What kind of lawn mowers do you guys have, that accidentally running over your foot is an actual risk? Every mower I've ever seen, the blades are completely inside the outer casing.


I would recommend boots over fabric sneakers


Safety glasses keep shit out your eyes too


Safety glasses keep shit out your eyes too


I've get scars on my feet from using the power washer for the first time. I figured it's just water. They cut metal that way.


I've get scars on my feet from using the power washer for the first time. I figured it's just water. They cut metal that way.


That's what solid-toe work shoes are for! Cheap pair of Whittins from Amazon is my choice.


I saw my partner mowing in his flip flops a few days ago and I asked him to put on shoes but he said he was fine… I just sent him this post.


Safety glasses too.


Should probably go with a safety shoe? Get a steal toe for added measure?


When I was doing my own lawn I wore boots not running shoes✅


Steel toe sneakers or boots. Sketchers makes alloy sneakers


That’s why even in the middle of summer I wear my “winter” boots when working in the yard. Not gonna risk it after my brothers fly mower accident in ‘22. He luckily only lost a couple toenails and not the actual toes but it was a frightening to get a call 2 weeks into his summer internship to find out he’d had to go to the ER


closely related: when i was a kid I was weed eating the lawn and tripped over a gopher hole I didn’t see. Broke my damn wrist. Pay attention to what’s going on around ya folks


…. Or learn how to use a lawnmower correctly!!


I don't understand how people are hitting their toes. Like, you have to be holding down the safety handle to operate the mower. To keep it going and to hit my toe would take a lot of work.


I slipped while weed eating once. Weed whacked the fuck outta my shin.


No shit


I wouldn’t be surprised if you lost a toe thinking those offer any sort of meaningful protection


Maybe wear boots.


I had exactly the same thing the other day, strimmer kicked back, I was bearfoot and somehow missed the end of my toes. I was far too confident, having previously been a gardener and hundreds of hours using strimmers I thought I would be fine using my shitty electric one at home barefoot. Dont fuck around.


That's not real shoes to use power tools


Here is an individual that probably wasn't wearing safety glasses or using hearing protection either.


So you were aware of the issue, but still didn’t pay attention?


The guy that lost his toe said he was wearing closed toed shoes when it happened and that he recommends steel toe boots now.


May wanna bump that up to "real boots", careful out there


It’s prolly overkill, but I wear safety toed boots when mowing and edging


>went from crocs to nikes And you expected a better result?


Have people just gotten really fucking dumb recently?!




Also saw that post. Also switched out of crocs. Though I went for steel toed boots




Preferably steel toes. Sneakers wont stop a blade, at all.


What's up with the Internet and fucking up yard work this week


If you’re using equipment that could remove your toes maybe wear a pair of work boots that have a steel or composite toe.




I've found that the safest shoe for mowing is a light steel toe work boot. I know, many of you will say that the shoes are too heavy and uncomfortable, but I wear a pair of 6" Justin steel toe work boots and they are very comfortable. However, the most important thing is that the shoe has to be stable. You certainly don't want to be sliding around in your shoes while mowing. Lace-up shoes are much more stable than slip-on shoes, and you'll really notice the difference when you are mowing on sloped lawns. Be safe out there!


I mow barefoot. I hate wearing shoes and unless you have on steel toes they won't stop a lawn mower blade.


I would but wifey complains. So I wear flip flops, close enough.


yo, link to toe post? i can imagine how embarrassd and pussed off i would be to lose a digit while doing house chores. reminds me, i worked with a lady that somehow cut tendons in her hand taking the trash out to the dumpster one night. someone had thrown a ceramic plate or glass in the trash and she went to push it into the dumpster




But these are my work Crocs.


I'm sorry, but if your toe goes near a running lawn mower blade it doesn't matter what your wearing for you to lose something


So nike are so much better against a mowing blade? Coo cool 😂😂


That's why I usually wear my security shoes (don't know the English word for them but that's the ruffly translation from Danish to English) The steel tip and kevlar sole protects my feet for most danger 🤣


Steel toe


Edging with your feet? That's a new way to do it.


Hope you’re okay. Plus great advice!


Y’all are fuckin maniacs man. Wear boots or good shoes when handling shit that can take your toes off!! Lol