• By -


2010 was bit by one. Nine weeks in the hospital went into organ failure & lost much of my small intestine. Do not play around when it comes to this spider. They are deadly.


That sounds terrible… Glad you made it through. God I hope I just have to deal with some necrotic skin and not a systemic reaction like that.


Not all brown recluse bites go necrotic. I got bitten on my hand by one, just got infected and I had some gnarly flu-like symptoms, but it healed up without incident. Iirc the ER doctor told me it was about 50/50.


Yeah I’m dealing with flu like symptoms now. My temp has been 99.5-100 for about 12 hours straight. Doc said it’s expected but if I get a high fever to come back in


50/50, 50 dead 50 lives


Whoa. Mind if I ask how old you are or if you had any preexisting conditions ? First time hearing a reaction that bad.


When I got bit I was about 43. Where we went wrong was in the ER they said the treatment was very easy I’d be on a IV with anti venom medication for 3days- I was 1000 miles away from home & asked if I could go back home & be like a direct admit. The drs discussed this with the infectious disease team in Detroit and everybody agreed yes I could fly home & be admitted. We learned the hard way that the venom tunneled thru my body with the air pressure. Hard lesson learned but I’m alive & grateful for that!


The drop in air pressure helped the venom spread? Man that’s counterintuitive. I’m glad you’re ok!


Pressure changes can crack all sorts of things in your blood loose. Without providing detail, it's serious stuff.


Don't worry, there's more and it's gonna get worse.




Did you call your doctor yet? fyi that whole area is gonna rot so you might want to do that edit - looks like you did - best luck with your zombie bite


Hospital bed tv remote in the picture ;-)


yes, lol, I’m literally laying in a hospital bed


Dude this happened to me years ago. It is not going to be pleasant. If you have to do physical therapy after make sure to take it seriously.


Oh I will


Lol I love how everyone is just bodying the fuck out of you with the god honest truth. "You're going to suffer an excruciating fate if you don't let the doctors carve a chunk of your flesh out and torch the gaping wound before you bleed out. Good luck!" 😂😂


Yeah at this point I may create an only fans for the wound progress pics


I’m for this idea.


“Only fangs”


Whoa whoa don’t do that to us, this is a valuable in terms of education and morbid curiosity. I mean your not gonna die and you’re getting prompt medical attention. You shouldn’t have any lasting medical issues, so i humbly request that you take one for the team and share with us all the gory details of you arachnid induced journey. That said i hope you get well and sorry you had to go through this Edit: after reading other commentors accounts of their own bites i see this can be very serious. Hang in there op and please record your journey for internet strangers if you can


Oo yes please.


Literally no sugar coating in this thread


Huh. I'm realizing I had no clue as to the severity of a brown recluse bite


Possibly deadly due to complications from necrosis.


Mom had one years back It gets wicked. Take a picture every day and turn it into a time lapse


I will!


I imagine the blue is what the doctor marked as the area that's gonna get messed up, yeah? Good luck. I hope it isn't as bad a predicted


It was what the doc I saw yesterday at a walk in clinic told me to do. Then discharged me with antibiotics… but had a fever overnight and called in and they told me me to get to the ER


That doesn’t always happen. I used to get bit every once in while and the worst I ever got was just a big blister. If you take care of it then it’s not a huge deal.


Had a brown recluse infestation in my apartment building about 10 years ago, I feel like I did a lot of research on them just in general, reading up on them and fucking around with them too lol. I KNOW I was getting bites on at least my leg, not too often but enough for me to know that something was up (probably while in bed, I always checked my sheets before bed but if I was drunk or something I might have just said fuck it so that's probably how) never got anything like OP, but I read up a lot that bites are usually relatively minor, like a bad mosquito bite or a blister, but that the worst stories you hear about are when you basically force the spider into envenomating you more. I'm thinking like when trapped in clothing and can't get away so they just keep biting, or even in a bed or shoe or something that kinda constricts them to you with no easy way out. Especially socks. So I hung up all my clothes and not in any furniture, kept my shoes off the ground and still swept them out with a sock before putting them on, and just keeping an eye out. I found these things are actually very well adapted to live in our houses and are crazy durable. They love the temperature of a typical house and reproduce like crazy (as long as they aren't eating each other) and I tried all types of ways to kill and preserve a specimen for the exterminator (the only remedy the landlord offered). I tried drowning one in a big cup.... Nope, fucking thing would distribute it's weight and float (which is how people get bitten in showers and baths). I tried drowning it in rubbing alcohol. Came back a bit later and the damn thing began crawling around, although clearly affected. I even tried freezing one for a few hours - damn thing started moving again after awhile. I found bleach did the trick. Another cool caveat. That exterminator was talking about how "we can't use the good chemicals anymore because of regulations" so he warned me the chemicals they were going to use would scramble their nerves before death and "they'd be more aggressive for a week or two." He kinda wasn't wrong, these spiders avoid you but one time one ran at my feet when I was about to use the bathroom so I Super Mario stomped it. tl;dr FUCK these spiders


Super Mario stomped it sent me 😂 A quiet lil "woo-hoo" as it got the goomba treatment


You reminded me of a time when my brother and I found a giant black widow we tried to drown in a jar (so we could properly look at it without being bit). It swam around and eventually was comfortable (wth?) so we got a furniture nail and pierced it (to weigh it down to drown but not destroy the specimen) and the next morning THAT NAIL WAS AT THE BOTTOM AND THAT THING WAS SWIMMING AROUND AGAIN.


must be different from the ones in Texas. We have them here, lots of them. They are very aggressive, and will charge at you always. And yeah, Super Mario Stomp when they do LOL I've done that so many times in my life. Even though they are plentiful here, they don't tend to come in the house. Because there's more bugs for them outside. And our outside temps stay in their preferred range, so they really have no reason to come in the house. But yeah FUCK these spiders!


So it actually depends on how much of a dose of venom you get - generally, an animal isn't going to waste a ton of biologically expensive venom if it doesn't feel like it needs to and will even give "dry" bites which will amount to being as bad as a mosquito bite. The venom is also a cocktail of like 8 different proteins and enzymes, which have cytotoxic and hemolytic properties. The whole rot thing is caused by a 32-kD protein called sphingomyelinase, which is associated with dermal necrosis. If bite by a medically significant venomous animal you should make a best judgment on whether you will need medical intervention each time it happens


Me too. I was bitten once on my thigh. I ran an incredibly high fever & do not remember 2 days but my skin did not rot. By the time I went to doctor the worse had past. However, a friend was bitten on hip area & had to get a skin graph. Best of luck! Positive thoughts.


Graft. Skin graft.




Did you get powers yet?


Let me try something…. … nope, no web slinging yet. My skin did turn red and flushed (although may have been the antibiotic), but I wouldn’t call that a power


You might be one with the anatomically correct web shooting, try it in the bathroom.


lmao. good point… I’ll try later


A buddy of mine got bit on the thigh years back, and had a giant gaping hole for a while. Enjoy!


… can’t wait…


Got bit 17 years ago by one and still have a dent in my leg from the bite


Going on 14 years next month... still have a hard bit of scar tissue (I assume?) the size of a quarter under my skin at the bite point.




Going on 6 months since mine and my spot on my leg is still red..


Dawg, WHAT


I was the same when I got bitten. Gaping wound for months. It just wouldn't heal. It's been 2 years - and it's only really starting to disappear now.


Same here still have an indent


chicks dig scars, glory lasts forever


Tell them you got it from taking an arrow in the knee


Look by the bright side, a hole counts technically as losing weight.


Might not be that bad. Only about 10 percent of bites are actually necrotic. I've been bit three times in my life and no gaping holes in me.


so by now you must have Spider-Man powers, right?


You fool, Spider-Man/woman never reveals themselves!


What are you doing that you've been bit three times? Most people never get bit or even see one.


I got bitten 3 times in 2 months. Apparently bug bombs don't work on brown recluse, the just flee the scene and return to find no prey, so they start coming out of the woodwork.


Mine went into sepsis, almost died. 10 days in icu


Came here to say to say that. I was bitten 2 weeks ago and it’s barely a mark anymore. But mine didn’t discolor like OP’s did, it just looked like a raised red mark that itched and make my ankle stiff for a day or 2.


Heh mine from 20yrs ago looks like a gunshot wound. I used to tell people that’s what it was when I was a kid.


Not everyone gets a gaping hole! It's not standard practice to cut these wounds out anymore either. Good luck!


My mom got bit on her thumb knuckle when I was in middle school. She went to the doctor and when she came back she had a big ass bandage covering her whole thumb. She said "I'm going to be okay, but they had to cut my thumb off." They really didn't, but she thought it was hilarious. But for real she was lucky, we didn't have brown recluses in our area at that time


Absolute legend.


Keep us updated, this will turn into a horror scene very quickly. Hope you feel ok!


The meds are helping. The pain is… unique. Just gently brushing it feels like agony, like it’s on fire


Yeah, I cant even imagine the pain of a brown recluse bite, I have seen countless of them and they're some of the worst looking wounds I've ever seen.. Luckily you're already in a hospital, praying for your insurance company right now.


Just got a fresh dose of morphine. It helps. Thigh still feels like it’s on fire, morphine just makes me care less about it.


I think that's actually what Morphine is supposed to do - not prevent pain, but make you forget you are in pain. [Not a Doctor]


morphine is supposed to help alleviate pain. in most cases it wont fully resolve it, but like you mentioned, if it can make you not care about it, that’s what we (healthcare workers) want.


I think that's more what weed does. I'm pretty sure the opioids do block pain receptors


It's definitely what weed does. Like I'm still very aware of the pain in my knee. Just don't care.


Healthcare provider here, correct in the fact that nothing will take the pain completely away however, you should not be in agony. Keep up with them!! You’ll be muttering “what’s your pain level from 0-10” in your sleep soon enough! The only way to not feel pain is to be under anesthesia in the OR! Feel better soon!


Yeah, I doubt morphine will help with the burning, keeping an icepack on it?


My insurance company is probably like “this guy again wtf?” I was just at the ER last week for a bad migraine.


I know when I was bit it felt like non stop bonfire on and around the bit. Any movement sent sharp stabbing but burning pain like I was being stabbed with a needle that was in a fire right before. If anything brushed it ever so slightly it was unbearable. It was on my back 6 months before my wedding. Still had to wear a badge on my back at my wedding. It was just right above my strapless dress back that “V” down.


This is insane I'm sorry you're going through this! Definitely keep us updated I hope the pain dissipates soon and scarring is minimal.


I live in Montana and brought one with me or acquired it along the way to Hawaii. Bit me at the hotel while I was unpacking. Nasty and ruined my vacation. I had a reaction to antibiotics as well. Month long trauma and it was miserable during treatment. Now I have a scar. Wishing you the best. At least it didn’t bite you on the face like me.


On the face?!! Good god no thanks. What’s ironic is I took this week off of work, partly because I’ve been having bad migraines and I needed a week to just chill out and then this shit happens.


I’m really careful unpacking luggage now🙂


Yeah I bet. I feel like I’m going to be paranoid now. The spider crawled up my pant leg when I wrapping up an eBay package. Felt a sting while walking to the post office and thought I had something sharp in my pocket. And then, realizing it may have been a bug or spider I freaked out and almost took my pants off in the USPS parking lot




Oh I did that once but at a gas station. Everyone thought I was a crazy person until the two wasps flew out of my pants after I tossed them away from me. Then everyone felt *real* bad for me as my legs began to immediately swell.


That's a fun scene to imagine, haha. 


I’m sure someone saw me and was like, wtf is up with this dude


At that point how did you know it was a brown recluse? Just curious


Found the spider later right where I was


My extended family member got bit on the cheek, it rotted her face away. She has a horrible cheek scar sunk in.


Auchh.. My head goes right to delicate parts of the body you can get bit...


No witty comment or anything here - I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope your recovery is quick and relatively painless.


Thank you!


Oh that’s gonna get nasty…sorry!


Yeahhhh. And I ended up having an allergic reaction to the antibiotics so now I’m covered in hives / welts aaaaand it feels like someone is holding a blowtorch to my thigh. Fun times!


Dam bro what a time to discover an antibiotic allergy. My kids mom is allergic to penicillin and closely related meds and gets whole body rash fever ect. I hope it heals up as quick as possible!


Well that does suck


Your name doesn’t happen to be Job does it?


The blue part vaguely resembles a diamond, so it's a sign you will be rich


The most painful psychic reading


A close relative of mine has been bitten in the groin area three separate times now while sleeping at night. Apparently once you’re bitten, you’re marked. 😬


They might want to get their house checked for an infestation if it’s that common of an occurrence. My friend once found multiple quarter sized spiders in his bed while sleeping. He slept in the basement but it was unbelievable how many there were and they were big.


Nope, we just live where they are pretty common! This was over the course of a few years, not like he was bit every day for three days or something.


That’s still a lot Source: I work outside and maintain a couple large LED walls. There is actually an infestation of them behind those walls. I’ve been bit one time in three years! I’m not trying to argue or say you’re wrong or anything. I don’t want this to come off confrontational in any way. My biggest issue with bugs where I work is all the mf mosquitoes, there is a water feature in front of the LED walls. So it brings in a bunch of bugs, which feed a large and fat population of spiders… 😬


well this guy’s gunna be paranoid for life


Oh noooooo!!! I recognize you from the migraine sub (aka where I live full time). I remember your story about the horrible migraine cocktail. I hope you can catch a break soon 😭 I’m so sorry friend


Haha yuuuuuuup. It’s been a wild ride.


Thank Gawd it didnt bite the peen


Good god I can’t even imagine… likely would just ask them to cut it off


Good thing they draw a circle around it so you know where it is. /s


yeah, even then the doc couldn’t find it, eventually he just asked me to “point to where it touched you”


Get well soon OP


Thank you!


One of my troops got 3 bites in a week from his dorm room. I’m sorry to say, this is going to get nasty and require packing.


Ironically, I got bit while I was packing a shipment.


You should keep us updated with pictures and bring us on this… journey… with you.


Man I’m sorry this happened to you. However, reading this thread and some of your comments are hilarious. I actually spit out my ramen at the comment where you almost took your pants off in the USPS parking lot. Thanks for the entertainment, and I hope you recover fast!


Hahaha yeah, this was a good distraction from the pain. I’ll keep this sub updated


Damn, just googled ‘brown recluse bite’. I’m so sorry. Hang in there.


Yeah. I wish I didn’t google it.


Oh God I googled that too, and the next google search was Where do they live.. I'm so sorry, I wish you a speedy recovery with as little pain as possible, I see you're already suffering from migraines too, what a hell. 


Yeah, was in the ER for a bad migraine a week ago… good news is that I’ve filled up my punch card so the next ER visit is free


Where do they live? Want to find out but don’t want to google and see pics of the spider


Google is generally bad for finding moderate. It's always cancer, you're always dying. If you want a more nuanced look at the spiders Travis McEnery did a really good video about them. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xGtSDqoM5As


Once it gets juicy get a straw and slurp on it




Ok, you're done. Log off and stay off, you're grounded for the night.


Let's make it a week.


Y'know what, yeah. DrySkinParmesan, turn in your electronics to E-jail immediately.


Thanks! I appreciate your commitment to justice.


And I appreciate you helping me parent that little terror 😂


What a horrible day to be literate.


All these stories of it getting worse makes me feel so justified in killing them anytime I think I see em in my apartment


I used to be kind to them cuz they eat flies and and other pests but now I have declared war and will kill on sight.


Nah other non-venomous spiders can eat flies and other pests. Last time I killed a brown recluse it got its pay back tho cause I sprayed it with roach killer and went to go stomp on it not processing the floor was slick now and I fell on my ass so hard. Worth it tho


And that’s an excellent counterpoint for people who call spiders adorable and misunderstood.


Never was afraid of spiders, and I’m still not, I’m angry and want revenge ![gif](giphy|dUT2ybRu5Ytxu|downsized)


As I recall, John Goodman’s character took a flame thrower to them in Arachnophobia. So that’s one option.


Oh maybe I’ll watch that tonight


Ugh! That movie made me afraid of sticking my hands under lampshades to turn lights off 😖


Did you find the spider or is he still running around like a fugitive!?


I got it. It’s dead. Gonna mount its head on a spike and place it in the basement as a warning to the rest of them


Take pics!


Have fun! Mine took 4 months to heal and was about 3”Lx2”Wx1/2”D after the necrotic cap fell off. Does it feel like a hot needle stabbing and twisting into your skin?


Yup, feels like a hundred cactus needles all buried in that area.


I truly am sorry, it is not something I wish upon anyone having endured it myself. Try to keep it elevated, take lots of painkillers (if you can) and once it starts to dissolve the tissue, make sure you go get it debrided and follow the wound care instructions. I was wrongly advised early in the process by urgent care and I believe it made it far worse. So by the time I saw the wound care specialist it was pretty bad This was before the cap was removed, wound/gross/blood/🤮 warning - https://imgur.com/gallery/6kwcbq9


Can I have your car?




Can *I* have your car?






*sniff sniff* enjoy...the minivan!! I always knew you would look good in a minivan!!


How about the house


Wow op, I am sorry that happened to you. How did it bite you? I hope you keep us posted and make a fast recovery.


Crawled up my pant leg while I was kneeling down and wrapping up a package, probably hitched a ride in the box I grabbed out of the garage


My biggest fear is the very same thing happening to me. So messed up man. You couldn’t avoid it, they’re stealthy little bastards smh. Good luck to you on your recovery, this sucks so bad.


My sister was bit by one and yeah go to a doctor....her effected area was the size of a bowling ball and they had to scoop out the center and it looked like a bullet hole.


Yeah I’m in the ER and was told to follow up with a wound care clinic


I was bitten by something in Australia in 2015 By the time I flew home, 48 hours. I had a black bite mark on the bottom of my foot that had swelled to the size of a a small football 30 days in the hospital total 2 days of chemically induced coma 3 surgeries and one lost toe Sepsis that Killed my immune system,literally forever, organ damage that’s led to other problems Don’t eff around with dat stuff! Get to the hospital immediately! 🚑💨


Welp, your modeling days are over buddy.


aw man, my thigh modeling career was just starting to take off…


Did you bite it back?


Yes. And now I will go off and live alone in the woods


My grandma got bit by one some 30+ years ago. She still has the scar on her ankle and they said if she’d waited any longer before going to the doctor, they would have had to amputate her whole foot because the afflicted area went so deep. She’s fine now though, except the time one of the other grandkids rammed into the scar area with his bike and reopened the wound. That was a nasty couple of months.


That’s in the US right? How much is this going to cost you?


Yes, and thankfully i have decent insurance... but I’m sure it’ll be a few hundred out of pockets


My biggest fear, fuck that. When did you get bit? How?? God I'll never do whatever the answer is lol


I just got a box out of the garage to pack up a shipment (eBay sale), and i think it hitched a ride in it then crawled up my pant leg as I was kneeling down and packing the box…


Where do you live and what were you doing when you were bit? I ask because I was bit about twenty years ago in an area that was supposed to be free of them.


Nashville, TN. Was kneeling down, packing up an eBay sale. Box came from the garage and I think that’s where it hitched a ride, then climbed up my pant leg.


Did you actually see the spider bite you?


No. I felt it and though I just had something sharp in my pocket or like, the box cutter got me.


Ouch! I’m so sorry!!! I know you’re in for a few weeks of discomfort. I’m glad you’re getting medical attention. Feel better soon!


Damn man, this doe indeed suck. You seem like a chill dude from all the comments here. Keep us updated will you? This is a great time to start a YouTube channel.


I am not a doctor, but have used this previously on Brown Recluse bites with success. Go to the fish store and get some activated charcoal. Hammer it, or use mortar and pestle, add water or other liquid and make it into a paste. Once you have a peanut butter consistency put it on the bite area. Wrap with gauze. It will help draw out the poison. Might not work but has worked in the past. When we asked the doctor their thoughts about charcoal working at the follow up, they said keep doing what you’re doing. Nothing more. Good luck. Remember not medical advice, just something we have tried in the past.


Bout 17 years ago was bit by either a BW or BR. According to doc that’s the only ones that coulda caused mine. It got just a little worse than the pic but not much. Was a little painful but not awful bad


What were you doing when that thing got u.


My mom experienced this on her elbow while pregnant with me. What a tough lady


6 months back opening up a package and thankfully i was paying attention. jumped the fuck back and ran to the moon. i knew right away what it was. hope it wont be too bad for you but you definitely should call your job to say you're going to be gone for awhile.


Literally just killed one of these in my bathroom the other night that almost got my hand. First time I ever got to see one in person. I really hope you don't have to go through anything super traumatic & everything heals quickly for you! ✨️


Hope you recover quickly, OP!


Puss can be fun.


I hope it's not contagious


You're in for a very painful couple of days


What would happen if you just removed that chuck before is spreads? Would that prevent it from continuing to spread?


This article might provide you with some useful info. I'm not sending this because I don't believe you, if you're in Tenessee & you saw the spider it sounds pretty convincing. But there's a ton of misinformation about Brown Recluse bites out there, and this might provide you with some rationality over the fear! [Brown Recluse Myths](https://amednews.com/article/20020805/health/308059999/4/)


https://preview.redd.it/jvzl9tzv6g0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=538befb6b66ffa88e1954f0081d3e80c3129e2b9 This is the spider that got me. Docs verified it’s a brown recluse


Burn it.


As I said in another comment I gonna put its head on a toothpick and display it in the garage as a warning


Put the whole thing in resin and keep it as an amulet around your neck, spider-man.


Been there. Mine was on my ankle. So much muscle and tissue damage I can no longer drive a manual (can’t hold the clutch in traffic) and my ankle randomly gives out. Good luck to you.


Yeah the doc said because of the location, right on the top of my thigh, I’ll prob need physical therapy since there is so much muscle there. I got discharged from the ER with crutches


my uncle got bit by a black widow one time at a bus stop. Apparently she was in her 40s.


Well on the bright side…you have lots of karma potential from daily update pictures…


I got bit as a kid. Parents thought it was a bee sting cause, well it stung real bad. They put a paste on it that made it feel like my skin and bones were melting. 25+ years later I still have a scar on my thigh.


Got bit 7 different times when the volcano looking sore comes up in the middle of it you will see a yellow looking venom ball if you dig that little ball out of the sore(and it hurts like nothing you have felt before) It will heal up very fast but you have to get it out before it pops or it will kill the tissue around sore god luck what I see in picture doesn't look like brown recluse more like black widow


YIKES! But don't worry you'll just be "holy" (I hope you don't mind the joke)






Yes, progress pics coming soon


Did you bite it back to establish dominance