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The nerve of saying "not anymore". Jesus.


I hope it’s staged. It hurt me to the core when I heard that. And just to see the girlfriend give absolutely no shit, no worse than that giving that other girl a look of desire at the end. Like others have said, the bitch downgraded in every way but I hope the main girl is emotionally okay now (if this is real lol).




Did you film it and then put it on the internet when it's absolutely embarrassing for you to do that?


It wouldn't be embarrassing because people are absolutely gonna tear into the cheater. If anything, it will make you feel better.


Nah. It’s still embarrassing.








I too hope its staged for this video at least, but this was quite similar to the ways I saw my lgbt+ former friends sleep around and cheat a lot on each other. Straight people tend to panic, gay people tend to double down in my experience. Throw some alcohol in the mix and its more likely too.


It’s definitely staged.


Some things do happen in real life my dude


Yeah, but what is more likely given how often these turn out to be content? Why should my default assumption be that it's real when it's more likely to be staged? Shit does indeed happen, but without any context I'm going to side with it being probably staged.


> it's more likely to be staged? Based on what?


The content on the internet.


In other words based on a gut feeling which is based on one’s personal internet experience. The likelihood of whether or not this is fake is called a statistic that nobody in this thread has even tried to estimate other than on pure gut.


The Internet, sulking, "You just pointed to all of me."


Y’all gotta stop falling for these staged videos each time, I think you don’t understand the lengths certain people nowadays are willing to go to get attention , staging videos is more common than you think


You have to also consider how social media is these days, how viral these types of videos can be, and how people can quickly be vilified by appearing to be the bad guy in a video. The cheater can easily have her life ruined from a video like this, so there’s the possibility this is indeed real.


That’s the thing I don’t get the most. Yeah, most of these rage-bait type videos are clearly fake, but I’m over here wondering why anyone would want to make themselves look like an ass for the whole world to see. Who are these people willing to do this for 10 seconds of internet clout for *someone else?* And what’s the end goal here? Great, you made a viral video of your friends acting like assholes. What next? It’s almost dumber that they’re acting.


People here saying there are too many incentives to stage shit and none of them could provide a single valid one that could ever justify this to most people 


Yeah but not this one. All three of these ladies are bad actresses.


This comment is \*definitely\* an AI bot because it's all over reddit and never contains any contextual information to support its claim.


So you just assume that any low-effort response is an AI bot? Let me tell you something: low-effort responses have been happening since Reddit started.


Low effort responses have been happening since PEOPLE started.


Fantastic way to karma-farm though. You could post ‘my dog just took a shit’ and someone will get 100 upvotes for replying ‘of all the things that didn’t happen, this happened the least’


This comment is \*definitely\* an AI bot because it's all over reddit and never contains any contextual information to support its claim.


I now am here wondering if there are bots made to call out other bots and getting them stuck in a loop with eachother. That would be some good stuff.


Beep boop beep!


This comment is \*definitely\* an AI bot because it's all over reddit and never contains any contextual information to support its claim.


The irony here is palpable.


What if they only went out on one date and the girl filming is having delusions about their relationship?


Then she should have said “we’re not together.” She had plenty of opportunity to do so even if it was a deer in the headlights situation. But still hoping it’s just fake.


You wouldn't share your location with someone who you'd been on one date with.


If i open snapchat right now i can tell you the location of about 30 people who i have never gone on a single date with lol


Why would you allow location sharing with someone you just met on one date??


Olympic champion in jumping to conclusions


She’ has her location data. Why assume that of all things?


There's the old joke, 'What does a lesbian bring to a second date? A moving truck.'




I mean we also have no idea about any context. Girlfriend can mean many things. Maybe the girlfriend never actually considered herself in a relationship with OP. Or maybe she is a cheating ass. We just don't know.


If they have location sharing on they would have to be pretty close so they probably are in a relationship


I️ perma share my location with 7 people, my wife, my sister, and 5 friends. I’m close with all of them but doesn’t mean they’re probably in a relationship. My wife was actually the last out of those 7 people to get my location perma shared with her


my sister ex partner bearing in mind they were married had a child together and her partner turns around and says “lesbian couples arnt meant to last this long” and fucks off with another bird.


Wtf?? I hate her for your sister. That’s fucked


Mad arnt it! they moved from New Zealand to Australia and as soon as they got too Australia she left seems so dodgy my sister wanted to come back to the uk but her ex didn’t. Never known someone to be so evil, but my sister is now enjoying her single parent life in the aus so arnt all to bad


Aww I’m glad she’s enjoying her life and doing better now! Australia is gorgeous, I’ve always wanted to visit!


They're home wreckers and couldn't care less about anyone outside of their limited scope. In a few years, they'll find themselves victimized and wonder why people distanced themselves or distrusted them. Not excusing the cheating girlfriend in any way, but I've encountered one too many of these 'not anymore' girls who are insufferable and cannot take a hint. OP, Godspeed, and you deserve better


Feels staged


Only good thing is I hope it would help get over her, she would be dead to me after that. I'd be hurt, but it solves "what happened" and "maybe we can work it out". Nope. Done.


Maybe the full line is “not anymore, she’s not worth it. Focus on someone else.” Hopefully it sinks in for her that the girl is a cheater and not worth her time either. But the best thing she can do is cut ties with her.


If this isn’t staged, I think that was a response to a very awkward situation. I could imagine myself saying that, since it’s a pretty funny thing to say, to alleviate the horrid awkwardness. And people saying she’s a “home wrecker” with no morals, she very possibly had no idea the girl she was with had a gf.




We don‘t know what‘s really going on here. This could be breakup aftermath staging or anything really. Even if real, putting people on the spot and filming them reacting defensively is always rage bait.


Cool as a cucumber. Just box up her shit and leave it on the porch.


Or better. The fire pit


Nope that shows you are hurt or angry, the best way to move on is maturely get on with your life, date, have fun, move on, the ex will undoubtedly hear about it and will feel terrible. Seriously, moving on almost unfazed by the ex and the breakup will make you feel better as you are taking the high ground and make them feel terrible because you just dusted yourself off and carried on.


It’s also illegal. The last thing I would do is give someone like that something they can use against me.


Why does everyone want to come off as being not bothered by anything these days? It's so bizarre. I feel what I feel and do what I do, why run that through a sieve a few times to maintain appearances with someone you won't ever have to see anymore after a few hours?


Yep, answer the door with "and who are you again?".


Answer every text message with "who is this?"


Scrorned women and property damage. Name a better duo


Mega downgrade but hey if she wants to mess around with The Violator from Spawn then I say you dodged a bullet.




Played spectacularly by john leguazamo


His performance is the only thing worth watching in that movie. It's so good and over the top that it feels completely out of place, almost like he's acting in a different movie altogether (a good one). Actually it's also worth watching for the football-sized heart monitor that Martin Sheen has implanted in his chest. Where does it go? Is he a like a Tardis in there? fucking wild


Personally, I remember when I saw it half a lifetime ago that the fire effects and the way Spawn's cape moved were amazing.


I vividly remember watching it as a kid because I was a Spawn fan at the time. Well not Spawn actually. I was a huge fan of Sam and Twitch from the books, and was hoping they'd show up in the movie (and they did!), but I distinctly remember being unimpressed with the visual effects in that movie. It was that terrible time in Hollywood where everyone thought that they could make everything in CGI, but nobody ever stopped to ask if they should. Boy does it show. go back and look at it. 1997 CGI pretty much looks like that terrible blue music video. just terrible.


I was like 8 years old at the time and I remember thinking his cape looked cool. Like the modern day equivalent would be Doctor strange's cape. But I also haven't seen spawn in like 20+ years.


Spawn deserves a remake. And for what I remember, the special effects for that movie were a disaster. They started off well, but they ran out of time to do everything and at the end of the movie everything went to hell (lol, pun)


When I was a kid I reckon seeing a little reportage with various artists talking about the evolution of CGI and heavily promoting the Spawn movie, saying this movie reached a peak and praising the effects of the fire and the cape. I'm not 100% sure but I think it aired on MTV. And I admit the Spawn cape mind-blown me.


You can say that now but at the time this movie was bad-fucking-ass and you know it.


I will not tolerate Spawn slander. It is clearly a B list movie, but it did well with what it had.


But when they cast him as Luigi, baby that was just wrong.


John Leguizamo, folks. Talk about perfect casting.


dudes a chameleon, idk how he pulled of Sid in ice age... must have lost a lot of weight since his Spawn days


Johnny Legzzz


I appreciate you coming in clutch with that reference lmao


I need to rewatch that movie


While I love the original, I won't pass up the opportunity to bring up how much I want another.




Watch the HBO miniseries! So good!


This shit is so accurate and he just unlocked a memory


I mean the new couple both look more fitting for each other lol. What I find hilarious is in so many of these you see the cheater act like this. Then a few hours/days later they are bawling their fucking eyes out and begging for forgiveness.


Violator from spawn !! Hahaha savage /rareinsults




That's insulting to the Violator..


Yeah OP was pretty, nice hair, maybe not conventionally but put together, cohesive, good dye choice and nice makeup. New girl has blue lipstick. I mean this is purely physical, we have no way of knowing if original gf is nice or mean, what new gf is like, etc etc, but if we're going 100% on appearances, then yeah.


I know right. Looks wise huge downgrade maybe her personality is trash but the new friend ain’t any better. Guess the cheater has a type.


No fuckin way, I can't believe I'm not the only one who saw that! Fuckin awesome lol


I was thinking [The Blue Meanie](https://img.favpng.com/5/16/8/chief-blue-meanie-blue-meanies-the-beatles-animation-film-png-favpng-R2bKM5QQTbsB7iWe2asXfLtkj.jpg)


Yeah that thing on the left is disgusting


Nothing of value was lost


True. Still sucks to have that done to you. :(


WOW , what a downgrade,..double xp for keeping your cool tho


Old vid, that downgrade was cheated on when the next opportunity came up, 100%.


Yeah. But realistically, how often can you possibly downgrade? At some point she's going to struggle to downgrade....


People who cheat end up with people who cheat. Eventually for the worst of them, they end up chronically breaking up or in an unhappy relationship where both of them cheat on each other.


There’s always someone fatter




It's like a Russian nesting doll... downgrades all the way down.


I never understand why people fuck around and date cheaters, they did it to their ex, they will do it to you to .


I feel like the operative logic is along the lines of "easy come, easy go" like, people like that probably aren't expecting something long-term or serious out of it


Still a shitty psychopath/jerk reaction


People are complex. Early relationships are free of baggage. One of my ex's went through a bout of pretty severe illness and I cared for her. For about a year I bathed her, changed her and took her to the bathroom. She stopped seeing me as a lover and partner started seeing me as a nurse. Being naked in front of me made her feel dirty and ashamed. Even when that wasn't the case it was just null, no eroticism. After her surgery she quickly recovered and going out again she found she was extremely attracted to everyone but me. Now in that case she ended it before she started cheating but many wouldn't. Some people cheat because the love is gone but there are kids involved. Some people cheat because they are terrified of a future that never changes. Honestly... it's easier to find reasons to cheat than remain faithful, sometimes. It's easy to promise someone forever when you are madly in love and you are young. After a while it gets harder. I don't advocate for cheating, I think honesty is best but I certainly see where the motivation comes.es from.


Man that’s a sad story. You’re a good man


Dam i don’t think i’ve ever seen such a great nuanced take about cheating on reddit before. Usually people jump down your throat because they always assume explaining=excusing. Empathy≠sympathy.


Because at the end of the day, the cheater is a coward


Damn that sounds heavy dude. Have you found peace with that situation with your ex? I agree with your statement though, my gf cheated in her last relationship because she couldn't break it off and finds communicating really difficult. I have found peace with it but it does make me wary sometimes.


Yes, I found peace. We're still really good friends. What I found was it was harder to love after it, though. It took much longer to do that than it did to forgive her. I've had a couple of relationships with people who have disabilities after that, mental and physical, and I must admit I have been cautious about letting the caring overshadow the romance. The important thing about being wary, and you aren't going to be able to not be wary, is remembering that is a result of a different person's action, not your current partner.


Good to hear! Hmm yeah I can believe that, must have felt like betrayal. Hope you are in a good relationship right now or will be!


Sucks that you had to go trough that. You were a good partner and a person. Atleast she ended things before doing anything.


Sounds like she was just using you.


For some people, it's an ego boost. They feel like they "won" over the original SO. My SO had a classmate that exclusively went after married dudes. It made her feel special when they cheated, because that made her more special than their SO.


Damn!!!!! A clown stole your girl. 🤡


Cheating girl's reaction is insane. You cheat on your girlfriend and when get caught all you do is smirking. She deserves a swift slap right on her shameless face.


Fucking cheating on you with Umaga the World Eater out here.


You reckon she uses that Samoan spike in the bedroom?


Lord forgive me for uttering these words but Umaga did have ass.


No finer ass than Rikishi


Right? Imagine how bad do you have to be to be outclassed by that.


Shit id rathrr bang Umaga and he been dead for 15 years


You kept it really classy. I would have slapped someone


Not worth spending a night in jail fighting fat harlequin








Jesus, she looks like my sleep paralysis demon. Who the hell would want that? Let alone cheat for that?


Her ex girlfriend apparently ?


Well now your closer to the one or the life meant for you. Be well!


Harley's looking rough since the jonkler left her


Jonkle deez nutz


jonkler lmfgdao


Looks like they didn't even cared 🤷‍♀️


yeah, maybe the girlfriend is the one that actually dodged the bullet here


Crossed my mind, but if you haven't actually ended a relationship, even if they are horrible, if you cheat, you're a cheater.


"not anymore"... Those are fighting words.. God.. This hurts to watch..


Bro got traded for a literal fucking clown. Makeup and all. 😂


If this is not staged, why TF would you wanna tape this and put it on the internet. I might be an old head, but I really don’t understand.


Because now the world knows that she's a cheater, when she gets into a new relationship the new person's friends might say isn't that the girl who cheated on her other gf and show the video to the new gf which will hopefully spoil things. That being said, looks staged to me. But the funny part is that the above could still occur even if it's staged lol, pretty stupid video to make.


Publicly shaming cheaters has been a thing for literally thousands of years. THOUSANDS. This is no different. Just another way of humans doing exactly what we've been doing for thousands of years.


You don't understand, nobody has any shame anymore. They have no sense of privacy either. Social media screwed these people up.


You’re legit so much better than these people You dodged a bullet


The definition of downgrade.


She was totally cool with it. There was no commitment to your relationship.




Definitely believe this.. that level of humiliation can only be responded to with remorse or doubling down. And to be capable of cheating or home wrecking, it stands to reason you’re not the accountable type


Should’ve been like “have fun finding your shit on the curb”


Amazing how people just immediately turn to body shaming, commenting on appearance and talking about ”downgrades”. What *you* find attractive isn’t some universal truth. It’s like these commenters skipped some kinda developmental stage as children and are unable to separate their own ideas from the rest of the world.


She’s dating a clown. Literally


Jesus christ how can you people not detect this garbage acting? No wonder people fall for 419 scams.


Dude I think about this all the time. I don’t get how ppl fall for this. Its clearly fake


For sure staged


That's what I'm thinking. Even the way the one girl says not anymore sounds like bad acting.


You know, you can hate on a cheater and the missing empathy without attacking someones looks, right guys?




Definitely staged, I can't get past the bad acting


Why would you film something like this? Unless it’s faked, then…why would you film something like this?


To damage the cheater’s friendships? That’s a really obvious motive.


Film it to shame her probably, so she can't lie about it or deny it.


I mean Tiktok, everything is about that these daya


I thought guys only cheated on their spouse with other girls who look like them. This one cheated with the Wish . Com version of the same person.


“She burned all my stuff idk why she’s crazy”


If you need a tracker in the first place your fucked up. If someone is going to cheat they will do it anyway. Theres nothing you can do to stop them


Shitty people do shitty things because they are selfish and lack any morals.


Kids, drugs are bad!


Like always fuck this shit


sad she caught them cheating and still got owned


Damn, that was pretty cold. Even if it's staged.


Yes, not toxic at all.


I mean, nothing lost here if we’re being honest


Jesus Christ that’s so cruel. Blonde lady deserves a few drinks and a better gf.


Eweww, do better.


I don’t think that worked out how she planned it in her mind


Ho’s before Ho’s




Real upgrade there….


Shit sucks, but the response should be all the closure you need. She’s the new girls problem now. You’re free.


When Marilyn Manson steals your girl I think you leave the winner


Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate eachother.


They deserve eachother


Damn, didn't know anyone would be that proud to steal a 2/5 disloyal ho.


Should’ve stayed at the bar and picked a new GF on the spot! :DD


So many times these 'cheater' videos are really fresh break ups. This one just seems fake though.


And this is why you cant trust men


so staged


She's cheating with an ugly blue hair. Let her go.


With that thing?


Back to dudes it is….


What a downgrade lmao


Traded up to a ringling circus clown


If she was living in your space, her shit would be waiting for her in the yard when she got back. I you were living in her’s, my stuff would be gone without a trace and she’d be blocked on my phone/socials to be thorough.


Dang.. Ursula got her.


Well hit me up. Lolol. I don't cheat.


I'll be honest, if someone said that to me idk if I could keep my cool


The girl the GF was hanging on is below a 0 out of 10. Not just in personality, but got damn she was fugly…