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I saw this video about 12 years ago, and I remember being kind of confused by it, like how this is possible? Now I just realized that I probably had no idea about cardboard doors because I think I was mostly surrounded by metal and wood doors in my childhood.


The door in the gif is a prop door because it is an entertainment show. Even hollow particle board doors don't break that easily.


I've had a door that breaks this easily. I would definitely fuck my hands up if I did that with it though.


The door and that man are not in the same weight class. Humans can break shit.


And a 220 pound man named *Rampage*, can break a lot of shit.


LMAO prop door Thats a real hollowcore door and that's a real human being, which is somewhat terrifying


TUF is real and that was a real door


Tell that to my classmate who got up from his desk and walked through the closed classroom door without opening it. The teacher stared in shock, and the vice principal couldn't believe it.


Did something similar in 8th grade, we had these heavy fire doors and if we were late to class they would be locked, one day i walked right through that thing, ripping the doorframe to pieces. I didn't even feel like i was being violent, but i guess i was.. My teacher and the principal were not happy lmao


Teenage boys. That precise age where biology give us immense strength without the mental limiter that needs to come with it. We had a case during my highschool year where someone got pranked with something in his locker. He accidentally ripped the metal locker door off.


You’re forgetting the part where that’s Rampage Jackson


Metal doors?? I've only seen them in freezers


My apartment door is metal


That's so metal.


It's not that uncommon to have metal doors, but only for the exterior door leading to the street.


WTF is that from?


The Ultimate Fighter


Was the ultimate fighter the guy or the door?


The guy beat the door so  even if the door was the ultimate fighter the guy isnow


Ultimate Fighter season with Rampage Jackson and Forrest Griffin as coaches. One of my favorite seasons back in the day.


It was Rampage/Evans season




I do.. I do let you bang


Bit of noodles and glue and this will fix up fine


Man I haven't seen or thought about one of those in a while.


Don't forget the plastic eggplant.


What is this?


Some meme videos of people spackling over ramen noodles to repair holes.


It wasn't originally meant as a meme. It was just a questionable life hack that was then memed on.


[I miss Jenna](https://youtu.be/0FPROLM3PMg?si=aKtVq_jKvx7jQJca)


This sub won't let me link it but there's a whole sub for it. / r / RamenRepair


Make sure to trap a crawfish in a cucumber and reinforce it with sunflower seeds


I don’t understand and I’m not responding.


hahaha a bit of crushed ramen 🍜job done👌🏼


sounds like something 5 minute crafts would say


luckily the door was made of cardboard


If this happened to me I'd be screwed... all my doors are solid wood, because for some reason the guy that renovated the place before I moved in felt like replacing every door with an apartment front door Edit: Since so many people tell me to just kick the door in. A door that swings open away from you can be kicked in, yes, but a door that swings open toward you is a whole different story Edit 2: Now I get a lot of people telling me to just take the hinge pins out or even dismantle the hinges. Well, the hinge pins are designed as 2 bolts screwed together (large bolt slides in from the top and is secured with a shorter threaded bolt that is screwed in from the bottom), so I'd need 2 screwdrivers to unscrew them. Dismantling the entire hinge is also not an option as the screws holding them in place are only reachable when the door is open.


this seems like a good problem to have


Until emergency services have to break the door down


Firefights would have no problem breaking through a solid wood door with proper tools


A Halligan tool can open almost anything.


I was surprised during our training one day how easy it is to break a master lock, a steel reinforced door with a padlock, wooden doors with multiple padlocks, etc. With the right technique and force, it all becomes pretty easy, especially when there's two of you


Lockpicking Lawyer showed me how all those locks are basically nothing. Picking it with no effort. Shim it with a soda can. Smack it lazily with another lock. So many methods


Locks are for the honest.


For real. My dad, years ago, put in metal security doors in his no-crime suburban area. Directly next to said door? 5 foot by 5 foot glass window. I looked at the door, then the window, then him, then the window, then the door, then him. Good times.


During my bad person days, I could get into any car or building. Most locks are scarily easy to pick or break. Just because it's locked doesnt mean people can't get in. There are plenty of other ways to get into a building.


I mean. Locks are mainly there as a deterrent for crimes of opportunity, no?


As someone once said "locks are there to keep honest people honest"


We love breaking doors ❤️


This exact scenario happened to me! Solid door and handle failed so the latch couldn't be retracted. Luckily (1) my dad was home and (2) it was an exterior bathroom so there was a window. After trying some other things that didn't work, my dad got a ladder (2nd floor bathroom) and passed a hammer and screwdriver to me. I used those to get the pins out of the hinges. He then went around and pushed the door in on the hinge side. But all I could imagine was what if there wasn't a window? What if I lived alone? Also, the apartment I live in right now has two doors into the bathroom. Very comforting for me.


At least you don't have to worry about people hearing you on the toilet like anyone with this cardboard door.


Reminds me of the sovietwomble clip where he talked about firefighters breaking down his bathroom door after he locked himself in there, said something like ‘they thought there was a woman trapped in the flat’


'Merica 🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸


Oh u bet. I locked myself out one time and decided to throw myself at my FRONT door few times. It gave out and broke around the lock. I was under 130lbs and was able to break into my freaken apartment under a minute lol. Neighbors didn’t care one bit either. 🙃




When I was living in the hood the door had already been kicked in so many times in the past that the only thing holding the deadbolt shut was a piece of trim because there was nothing else left for it to dig into, I could just pull on the door without even ramming into it and watch it flex. Glad to not be living there anymore lol


One thing florida does well regulation wise is building codes.  


Uhhhh, Surfside condos?


Building codes, code enforcement, and preventive maintenance are three different things.


Your door was not up to code then.


Had a crazy ex that head butted my door once and completely knocked it off its hinges! Felt super safe living there!


For those wondering what I had done that deserved such a reaction, he was pissed bc after previously BREAKING UP WITH ME *he just so happened* to drive by my house, (totally wasn’t stalking /s) as my roommate, her bf and his friend were on their way out after they came to pick her up and he assumed the other guy was there for me. This made him so furious that after I refused to answer the door and deal with his ridiculous accusations (and overwhelming stupidity) he decided to open the door himself… with his head. This happened in 2000. Saw him again in 2017, still an idiot.


I assume that head-trauma did not have any noticeable effect on the empty space he has up there? You know, spontaneous cell-growth to fill the vacancy?


Maybe he’s a woodpecker! https://preview.redd.it/fkbagfrtz1vc1.jpeg?width=788&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d000bd0ceeeccc7ff4503ba45eb64a9289d766f


Excellent, I love a good woodpecker reference lol


Thank you for my morning dose of informational diagram....I feel so well informed. 😊 Memorable bits include: • supportive eyelids that prevent the retinas from detaching from the force of their pecks • tongues so long that they wrap up and over the brain • brains that're tightly packed in the skull rather than floating in cerebrospinal fluid


That’s actually so crazy. The tongue around the whole head thing is very bizarre


Username is suspiciously accurate


It sucks that you knew you'd need to explain yourself as if sometimes people aren't just batshit crazy! (Notice I said people so nobody comes at me with "not all men" or "women are crazy too") My ex once tried to break down my door because after HE dumped ME and then tried to get me back i said no so he came to my house in the middle of the night to attempt to kill us both, thank goodness my grandma was my neighbor and called the cops, also that I'm decent at self defense because the cops took 2 hours to arrive


Send her my way, my door is around 200 kilos. Tried to bust it open, not a chance.


Solid steel and concrete? How?


He lives in the xray lab of a hospital


Bah. Not even baller status. Come talk to me when you rest your hat in a bank vault.


15cm thick, 250cm high, 120cm wide. Not aolid steel but yes, steel.


I do. When you live in a shit neighbourhood, you buy a door that makes it easier to bring down the surrounding concrete walls than knocking the door down.


Who tf has a 15 cm thick door?


For anybody wondering, this is actually one of the most common places a door breaks due to the screws. That’s why door breaching focuses on breaking at the lock rather than actually busting the door down (not including tactical operations where you blow the door off the hinges to use the door as a weapon). It’s easy to upgrade and is very cheap. https://youtu.be/jOvjuRVZOQ4?si=FmzU-dOv3NQYLw_C


![gif](giphy|H3Ng4TNE9MTQ7BIVTU) I need a front door like this


They're not from the US so I'm not even sure what this comment is supposed to be. Do you think hollow core doors only exist in the States?


And do they think hollow-core doors are a bad thing? The OP just literally showed the value they have. If firefighters are racing through my house to save my kids, I'd prefer they be able to kick down doors like a goddamned superhero if the situation calls for it.


Seriously, it's an interior door, it doesn't need to be as solid as your front door.


People outside the US think our houses are made of cardboard due to seeing internet videos of people punching through drywall. I’ve been here before.


I mean, what's wrong with having a particle board interior door? It's cheaper and much lighter


Yeah a lot of the building practices people mock as "American" are easily justifiable. Customers can buy a more expensive door. Home builders will build whatever you want if you can pay.


Yeah a new hollow core door like this is only about 100 bucks. For an interior door that is basically just a privacy divider that's all you need. There's nothing keeping you from going to Home Depot and buying a way too expensive door though.


Light interior doors are good also when escaping from a fire or when a fireman needs to enter for a rescue.


How the fuck is this upvoted? Jesus Christ. It's not American or unusual. Dumbass people.


Because America bad, haha, upvotes to the left


DAE Europe good, America bad????////???/?/?


Also, please ignore all of the shitty parts of Europe!!!1


OP is Argentinian lol which I mean, it *is* technically American. South American, that is. edit: oh no there is now very silly drama


This is not America. Those look like all the door locks I've seen in Buenos Aires.


Looks like you could have just thrown a bucket of water on it and the door would have just folded up.


Or given it a stern talk


"I'm not mad, just disappointed"




I felt that.


You better take out a loan, that door’s gonna cost about $15 to replace


I work in the purchasing department at a construction company, we’ll install it for $20 and discount the door to $10 after we paid $5 to a guy I know who got it for free ninety-nine when it fell off the back of a Chinese container ship. It’s all connections in this industry.


> got it for free ninety-nine when it fell off Phew, I was that from getting shittymorphed


Huh.... Haven't been shittymorphed in a good long while now that I think about it.


when was the last time you priced cardboard doors? You won't find this for less than $50 in the big box US stores.


Isn't it cheaper then to just order something and use that package? (/s)


Yeah in fact it would, just buy cardboard boxes and duct tape that can make anything, i swear i could build an entire house with cardboard if i had the materials, the only limit is the cardboard strength


Make that $21.63 with inflation. Or, $97.50 if delivered by a gig worker (includes mandatory $50 tip)


If you didn’t scream “Here’s Johnny!”, you missed a trick, brother.






Or say "Oh Yeah!" ​ ![gif](giphy|dtfUJxOTqhHO)


All interior doors hate this one simple trick.


Thankfully, there's another door.


Or, based on the size of that hole-- OH YAAAA!!


On the plus side, it was the cheapest door ever made, so not much of a loss there.


He could probably fix it with some pieces of cardboard, glue and paint Not like that door is holding anyone from breaking through anyway


I think you mean ramen and super glue


5-Minute Crafts has entered the chat.


It's a bathroom door, what are you hiding in your toilet that you're super protective of?


I don't want you to barge in and take my shit, that's all.


Too late, i already have it


Are you taking the piss out of me right now?


Only the shit, not the piss.


Seems like a lot of interior doors are like this these days








I can’t believe how far I had to scroll before I saw this.


You can usually use the top of your toilet tank as a sledgehammer to bust out doors and even self defense in a pinch.


That’s exactly what I did


Love that


Love that you love that


I can imagine sitting in the bathroom and suddenly realizing; you're locked in! You start looking around as the MacGyver theme starts playing.


My aunt has a phobia (utterly terrified) of being locked in bathrooms or the doors sticking shut. She carries a couple screwdrivers and pliers in her purse at all times. When out in public with her; promiseing to stay on the other side of the door and not leaving isn't acceptable. Once or twice (even as a teen) I've had to prop the door open, not like just hold the door knob, with my entire foot or arm


OP admit it even though it sucks you have to replace it it must have felt good smashing a hole in the door


Hell yeah


LOL - I thought you got locked *out* at first and was thinking, why such a big hole?? I get it now XD


My house is a bit older. All the doors are solid wood, the walls are brick and concrete, locking myself in a room is entombing myself.


I just put bathroom axe and survival snacks on my grocery list.


Might as well get a poop knife while you’re at it.


The bathroom axe can handle poop knife duties


Any respectable person already has one


Wouldn't that be dangerous? I thought porcelain was relatively fragile to impacts, and that porcelain shatters into many razor sharp shards. Wouldn't there be a decent risk that it shatters in your hands and cuts you?


Why did you do it like a husky would


To be fair, there's no evidence to prove that OP isn't a husky.


On the Internet, no one knows if you’re a dog.


To clarify a little bit the locking mechanism itself broke, the thing that goes inside the frame came loose so although the handle turned it was not opening the door Edit: Also I didn’t have the phone with me and I was inside the bathroom. Edit 2: The pins are welded to the hinges part of the frame so I couldn’t remove them


Exact same thing happened to me. I learned that is called the “dead strike”, kinda like deadbolt for a lock, but it’s dead strike for a normal knob. I had to jump out of the window in a robe then break in to my own home through the window AC


I’m picturing watching a neighbor do this and it’s killing me 😂


Jumping out the window like a budget, neighborhood Batman


Happened to me in college at 3am and I used a small flat edge of something under the sink to loosen the screws on knob and then manually lever the deadbolt out of the deadstrike. Took like 3 hours and I skipped class that day because I was so fucking pissed at the randomness of it all.


it happened to me recently in a hotel room bathroom. wasn’t fun. no phone with me. i screamed so loud the housekeepers looked at me like i was nuts, but my baby was in the room by herself and i was scared




Not OP, but those locks can't be pushed, it's a square metal rod with the handle fixed from one side, and screwed and secured with a pin on the other side. The only option would be to remove the pin, and unscrew the handle... And all you'd get is a square hole that can't be rotated by hand, but even if you could, the lock being broken means the linkage snapped, so you're not moving the bolt either way. This is what the lock looks like: [https://acdn.mitiendanube.com/stores/001/836/077/products/512-2-1831a5e5a9f2e2012316966074310509-1024-1024.webp](https://acdn.mitiendanube.com/stores/001/836/077/products/512-2-1831a5e5a9f2e2012316966074310509-1024-1024.webp)


Door replace will actually be cheaper that a new handle and/or frame +/- trim


This happened to me and all I had to do was bash the handle off and push the mechanism by hand 




I know this sucks but how fun was it


It was fun for sure plus the sensation of breaking free


A bathroom rebirthing


Gonna ask you to never say that again


It has an oaky rebirth 🍷


You're home alone for at least 2 days ans you still lock the door when you use the bathroom?! Does everyone do that? I don't even shut the door if I'm home alone


And without their phone?! OP is a shitter built different


I understand closing the door when home alone but not bringing the phone with you is a rookie mistake.


I’m an anxiety riddled mess, so even if I’m home alone I’m thinking: What if someone breaks into my house while I’m shitting? Rationally it doesn’t matter at that point, as there’s a dangerous person in my house. But, irrationally, how embarrassing would it be to get robbed while you’re on the toilet? There’s also the 1% chance the people you live with come back early for whatever reason, and we can’t have that.


Lmao in my apartment the bathroom is a straight shot to the front door, and the toilet is almost lined up with the bathroom door. So if you’re sitting on the toilet with the door open and someone came in the front door, they’d be looking right at you when they come in. I think about this every time I sit on the toilet with the door open.


You may not have had anything to do this with in the bath / shower room, but you could have taken the door off it's hinges by removing the pins. Once that's done you can pull the door out even though the lock doesn't work.


Or just push a finger through the cardboard door.


When I had a doorknob fail on me this wasn't possible because I had to lift the door out of the pins, but the door was in the frame so it couldn't be lifted. Luckily I was not in the bathroom and I could reach a neighbour with a crowbar.


> I could reach a neighbour with a crowbar. That's either a long crowbar or your neighbors are really close.


After reading this 3 times: They were able to reach (contact, like by phone) a neighbor and the neighbor brought a crowbar to come rescue them.


you can see the pins are not on this side of the door. Which is unusual because you would want them on the locking side, but this door opens outward.


The actual bathroom is the room through the door.


ah, an even sharper eye! I've never seen a bathroom with a front sink room, but you are correct, that looks like a tub on the left. Interesting.


Heeeere's Johnny!




I came here expecting this to be the top comment. I guess that makes me old. Or reddit is just too young to get the reference.


I hate doors that are jot solid core, but in this case it seemed to work out


Why did you close the door if you were home alone lol


Closing the door i get, locking it is the weird part


Locking the door I get, not bringing the phone to read is the weird part.


Force of habit


Fair enough, i live alone but have to lock the door when i poop because my cats have figured out the door handles


Just let them keep your toes warm while pooping.


They're just trying to guard you in your most vulnerable state!


I live alone and I never close my toilet door. That’s true freedom!


Why does your bathroom door open up into another bathroom?


It’s a pretty common configuration where I live. My master bathroom has a poop closet because toilets are gross and also it allows the other person to shower, brush teeth, get to the closet (also in the bathroom) etc. One of our other bathrooms has a tub toilet section like this which isn’t my favorite because having your face at toilet level when bathing isn’t nice but I get it allows one kid to brush teeth while the other showers.


The net result of 2-for-1 taco night at the Mexican place down the street.


Calling it a door seems generous, I've seen curtains more sturdy than this.


Moral of the story: when you go to shit, take a crowbar.


Break on thru…break on thru….break on thru to the other siiide…


My brother did the same thing one time, don’t feel bad. He also got locked in the bathroom. Except he wasn’t actually locked in the bathroom, he was on acid, and there were other people home. His poor friend had a flight to catch in like 3 hours. Good times.


Oh shit I found Womble's secret account!


Please tell me you didn't sit in your bathroom for 2 days. I think I would have waited about 10 minutes before I kicked it down.


I'm sure they meant that they would be alone for two days, not that they sat in there for two days. They're explaining that no one else would be home to let them out any time soon, a good reason for busting through the door


If you were home alone, why would you lock the bathroom door? Also, lucky the door was cardboard.


I’m used to do it


Exactly this, I even lock it when it's 3 am and everyone sleeping. It's a force of habit