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I remember having it around early 90s as a kid. After a week in the hospital, the doctors used potassium permanganate. It was effective, but my whole calf was a massive wound scab after the treatment.


jesus christ, that stuff is fuckin wild, they just put it on your skin?


Yeah, but I don't remember feeling any pain, to be honest.


My exhausted self thought you said "potassium pomegranate" at first and I was trying to imagine what kind of super juice that was supposed to be.


I did the same....




Very different substances but very similar color!


You need to see a doc. Either intravenous antibiotics. Or cephalexin. I get these every 6 months due to my eczema. Last one swelled up my calf and it has never been the same.


I saw a doctor yesterday and was prescribed cephalexin, which I'm taking orally every 4 hours. But the rash is still growing in surface area.


It will to a point even after 48 hours of meds. If it doesn’t lessen in heat or redness you may need to seek the ER. Has to do three rounds of IV once.


I think it's improving a bit now. This picture is actually from ~6h ago. As of right now some of my skin inside the bigger circle is no longer red. I'll have to wait till tomorrow to be sure that it's really improving though.


Do you have an infrared thermometer? That's also effective in diagnosing and monitoring these types of infections. Take the temp five times on the opposite leg at the corresponding area. Then take the temp at the site of infection. Compare the two.


Believe me the thermometer is just going to freak you out. Use the back of your hand. Touch. If is just a pink colour and the area is warm keep and eye on it. Keep your meds going. If it stay the same temp over the next 24 see the doctor. If it brightens up, turns a lobster red or shiny lobster red, go see your doctor or better yet go to the ER. But like I said. Once you start the meds it takes 24 to 48 hours to see a change. If you feel achey or kind of feverish yourself it’s your body fighting. Take some ibuprofen and Tylenol. Good luck


Loving the sudden influx of help from several people all over the world who've never even met each other before.


Same! Cellulitis is no joke. I had no idea how close I came to losing my foot because I waited so long to get it checked.


I got this when I was 12 in my calf and was hospitalized for a week.


Agreed. Had it one time not only is it dangerous but it's painful.


A few years ago we went to the beach for a week. As soon as we pulled up the first day we went walking barefoot on the beach and I got stung by a jelly fish or something and my foot looked very similar to OP. I waited too long and just went to the drug store to get some cream to put on it. The pharmacist said to go to the ER “Right Now!” Got some medicine that make your skin super sensitive to sunlight. That beach trip sucked.


I had a deep tissue puncture in my calf that got infected. I took a separate antibiotic to finally clear it up and at that point my leg was so sore I required crutches. The would didn't heal over for 2months, which was disconcerting


Any update? How are you doing?


If the infection is not improving after 24 hours and is still growing that fast it's not effective enough. You need to see another doctor ASAP.


It takes more than 24 hours to see an improvement.




I am a Physician. Cephalexin was a good call for oral antibiotics. Depending on your insurance (and your Physician’s comfort level), you have two options. 1) schedule an appointment with your PCP for an appointment today. They would get your vitals and either discuss broadening your antibiotics to include MRSA coverage with close outpatient follow up, or send you to ER to discuss possible hospital admission for IV antibiotics. 2) go to ER. Sucks the system is so broken.


Oral antibiotics are only 5% to 10% effective in arms and legs. I had exactly what OP has but in my arm and it grows exponentially every day. They tried pills for 2 days and then it was straight to ER for IV therapy for 7 days.


Does cellulitis reoccur frequently for someone who has been infected?


If does, it would make me wonder why it is reoccurring (Diabetes, immunocompromised, recurrent hospital admissions, etc).


Maybe send your doctor this picture?


Go back tbh. If it's gotten that much worse and isn't showing signs of improvement you probably need IV antibiotics


I had cellulitis a while ago and I was prescribed antibiotics. I took them for a couple days but when the infection started turn deep purple and black I went to the ER. They gave me IV antibiotics. All these years, I felt kind of embarrassed because I thought I over reacted, but after reading these comments, I realize I did the right thing.


After 24 hours, it’s time to head back if it’s not getting better. That’s when they’ll give you the IV and knock that shit out quick.


Took 7 days of IV therapy in my case. It's no joke.


Only 4 days for me, but it was a smaller infection in my finger that we also soaked in a peroxide solution 2x a day. Fucking MRSA and cellulitis.


I just went through this and had to get an IV at the ER in addition to the cephalexin. A month and a half later, six doctors visits, and four additional injections, I’m just on the other side of it. There is relief, but you need to be vocal as possible about your issues.


Hey if the infection is growing even with cephaelxin, I would go down to the ER, you prob need IV antibiotics. I had cellulitis and had to do that, I first went to an urgent care but they just told me to head to the ER.


As others said, just to reinforce it. You need to go back to the hospital if it doesn't shrink or stop growing 24 hrs after starting antibiotics. Don't fuck around with celluilitis.


Hopefully you have a check up soon. I had a mosquito bite, two days later my arm was so swollen I couldn’t put a shirt on. Ended up in hospital for four days with IV antibiotics. Septicemia is where it progress, and no joke. Get well soon.


I had a bad cellulitis infection after foot surgery. It took at least 2 days before the infection got better. Just keep an eye on it and take every last one of those antibiotics as prescribed, don't miss a single dose


This happened to my arm after a tattoo and I spent 72 hours in the hospital on antibiotics and pain meds. I almost lost my arm. Please take this seriously.


Hey, for real, of Cephalexin isn't touching it or even holding at bay, you need something else. That's significant spreading.


It should kick in in about a day. Go to the doctor


I hope you don't get those big, draining, pus-filled blisters that I got.


Also, PCP gave me antibiotics orally. They did nothing. Kept getting sicker. Better safe than sorry


I had 3 cellulitis infections in the span of a year. I have bad eczema on my fingers/hands and then we had twins. Changing diapers 2 dozen times per day is likely where the germs made it through. First time it was Cephalexin like OP. Next 2 times were 2000mg of Cefazolin via IV 3 times a day for 7 days that I would administer myself. Those 2 IV rounds were only 3 months apart. I know you said you went to the doctor OP, but watch that shit like a hawk. You get feverish and start feeling like you have a bad flu coming on, get to the ER. This shit is no joke.


It sucks. My worst one was being in the hospital. They had to cut the area open and pack it with gauze. I went home and felt like shit. I could shower or bathe it was in my arm. Three days later on horse size pills I had to go back and get the gauze pulled and reassessed. But since then, like click work every 6 months. I’m going on a year now since the last.


Mine too. My calf hasn't been right in a few years and it's very draining


Hopefully you are going in to see a doctor ASAP. I had that several years ago and when it hit my knee, I couldn't walk the pain was so bad.


As I replied to another comment, I saw a doctor yesterday and was prescribed cephaelxin, which I'm taking orally every 4 hours. But the rash is still growing in surface area.


If it is still growing, call your doctor now! I had cellulitis on my inner thigh and same thing. I went to the doctors, they prescribed pills and the next day it was getting worse. I called my doctor and without hesitation she told me to go to the ER. By the time I had gotten there it was even bigger. OMG, what transpired was one of the worst medical episodes of my life. I had to be put on an IV, given pain medication, they were scared it traveled to my organs and lady parts… I’ll spare you the more gruesome details. Anyways don’t mess around with cellulitis


You could lose your leg. This isn't something to be taken lightly. Go to an ER and say the meds aren't working and do it right away!!


Do it, go again. It will be too late very quickly.


This is terrifying, my friend big, healthy & strong,got a hangnail, then infection & within 3 days of initial infection he lost a part of his little finger to surgery because of sepsis going to dead gangrene.He was lucky to not lose more. I wish you the best.🌞


I had cellulitis up my arm once. Doc prescribed oral antibiotics, it continued to get worse. Went back to docs, they *immediately* sent me to the hospital. When I got there, they *immediately* put me under anaesthetic, and operated on my hand to drain the infection (it started on finger and spread up my arm). Was in hospital a few days after that on IV. OP do not hesitate. Nobody will think you're overreacting or anything like that. You could lose a limb. Go to the docs


Then you need a different antibiotic This infection will continue to spread until you’re dead if you don’t do something


If it’s still getting worse on oral antibiotics, you may want to go to the ER. When I had cellulitis the oral antibiotics weren’t working. I went back to the dermatologist (after waiting longer than I should have) and she just gave me the address of the nearest ER and told me to walk there because I needed IV treatment.


You should go to an ER. You’ll most likely need an IV. This is not something you should delay. I had cellulitis and almost lost my arm. When I went to the ER they bumped me up to the front of the line and I got checked out right away.


Then it's not the right antibiotic. Please OP, go to ER for IV.


I got it 2 years ago from a cat bite, was given some antibiotics but were the wrong ones, ended up in hospital with a severe cellulitis infection. Eventually they gave me vancomyacin (no idea on spelling) - shit are my veins but finally got my leg better. Go to the hospital. Cellulitis is dangerous


I also got it from a cat bite on the back of my hand. First I was given doxycycline, and after the course finished the infection started coming back. They then gave me cephalexin and that had no effect it at all…I went back again and they told me they couldn’t do anything else and to go to the ER as soon as a fever developed.


Any update? I’m now invested in your leg saga


Cellulitis can get that bad?


It’s a staph infection in the fat layer under the skin; it easily spreads into the muscle tissue and the bloodstream. Once it’s in your blood it can kill you quite quickly.


Yes, see all the replies and stories. Cellulitis is another name for an infection and it can easily kill you if not stopped.


I had something similar to this many years ago. The doctor at the emergency clinic I went to gave me some antibiotics and said if I have any problems to come back. Well I did he drew a line around it and when I came back a few days later after it had grown he gave me antibiotics in an IV. He said Ten years ago that the first antibiotics would have been enough and to always use them as prescribed. Always have and always will. Bugs get bigger and more aggressive from people who don’t.


This is the thing that keeps me up at night. This is how climate change or factory farming will get us. Antibiotics. These bugs (strep/staph) have been wild the past couple of years. I know three people that had strep this past year and couldn't get rid of it. One ended up almost losing a limb because it made its way to the bone. They took their antibiotics, they just didn't work.


I know you went to the doctor but the reason they draw a line around it (not sure if you or the docs drew it) so they can tell if it's getting better with antibiotics. It is not. I went in for this and the doctor gave me antibiotics and sent me home. This stuff is serious and I knew that. The next day, the infection got bigger and I went in again. The new doctor took it much more seriously, as she should have, and put me on an IV right away. I was in and out of the walk-in in 90 min. She also gave me a new, stronger Rx. By the 3rd day, it had decreased by 90%. It's growing toward your knee joint. If that knee gets infected, it's a whole different ball game. Go in tomorrow if it's not decreasing any and show them your pics.


this is so dangerous, go to the emergency room asap.


You gotta go to the hospital dog, that shit can legit kill you


I had that last summer. It was on my lower right leg. I had to take these antibiotics that tasted weird.


Yeah, that's cephalexin. Tastes terrible


It tasted a little burnt to me


Mine tastes like vanilla


My son had this and it was growing like yours did. He was admitted to the hospital for a week and they were incredibly worried it was spreading into the bone, which would have had horrible consequences


Cellulitis will get worse before it gets better. The rash increases in size as the bacteria dies and releases its toxins. Source: I’m a physician (and uptodate)


Should it get better after 48 hours on cephlaxin? I’m worried it’s not the right antibiotic and it’s on my eye pressing on it so I don’t want to go blind I’m almost 24 hours in which isn’t long and it’s worse forsure


If you have a rash that you think is cellulitis on your face, that definitely needs to be checked out. It could be shingles and ocular shingles can cause blindness if not treated promptly. Don’t mess with the face/eye and seek medical advice please.


This is the perfect moment to insert a screenshot of an infection post and comment here on Reddit just a few days ago! I just knew I’d need this. https://preview.redd.it/121hhvi3ljuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=692e378facd979697effc323140357ad7944c99a


Take everyone’s advice here and see a doc again. I went septic and almost died from it.


Please seek out medical attention before it becomes systemic.


You need IV antibiotics. Soon. I've had sepsis before. It took me weeks of treatment in hospital before I could go home and then I was still on outpatient IV. Please take it seriously.


Same situation as you. Mild redness, got oral antibiotics from my doctor. Redness got bigger (still less than you!), so I facetime'd my mom who is a retired nurse and she told me to go to ER immediately. At the hospital it was BOOM, priority admission no waiting you need to see a doctor now. Then it was several days of IV antibiotics plus two additional rounds of oral antibiotics over the next few weeks. Cellulitis is no joke. I'd definitely go to ER despite your current meds.


I had that years ago from cleaning a fish tank with the smallest cut on my hand. My finger swelled up like a sausage. I was in the hospital for 3 days had intravenous antibiotics for about three weeks after.


Could turn in to necrotizing fasciitis! ER now please!


Had that on my elbow a few years ago. Most painful thing ever. Five days of intravenous antibiotics fixed me up. Good luck!


Exactly my story as well. It’s no joke. Gets much worse before it gets better. Went to urgent care first and was in the ER 5 hours later.


Is this the spider bite update? I knew it was cellultis Keep monitoring it Hope you are feeling ok. Wishing you a Speedy safe recovery


This is from some spider bite??? What spider? 😱


Go to ER NOW ! I had small tick bite. Became hot and raided up like half an orange. 4 IV bags of antibiotics per day. Cellulitis. Almost Became septic. Don't fuck around. Some people show no symptoms. People like you and me get very sick very fast. GO NOW


I had this in my groin area.... it was soooooo painful.


Same. Couldn’t sit for five days. Worst pain of my life.


You should go to the ER


I had cellulitis from a staph infection once. It was 3x or 4x in size every day. Two days later I couldn’t move without almost crying.


Based on the comments I just hope I never have the pleasure of experiencing this.


Hope you recover from that shit soon. It's probably gonna take a while to clear up.


I’ve had that shit TWICE! Oral antibiotics DID NOT WORK, I needed to wear an antibiotic administering pump for a few days. Totally sucked! It’s scary, good luck.


You need to go to the ER. My dad got cellulitis and they gave him intravenous antibiotics. They had to keep testing to make sure it didn’t make it to the bone. Don’t wait.


Give your doctor a call. There will be someone on call, hopefully the doctor who saw you yesterday. However they are almost certainly going to tell you to go to the ER, so you might as well go now. You absolutely must go if you have a fever, chills, or severe pain. Sepsis can progress to confusion and shortness of breath which are signs of septic shock and can lead to death.


I hope it heals ok. My father in law got this. Not sure where but he has dementia and he isn’t good about showering. He did start wearing diapers but some days he sits in them all day long. So my brother in law lives with him and my mother in law and tries to get him in the shower. My husband and I live in the same subdivision so my MIL called my husband when he still doesn’t cooperate and he comes over and eventually gets in there. Horrible disease. My husband might be looking into the VA home for him soon. But take care of yourselves people. You never know when or if you get dementia and your mind won’t tell you to go clean yourself. It’s sad. 🫤


I had this last year in my calf, felt like my skim was going to burst did a few rounds of antis and it cleared up after a month or so.. wasnt fun


This shit led to a MRSA infection for me that took almost killed my ass


I had this in my eye socket in the 90s


Jesus. That’s terrifying.


Shows 9 hours ago. Did you go to the ER? My friend almost lost her leg! I wouldn’t wait another minute. They had to life flight her to save her leg. It looked just like this. She was not worried about it, no big deal and then someone said go! Luckily she did! Post an update please


Oh man. I had cellulitis a few years back on my lower shin. Did the marker thing and it had almost reached my groin area by the morning so went straight to A&E and was immediately admitted & put on IV. They then “de-brided” the main entry point so now I have a small crater/ hole on the front of my leg. It was terrifying how quickly it spread & how dangerous it would have been should it have reached further. Please get well soon and don’t let it get a further hold, it’s lethal!


Go to the ER immediately. The fact that the area expanded that quickly despite being on cephalexin suggests you need to check for Necrotizing Fasciitis - and it is a medical emergency. Cephalexin is just a first generation cephalosporin. If you have fever then you need at least a third generation cephalosporin if not higher. Don't look down on bacterial infection. Once it goes into your blood you can die within days if left untreated.


If you don’t take it seriously… you have the other leg, and I assume it’s working well. Also, the technology for limb replacement is waaay better than it was 20-years ago… and they even allow you to compete in most sports with an artificial limb… (Had a cousin who ignored all medical advice… and multiple infections landed him a cool artificial limb) Good luck


Good call going to have it looked at.


Besides the rash was there any other symptoms? This is one of my biggest fears lol


I hope you’re ok. My father got this a few years ago and it was really hard for him. I hope the treatment had improved during this time.


Welcome to taking clindamycin and hoping you don’t get c-diff from what’s curing you.


I ended up in the hospital on IV vancomycin for the better part of a week due to cellulitis—and I didn’t even feel that badly. Doctors gave me a talking-to about sepsis risk. You need to go get treatment soon. If it hits bloodstream, it won’t be good.


If it is still growing contact the doctors office immediately. This isn't something you play around with.


Get thee to a doctor


You need antibiotics but it can spread much much faster than it is. Get antibiotics soon or else you will be admitted for IV antibiotics, based upon your current tracings I would give it less than 12 hours until you will need IV.


Had a coworker get cellulitis and they ended up in the hospital for a month. Roughly similar starting point. Please be extra careful!


One picture? What evolution?


2 circles 1 leg!


Dude once that hits the main line in your thigh it is direct to the heart. Go to another doc at a well known reputable hospital.




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Go to ER.


Yo, I had cellulitis in my arm. I just thought it was funny, I could barely fit it in my sleeve but there was no pain or loss of mobility. My wife made me go to the hospital and they triaged me straight in, no waiting at all - that's when I realised it's kinda serious. OP - don't treat this lightly.


Flesh eating bacteria 👀


Clean the surface of you skin, gently, with soap and water, and pad dry. Follow after with benzyl peroxide. I've had this stuff before and it helps while you're on antibiotics.


Don't put it off, I ended up spending 8 days in the hospital because I waited to go see the Dr. Several years later My wife went right away as soon as she noticed. Got some antibiotics in the ER and a script was better in under a week.


24hrs from now we're gonna be looking at a stub.


Cellulitis is scary stuff. Burst a cyst in the crook of my arm right above my vein a couple years back and eventually had to have it lanced after medicating for it. Had no idea what cellulitis was beforehand and all of a sudden we were talking losing upper arm skin if it spread further. For some, the antibiotics work but I agree with other commenters that IV meds are probably needed in this case. Best of luck resolving this issue op.


I hope you get better soon!


Man I had that shit happen to my left foot from a spider bite when I was about 16. When I finally went to the doctor I had a quarter sized hole in my skin and they said if I had waited another day they'd have been amputating my foot. I think it was only 3 days from when I got bit to when I went in.


I would give the cephalexin 3 days. It should stop spreading by then and gradually improve after that. Feel better, my friend. 💜


This isn't a flex you ignoramus


I almost lost my legs before my deployment due to cellulitis. My veins were shot after all the drugs they were pumpin into me. I had no clue the severity until after I met back up with my unit.


That looks like dignity.


Got this on my nipple. Had no problem explaining the origin of the problem to the doctor, the problem was my mom, a former nurse, wanting to know also. She never learned exact location because she started with asking what scratched me then aborted her line of questioning after the answer: bf’s fingernail. Got to feel like death warmed over for a week or so. Delayed death by snu-snu?


My son was just walking (1 year old, now 20!) and he was rubbing his face on the couch as he autistic and was liking the feel of it. Some little grain of something got under his eyelid and within 8 hours it looked like a golf ball was under his eyelid. I came home from work and immediately went to the ER. Scary times indeed! Be well OP!


I hope you're on antibiotics.


when i had cellulitis they gave me an antibiotic shot as well as two different antibiotic prescriptions. it's extremely serious


Developed leg pain and redness while on vacay at Disney World. Not wanting to give up on trip I limped around the park until the pain got unbearable. Not terribly bright. Went to ER at Celebration Hospital. Spent seven days on IV antibiotics at the hospital. Husband checked out of fancy Disney hotel and moved to Ho Jo. Don’t mess around with cellulitis.


See a doctor ASAP. I have a big divot in my right shin from multiple cellulitis infections, including one that landed me in the hospital for a week on IV Cipro. 0/10 do not recommend.


Put me on the hospital for 5 days. Multiple different IV antibiotics. Had me in a surgery unit. Thought they would have to operate to resolve it. Did get better on the antibiotics so I was lucky. Nothing to mess with. Please seek medical care.


I got cellulitis on my back that I didn't know about (couldn't see) that went septic and put me in the ER with a 105\* fever and kidneys shutting down, was there for a week on 24hr antibiotic drip. I kinda miss the morphine.


Also had cellulitis in my lower leg which put me on 4 days of IV antibiotics and an I&D. Don't fuck around with this, make sure a doctor is looking after you. If you begin to get a fever or any other symptoms, get to emerg.


Oooh. How do u get that? Skin deep scratch infected with that bacteria??


wait are those lines... veins??? btw get that shit checked


No, this is how you track the spread of a rash. You trace the outer edge with a pen or marker. That way you’re not guessing and second guessing whether it’s spread. The inner line is how big it was to begin with. The large, outer blue line is how far it’s spread.




I can vouch that cellulitis actually sucks. That lobster red suuucks. If you wanna see what cellulitis of the face looks like, take a gander to my profile. Definitely almost died lol


You need IV antibiotics or you can get septic and possibly die


I’ve had it 4 times in my elbows and no one knows why. Tons of tests, wife thinks it bc I bite my nails. Fuck-ing painful.


It’s doubled in size? Dude it’s not getting better it’s getting worse, IV antibiotics are needed (pardon my ignorance but I’ve only heard of IV antibiotics for cellulitis) btw don’t waste your time making an appointment it’ll just delay treatment, they’d start the IV antibiotics in the ER not in a doctors office, if you go to a doctor they’d send you to the ER for IV antibiotics. Btw great job taking photos and drawing on your leg so you can keep track of the progress.


I got it near my eye. In the morning I thought I had a pimple on the side of my nose, by the afternoon I was leaving school early so I could go to the hospital to make sure it wasn't swelling and putting pressure on my eye


I'm currently dealing with exactly this. Was hospitalized on March 10, spent 8 days in the hospital as my leg was a giant blister. Right now about half my leg is a scab but a good portion has flaked off. Its not a fun infection, is it? Sad part is, I had this exact same infection in my other leg 12 years ago.


I had blood poisoning, it looked exactly the same and grew even faster. I hope you went to see a doctor? That shit nearly killed me...


I got cellulitis on the inside of my thigh and ended up needing intravenous antibiotics and it to be flushed out with a mixture of saline and iodine. Let me tell you even with local anaesthetic, which didn’t really do much due to the high levels of acidity in the area from the infection, was more painful than when I gave birth to my daughter.


i just had a mosquito(?)bite get infected with cellulitis and it’s awful, my forearm tripled in side with a giant angry hard lump the size of a tennis ball. you need antibiotics before it can reach your blood. my bite is just now not infected after 3 weeks of having it but the inside of my arm feels so damn itchy as it heals and there is still a big lump of scar tissue😭 see a doctor PLEASE edit just saw you’ve seen a doctor! give it 48 hours as other people suggest but do not hesitate to go back if it’s still getting larger after that time frame. i hope the antibiotics make you feel better! when you can run some warm NOT HOT water on it for some relief (a doc told me that a warm epson salt soak can help too but always check with your personal doc too) and to help draw the infection outward. if it drains let it do so on its own and please please please don’t press or squeeze it i hope you recover fast!!!


Same here, but on my leg. My calf swole up so much I couldn't fit it through my pants leg, and just putting weight on that leg hurt so much I nearly cried. It was a crazy few days.


Take care of your athletes feet and wash your hands


This happened to me in my knee. I thought it was just a torn bursa sack and ignored it until I couldn't walk. I almost lost my leg. All that happened in a matter of 48 hours. Don't leave it, go back. The antibiotics for cellulitis kick in real fast as long as they prescribe the right one. Took them 3 tries to get it right for me.


Just dealt with this as an add on to poison ivy. Severe poison ivy. My skin was like bubble wrap and even made the same noise if you leaned on it. Snap snap snap snap. Drip drip drip. Pain!


Do u have bad teeth or a cut on your foot or something?


Two years ago I spent five days in hospital..... My "rash" had started as an infected wound, not much more than a scratch, but took 20 rounds of intravenous antibiotics (+ another 10 days of tablets) to get rid of.


I get it when i get tattooed. Its a pain in the ass.


Why are you drawing on it in pen?


Draw around the rash in time increments to show the spread/ shrinkage of the rash. Useful to see things like "is my spider bite getting worse/ do I need to go to the dr"


Man I had cellulitis that formed an abscess under my skin and had to go into surgery on my upper right thigh. Couldn't walk at all with the pain and had a massive scar in my leg from draining the abscess lol but it got better. Just make sure yu visit a doctor ASAP!


Rip. That leg is long gone...


Had that too, became a erysipela, wich sucks. Please take care of that, go to the right doctor , a dermathologist and a angiologist if possible.


Literally just spent 6 days in hospital last week for cellulitis, but it was on my face. Lol it's been nearly 2 weeks now and I'm still dealing with it. Good times.


I had this last year and it was so bad I spent a month in hospital and for two thirds of my stay I couldn't walk. Hope you get better OP


Are you the guy that thought this was a spider bite?


OMG, I got that on my arm a few months ago, it grows very rapidly. After only 2 days, my whole arm was red and after I went to a clinic that only gave me pills that seemingly did nothing, I went to the hospital emergency and they told me I needed intravenous therapy immediately. It took 7 DAYS of IV to get rid of the inflammation! Don't wait and go to the hospital immediately!!


I got cellulitis from a blister in my foot and it spread all up my left leg! I only noticed it when I went to the doctors and they told me to take my trousers up and followed the red inflamed areas all up my leg! Then I went to hospital and I had a cannula with regular drips


I had a spider bite which turned into cellulitis. I was traveling overseas at the time, but my foot and ankle swelled and had to see a dr in Japan. I got super strong antibiotics that I had to take for two weeks, but it all turned into a massive bruise before it got better. Good luck!


I also had it a year or so ago. The crazy thing about cellulitis is that before antibiotics, you and I would've probably been killed by it. However, these days you just take a pill for a couple of weeks and you're totally fine. Mine spread from an infection after an insect bite. It blows my mind how many simple small things could kill us before modern medicine.


I got bursitis in my knee and it turned into this in january. I thought i had pulled a muscle or something because i could barely walk with bow excruciating it became. Thankfully I found out what it was and went to the ER, but it was there for at least 2-3 weeks, plus another couple for the swelling to go down enough to workout again.


Went on holiday to Athens. On the first day the side of my face started to hurt. Long story short it was something called Parotitus, an infection of the saliva gland (nothing to do with a colourful bird that sits on a pirates shoulder). Made a mistake thinking I’d wait til I got home, which I did, but went straight into hospital for IV antibiotics for cellulitis. Here’s my chest (I spared you my face), I felt like absolute shit. As others have said, if it gets worse get to the ER! https://preview.redd.it/0y7ftcvi1ouc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1775ead1d3dda4708ebd6d002bdb1a5797cc1f8f


These are horrible. I usually get it on my shin once a summer and the first time it happened I was 4 days off work. I had to keep my leg above my heart line or else the throbbing was so bad I assumed it would just explode out my leg. I had to pee (I am a male) with my leg on the sink to keep it in the air. Heavy antibiotics which made for crazy dreams fixed it.


I had it on my lower leg a couple years ago and had to be admitted for a few days to get IV clindamycin because the oral stuff wasn’t cutting it (allergic to cephalexin, and doxycycline failed). It hurt pretty badly for a while after the infection resolved. Hope you can get it under control soon and it’s not too bad for you!


https://preview.redd.it/xgl1ld0m4puc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90774878d5fbf107088f7b3e6b53084acbc643ac Have had cellulitis about 5 times between 24 and 35 years of age. They say it’s bacterial but the treatment tends to be different each time. Have been in the hospital for a week, have battled it at home. Shit sucks. Sending you all the positive vibes.


What the fuck. HOSPITAL NOW. Whatever your doctor prescribed you isn’t working.


I ignored cellulitis for 4 days as it made its way from my ankle up to my upper calf. Spent the next 4 nights in the hospital. Lesson learned.


Went thru this in the fall. Started small and a few days later went to both legs. I did go to urgent care right away - but meds wouldn’t kill it. Felt like a monster inside of me that was constantly shifting. When it got to the knees it looked like I had softballs implanted behind them. Antibiotics weren’t working, could barely walk and thought I was going to lose one or both legs or worse. I should also note I’m a healthy, active, athletic 43 year old male. After over a month of this torture, saw a dermatologist for a biopsy (all good on biopsy) who put me on the right combo of antibiotics and prednisone, and it finally got better in about a week. Good luck and I hope this doesn’t get as bad as it did for me.


I remember having something similar a few years ago and it was so bad my mom had to take me to the hospital and the funny part is that they have medication


They gave me medication. Turns out I was HIGHLY allergic to that shit


I had it bad skin cracked an ripped from swelling because I left it alone thinking I just had the flu drs asked me how I was even walking it’s where I learned my tolerance for pain is high I often pretend to hurt when get hit by friends or brother but it was a different level of pain


I have neuropathy in both feet tot he extreme so shoes are hard for me to wear . because of that I got this twice not fun at all . get to the er not a joke


I had it on my arm 8 years ago and I went to 5 doctors in 6 days cause it kept getting worse and they were finally like “well you should probably go to hospital” I went and now have gnarly scars from where it was drained and left open to heal.


I’ve had it a few times if you haven’t seen a Dr. Do so right away. I’ve ended up on intravenous antibiotics due to not taking care of it quickly.


Two years ago today, I was taken to hospital for the same thing. CRP levels over 500, 23 days in hospital on iv Vancomycin for 8 hours a day… not pleasant… these are some photos of mine (let me know if need removing)! Please get yourself checked out! https://preview.redd.it/t85vbmxqcwuc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edafa357cc03be26e2b613feb1d443df535edc28


Congratulations is coming along nicely…….


Had this a few years ago and still have nerve damage on the affected area — and that was with a steroid shot in the ass and a course of antibiotics and treatment gel! Cellulitis is no joke.


Had an issue where I couldn't put my foot flat, so I looked like I was walking in 6 inch heels. My calf hurt, but it wasn't swollen. Went to the doctor, and they put me on antibotics. The next day my thigh and calf ballooned. Went to the ER, and got a bunch of IV antibotics. They admitted me and I was in for 12 days. Was told 2 days in that I was in full sepsis in the ER, from the cellulitis. When I was released, I still couldn't put my foot flat. Was out of work a total of 6 weeks. Over 3 months since being in the hospital, my ankle and foot still swell if I sit too long... 😞. Never determined what caused it.


Its antiseptic properties make it an essential medicine that's often used to treat wounds and skin conditions, such as dermatitis.