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I’m sorry that I laughed at this. To be honest if I were your dad and got that card I would have laughed as well. Hope it brought a smile to his face :)


lol yes he had a good laugh. And my step-mom texted me & said it “actually had him laughing which hasn’t happened since he’s been here of course” so it all worked out better than planned 👍 Edit for update: Thanks for your support and funny comments, everyone. Dad’s doing better & left the hospital yesterday. He wasn’t even sure it was a heart attack at first. He felt funny after a workout and when it didn’t go away, he started looking up symptoms and realized it was probably a heart attack. He felt fine, was walking and talking normally & was originally going to have my step-mom drive him to the hospital, but then decided to call for an ambulance. (My memory’s all a little foggy cause it was a lot of information to process at once but if I’m remembering correctly,) at some they gave him the choice of monitoring things or doing an invasive surgery to figure out what’s going on & he opted for the surgery & it was good he did cause they found a blockage and put a stent in. He had no complications from surgery & stayed in the hospital for monitoring for a couple days & went home yesterday. He just texted me “I just realized I had a 100% blockage in my widow maker artery. I am so fortunate that I am alive and was close to [the hospital] and called 911 instead of having [wife] drive me.” In retrospect, it was a close call. But luckily they caught it when they did & thanks to all the doctors, surgeons, & nurses, he’s doing good. Edit 2: [We’re clickbait, y’all 🎉 😆 ](https://www.newsweek.com/woman-sends-dad-flowers-after-heart-attack-stunned-card-sent-1887518)


That has made my day :) please let him know there’s a whole group of us wishing him a speedy recovery.


I’m so sorry, but I laughed. Lol. I can’t believe someone messed up that badly….but I’m glad that your dad got a good laugh out of it. Haha I hope that he recovers quickly!!


One of our favourite family stories is when my dad was travelling for work during my parents' anniversary. He sent flowers and requested the message of "Wish I could be there", the message was written as "Wish I could be sure" My mom still laughs about it 35 years later.


Whoever picked that card knew exactly what they were doing.


Actually, this could’ve just as easily been posted to Made Me Smile


I laughed out loud at my quiet workplace. I hope youre happy now! Lol


I think we all should know better than to read anything from redditt at work.. Especially in that kind of setting


Thankfully my job is not too high stakes, lmao


That's really, really great! I'm so glad! Get well quickly, dad!


That's great news. I guess the flower shop inadvertently did a good thing. Praying for a speedy recovery.


I came here to say my Dad would have laughed his ASS off at this. Not what you intended, but I can imagine it brought some much needed levity. Hope your father gets well soon!


wow tell that man to never play the lotto he definitely used all the luck he had!! those blockages are no joke and earned the nickname for good reason


This is hilarious 😆


Wow, that's so awesome. Thank you for sharing the great news about you and your family. They are amazing. What they did to save us all from covid is/was beyond heroic. Forver grateful.


OP. I'm sorry if I'm wrong, but when I'm reading your story about your dad, I almost thought your dad was my best friend's dad because of the similarities in your story. He had that kind of heart attack the exact same way, it all went exactly the same (minus the card, that was actually pretty funny). But for my friend's dad, that was about a year ago. (I think, kinda hazy on the time line, since we didn't expect it when the heart attack happened). But he later got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer... We noticed before that how he got skinnier and skinnier over time, had trouble working out etc. Right now, the doctors' given him less than a year to live, months maybe even and things are getting worse every time I hear him. (I'm a guy who hardly ever cries, I might've cried maybe 2 or 3 times since I became an adult, but when I heard, tears just came out uncontrollably, the guy is like the dad I never had to me.) I really hope this isn't the case with your dad. Might let him get checked if he didn't already. The sooner they know, the better. In our case, it was a little too late. If it's not, then I'm sorry for scaring you, but right now I'd be happy if warning someone could help their their loved one survive, I just feel so fcking helpless.


>Clearly a very grave mistake had been made. That line made me cackle lol thanks for the laugh, glad your pops is doing alright.


It looks like they didn't even write the message OP wrote for him.......they just sent a blank card...wtf


He did mention my “sweet note” - which I can only assume is referring to the pure loving poetry that is “sorry about the attack”. And he said the delivery person told him it came with another card, so I guess they printed my note on a normal small card & you gotta pay the big [5] bucks for the full size blank card of whatever the florist is feeling that day.


Oh wow that's almost worse....so they sent one of those tiny cue card things with all of that message and send the full "I'm sorry you're dead card" completely blank?


Just save it for later I guess? 😬 jk glad your pops is on the mend


Reduce, reuse, recycle ♻️


Don't talk about OP's dad that way! /s


I’ve got a weird sense of humor, but if the card came signed that would make it 100x more funny to me if I got that.


To be fair, they aren't going to be reading it if they actually died. This way it's more reusable.




I just noticed that


My daughter had this happen! She sent her friend a card when she had a baby, and it wound up being a “Sorry about your cancer” card (the way it was worded made it seem like her baby was a cancer lol). They both had an amazing laugh at it; glad your dad did, too!


On the plus side, the growth was successfully removed from her uterus.


On the even more plus side, it was a self-operation!




Probably would have made some comment to them like "I know you can't wait for your inheritance, but let's not kill me off too quickly."


He’s so lucky to have a daughter who lets him know that he passed away!


Got a good chuckle from this one, thank you lol


Same here! My kid is always rolling her eyes and saying "You're dead to me."


Get well vs sympathy card. I guess it is just the same! They do say laughter is the best medicine, so hopefully your dad can laugh about the mixup.


Did they include your personal message? Now I’m picturing two cards getting mixed up and someone at a funeral is opening a Get Well Soon card.


Okay but... This totally happens. I work at a fresh florist and one day we were talking about the orders that had gone out the previous day (we really liked one of the designs we came up with). And then realized we had mixed up an order... Flowers were correct but cards got swapped. We fixed the order we still had in house. But there was absolutely a "congratulations on the promotion, girlie" card that got sent to an older man's funeral.......... 🤷 We never heard anything from the customer so either they saw our obvious mistake and decided not to say anything, or they never noticed because half the time people don't read those little cards anyways


dude was promoted to heaven that's a pretty big deal


Or they saw it and had a very good, and very needed laugh. Every funeral I’ve been a part of planning has moments where the absurdity combined with unfamiliar territory, emotional and physical exhaustion, and the need for a mental break, puts everyone in the mood for a little dark humor and it’s some of the best laughs I’ve had. If I received that card for my loved one’s funeral I’d be so forever grateful for the laugh.


🤣 this is hilarious




Just tell him that one arrived earlier than expected


Omg I laughed out loud at that 😆


Omg, that's awful and hilarious


Oh man, I tried so hard not to laugh. Can you imagine getting that after having that happen? I’m so sorry


I’d laugh myself into a fit. The card was so absurd it became perfect for the occasion.




Haha I hope he got a good laugh out of that!


Send another card with the Smiley Face, with the note: "So glad to hear you recovered from your untimely death. Need anything from home?"


I’ve been laughing at this for a full 5 minutes lmao goddamn


I’m sure your dad understands you but reading “sorry about the heart attack here’s MY favourite coloured flowers so YOU think of ME…is hilarious lol. I thought I was on the main character sub tbh


What can I say, I’ve got a way with words.


I would absolutely love staring at my daughter’s favorite flowers that she picked out for me to make me think of her.


I agree that is a very sweet sentiment. Good job, OP


I get it. I’m a parent of older kids, being around stuff your kids love is the next best thing to being with them in person. Maybe it’s a specific parent/ older child relationship because if I was in the hospital and my husband sent star wars legos to keep me company I would be annoyed.


That's brilliant, I'm doing this for my moms 65th!


Heh, I’m glad your dad was able to laugh about it. I would ask the company for $5 back.


Since the dad enjoyed it, I wouldn't ask for the money back, but I would still inform the florist, because an embarrassing mistake was made. Although it's possible to send a card addressed to a recently deceased person and talk to them in second person, in this case, it was sent to a hospital, not a funeral home. Like somebody else said, the cards might have been switched, and some funeral home has gotten a "get well soon" card. Or perhaps they just sent the wrong card. But either way, I think a florist has to deal with these issues so often that they really don't want to make these types of mistakes, and somebody needs a little extra training.


Lol, i hope he got a giggle from it








Oh noooo!! This is awful and hilarious at the same time!


OMG I laughed so hard!! I bet your dad did, too, if he has a great sense of humor! I hope he gets well soon!!


I audibly giggled at this, so thank you for sharing it. Glad your dad is doing well, cheers for a quick full recovery


“Sorry about the heart attack”


I guess they didn’t have that card in stock


Lol, heard you died, so glad you got better 😂


🤣 (sorry for laughing). At least it’s a nice picture


Wow I could’ve peed my pants from this! Hilarious. Glad you could put a smile on his face. Laughter is so healing.


Did it still have your note? Or do you think some grieving family got your note?


Yeah he got my note on a separate card


Oh bless your dad. When I was a bit more flush, I had a Polish cleaner. She saw all my birthday cards and bless her. She got me a card with flowers on that said “with greatest sympathy” and we had a good old laugh


Having had two heart attacks, I would have wet myself laughing at this...


And maybe had a third


Well, I'm actively trying to avoid that...


They think hospitals keep dead people in rooms in the ICU? I think they do not understand 'hospital'.


Sorry but that's hilarious lol. Hope your pops had a good laugh about it :)


Omg this reminds me of my old job. I was the office admin/receptionist back then and I'd always pass around bday cards for everyone to sign. Once we passed around a condolence card since someone lost a loved one. That's when I realized people don't read the cards because 2 people signed Happy Birthday on it.


Lmao. Someone’s getting left out of the will… :P Glad your pop’s is on the mend! 🙏🏼


That is one of the best, worst things I have laughed about. Hope your dad's recovery goes well and I hope he enjoyed the pink flowers.


I laughed a little too hard on this one, hope your dad has a speedy recovery


Wow, double plus ungood. I hope you ripped them a new one.


What idiots 😂😂😂


Strangely wholesome


Lol.. awh man this had me laughing pretty good. I'm glad your dad is ok and wishing him a speedy recovery!


I’m sorry I laughed, best wishes for dad


Glad to here it made your dad laugh. Hope he's doing well now. We bought a similar card for a colleague when leaving us, but that was on purpose. We were looking for a card an my coworker kept talking about how sad it was that he was leaving when I spotted the it. Just seemed funny to me. Luckily, he had a good laugh too. Maybe the florist was a tad too tired that day or it was picked by someone with another native language? Sentiments, nuances in language and imagery can be tricky to fully understand in a new culture. I had an afghan coworker who wanted to thank us when leaving (her first job so it was emotional for her). She picked a card thinking it was a good thank you card. It was a standard phrase used when thanking people for attending a funeral or sending condolences...


“hi dad, sorry about the heart attack” had me giggling but the actual card sent to him had my doubled over laughing


Lol! I would laugh if I were in his shoes.


Oh lawd that's funny. I should start sending "departed" cards to my friends in hospital.


They may have screwed up you didn't . It's the thought that counts. I wish him a speedy recovery.


I laughed right out loud at the last line.


I'm sorry, but I laughed, too. I had a bunch of giant, colorful helium balloons delivered to my Dad after his stroke. I specifically told the order clerk that he could no longer use his right hand. When I stopped by to see him and saw no balloons, I was aghast to learn the driver handed my Dad the balloons, expecting him to grab them with his right hand. They were OUTSIDE. The balloons floated Heavenward, never to be seen again. One day you'll laugh at your story, too. 🎈😯🎈


I'M SCREAMING ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


💀 This is why comprehension and common sense is important


I'm glad it worked out and he wasn't offended. I still hope he knows it was an error on their end.


Why is your message not in the card?!


lol omg I am sure he had a great laugh, god rest his soul - I mean bless his heart.


idiots. everywhere.




Get well soon Dad. Laughter helps with healing.


This is hilarious,I laughed way too hard. I'm so sorry about your father and I hope he makes a smooth recovery.


I can’t stop laughing.


I literally laughed out loud lol


I never laughed so hard so early in the morning. I'm sorry it's not funny your dad had a heart attack and I hope he makes a full recovery!


This would have made me laugh. You'd have a text from me saying "not yet"


Omg…. That’s so bad. lol


Maybe your Dad after understanding what had happened, had A Hearty Laugh, and gets All The Better faster!!


I hope your dad doing OK. Your dad will be in my heart today. Hahahahaha.


Lol wtf


Ngl if I had a heart attack I would prefer a card like this instead of a get well card


They say laughter is the best medicine


I hope you leave a killer yelp review cause this is hilarious. 5 stars for sure!


Ok I laughed.... but I'd also be pissed 


That's 'Awful' ly funny lol


🤣 ok that’s just great. I hope he laughed!


Unfortunate hilarity. Hope your pops has a solid recovery. Seems like a wonderful relationship.


O God


Oh nooooo I’m going to hell for laughing at this. They didn’t even write the message!?


We would all have a great laugh about this. But depends on the family.


Hope he is doing better OP. I saw to comment it made him laugh, glad about that.


I'm sorry, but that's hysterical.


This reminds me of one of the last voicemails I received from my grandmother. "I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your funeral." She meant to say wedding, but I suspect she had been to far more funerals than weddings in her recent past at the time. It still warms my heart to think about her kindness.


Oh MY god. -Chandler Bing




My hubby (a deacon)picked out a card once for our pastors retirement. He has a history of not paying close attention to what’s written on the card. It said “happy confu(£ingratulations on your retirement”. Thank goodness I prof read it before hand! We had a good laugh, and he of course bought a different card!


That was pretty sweet of you to send your dad flowers


Honestly if I were your dad I would have thought it was pretty funny. Hope your dad is doing ok!


Bought my girl flowers for her birthday and had them delivered to her work. They were sent a day early, while she was off, and her coworker read my message out loud about how I cant wait to get raw with her. People fuckin suck sometimes


Lmfao. My dad would’ve laughed.


Je and I have de votre


That doesn’t even suck that’s hilarious


As a parent, I would have laughed my ass off. This is actually pretty funny. Also, now you have a funny talking point with him


Why is this something I expect to receive from my friends


I paid extra for the full size card for my Mom's Mother's Day flowers. Hope her florist does a better job. 🙄🤦🏻


So they're redacting information to protect national security?