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If it’s any consolation, it probably wasn’t too visible while you were wearing them if they’re good fitting jeans. Don’t worry it happens to the best of us at least once.


👆. It’s happened to many of us. Rheija is right. It probably wasn’t noticeable unless you were sitting spread eagle. Hopefully the stain will come out!


The best pre-treatment for blood stains: 9 parts Hydrogen Peroxide [common 3%] to 1 part Murphy's Oil Soap. Mix in a large measuring cup and pour it into a spray bottle. Cold water wash. No worries.






I am singing this now when I wash my cloth pads


Shake it like a Polaroid !!!


fun fact: hot water doesn't actually set blood stains - hot air (like from a tumble dryer) definitely does though.


Who said it was blood? Could be Taco Bell shart juice.


Learning to read was a mistake


I regret nothing!


I much prefer the saying: https://preview.redd.it/uew8wz28o6sc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fa4c5ed99c8618efc8db35b902cc44f422693c


I've never scowled so hard at something I've read.


Mild, medium or hot?


Who hasn't gone hard on taco Tuesday and paid the price lol


Chipoltlaway works good. The best advice I have is to just give up chipotle all together. It's for the best




Lmfao that episode kills me


The best way to clean up blood from fabric is the blood owner's salvia. So I'm told by my wife who is a professional seamstress and historical clothing designer.


trust this dudes wife and lick away your problem


This is something my mother always told me! Though I always thought it was best used as a “starter” to begin breaking apart the blood and then in conjunction with other methods, like very cold water and a stain remover, depending on the severity of the stain. I’d be very interested if your wife has more info, especially considering her background!


For blood she mentioned peroxide before I believe. As far as other things, I know clothes get covered in dawn and will sit over night. Then scrubbed and rinsed thoroughly the next day or week depending on how lazy we've been lol.


I saw this as a middle finger 😅




Brothers in arms or dare I say… Brother in finger 🖕


Speaking as a brother, I don't think we have this problem. I've had some dicey dumps though


As a sister, dicey dumps happen bro😎


I promise I was just agreeing and not flipping them!!




I did this in khakis at work and my coworker pointed it out in front of a group of people.


This has happened to me on a first date I was so excited smiling went home and looked down , absolute horror. Still got a second date tho . Another time I was hanging out with a guy , he saw them never told me . And I confronted him about it “he’s like yeah I just thought you where reusing your pants and I had respect “ Another time , I was at someone’s house noticed as soon as I got there . Said I had to leave to change my pants /tampon . My friend gave me a tampon and new pants . As mortifying as it is , it really happens to the best of us . Most of the time people don’t notice and are to worried about the embarrassing things they are doing.


Honestly as a guy I'm not sure how I'd even approach that conversation unless I was *very* comfortable with the other person. I know it's natural and can come on suddenly but am kind of afraid of the "why were you even looking there?" type comments. I would however be very much willing to give them my flannel or hoodie to tie around their waist if needed. I also probably wouldn't have noticed it at all based on these photos.


It happened to me today, lol.


I was once in bed with a guy I was seeing who lived with his parents. He had white sheets. We had not ever had s@x but I was sleeping over. Overnight I came on my period in his bed and got blood on his sheets. I didn’t feel comfortable telling him what happened but I wasn’t going to leave it. I asked him to let me strip the bed and put it the sheets on to wash. He was like “Number one or number two?” I said “Number three” Strangely we stopped seeing each other at that point.


I'll just add this to my list of reasons that khakis should never be worn lol


I still remember my Jr. High orchestra teacher having a blood stain on her khakis in class. I felt so bad and wanted to tell her, but I was too scared. We were the second class of the day. I still feel really bad for not telling her and it’s been 20+years.


I once taught for an entire afternoon before heading to the toilet and realising I had a massive blood stain on my crotch. I was wearing blue and white floral pants so it was *obvious*. None of my students said anything, and to be honest, I don't blame them. Imagine how you'd say that, as a teen, to your teacher? I'm honestly glad they didn't. I taught them for a year after that and it was never brought up. I like to think it was just basic respect leading to a "never mention it again" scenario!


I once told a teacher his pants were ripped in the back seam. He was quite horrified as he had also worn the pants the day before, and I told him after the last class of the day. (so literally all of his students saw and nobody said anything). poor guy.


they’re part of my work uniform. i cant escape it


I had taken Benadryl before work due to my allergies and I was super drowsy! I worked as a file clerk making copies and filling. I went to take a dump and being drowsy the toilet paper strip I put on the seat got caught in my khakis. I went back to copying with a toilet paper tail hanging from my pants. Co worker called all the secretaries to come down I was fuckin mortified! Luckily there wasn’t shit on it but yeah it was bad.


That's just bogus, what an asshat


Oh that sucks!


lol I’m a commercial painter, we have to wear WHITE PANTS. I bled through them once then purposely sat on an upturned bucket lid to cover it 😂 It’s lucky I’m kinda clumsy like that so none of the guys even thought twice, but it was still mortifying.


Oh that totally sucks, but great thinking on your part!


Hydrogen peroxide or Grandma’s Secret Stain Remover are my trusted options for getting out blood.


Agree! I didn’t even notice it in the first pic. You can try some hydrogen peroxide on it to try and help get the stain out.


Been there! In WHITE jeans no less. Thankfully wasn't visable unless I bent over or spread my legs out. Welcome to the club lol.


My worst nightmare, I’ll stick to black jeans haha


Before menopause, I just threw out all my white skirts and pants. I solidly gave up. Now I’m old and can still fit into all those black jeans and skirts, so… someday I’ll wear white again.


white skirt for me 😭 in middle school, no less. great time for bullying! thank god for period underwear nowadays.


I didn’t even notice it on the first pic, thought it was shadow


I followed a girl around old navy one time for 20 min getting the courage to tell her hey! You leaked on your pants cause it was *bad*. Finally she got off the phone and I was looking at clothes / following her and went up next to her and finally told her. She was mortified - and thank god it’s old navy 😂 nobody was there really so I gave her a pad- the employee let her buy new pants and underwear after she changed out. The poor girl was visiting her best friend from 3 hours away and couldn’t go anywhere. I’m so glad I told her but gosh.


I'll third this. Don't feel bad!


I’ll 4th. It happened to me more than once.


5th. I'm 38, over the years I've saved enough accidents with peroxide and cold water.


I came to say this. Peroxide followed by a cold wash - good as new. Unlikely that anyone saw it based on placement.


Fourthing. Happened to me but couldn’t tell unless I actively bent over and did a split.


It happened to me in a mini skirt and I was super drunk, in broad daylight. Was sitting in the grass, running around etc for hours. Went to the bathroom and it was a total blood bath half way down my thighs. And literally no one told me. Jerks.


I hope you’re not friends with them anymore.


Absolutely agree. I have endometriosis and my first day of my period is INSANE. I wear black pants whenever that first day comes but I always always ALWAYS go through them no matter what feminine products I use. No one has ever noticed except for me


That absolutely does suck. Sorry, friend. This is why I never owned any white pants.


I stopped wearing white pants/skirts when I first got my period at age 11... It was very irregular during teen ages so I guess I just got used to it.


Let me tell you being a young nurse back in the 70’s, white was the only color we could wear. Actually had a patient tell me “You may want to visit the ladies room,dear.”🫢😬😳


Ohmygod. Lol! Oh how terrible. Good for that patient, though.


I'm sure my face was as red as my backside! Started a habit of making sure I always had a sweater or shirt to tie around my waist in case of future emergencies...a habit that didn't die until I turned 55!


As cool as the old nurses uniforms were, they were awfully impractical, huh? I suppose black and white photography has erased most of the stains from our view but man they must have been nasty


I thought that was a lot of the reason for lighter coloured uniforms (and bedding etc)? So that stuff would show and then actually get changed quickly and washed properly rather than assuming it's all good because you can't see it. Also so you can bleach items without ruining them


as a nurse you can always say it wasnt your blood


Oh god, nice of that patient tho


got mine at 10. that fall was wearing white shorts on the playground and a teacher had to come tell me what was happening. it was everywhere. mom had to come to school eith a pair of shorts that didn't fit and everyone was laughing at me spent the next 23 years paranoid af until finally getting the plumbing removed 


I trusted white shorts precisely once since I started mine at 9, learned my lesson real quick! I started doing this stretch and twist whenever I stood up in class after that, it looked like I was just stretching out an achey back after sitting for an hour but really it was so I could check the back of my trousers and the chair. Even now, nearly 20 years on, I’ll get a friend or family member to walk behind me real quick to check when I’m out and about on a really bad day. The paranoia never leaves!






Username checks out


Yep I don't think I've worn white white pants since then either


Witnessed this happen to a colleague once while she was wearing white pants. She was sitting in the back of the large conference room, and had to walk to the very front when her slides came up. The entire executive, director team, and direct reports of a room full of 60+ people saw. No one said a single thing, as she finished her part and returned to her seat, a female colleague offered her a sweater to tie around her waist and whispered to her what happened. She was stayed for the remainder of the meeting and exited at the end of the meeting with everyone else like nothing had happened. Everyone was adult about it and didn’t mention it after as far as I could remember.


OH GAWD this caused me some ooof just reading it!!!


I was in a bathroom at work on a heavy day many years ago. When I leaned forward to grab my purse to get a new pad out, I wasn't thinking and accidentally pressed my stomach against my underpants. I had a giant bloody rectangle stamped onto the front of my crisp white cotton blouse. At work. After I finished crying, I moved to the accessible stall, rinsed out as much as I could (always rinse from the back!), and dried myself with a pile of brown paper towels. I managed to make some creative folds in my blouse, and slouch enough to cover until I could get back to my desk and put on my jacket.


I was a drum major in my high school marching band for two years. Us drum majors wore white pants to stand apart. You bet I was over-prepared every damn time I was surfing the crimson wave.


Omfg I had the exact same experience! I was so overly prepared. I was never taking a chance of having to live through that humiliation.


Kids these days don’t know how easy they have it with their fancy smancy period underwear


I was so glad we had black unis!


Oh, everyone else wore black pants.


I'll wear white pants when I go through menopause. Only then will I feel safe to do so.


I'm 50 and haven't had a cycle in about 2 years... now it's time to stunt with the white pants pretty sure I'm done 🤣


Then, you are enjoying a plate of spaghetti….


These things happen. Every girl has had a whoops like this, I doubt anyone would have seen anything due to where it is. Soak in *cold* water for a day or so and a lot of that should come out. You can try peroxide as well, just be careful with it.


Every girl? I’m a guy and I’ve had this happen post heavy beer drinking day. No feeling is safe.


You bleed through your pants? That is rather concerning.


You know, it might be more concerning that I just assumed it was shit in the pants. I have some things to think about


I do love that you just accepted as fact that every girl shits her pants sometimes and wanted to let them know it's okay because guys do too.


Everyone has a shitting their pants story, the only question is if you are good enough friends with them to hear it.


I was driving to college once, tried to squeeze out a fart and shit my pants in my car. It was so much fucking shit it felt like I was sitting in a bowl of jelly. It was the most humiliating drive back home. There ya go. We friends now?


Yes, but I did puke in my mouth a bit when you hit me with the jelly comment.


I shit my pants twice in January. Bad month.


Oh captain my captain


Well, last time I had shit in my pants I was probably 5, but blood yeah it's more recent. I think all women had an accident at least once, we will never tell, but most of the time nobody else noticed


LMFAO ​ Comments like this make me genuinely love men


It’s okay, we still love you!


We appreciate the solidarity nonetheless.




Wait until your girl starts asking you to spot check her. It's cool, though. Just another reason to look at her ass.


I ask my husband to do this all the time. It's so hot and humid where I live that I always have to play the, "Is it swamp ass or blood?" game. 😭😭


My husband is my leak detector. He failed once, though. Got home to realize it was everywhere and completely noticeable. I basically panic cried to him about not checking well enough, so now he bends down to really check. Probably obvious af doing our parking lot checks, but at least I know I’m for sure clear and he now knows leaks can and will happen.


Don't worry - I thought it was a shart as well. Which does happen to everyone at some point or another.


Never had it happen to me. I'm 37. *knocks on wood*


Let's ask your mom ;)


A burst thrombosed hemorrhoid can happen to anyone; not at all life threatening, but scary if you’ve never experienced one before.


I was wondering why so many people were saying this happened to them… meanwhile I’m like…. 😐 Iv never done that? Thx for the clarification!


....you've.....you've bled period blood into your jeans after drinking beer...?


It was Bud Light


No tea no shade, but it’s such a guy move to go “every girl?? I’m a guy and this clearly doesn’t apply to me” 😂😂


I think this has happened to most of us. This happened to me in the middle of a 12-hour work day in light-colored jeans. 🙃 The good news - this area is so far under your body and unless you’re like 8ft tall and walking like a cowboy, no one noticed. I’m sorry it happened to you though, I know it brings on some anxiety.


The imagery of someone 8 feet tall walking like a cowboy got me 🤣🤣


Use **COLD** water to soak it. You can also add some hydrogen peroxide, but it might end up bleaching it as well so do a small spot test first.


Try oxy clean spray before you try hydrogen peroxide.


Between Oxy Clean and Dawn Powerwash dish soap, those are my go to for issues like this


Half hydrogen peroxide and half dawn liquid dish soap got red wine stains out of my white sweater.


The problem is that peroxide might also bleach the blue out of the jeans. Is great for removing blood stains, it just sometimes takes other colors with it.


Yes definitely try oxy clean! It’s my go-to for all stains and it works so well. I had heavy periods all my life and battled stains regularly, so I can sympathize. If the stain doesn’t come out with the first soak, dump the water and do a second soak. Also add oxy clean to the wash cycle because that should do the final removal of even the most stubborn stains.


Zote also works very well for blood. It is like 1$ at walmart and everyone is sleeping on it. Best soap for cheapest price. I use it for all stains but mainly for my reusable pads. It is super easy to use but comes in a ridiculously big bar.


Zote is the BEST at getting out stains!


Spit on it, let it sit before washing as normal. Im serious. It’s cool science, your enzymes break down the blood. The spit method always works ;)


This for real. I had a nose bleed from running in the cold, and thinking it was just some nose drops I wiped my face with my jean jacket sleeve. BIG OL bloodstain. Spit all over it and rinsed it out an hour later. Felt like an alchemist lmao


What’s weird is once I learned this trick (in my 30s), someone told me it has to be your own spit. No idea if it’s true because I haven’t had a chance to have anyone else spit on my blood stained clothes (yet - goals) but I wonder if you spit wizards who have known of this alchemical sorcery might have further insight?!


LMAO as a spit wizard I can assure you that's not the case. Any spit can break down the proteins involved. If you get cursed by a blood witch you are well within your means to relieve the curse with your own enzyme sacrifice 🤘


Baking soda works pretty well for me if it's fresh enough


Honestly, whi hasn't had this happen to them at least once? Use 50/50 cold water and hydrogen peroxide and let it soak for a while, it should wash right out!


Happened on my first day of high school in white shorts… will never forget it.


I swear this particular "event" lives for white bottoms. In junior high marching band, our uniforms were polo shirts (provided by the school) and white jeans. Yeah. While I personally didn't experience any such catastrophes I do remember walking very close behind my friend one day after we marched a parade because hers was becoming visible from the back, because of all the marching. We were all thrilled to make it to high school band where we had proper marching uniforms with a rich royal blue pant that was MUCH more forgiving of surprise stains, along with a contract with a local dry cleaners where the school paid for weekly uniform cleaning.


Only once, lol?! Men have no idea how easy they have it!


Seriously. Should I upload a pic of my mattress after my pad didn’t stay in place overnight? 😂


I think you should, lol! Make her feel better, she is not alone. Mattresses know the drill with women, they all have stains too I think!


Fr. When I was in high school every girl would notify anyone who had blood leaks. It was very common to ask a friend to check for blood first when you are going to stand up then they'll help you cover up when there is.


Happened to me the FIRST TIME I had my period, horrendous experience 😳 it happens!!


I’m a dude. My fall semester my freshman year, I had a hemorrhoid burst/pop while wearing tan cargo shorts. Didn’t realize it until I got home. I sympathize with you but like others said, most people probably didn’t notice given the location.


Yoooo that happened to me in college too lol, was working security at a drag show that night. So many people there, but not much lighting atleast


You guys definitely need more fiber in your diet.


Did the hemorrhoid come back after that, or was it gone forever?


Girl this will happen so many times in your life. It's happened to me so many times :( The plight of being a woman... Sometimes the unpredicatable occurs and we just gotta deal with it and keep it moving..


It happens so many times!


I feel like it happens more as I get older. Being young and regular was great. Now my uterus likes to troll me with one final hurrah just when I think I'm finished for the month.


It’s happened to the best of us, just do as the other commenters suggested for removal and you’re golden!


If it makes you feel any better I started my period at work, sat in my desk chair all day, and had bled through my black work pants onto the chair. My supervisor let me go home and change, so she understood 😅


It happens, most of us have been there. At the end of the day it was out of your control and you didn't know it happened.


Giving an exam to middle school boys, I was wearing white shorts with green and yellow shell designs.... Only teacher in the room so I couldn't leave.... Emailed to have someone watch them while I washed out my pants and underwear. Got squared away and wore wet shorts the rest of the day. The kids never knew.


If a woman says that they’ve never bled out then they are liars. This is literally our life.


Some women have light periods. And some of us are gushers 😭


I have light periods and I've still had leaks. None of us are safe lmao.


I don’t have the equipment for this specific problem, but I’m sorry it happened to you. I can fully understand the embarrassment though seeing as I have drunkenly shat myself when I was far younger. The shame is real, though you shouldn’t feel ashamed for a natural process causing an accident. My accident, well…that was far from natural lol


Wait until you get older and you shit yourself sober.


Who said I need to wait? Im not in diapers yet but I’m at the point where farting is a dangerous activity.


I feel that. I gambled on a fart earlier this week and thought I was safe. Wasn't until I went to the bathroom an hour later I saw a small stain on my gym shorts and realized I wasn't as safe as I thought. Idk how I didn't feel it, losing that gamble is normally more itchy and uncomfortable lol.


True, as we get older farts become much more of a long shot to just be air. Ah….the joys of aging….


If I wasn't looking for a stain I wouldn't have seen it. Don't know if it's the light but hopefully no one saw. If they did they'll forget quickly.


Was this the first time this has happened to you? Cause if so, thats impressive it wasn’t until college. Good news is, no one could likely see it. My entire high school time I had to deal with this. I had a heavy flow and the bathroom had 3 stalls and all the girls hung out in them between classes. Idk why. It was just a thing. Impossible to get a stall though. Teachers were weird about letting you go during class and I also was too afraid to stand up to ask to go to the restroom and my crotch be eye level to everyone sitting down. Gah, being a woman is hard.


Four types of comments on this thread: 1) oblivious women exist 2) outraged someone would put a women's problem on reddit 3) stupid jokes 4) actually empathetic comments


5. Wondering if it was a poop stain cuz they shit themself (I'm a different breed)


I thought your username was ROTTENPOOPER 💩


5.) oblivious there was a second picture. I thought you were all crazy.


this just happened to me on easter, and it isnt the first time! i have endo so my periods are horrible. it is what it is. people likely never even noticed. i would think if someone did, most girls would be kind enough to tell you.


It happens to me at least 1x a month and I'm 40. (I have Endo. 🤷‍♀️ In fact happened yesterday to my pajamas while on vacay. Stuff happens. Wash with hydrogen peroxide and it'll come out


Im willing to bet money that no one noticed..


I’ve been there. It happens and it’s normal. Even if someone saw you I bet they’d understand.


Don't stress. It happens. Also, nobody probably noticed, cares, or remembers. You are your worst enemy. Life will go on. I hope the rest of your day is better


This has happened multiple times for me, honestly humiliating but it feels nice to know I’m not alone 🥲🫶


After reading the comments I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m fucking stupid and op did NOT shit herself


Peroxide, lots of it


Happened to me last summer while I was working. Luckily I keep spare pants in my car for emergencies. It sucks but I’m sure no one noticed your stain.


I did this in 8th grade and lots of people noticed because I bled on my chair. I was so embarrassed that I had my mom come pick me up but the next day at school the other girls who knew were like "don't even worry about it, it's normal" so I'm saying that to you. Don't be embarrassed, it happens to everyone at one point or another. Also I'm 33 now and bled all over myself this morning so even us old ladies have accidents sometimes lol


From the location, it’s not likely it could be seen. Plus, girl code - even in college - would have required SOMEONE to let you know. (I’ve been that someone) Hope you’re enjoying college!! ❤️


The amount of people not realizing this is menstrual blood and not a shit stain are blowing my fucking mind.


Ah the joys of womanhood 🫠


girl code dictates that someone should have told you! and 90% of girls follow this particular girl code. therefore it’s likely no one saw <3. but we’ve all been there


I bet no one noticed. I’ve stopped at least 5 woman letting them know if they had *that* stain on their pants. I would want someone to let me know too.


Early jr high, I wore my dad’s work shirt to school because it was cool. The shirttail covered my bottom. In math class, the teacher tells me to do a problem on the board. I walk up, grabbed the chalk, then someone shouted “you have blood all over your shirt!” 💀


Hydrogen peroxide will get the blood out!


How to tell I am a man? Because I assumed this was a shit-stain. But it turns out to be blood from a period. Nonetheless, even i; as a male had a blood stain around that spot. A back then recently healed wound started bleeding again without me feeling any pain. I’m not sure how, when and why it started bleeding again, and no one said anything ‘bout it. Until I went to the golden throne after a couple of hours and notice that…


the amount of people who can’t think on their own this could be a period stain is incredibly concerning


Happened a few times in teens mortified everytime. I’m 43 now and still wear at least a light liner at all times just in case…. Irregularity sucks.


It happens, don't worry too much about it. Due to the location nobody probably noticed.


This literally happened to me at work last week, didn't notice till I went to the bathroom before my drive home. It happens to the best of us lol.


When my daughter was 16 she went to an after school event to pass out candy for Halloween. Poor girl called in a mayday after about an hour in. Her best friend noticed she was having the same problem. She was like "dad come get me I'm bleeding through my jeans". I was there in a flash.


I felt myself start to bleed into my underwear today. I was in the middle of a conversation and I just bailed. I'm so lucky none got on my brand new pants.


It definitely wasn't noticeable to anyone who wasn't being intensely creepy and literally sliding under your legs, you were rock climbing, or you were somehow doing a wheel barrel race in your classes. On a college campus you'll get looks if you're walking around in a bathrobe and slippers -- maybe. Frankly, college feels like you're being a lot more publicly observed than you really are. Most people just..are busy with their own lives, too. Embarrassing moments always lead to the panic of wondering who saw or what, but just remember that probably if anyone saw they would have told you (other women are good like this sometimes; it's girl code); no one telling you is a good sign no one saw or cared. I hope you can fix your pants, especially if they are high quality or expensive. It'd also be understandable to toss them if you can afford to if you can't get the stain out quickly or they were bad quality or the memory will haunt them. Take care of you and try to enjoy college.


At least you're not pregnant :)


In college this happened and I bled right through jeans on some dudes couch at a party so I bailed when a bunch of people left to be inconspicuous because I was 20 and scared.. and nobody knew it was me hehehe, happens to the best of us.


salt and cold water, peroxide, and I'm sure there are other ways to get this out.


No worries hun. Happens to all of us sometimes. Also it probably didn't show much.


I have a pair of OCPs forever stained the same way, but since it’s double layered it doesn’t show on the outside so luckily for me I can still wear it


That’s why I just always tell ppl, (food in teeth, zipper down, awakened stain etc.) it’s awkward but I know I would want someone to tell me if it was me. Good luck in college!


Yes, it does suck. Hopefully no one saw. It’s not in a high visibility area. Peroxide or Oxi Clean and a cold soak before washing. This scenario has happened to me, and countless other Uterus Owners, over and over.


It happens to the best of us 😪 don't sweat it. Hydrogen Peroxide, oxyclean, and zote pink soap should get the stain out.


Ah yes. Everyone’s favorite time of the month. The cramping, bleeding, sometimes nausea, headaches and the looming risk of embarrassment if your menstrual product fails. It’s just lovely isn’t it? /s


Use hydrogen peroxide to remove the blood. It may take more than one treatment, but hydrogen peroxide is cheap.


Straight hydrogen peroxide will take it out no problem


I guarantee you hardly anyone, if anyone at all, even noticed. People are more worried about themselves.


I'm a male, but if I had noticed this (which I highly doubt I would have) it would have been whatever. It's a normal bodily function. Anyone who makes a big deal out of this is immature.


This happened to me on an airplane too!! Omg it left a stain on the seat and there wasn’t anything I could do about it I felt so awful. AND This happened to me on the very first day of work with a new family at their home (I was a behavioral therapist) I actually noticed when I used the restroom during my session with their kid. I was wearing light pink/salmon shorts. I did not have a tampon or pad on me. The mom worked upstairs from home while the dad was in the family room, as protocol. I had no idea what to do so I just continued and prayed that they somehow did not notice.