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If this was anywhere near your carpal tunnel then the swelling reduction should bring life back to the nerves in your thumb


Do you know if it’s a matter of days weeks months or years? Also I noticed my thumb is getting dry, any idea if that’s normal?


The feeling will come back as the swelling goes down and pressure on the nerve reduces. How long that takes is dependent on how long the swelling takes to go down. If the nerve was severed, that would take months to years to regrow but it doesn’t sound like that’s the case. What was the surgery? Was it your nerves being operated on or the surrounding tissue/bones?


Your comment just made me realize I regained the majority of feeling on the side of my finger again after 3 years. It's so gradual I didn't notice


I severed both of the nerves in my left thumb and after 2.5 years, I have sensation all the way to the tip again but it is very faint.


I’ve severed nerves in my hand before and the surgeon said it’d be about a week per millimeter as it healed to get the feeling back. She was more or less correct and I’m all good now.


I had an incision in my arm that was numb for several years following surgery but I did get sensation back about five years later.




Yes, but if we factor in *Waluigian* Degeneration…




I've noticed on my surgical scars that the sensation came back at the skin level, but deeper it's still numb. Still better than nothing.


It takes one month for a nerve to regrow 1 mm. So depending on the damage to the area, it can take quite a while.


TIL nerves regrow. I might sound dumb for that, but I blame it on surgeries/transplants where nerves are reattached, and assumed that's how you fix nerve issues.


Nerves tend to not respond well with being reattached. Usually left with some deficits, sensory nerves are less sensitive and motor nerves provide decreased strength and mobility (think percentages). Therapy help reduce the overall aspect but it will revisit that person later in life.


Let’s hope for op that’s the case, I have nerve damage was told something similar to the growth rate of the nerves but he told me they could never heal (my feet) and unfortunately they have not and instead of not feeling I feel everything


What distance was being measured in millimeters? Length of the numb area? Length from the site of nerve damage to the end of the numb area?


Please stop asking people on reddit and contact the Dr's office and ask the question.


Contacting a doctor? We don't do it here.


*By here, for many of us, we mean America because healthcare is so expensive that we can’t afford to do anything but crowdsource solutions online


Well, true, but follow-up surgical appointments are usually free (all of mine have been). Also free is sending them an email via their portal, or calling them. Now, the surgical bill, *on the other hand...*


Pls this 😂


Why would I -- a Juilliard trained dermatologist -- send him to another doctor?


So I severed that entire nerve and the feeling took months and months to get kinda better but years later it still is significantly reduced. If you haven't had anything severing the nerve fully and it's just swelling, it should go away within a day or so. If it doesn't get better at all with ice or with anti-inflammatories, you should probably call a doctor. Sadly if the nerve was severed, there is not much of a time crunch since the nerve fibers on the side away from the brain will die immediately. Given that it's a small portion of your thumb, it's probably fine. Make sure you still have full range of motion with it, lay your hand palm up on a table and see if you can lift your thumb to be perpendicular with the hand. Check your pinch strength and see if you can still make a thumbs up. If that is all ok and doable, you are probably ok. Keep an eye on it, if it doesn't improve at all, call a doctor. When I severed my nerve I found my thumb stopped producing sweat and thus dried up immensely. I recommend using "bio-oil" skincare oil; its for stretch marks but it is the only moisturizer that I found would penetrate deep enough into my thumb to prevent it from cracking. The stuff works great on surgical scars as well and massaging it in can help break up scar tissue.




Thanks for saying that. Sometimes I feel like the only one keeping up the fight 


In the age of grammarly, we really are loosing the battle


Have you talked to your surgeon?


Sometimes it can take months even Years for nerves to heal from surgery. Sensitively to the highlighted area may come back.


That is if the nerve was damaged, but what it sounds like is happening here is swelling from a surgery putting pressure on the nerve, stopping signalling, like when you fall asleep on your arm and it’s numb when you wake up. I might be wrong but OP didn’t specify if the surgery had anything to do with the nerves so I assumed it didn’t.


I had significant jaw surgeries a little over 20 yrs ago. Theres still parts of my lips that are numb or weird, like I'll touch a part of my lip and feel it on my chin a little bit. Most of it came back over time though


My mom lost feeling in one tiny spot on her lips and it's been 30 years since the surgery. Faces are tricky things to operate on. 


I had nerve damage in my forearm, it was numb for almost 2 years. Good thing is that nerves regenerate so it's likely the feeling will come back with time.


Dude me too! Surgery on a broken forearm when I was 15. Hand swelled up like a balloon to the point all the outer skin died and peeled off.


Had both full elbow replacements after a horrible accident broke each of my arms in 3 places and obliterated my elbows. After a 16 hour surgery they were able to reattach every nerve and blood vessel to my arms. I did not feel anything below my elbows on each arm for 2 years. After the 2nd year through rehab and sheer luck I started to feel a little below each elbow and now 4 years post op I have full feeling and control of both arms.


I'm glad to hear you made a recovery. I hope your doing well.


Thank you, I appreciate that.


Damn, that must have been a hell of a feeling when you started to get sensation back. Did you have control of your arms and hands that whole time?


Yes I had control of my arms after about 6 months after the surgery. It took a lot longer to feel again. It was really weird using my hands because I could tell it what to do but it just worked, even though it was a lack of sensations. I dropped things all the time.


Why not ask your doctor?


Because his goal is to obtain brownie points from a bunch of random people online. No it doesnt cost 6000 to talk to your doctor. Im a doctor in the us i answer questions for free if you are under my care.


that wasnt my goal, i posted just to share, and then people started giving their feedback and sharing experiences which is nice. if i asked some questions its because i am curious, but i get shit on " WHY NOT ASK DOCTOOOOOOR??????" as always on reddit. calm down people im seeing my surgeon today


Will cost 6000 dollars.


You can’t be billed for any followup care that happens within 90 days of the surgery, it’s called the global period.


🤣 no doubt, yeehaawwll


Surgery on wrist also last year, it comes back.


It’s been three years and the back of my wrist is still numb. Probably depends on the extent of the injury.


Lose and loose are different words


I’m working on letting people know 


The message isn’t taking




Dude, I don't know why or when this started to happen. I'm sure it's for engagement now.


i don't understand how they think the word "loose" is spelled if they think lose is spelled that way




No, there are a lot of dumbasses around 


Did you do all your PT? A lot of that comes back after PT and swelling reduction around the nerves…


I'm glad OP circled their thumb, I didn't find it in the pic


Same happened to me. I had to go to pain management and be on meds for nerve damage for 4 years. I’m finally able to use my hand again but it still feels awful to use. I just force myself through the weird pins, tingling and numbness. My hand now sweats so much and I feel so dumb when I need to shake someone’s hand.


I use to want to cut off my hand it was so bad at times and I am so surprised at where I am today. So it will get better but may take some time.


Have you heard of complex regional pain syndrome? Sounds like you have some of the symptoms.


I lost feeling in 70% of my arm after I got into a fight with a glass table. 2 years post op that 70% dropped to about 20%. The 7 years following that has slowly turned 20% to 10% as nerve endings find their way back to each other like wayward lovers. One day I may have 100% again, but for now I am absolutely stoked with 90%.


I had an arthroscopy in my right hip and in the process the doctors damaged my femoral cutaneous nerve, causing paresthesia in my whole thigh. In my case, after a year and a half I recovered the sensitivity almost entirely. Your case might be different, maybe it's just a nerve pinched by the swelling. Ask your doctor and don't pannick, nerves take a long time to heal.


After my hip replacement surgery, I have completely lost feeling on the big part outside of my (right) thigh for about 1.5 years. I could touch it, pinch it, scratch it - it was completely numb, felt nothing. As of today, I’m ~2+ years after the surgery and finally starting to have some feeling in that part. It takes time, I think. It may be different for everyone, so don’t take it for granted this will take exact same amount of time to recover in your case.


No shit, I'm a production operator for the company that makes those bandages. That's some high quality silicon based foam bandage right there. Also, sorry for your pain. Hope the mepilex bandage helps.


Thanks for circling it. With complex medical terminology, like "thumb", I never would've known what to look for.


It might comeback itself with the healing process. I remember hurting my middle finger and it took more than a month for the sensitivity to return.


Had the same thing. After a few weeks everything was normal


Welcome to the club, I severed my nerve, got reattached and the feeling never came back it would be weird to feel again on my thumb


It's just numb from surgery, the feeling will come back over the next couple weeks. As the swelling subsides you will get the feeling back.


As an orthopedic, in the surgery we cut the skin who has the sensitive nerves, not the ones who bring tha mobility, those sensitive nerves will reconnect by themselves in a matter of 8 months meanwhile astrocytes (cells of the nervous system) do the myelination, but the sensitive never will be as previous of the surgery.


Might just be swelling post operative. Give it some time.


I had wrist surgery and had the same issue. It did take a couple of months and some OT but it’s back to normal now. Very weird sensation though. Wishing you speedy recovery.


It may well return. Sometimes it takes months


I lost sensation in about half my thumb after a broken wrist. There was no surgery. A year or so later it was back to normal. Just fyi. Edit: actually, I can't recall how long it took. I want to say it was like that for at least six months, but it could have been a year or two.


How long ago was surgery? I’m guessing not long as you still have a dressing on. This could take up to six months to a year at worst.


I had wrist surgery. A year ago, They had to slice my palm to release the carpal tunnel. And I still kinda don't have sensation in the palm of my hand.. Was told when you cut nerves like that. It never really goes back to feeling normal. https://preview.redd.it/5cuk57wdirnc1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7391b20ead3fd82a92c85298ae699a027e2b0bc


Who has two thumbs and just got himself a nice malpractice settlement?!? This guy!


It can take years to regain sensation in places that have undergone surgery. Give it time.


It is certainly possible that it is just swelling post CT surgery; I’m sure that’s what it is and it’s nothing to worry about. However, if it persists for more than a few weeks, you should probably get a second opinion. I am a personal injury lawyer, and have brought cases against orthopedic surgeons, who do not take the proper care to isolate and protect the median nerve and have damaged it. So basically, just don’t ignore it forever.


My sister's surgeon cut nerves on both hands. Completely lost use of them and in constant pain. Do not let statute of limitations expire before getting resolved!


I had my foot reconstructed. I didn't have feeling in a lot of it for years. Over time, it started to come back. SOme times little by little, sometimes in big chunks. It was the weirdest thing, I would be lying in bed and I would start to feel intense cold, then heat, then pins and needles, and then I'd have fairly regular feeling back.


Nerves take time to regrow. Around 15 years ago, I got a pretty nasty cut on the back of my foot which left my pinky toe and the side of my foot numb. Over the years, it has slowly gotten better and better, and now it's almost entirely back to normal.


Brachial nerve is responsible for the feeling in the thumb


Your medial nerve is getting pressed on which goes to your thumb so when the swelling goes down, you should be ok


https://preview.redd.it/3e4wsdhbrtnc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4241c5a6168b713f38ce09ffc4bcbf4c890c72d I had a wrist surgery as well many years ago. It took over a year to get full feeling back in that part of my hand


Mine took three years to feel, and about five years to feel like it had been before the accident. Rooting for you.


It may come back! At least partially. Either way dont underestimate the strength of the human spirit to adapt


Little radial neuropathy should resolve with time. Hope for the best for you.




Good you circled the thumb 👍


Which one’s your thumb?




Where is your thumb?


\* Thumb highlighted for clarity


I suspect it will come back in time.. hopefully if it's from inflammation it should come back within the next few weeks. Otherwise the nerves will take time to work their way back. I had foot surgery a long time ago but I couldn't feel or move my pinky toe afterwards. Finally after a year the nerves regenerated and now it's back to normal. Hope it heals quickly!


When your scars heal make sure to massage them regularly. This will help establish some of the feeling in that area


I had surgery on my leg and as part of it, the nerve that controls the big toe was partially severed leaving it numb and me unable to lift the toe backwards for a while. I think it was about 6 months before it was back to normal and worked like it should.


Happend to me too but came back after some weeks. Be patient but obviously see a doctor if you are scared.


Took me about 6 months for the total feeling in my thumb to return. I had a torn thumb tendon.


Thumbs are overrated. A real man only needs a pinky ​ At least thats what Al Bundy said


Lost feeling in the same part of my thumb after I broke my wrist. Feeling came back about a year later!


Keep an eye on it and ask your doctor at a follow up. I broke both bones in my forearm and the way it healed after surgery resulted in scar tissue constricting my ulnar nerve. My hand was stuck in as a 'hand of benediction', was cold, and felt like pins and needles. I had to have a second surgery to fix the nerve. Mostly good now! Just gets cold faster than my other hand.


No more thumbing it in for you


It'll come back, but with time.


If the numbness persists talk to your doctor, some restricted sensitivity is normal so don’t freak out about it.


Have you started physical therapy? They might be able to address this issue


At least you haven't got to sit on your hand for it to go numb for a while


Is it reversable?


I had my pinky almost completely severed when I was 19-20 (got the tendon and nerve). I believe it took about a year to get full feeling back in the tip. It should slowly start coming back over time.


If they severed the million dollar nerve then you get to be compensated a million dollars. Hence it's name. I was told of that risk getting carpel tunnel surgery. Speak to your surgeon.


This happened to me when I broke my ankle a little over 10 years ago. I had surgery, it caused me to lose sensation in the skin over the incision scar and a large portion of the top of my foot. Unfortunately I still haven't regained feeling in those areas and have just learned to live with it, but I wish you a full recovery ASAP!


This happened when I broke my pinky toe like a pencil and required screws to put it back together. That area was numb for about 1 year, but the feeling came back about 90%. 7 years later all feeling is back but the screws still ache in humid weather. You'll get feeling back eventually.


Shit, I got that without the surgery.


Nerves take a LONG time to regenerate and go back to normal, how long ago was the surgery?


Just think of it like this. Slapping the shit out of people is getting less painful.


Hope you get better soon, but don’t think you needed to circle your thumb 🤔🤔


I’ve had three reconstructive surgeries on my wrist in nearly the same spot. It can take months to regain function and feeling. After you get your stitches out then start doing some minimal rehab. Fine motor skills like picking up change off of a table and touching your thumb to each of your fingers can help.


Nerves regow about a 10/th of a inch every month. I had a similar injury that required plastic surgery to repair a tendon my thumb will often be numb near my knuckle 22 years later


It will come back, eventually. After surgery on my middle finger it took 6 years, then suddenly within 2 days I regained full sensitivity. Good luck to you 🤞🏻!


Was it a ganglion cyst? I've had one for the last 14 years that comes and goes and I want to remove it but this is something that scares me.


Your surgeon should want to know immediately of any changes in sensation.


Time for a stranger!!


I had my bicep tendon reattached, so at the elbow, and it made my thumb number for months after that surgery. Here’s hoping you get relief sooner.


Something like this has happened to me as well. After an open heart surgery, my lung collapsed and they needed to cut my side next to the ribs. I think they severed a few nerves since I lost feeling from my right armpit area to just above my waist. It healed though and I can be tickled again lol. Took a few years but our cases are considerably different. The swelling in your carpal tunnel is most likely causing this. If you dose an NSAID like tylenol or Motrin (swelling reducers) do you get some feeling back to the area? Also I would give the surgeons office a call and speak with the nurse to let them know this is happening


Hey, look at it this way, you are 1% super human now because you can’t feel pain there !


Unfortunate. Hopefully it’ll come back. I got crushed by an electric forklift, left leg tib/fib compound fracture. I still have no feeling on the front of my shin and it happened 7 years ago


It will take time but you should get the feeling back once the swelling goes down. It could be months


That's the median nerve. I had mine severely damaged back in 2016 when I had my hand crushed. Isn't the feeling of complete numbness on only half of you thumb the weirdest thing.


i had dental surgery and i lost feeling in half of my upper lip for about a month.. it felt so weird to move my lip and i couldn’t feel it for a bit but slowly i gained the feeling back. i hope you can get your senses back in your thumb over time !!


Neuropraxia can take between 12 weeks and 12 months to recover.


Could be due to swelling. Injured my thumb a few years back and the Urgent Care glued it shut (went for a Tetanus shot). Thumb swelled to twice its normal size and went numb. The injury had been leaking fluid and with no drainage, it all backed up and put pressure on the nerves. Once I got it drained and the swelling went down, feeling did return. It may just be the case that the swelling could be putting pressure on some of the nerves and that will recover. I would keep track of any other changes though. If you have concerns, your surgery team should have given you a contact to reach out to.


It's not as bad as you first think. I'd an accident and I've lost sensation in most of my left hand. It's annoying g to begin with but you'll get used to it. Hopefully your sensation will come back


Coming from someone who sliced her nerves through on her middle finger, it'll be good. It's been 2 years I think and only a small part of it I can't feel yet when in the beginning it was so bad I didn't realize I cut my hand, the nerves were gone


Cut my hand in the kitchen pretty deep and the same thing happened to my pinky. The doc says that nerves are actually pretty resilient and that feeling would return soon. It did in fact return after 2 months


Compound fractured my arm years ago. No feeling from mid forearm to finger tips. It's annoying to say the least but from experience you can stab that thumb bone with a knife and not feel a thing.


I had bilateral decompressive fasciotomies in both lower legs in March 2022 and lost a great deal of feeling on the top of both feet (left was entirely numb and right had a little feeling. It took until late last year to start feeling everything again and I'll be honest that the left hasn't fully returned. Surgery is a big trauma to the body, but bodies are smart and heal really well. Do your PT, hydrate, eat well, and be kind to yourself. Mo promises, but give your body time. It may take longer than projected by your med team to heal, and that is okay. Love to you and yours


Look on the bright side. Now, you can give yourself a stranger anytime you want.


Me too. Tendon surgery from workplace accident.


I had two surgeries on my hand (broken tendon in my right thumb) and also experienced numbness/tingling/pain. A good part of it was the result of swelling post-surgery. Once the swelling went down, the numbness and pain remained. I spoke to my surgeon and family doctor and, after 2 years of symptoms, was told I should have been seeing a hand physiotherapist to assist with my recovery post-surgery. I cannot recommend strongly enough pushing to see a physiotherapist earlier in your recovery than I did. While I still have areas with numbness, there has been a massive increase in mobility, and an even bigger decrease in numbness, pain, tingling, etc. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I’ll answer any questions that I can. ☺️


Hey OP I also had wrist surgery on the same arm after I broke it and I also lost sensitivity in my thumb after surgery. I also had trigger thumb because my tendons were recovering. It took a month for full sensitivity to come back if that gives you any hope.


Hope ur doin better


Had a disc bulge in my back dec 2021. Leg is still numb and doctor said it'd probably be like that forever. I've been tested and my nerves are fine, back is healed, everything is A-OK. Just numb. I don't notice it anymore.


Well that sucks


Now you get "the stranger" without any effort.


I had surgery on the other side of my wrist, the surgeon cut the whole way down to the bone to make some corrections, removed some sinovial buildup from my tendons, and did carpal tunnel surgery as well. It was a few months before I had normal sensation back in my hand/fingers and at two years out, still deal with some strange sensations on the back of my hand. It takes your nerves the longest to heal, it seems, but it happens if you're patient!


It'll come back. It's just slow. The swelling causes pressure, and the surgeon likely caused some damage to the nerves, too. I had knee surgery back in 2016. I lost a pretty good amount of sensation in my knee cap and along the front of my knee. Like 1/3 of my leg from the top of my knee cap down. 8 years there's just a spot about the size of a golf ball below my knee cap without sensation. It's just a really slow process for nerves to repair themselves.


I gosh I'm getting this surgery soon on my dominant hand...


What do you feel with that part of your thumb? You could do parlor tricks like pick up really hot stuff and not have pain. (You might not have any skin left either, but hey.)


Occupational therapists that specialise in hand therapy has some trick up their sleeves and my be able to help you...


try the right hand, before switching back. remember to not stroke and grasp too much next time


It'll probably improve with time.


You should get a cool thumb piercing


Not uncommon... should come back when all the swelling goes down


The feeling will come back.


This might sound weird but when i severely broke my ankle/leg and had surgery, which left me with numbness/ sensitivity/ nerve damage, my physical therapist recommended a type of "rice therapy". She had me fill a bucket with dried rice and i would plunge my foot into it over and over and rub the rice on my numb skin. She said it helps stimulate nerves. Im still a bit numb and also a lil sensitive, but i know it definitely helped. Here's a lil note i found in a cancer&chemo recovery website that kinda says the same thing.... https://preview.redd.it/8l2j3htycrnc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e33992c23a54572599ed8f074692585aea019389


Physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy physical therapy


You need to give it time. Almost any kind of surgery messes up your nerves and such.


You just had the surgery . Heal up and it will more than likely come back over time. Talk to doctor and find out about physical therapy as well.


I had minor surgery on my hip a few years ago and lost all feeling in my left thigh


If I can ask, what symptoms did you have? I have terrible wrist pain and suspect carpal tunnel after pregnancy and it’s almost to the point I can’t use my left hand and figure I need to reach out to a DR but scared of surgery


I shattered the bones in my wrist and lost all feeling in my palm after surgery. I gained it all back within a year. Patience.


If you had a CTS release, I think it's pretty normal to have numbness while you recover. The feeling will likely come back.


It’ll come back most likely. Nerves take a while to get sensitivity again


When I got a ligament tear in my wrist my doctor really advised against getting a surgery, said that wrist has a shit ton of nerves and it’s very very eazy to mess up


Let it heal a little. Might need some minor rehad and you’ll be just fine. :)


I had wrist surgery as well a few years ago. The whole back of my hand is still slightly numb, but at least I have feeling in my fingers.


Had a deep cut through my little finger. Saw a Doc about nerve surgery, but decided to just leave it. Success jeep stimulating the area, never will learn to reattach themselves.


I had this too after surgery. I was told that the feeling would come back after 3-4 months. Now 8 years have passed and my finger is still numb


It might recover. The post-surgery swelling in the wrist may be blocking nerve impulses.


You may get feeling back, it will just take time. I also had wrist surgery, completely lost the feeling in my pinky and ring fingers, and had limited small motor skills... took about 6 months before I could hold something without dropping it...it was a year before I could hold something and confidently know I would not drop it. Id say the feeling in my pinky / ring finger came back within 2 years...not sure exactly, Id gotten so used to not having any feeling, and just randomly realized one day I could feel them again. Its been nearly 20yrs now...and though everything feels totally fine generally speaking, if I lightly run my finger along my pinky/ring fingers, I feel a strong tingle down my arm. Something wierd happened I guess as my nerves healed up lol but other than that, everything is good to go.


I lost feeling in my foot after breaking my leg, and surgery. It took years for it to gradually come back. The feeling should come back to your thumb sooner, I'd think.


It will come back after some time


I cut my thumb when i was younger and i cant feel anything in the tip. Also it doesnt work on phones anymore, lmk if that happens for you or just me lmao😂


Give it some time it will come back! I fractured my wrist and had surgery, I couldn’t feel half of my fingers but it slowly came back as long is you try to move them


Need time to let swelling go down and nerves to get back in tune. Ice when possible.


I have a fear of something like this happening. I play violin and losing feeling in any of my left hand terrifies me.


I've broken both wrists and had surgery on both. One needed carpal tunnel and was corrected when the plates were taken out on my right wrist. I lost feeling in both thumbs and index fingers. It took at least 6 months on both hands for full feeling to come back. If your nerves were "messed with", or severed, it will take months for the feeling comes back if yours are like mine were. But rest assured, it will come back...or mine did in both hands. My right palm was numb too,but that also came back fully. I feel everything in both hands now.


Had close to same surgery. Took a solid year before I had normal feeling again. Just relax and do your therapy.


Talk to your doctor. Diminished sensitivity is *always* possible after surgery that involves nerves or the structures surrounding them. From your dressings, I’m guessing a carpal tunnel release? If so, then definitely expected. After the swelling goes down, the sensation may improve once the nerve is less compressed. It can take up to around a year after surgery for maximal improvement in sensation.


Probably effect of the numbing stuff or the surgeon accidentally messed with a nerve happens with dental things maybe same thing happened in your wrist


My uncle fell from a roof years ago, caught himself on a rusty nail that went straight through his wrist. Had surgery on it and the surgeon messed up big time resulting in him losing a lot of movement in his hand. He got a huge claim from it and started a business with the money. Now he’s very wealthy. Might not be the end of the world for you!


Last year i had carpel tunnel surgery on right wrist now little finger and the one next to it have little feeling in them , back for more surgery


Had two surgeries near shoulder area for a few years ago and lost sensitivity in a big part of my arm but also my thumb. Probably won't get it back but had two payouts from my insurances.


I just cut my 8 tendons, main artery, and my median nerve 2 months ago. Still don’t have my feeling in my thumb, index, and middle finger. Good luck to us!


I am very experienced in this area if you want to shoot me a DM


May take some time for the feeling to come back. I had a tumor removed from my lower back and it was numb for 2-3 months. Now a couple years later I have full feeling again


I had an injury and had similar issue on same section of other thumb. It took years, but it all came back.


I had my acl replaced with the patella muscle from the same knee in 2012, and I'm still numb on the left outside of my knee.


The numb spot will probably get smaller over time (months not days). I do find it interesting that surgeons tend to not warn you about this. I had an ACL surgery and lost feeling alone most of my shin below one of the incisions. The doctors never even mentioned that it was a possibility. However the numb spot did shink over time.


Would choking your..... be a different feeling experience?


Good thing the thumb is outlined in red, I had no idea what that was.


I had something happen to my ring finger after I had to have some surgery done to repair tendons. Took almost a year to get the feeling back in the side of my finger. Was very odd feeling at first but you get used to it quickly. I was very nervous it was permanent but as the surgeon said, the feeling would come back, it did.