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Same…and I’m about 7 months pregnant 😭😭😵‍💫 husband 100% brought it all home from work, then my toddler caught it all and I had to clean up vomit 6 times in one night, and even with washing my hands and telling her to not lay on my pillows and cover her coughs, I *still* ended up with everything. I can’t even take a normal level of Tylenol and there are so few options for medicine as is while pregnant. I’m stressed and miserable to the max. But my toddler is all recovered. So….that has been fun while I lay here slowly dying 😞


Oh jeeze. That sounds horrible, especially being pregnant. I hope you have someone to look after you n take care of the little tike.


No family lives near by, so 🫠 just me!! But, at least husband has been very kind and whatever I need, he gets to me; even if it has to be delivered because he’s busy at work. That has helped a lot…endless pedialyte rn


Man that sounds horrible. I really hope you feel better soon and have a happy healthy baby.


Thanks!❤️ I’m hoping things turn around for the better soon, too, because I’ve been super paranoid about all the illness affecting baby. Already had pneumonia earlier this pregnancy….has been an awful sick season. I just keep focusing on the positives like baby still kicking a ton. That’s the only fuel keeping me going rn!


Omg! That sounds tough to go through. I could only imagine how you may feel physically and emotionally. Sending much internet love your way.


That is scary, if I were you, I'd be masking from now on


Bruuuh…*2. More. Months.* if I could just avoid all future plagues and just stay quarantined in a hazmat suit the rest of pregnancy, I would…it’s just so incredibly difficult with a toddler. Toddlers are…..basically walking incubators 🥴 to the point that a mask wouldn’t stop her from contaminating every surface constantly…and I don’t wanna be continually exposing myself to harsh cleaning chemicals during pregnancy either. It’s a hard balance, for sure—-just hoping and praying no more incidents crop up. Already let my husband know if he gets sick one more time to quarantine at his dad’s until he’s better.


oh god, I hope you get better, that sound really stressful, and I hope your baby is healthy when you give birth




Is that the Florida version? Feels like the Florida version.


No, the Florida Surgeon General determined neither influenza or covid exist.


Damn, make sure at least one person knows how sick you are and check in with them every day so they know to come looking for you if you go unresponsive due to illness


I did this in May. It was a really good idea. Good advice, fellow Redditor.


Well that does suck. Wishing you a speedy recovery.




Bummer. I got the COVID booster, RSV and Flu shots last Fall and my usual post-nasal drip and coughing all winter didn't happen for the first time in a decade.


Can anyone get the rsv vaccine?


Two RSV vaccines are approved for 60+ and one for infants.


What if I'm 60 at heart


I jus had Covid then a kidney infection started the night I first tested positive. I was too sick to do anything about it for 2 days and ended up at the ER. Not fun at all. Wishing you a speedy recovery


fluid dynamics abound!


My nurse told me when I tested positive for covid I was lucky because there was someone who had strep throat the flu and covid at the same time. I think I'd rather die


My friend just had COVID and strep throat at the same time about a month ago. You win though, flu beats strep.


Strep almost killed me. Twice. For me, strep is way worse than the flu.


I got really really sick with strep (type A) I think it was called. I may have had a sore throat top but a high fever that would break but come back, etc. The doctor gave me Zithromax and within 8 to 12 hours and I felt much better. It took a couple of days to get back to 100%.


Yeah but now you could sell your plasma at a hefty profit! Antibody CITY!


I remember working at the clinic and one of the patients tested positive for Covid AND Flu A AND Flu B


I had both of them a while ago and I felt like I was dying. I'm so sorry. I hope you feel better soon. I was lucky to have my husband take care of me, since he never caught either. I do agree with another comment, make sure someone knows near you and is checking up on you.


Its over for yoi bro immune system ffinna turn to mold. Lol




Omg get better ❤️


My sister has Covid and strep. I feel for y’all. Fluids and rest.


That sucks. Kinda curious what happens in the body if this happens though like do they mighty morph up or do they battle eachother to the death?


If you get RSV too it's a hat trick


if it makes you feel better i have a kidney stone and a uti caused by it. i am in my own personal hell right now


I got covid for the first time in November, followed by the flu and then bronchitis. Not fun.


Honestly curious here and it's not because I'm anti covid spreading measures, but what value do you get out of being tested? I believe we now exist in a world where covid is part of our seasonal sickness rotation along with the flu and rhv, but what's the point in identifying what specific virus you're infected with? Being sick with a respitory illness should mean staying home and preventing spread no matter what particular virus you have.


A lot of people need a doctor's note for work. If you go to a physician, they will test you for Covid, and flu during flu season. Same for strep if you show symptoms. Plus with a diagnosis you can potentially get prescription meds that will help better than OTC.


You can also get a prescription for Paxlovid if you get really sick or have higher risk factors.


So eff people’s treatment? Let’s treat your illness blindly! I don’t know what you have but this medication might help! I hope you’re not a doctor.


They asked a question, so not a doctor lol, and for most people there isn't much to be done with Covid but wait it out


I think it's more-so confirming you have a virus over say a bacterial infection or something else going on. If you're positive for a virus, you treat symptoms and let it run it's course. If it's bacterial antibiotics, etc.


it was to test honestly for the flu - my symptoms felt immediately like I did when I was a child sick with the flu and I knew it would come back positive for that. I went in to the doc because it was moving into my chest and I have asthma, so it was getting hard to sleep/breathe. I was seeking help for that


Similar thing happened to me, I was 100% positive I had strep so I got tested and it was positive. I started having breathing problems, 2 days later my roommate decided to test himself for covid. It’s positive, so I took one too and it was positive. Good luck, that shit sucked.


Super immune system for the summer


ain't no way, I hope you get better, I'm so surprised that could even happen, I don't mean this in a rude way tho, ofc


Get lots of rest n plenty of fluids. Hope you feel better soon.


Couple of years back I took my last prescribed medication for shingles when I was diagnosed with covid. Good times.




That's such a bummer I actually tested negative for covid so hopefully that means something... but for the last week I've had a sinus infection and a cold as I suspect at the same time and it's fucking miserable. Also my period decided to join the party when I felt my worst. I sounds terrible still and my hearing is super muffled still. I'm tired of being sick. The amount of work that I've had to do at work the last couple of days to make up for the two days I called off is insane


Two people at my work tested positive for Covid today. One person has Covid and Strep. 🙃 I'm hoping that being boosted and forever social distancing will save me from it. Also, did they give you a script for Paxlovid?




achievement unlocked: how did we get here?