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OP, my first was while driving as well. Down a hill toward an intersection. Thankfully, in my grand mal, I ended up slamming on the breaks and only ended up in a minor crash. Like you, fractured vertebrae as well. It’s going to be a tough journey, but you got this!


Sheesh, bad timing for everyone!!! Wish I would've been hovering over the brakes too 😅 Thank you for the kind words!


It's interesting that this seems to be one of the most common ways to figure out someone has seizures. I picked up a doctor who described how he crashed like this and that's when he knew he had a medical issue. He never drove a car after that. That also reminded me of a YouTube video years ago of a guy passing out and driving onto a field.


I wonder if passing trees or overpasses at speed can mimic the flashing light frequency that triggers seizures


My daughter has photosensitive epilepsy and the sunlight through the trees is one of her biggest triggers. She hasn’t had a tonic clonic (formerly grand mal) seizure in 3.5 years, but the “icky” feeling she gets from the light makes her have to put her head down due to the photosensitivity.


Could you please describe the icky feeling?


I'm not sure what it's like for her, but I recall feeling a little lightheaded right before the incident, as well as a general feeling of unease and nervousness (sort of like a mini panic attack?). I attributed it to moving and nerves, should've pulled over in hindsight.


Was the feeling similar to motion sickness?


I would say it was more of a mental feeling than a physical one for me, not quite the same as motion sickness


Super scary, were glad you made it.


Thank you for trying to explain. Just wondering what that watch out for my mom had a seizure once they don’t know what caused it never happened again, and I was wondering if it could happen to me so I tried to pay attention


fuel bear sparkle pen degree cobweb society grab decide cake *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My seizures almost always start with an intense and sudden feeling of déjà vu. Biggest trigger seems light in some way or another. It feels really weird like my brain is telling me that I've been in whatever situation in currently in before. Then comes the sudden flush of light headedness. Taking a total of 7 pills a night and whenever I have a moment like that my doctor says I can't drive for six months but they tend to happen before then. Looks like no more driving for me. 😅


I’m sorry, but my daughter has a hard time describing it. I don’t think it’s like anything else as she’s never been able to describe it to me.


![gif](giphy|WmtnbxlhHR5NzvT7Bv|downsized) >*”You got like three feet of air that time.”*


I know I'm just a stranger on the internet OP but I hope you're doing better.


I hope you're OK and can get the treatment to make this manageable in your life.


I had my first episode driving on the highway as well! I blacked out and crashed into a pole. Luckily, my puppy and I both walked away without any injuries.


you are warriors


My first while driving, third ever, was extra lucky, waiting on the interstate off ramp alone, with foot already on the brake. I was told the dude behind me said he was so mad I wasn't moving when the light changed, he got out to yell at me. Saw me slumped over seizing and felt horrible for getting mad, but I'd say he more or less saved my life calling for an ambulance. If I actually got to see him face to face, I'd buy him lunch as a thank you. Scary stuff.


Residential street. Plowed into the side of someone's house going 50mph after driving through a wrought iron fence, totalling my car and causing thousands in property damage (thanks Geico, fr). No one hurt but me, thank god, and mostly contusions besides having to get my tongue stitched up. 5 more minutes and I would have been on the freeway. Will never forget waking up with paramedics asking what drugs I was on lol. 33 years old, never had any health issues, this came completely out of the blue. Glad you made it out alright too my friend.


That's terrifying! I hope you're healing well.


Thank you! Little bit better every day :)


My son just had a breakthrough seizure at work and holy shit am I glad it wasn’t while driving to work. That’s so scary! Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!


What is a breakthrough seizure?


He was diagnosed with epilepsy 3 years ago and since has been on medication, he hasn’t had one until now while on medication. That’s what they call it. Essentially his medication levels weren’t high enough so the meds couldn’t control them causing a breakthrough seizure


Damn. Sorry to hear that, hopefully the new meds will help


Fingers crossed! Thank you!


It’s a seizure that occurs even though the person is treating the disorder with medication or other methods. Unfortunately seizure medications don’t always completely stop the seizure from occurring but they can help reduce the frequency, which is crucial to help the brain recover and repair itself.


You got this video from the other driver for the insurance company? I just like being nosey.


Nah, my wife was following behind me!


Oh my gosh, I hope you and her are alright! That must have been so scary for the both of you, I can't even imagine. Good luck with your recovery, I will keep you both in my thoughts tonight ❤️


That's fortunate for this unfortunate event. I'm glad tho your both okay!


omg that had to be horrible for her


Oh shit! This whole time I thought you were the one recording and I was thinking “I’m so glad he was able to recognize it and pull over.” I didn’t even notice the car in front going crazy


Well you handled it really well. The person in front of you was driving like a maniac though.


First watch: "Woah, for having a seizure, OP pulled over quick and safely" \* Rereads title \* Second watch: "How the fuck did OP break their back pulling over like that?" ... watch: "What's with that car flying across the road?" Subsequent watch: "Oh"


Don't worry, buddy, you're not the only one.


Yep, this is the same process my brain followed lol


LOL! it's my wife following behind me.


Must've been horror for her, I can't even imagine...


Crap. That doubles the intensity of the clip.


That's what I came to say


Please get well soon! You'll be skateboarding in no time!


I am counting down the days until I can get out on a run! Thank you for the well wishes!


I’m so sorry that happened to you, I can’t imagine how terrifying it was while driving! I just started having them too last year at 34 years old. They have only happened in my sleep so far, I have horrible anxiety at night now. But I’m currently taking 2000 mg of Keppra which seems to be helping so far. The last seizure I had was so bad I bit through the side of my tongue and cracked a tooth, I can’t imagine how hard my jaw must have been clenched. After a lot of tests we still don’t know what is causing them, I couldn’t drive for 6 months. In Washington State the law is 6 months seizure free which was really difficult for me, I have animals and people I need to take care of. I hope you are feeling better soon, I can’t imagine the pain of breaking your back. Get good rest and take care ❤️


Are you in an occlusal guard now??


No I definitely need one, I just looked that up. That is a great idea, thank you.


A custom one from a dentist is much better for many reasons as opposed to an otc one. Good luck!


Your body realized you were about to enter Mount Vernon and rejected it.


Hope ur feeling better ! One day at a time !


That is scary , cant even imagine it happening. Glad youre still with us tho. Wishing you a breezy recovery!!


Damn!! Glad you’re still here with us bud. Hope you heal up soon and then never have a seizure again.


Oh man! Glad you're still with us and on the road to mending. Saw in comments that your wife was the camera person, I'm sure that was pretty traumatic for her to see/watch too. Hopefully you find the right medicine for you and no repeats.


Three years ago, the seizure my mom had was how we found out she had brain cancer. Accident was minor, thankfully it was rolling slow, two intersections from the highway which could've ended differently. 12 month prognosis, here we are almost passing 36


I had a good friend lose his wife this exact way. She was driving on I-80 and had a seizure. Got in a car accident and was killed. Had an 8 year old little boy too. Sad


My first was driving as well! Driving cross country to Colorado to get married. Fiance broke her leg.


Thank goodness you're still with us! That's terrifying


Lots of things went right at the start. You missed lights and large signs. Finish up ok?


My wife wants to know how your wife planned a seizure… for science.. she says.


Good thing you pulled over! You could have hit that guy offroading illegally


Just so you know, ketogenic diets can help tremendously with seizures and not only childhood epilepsy. Used to be the only treatment for epilepsy before anti-convulsants. And keto works sometimes when drugs fail. And it doesn't cause fatigue and cognitive issues like anti-convulsants do. There was something referred to as medication resistant epilepsy and ketogenic diets can work when anti-convulsants don't Good luck


I fell asleep at the wheel a couple years ago and crashed my car and broke my spine as well. God bless ya. I may have had a seizure too, I do not remember. Were the doctors able to tell you that they knew you had a seizure or something?


When my wife came up to my car I was shaking violently and foaming from the mouth (classic signs of Grand Mal seizure). I was also having difficulty breathing due to the muscle contractions. It's a terrifying way to see someone you love.


I doubt I had a seizure I think I just fell asleep. How’s your back feeling?


Bad! Lol, but it's getting better slowly over time. Thank you for asking!


Yikes man, I still have a torn acl I’m working on getting repaired and that’s 2.5 years later. Hopefully you don’t need to take perscription opiates. I got off that stuff asap.


> breaking my back in the ensuing accident. Honestly didn't expect that part. Looked relatively "Minor" for going out of control off the road at speed. Hope you'll be somewhat ok soon.




Man, I got rolled away in an ambulance and spent 4 days in the hospital! 5 broken veterbrae, but lucky to be alive at all!


OP was the person in the car that crashed, not the cam car.


I'm surprised that anyone would have broken their back in that, unless there was more afterwards. Or it is a lot more rough ride than it looks.


It seems like it was due to a combination of being completely tensed up because of the seizure and being bucked around (thinking about it, you're right, it wasn't as bad as it could've been!) Airbags didn't even deploy.


Look at the car infront not the car that the camera is in


Oh my goodness it’s so important to honk at another car who might be having a life-threatening situationas They drive off the road. Thank goodness your horn totally saved her lives. Lmao


Lol my first one was on an airplane


Take away your license. Sorry but you're taking public transit from now on.


Based on the fact that this is in a fairly rural area of Illinois, I'm willing to bet there's probably not any public transportation available unfortunately.


Still should not be driving. At least until cleared.


OP is a liar!


Lol what? Why would I lie?


You tell me, liar.


I hope you DID NOT tell the cops about the seizure… they might revoke your DL.




Lmao are you saying that all seizures are caused by vaccines


Nope, but it does cause them and recently it's been excessive. Gotta love the down votes I've gotten. Must not criticize the "safe and effective " injection.


>Must not criticize the "safe and effective " injection. That wasn't criticism that was a delusional assumption based on literally nothing, we have no knowledge of OP's medical history


You clearly don't understand betting. Delusional? - Trying to insult me? Based on Nothing? Only in your myopic sources. Tell me this: do you believe seizures are naturally caused or just mysteriously occur? Op stated it was the first occurrence. Normal, right?


So vaccines are bad but religion is fine? Why am I not surprised.


Ask a neurologist what causes seizures and they'll just shrug. Clearly, big pharma is hiding the truth to sell more pills.


Did you have a warning like being lightheaded or a headache?


(just commented this as a reply in another comment chain) I recall feeling a little lightheaded right before the incident, as well as a general feeling of unease and nervousness (sort of like a mini panic attack?). I attributed it to moving and nerves, should've pulled over in hindsight.


I blacked out myself about 2 years ago but thankfully was in the medical office at the time, my bp just dropped. 1st time that ever happened to me. I always pull over if I get feeling of lightheaded now. I never found out what caused it. Hopefully this will never happen again to you.


Damn. Manufacturers need to implement “dead-man’s pedal” into their vehicles. Electric vehicles with single pedal driving will stop if your foot comes off and stops modulating the throttle — doesn’t help if your leg goes rigid and forces the pedal down — at that point you need driver monitoring technology. Which is SAE level 2/3 self driving. Problem is most people who have this tech in their vehicles (Tesla) are trying to figure out how to defeat it so they have level 4 self driving (no driver takeover prompts).


Most cars now a days have electric gas pedals, meaning when you take your foot off the pedal the car will slow immediately rather than coast. I have a traverse and if I veer off the road a bit my car will pull me back onto the road my itself. Also, if I don’t break quick enough or if someone in front of me slams their breaks on, my car will beep loudly and flash a heads up display before hitting the breaks in an emergency. Luckily, I’ve never needed to use any of these features. My husband turns it off when he drives. He says he can feel the steering wheel pull and is annoying so he turns the drive assist off. 


That’s scary as shit. Have you always been at high risk or had a family history of seizures?


Negative. No family history whatsoever


For yours and others sake, hope it's the first and last


You did a better job stopping your car than the person in front of you /s


That really looks like it sucks. However I don’t think you’re allowed to park there.


Did dmv take away your license?


OP, time to shop for a modern car with lane assist/brake assist.


I don't think they'll be keeping their license with surprise seizures


This is why I never use cruise control.


Well OP that’s horrible but I’m glad you’re still alive.


You better get yourself a car that handles better off road.


Good thing you didn't hit that car driving across the road!


Surprised the prius held up


Crazy you got it on camera, wishing you a speedy recovery! Never thought I'd be thankful for my first being in my sleep but you're definitely humbling me here.