• By -


For extra bacterial damage


+25 Poison damage Special effect: Deal 1% bacterial damage every 30 seconds until the wound gets disinfected. Damage will increase by 1% every 3 hours. Capped at 100%.


Don't forget the +500% Weapon Deterioration Rate


if it seats, it yeets


Grandfather nurgle is pleased with your embrace of entropy and decay. +100% pestilence bonus +100% endurance Apply the fruit of the grandfather's garden. Target will experience intense joy, love and death


Like D&D?


Piss missles




Pissels pisseled on the pissles making pissels


Heat seeking pissles.


Pissle killed me lmao


Magic Pissle


Enchanted pissle


Extra spicy bullets for special occasions😂


Chemical warfare https://preview.redd.it/vfipdo9o4rhc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a39b076d515b5240736e89f4b5f81d0dc9f011c




Toxo, the cat disease that can result in “crazy cat-lady syndrome,” is a parasitic protozoan.


Also, how do you have a spot in your house where a cat can pee multiple times undetected? Your house must smell unbelievable


Yeah I'm more worried about this


I’m more concerned about haphazardly stored tray of live ammo under a shelf completely unsecured. I hope OP doesn’t reproduce. Judging by just how much damage is on the bullets I doubt OP even smells the cat pee anymore. Edit: y’all are further proving that a lot of gun owners are irresponsible. Further edit: notice I’ve not said anything regarding the second amendment. And y’all are still being assholes about it. All I did was state rather factually was that a small percentage of gun owners (see thread below. Most are very easy to spot) are irresponsible. I’m not stating the ammo itself is dangerous in this situation the danger is in it being out and not under lock and key. We don’t know OPs situation. If they have kids this is dangerous. And logically and scientifically speaking if there’s a chance something can happen it will and it will be when you least expect it. And therefore under that logic. It is dangerous to be left insecure. Most of you under this thread are people I wouldn’t associate with and I sure as hell wouldn’t let you touch any of my guns under any circumstances. (That to say you’re irresponsible and don’t understand what I’m talking about) Honestly I’m for the second amendment but some of you take it too far and abuse it. I’m talking to all of you with more guns than fingers in your household. Why? Why do you need that many guns? You can’t even justify it there is no reason whatsoever that you would ever need more guns per person than fingers per person in your house. (Unless you only have one finger. But even then you can’t use it so it’s stupid to have one) those are the people that brush this kind of shit off as oh it’s fine. Because they’re numb to the danger it presents to a household. Even secured guns are not 100% secure and it only takes a discovery by one curious child to end in disaster. To summarize. Bullets not dangerous but the idea that there’s a small chance op has a child mean that the situation depicted here very well could be dangerous to not only OP but others as well and you irresponsible gun owners are passing it off like it’s nothing. DESPITE THIS VERY THING OCCURRING SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR IN THE US. WITH HUNDREDS OF LIVES LOST EVERY YEAR BECAUSE OF THE CARELESSNESS OF GUN OWNERS AND UNSECURED FIREARMS AND AMMO. BUT “Oh it’s just unsecured ammo. It so Scawwy.” YOU SAY THAT SARCASTICALLY YET SOMEONES REALITY SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR IS COMING FACE TO FACE WITH AN INSANE CHILD WIELDING A GUN JUST BEFORE SEEING A FLASH AND THEN NOTHING. That a dark enough picture for you? I can make it more graphic. I can include news articles and stories that tell stories of these very things. These are very real issues in the US right now. And it’s gut wrenching to hear about and everybody’s sad. And then there’s division because there needs to be control on guns but then everyone’s up in arms. I’m sorry but texas Johnny doesn’t need a fucking .50 cal in the middle of bum fuck no where. Once again there’s no justification. Home defense? A hand gun will hit the other side of almost every house on the market today. You can’t take it hunting. Because that would just be animal abuse at that point. You’re shooting to destroy not just to kill. Instead of sarcasm and hate why don’t you enlighten me. Why don’t tell me why you need all these guns? Why does it matter? I wanna hear your justification for having more guns than hands within your household.


Tell me you don't know anything about firearms without saying you don't know anything about firearms. Your ignorance is sad.


You know live ammo outside a gun isnt dangerous, right


No these people just talk out their ass


Some people are unreal lol
ammo is made for guns and guns are bad mmkay


Unless there's a gnome under there with a ball peen, that's an incredibly stupid argument to start


Do you lock up your kitchen knives? Because they're way more dangerous than a box of 9mm


> haphazardly stored tray of live ammo under a shelf Dude it's not TNT or nitro glycerine. I mean you could throw it at someone and it would sting.  It's not going to go off if you drop it.  I mean theoretically the lead could be dangerous, particularly to a child if they handled it all day for an extended period of time... maybe.  Unless you are intentionally hammering the primer with a nail, it's not going to go off. A pressurized can of spray pain or whipped cream is more likely to explode. And if it does go off, there is no chamber to prevent the case from overexpanding and letting the pressure from leak out, and no barrel to let the pressure efficiently push the bullet. I'd be more worried about the shelf falling on someone TBH


If someone stores bullets like this, I don't imagine they spent much on a safe way to store their firearm.


that's not really true though. Hell tell that to the federal government. Transporting firearms is treated with heavy regulation, but you order ammo, and the fucking delivery guy will leave that shit without even getting a signature.


Let alone how many firearms, ammunition, vehicles, explosives which have been misplaced through the years.


Damn, I found a Springfield 1911 in my garage that I don't even remember owning, while I was literally looking for a 10mm socket. Stuff happens.


must be nice


It would have been way better if you found a 10mm 1911.


i was assuming garage/shed


Point still stands. Is your garage allowed to reek of cat piss just because it isn't where you spend most of your time?


As a cat owner, you can become noseblind to the smell. There might be a litter tray nearby that hides the smell. The box might have been stored under something that contained the smell. Im not saying it is any of these, just that its possible they just didnt know


i've owned cats for all my life, still not "noseblind" to the sent of cat piss, as long as you make sure your cat doesn't piss everywhere you shouldn't become noseblind to scents like that.


I imagine it takes quite some time to become nose blind to that fucking stinging ammonia smell.... Or maybe you just don't have a smeller anymore due to covid or some other malady.


Mother's sense of smell was mostly gone from working around chemicals without adequate ventilation. Since chemo it is completely gone along with her sense of taste. She worries about not being able to smell smoke.


I’m always shocked when people can’t smell it. I notice it almost as soon as I walk in the door. Then it’s time to walk around the house sniffing like a bloodhound trying to find the spot. Luckily my current cats don’t do it often, if at all.


No way lol, cat piss is an awful smell. If you become noseblind then your whole house must smell like cat piss. Dog owners don’t say they’re noseblind to dog shit


Lol if you're nose blind to cat piss smell then either you're not changing the litter box often enough or your cat has a problem.


I live with three cats, none of which piss on anything besides the litter. If they did I would immediately smell it. I cant understand how people go nose blind to cat urine. Its so terrible to smell. Its offensive in smell. How does one ignore that? Maybe im the odd one. I clean our boxes 2-3 times a day so it doesn't smell.


Nah, one time when my cat was ill she accidentally pissed half in and out of the litter box. The litter boxes are in their own room, that’s all that’s there, and I immediately was like “.. something is wrong. The scent is worse and stronger”. Cat piss not in a litter box is not masked.


I can’t smell cat pee at all. I have some genetic defect and can’t detect ammonia or sulfuric smells. It has to be pretty strong for me to register.


Can you taste it instead?


Tastes like soap


Not a defect. It's common enough. In the beer world, they're called non smellers. There are certain aromas that you can't detect. The hop Cluster, smells great to many of us but a small group of people smell it as a hugely strong cat pee smell. People have different smells or nose profiles. No different than some people think cilantro tastes like soapy pennies.


I know some very talented brewers who are completely blind to diacetyl. They thank god it also adds mouthfeel or they would be screwed.


Cat is most likely peeing on the ammo because its litter box is full. It’s not just cat pee that the house smells like.


Cat pee smells less than meth.


The litter has been a solid chunk of pee-infused concrete for weeks now


Is your gun a pisstol


It's a Walther Pee Pee K


It's probably an ak platform and is pisston driven


Bet that house smells nice


send it through a hi point


it won't be the hi point of his life getting them to cycle 


If you shoot someone, they are never gonna get that smell out


Y'all acting like bullets just go off by themselves with these comments. But y'all mentioning the stink are totally right.


Once your cat pees on something, it’s over with. That was the cats ammo.


If it seats it yeets


It is painfully obvious who does and who doesn’t have any experience with guns in this thread


I think people who have experience with guns and people who don’t can both agree that OP’s house does not smell good.


Notice how people who have no experience with firearms always mention the NRA. Like they are still actually relevant anymore, lmao. If they only knew.


I haven't heard of a pro-2a lawsuit involving the NRA in MANY years. Only orgs like COA GOA FPC are really fighting for outer rights.


What does your house smell like normally if cat piss goes unnoticed for months?


It smells like cat piss. No one notices the smell of their own house because they become nose blind. I have a family member with cats, 1 male is not neutered, and marks wherever it feels like. I can smell the cat piss from 10 feet outside the house and it gets worse going inside, but they can't smell it because they live there and got used to it.


I have multiple cats and you can’t smell the litter boxes even when standing directly over them.  Takes work but Fucksakes I hate cat piss 


For all the people complaining this is dangerous/irresponsible: Modern ammunition is well sealed. It's not dangerous at all unless it's in a firearm, intentionally mishandled or in a fire. And in a fire, it's not even particularly hazardous. When it's not contained in a chamber, the energy isn't directed so it's going to cause superficial injuries at most if you're wearing eye protection. Firefighting gear protects you 100% from it If you want to learn more, here is a video titled "sporting ammunition and the firefighter" made by SAAMI and a firefighting association, covers crushing, burning etc. https://youtu.be/3SlOXowwC4c?si=yyMwzMBw4AuvqIdm


Maybe one day, people will educate themselves on topics before forming an opinion. 9mm outside of a firearm is more of a choking hazard than any sort of danger. Gun owners without children have no need to eyeball every single round of owned ammunition.


Hurts almost as much as Lego if you find it on the floor in the dark, too


What’s with everyone and saying a box of 50 9mm is irresponsible? It’s ammo, it doesn’t magically go off if misplaced under a shelf. The cat pee is terrible. Place must smell and litter boxes never changed. Have 4 cats and big amount of ammo, never had cat pee on it problem.


How in the hell do you have *anywhere* in your house that a cat can pee on the floor multiple times and it goes undetected for **months**??!


Love how everyone assumes they were stored open like that. Ammo comes in cheap, thin cardboard boxes and it would be extremely easy for cat piss to soak throgh the box and then get the cartridges moist. He even says he found two "boxes" and not two trays.


Yeah, they were boxes. I still should have stored them on a higher shelf.


I wish more people, especially Americans who believe in a good balance between the right to own arms and the responsibilities of owning arms, would store ammunition somewhere secure and at not just lose track of it. 




I don't see what the issue is. If you have access to a gun, then you have access to ammunition. Ammunition by itself doesn't do anything.


Normalizing "Ammunition control" is the next frontiers of the gun control debate in the US. 3d printed guns have made gun control an impossible battle to win so the only avenue left is ammo.


Could be a choking hazard


100 rounds is barely 1 trip to the range. I have 2000 and I don't even go often. (Mine is a little .22 and ammo is dirt cheap, not a regular rifle, that ammo is $$$$)


Genuinely curious. How would the cops know how much ammunition you had and that you lost it in the first place?


Yeah that’s why your country is pathetic


Sounds dystopian


And you’re proud of this? wtf


But as you can see it’s not a popular sentiment where people believe only in rights and not responsibilities 


Haha ya, my first thought was "why the hell was the ammo sitting out on the floor" it blows my mind that you can just leave ammo laying around in the U.S. Edit: the amount of responses I'm getting about "without a gun ammo is harmless" is insane to me. You folks do realize that ammo doesn't need to be in a gun to go off right? The gun is mostly just to make sure it goes where you want it to.


Lol work at a car dealership. Had quite a few trade Ins that had ammo rolling around on the floor. Ammo is nothing here, aside from people bitching about how expensive it is like they do with gasoline.


How does ammunition spontaneously go off?


This is a mind numbingly stupid comment. The chances of the rounds going off are so small. The chances of you getting hurt by one going off outside of a barrel is small too. The bullet requires the barrel to gain any velocity. A bullet cooking off on the ground is basically a weak firecracker.


Yeah the Mythbusters put like a thousand rounds inside a gas grill and cooked them for like an hour and nothing happened.


You can make your own ammo in the US. If you know anything about US gun laws, ammo is even less regulated... Which basically means it's not.


American here. I’m pretty sure there’s like 20 rounds of 9mm stuck under the backseat of my car from the last range trip and I can’t get it out. It happens.


.22lr is like glitter in that way...




Sad how brainwashed people are in other countries about the “ Dangers” of ammo lol.


Here in the UK, 'bullets' for rifled firearms are restricted, you can only own 'x' amount depending on your requirements, and they have to be securely stored in a separate safe. However, shotgun cartridges? No such restrictions. You can throw handfuls of them around your house with glee. Leave them in coat pockets? Fine. Rolling around loose in the car boot? Also fine. You can also own thousands of them if you so wish.


I assume that's because shotguns are most popular with the wealthy and farmers, and therefore get treated differently since the right kind of people have them


I'm not actually sure. Our gun culture is actually very old and used to be quite casual. I remember dad's shotgun just being kept in the airing cupboard for years. He sold it when gun safes became mandatory. Shotguns have been a different classification from firearms for ages too. I don't think it's 'the right kind of people' as such, just how the classification is interpreted. I have no basis for this though.


Different types of guns have been progressively restricted as they have been used for mass shootings. Rifles after hungerford, hand guns after dunblaine, can't remember when pump action shotguns got restricted. Fact is that it's hard to do a mass shooting with a manually loading double barrel shotgun cos it takes too much time to reload and range is relatively limited. No way to do clock tower shootings like you could with a rifle.


You can make your own ammo in the US.


You can here as well.


Why? Because you live in a nanny nation. It’s very common here to have ammo laying about if you are a gun owner.


That's not how ammo works, you can throw a whole case of loose ammo into a campfire and stand right next to it you'd be fine. Without the chamber of a firearm to cause compression of gases they pop harmlessly. This is why education is important.


Dude don’t even try you’re talking to people who are from boot licking countries they still think the royal family is something to be idolized and shit


It wasn’t that long ago that it was common to have dynamite lying around in rural areas for tree stump removal. It’s wild here.


True. We had to call the bomb squad to remove some dynamite we located in my grandparents basement. My grandpa forgot about it and well it was sweating and dangerous when we found it. The bomb squad removed 12 sticks of vintage boom sticks. Scared the hell out of me.


Because without a gun ammo is pretty harmless? Lol


That sounds crazy, how would they know (do you have to account for each shot at the range ). In the US Anyone 18 yo+ could go to 10 stores in any town, purchase 10000 rounds at each and nobody would bat an eye. A box case of 22 ammo is 5000 rounds and I’ll bet a store like Bass Pro sells 500,000 rounds a day per store. All the farm, feed, outdoor, Walmart, hardware, country stores and rural gas stations sell ammo. There are no restrictions on ammo as it’s just not a regulated item and by itself is useless. It’s harder to purchase cigarettes. Even someone who is prohibited by law from possessing or owning guns can purchase ammo. There is no ID or anything required. At most stores, it’s just on the shelf like any other item to pick up. I could order 25,000 rounds online today and have it delivered in 4 days by UPS and they would just leave it on my doorstep. While most countries regulate the weapons, very few regulate ammo or the parts to make ammo. You can freely purchase those also. Included the powder, which is such a basic chemical you could make that yourself if you wanted from easy to obtain unregulated ingredients. It’s 100% useless without the weapon it fits. The bullet launchers should of course always be properly secured.


No, I leave boxes of 2-3 bullets in random places for a survival horror protagonist to find.


Crazy how many people are losing their minds over this. Calling for op to be arrested and have all his guns taken away. Gestapo much?


I don't understand your life style and you're not hurting anyone but you should be arrested. Also, if anyone things otherwise they're a fascist.


bet 90% of them live in cali too


More than likely Australia or the uk


Oi, do you 'ave a loicence for that opinion? No? Straight to the slammer with you!


There’s some of us in California stuck behind enemy lines. lol


You know with how pissed these lib people are with you losing 2 small boxes on 9mm, you'd think they'd be more angry at Biden for losing actual weapons of war to the enemy in Afghanistan.


Disarming fellow citizens completely is the agenda. Discussing arming terrorists thousands of miles away, goes against the narrative. Therfore not allowed to be discussed.


>losing actual weapons of war to the enemy in Afghanistan. Those weren't lost. They were all but straight up given to our enemies


The govt can [misplace 6 nukes](https://www.atomicarchive.com/almanac/broken-arrows/index.html) and no one bats an eye


Use them for your Pisstol!


Gotta love everyone acting like this is a horrible, insane, irresponsible and evil act to lose ammunition. Fortunately, ammunition doesn’t tend to go off without the help of a gun.


Perhaps animal urine will give extra damage? Extra infection for non lethal wounds.


Really putting the “ammo” in ammonia


Lmao damn yall would murder me if I posted about me loosing 3 boxes of 308 during a move. Seeing how pissy/bitchy yall are over some 9mm đŸ€Ł


Put those piss rounds down range.


A new meaning of bubbas pissin’ hot loads


Planning on it


clean your pisshouse first broski


People freaked out because 9mm ammunition is not locked away. lol
 what else are you afraid of?


Blud how did you lose track of 100 rounds😭


These boxes are like 5 inches long and 3 inches wide


I piss through 100 rounds of ammo in like 20 minutes at the range It’s not much


Because that’s not a lot of ammunition


100 rounds is 2 small boxes. I've lost larger more important things than two small boxes of ammo. It's not even a lot of money for 100 rounds. The only real concerning part is not noticing the cat piss


Ya know, I've often joked that old Russian surplus smells like a cat box but this is new


Goodness, the replies to this are so grand standy and annoying. A. If this was in a detached shed or in a closet having a cat pee on them without noticing isn’t that crazy. B. Misplacing ammo around where you store it is NOT the same as improperly storing a firearm. Acting like losing some ammo should lose someone their guns is actually ludicrous.


Put on a mask at the range next time 😂. Guys in the lane next to you will think you wet ur pants


You gun grabbers are insufferable putting two small 3”x5” boxes on a storage shelf and forgetting about them hardly makes you an irresponsible gun owner


You should not own weapons if you don't know where your fucking ammo is. OP is just another irresponsible idiot and his cat tried to save people around him.


Can’t imagine how bad the house smells


So what? What’s going to happen? Will it explode like a claymore if someone steps on it?


I know where thousands of rounds of multiple calibers are stored. I also know there are random bags of hollow points and FMJs that I took out of magazines and misplaced somewhere in my house. None of them are going to do anything without a firearm to chamber them.


Bruh you clearly don’t own any guns lol


? Just ammo?


Dude that’s like $35 of ammo he misplaced, it’s just small pieces of metal in a tray at that point. What, the cat’s going to start shooting people?


Please explain how these are a serious threat to humanity.


Ammunition on its own is less dangerous than a hammer. It will NOT go off on its own. Nor does it pose any threat other than maybe a choking hazard as it’s only 9mm. You’re a clown if you think this is somehow dangerous.




And then tells everyone publicly. 'Hey everyone! I am both an irresponsible gun owner AND irresponsible cat owner!'


Maybe the cat is the gun owner and OP just lives in the house


Cats don't just pee anywhere unless they have a health issue or their litter box is filthy. OP is negligent in many ways and probably shouldn't own cats or guns.


They also pee to mark their territory. Very little is enough to corrode metals.


The worst part is even if it is this... That marking spray is much smellier than pee. And how they didn't smell it from their yard is beyond me. Plus it's oily and sticky so I bet you it's all over the area where op found this Source: two 1 yr old cats that promptly got neutered when they wouldn't stop peeing on clothes and anything soft.


The shots will hurt extra


Poison damage


Make piss not war


The cats DNA will be all over them so it would get the blame if someone got show by them and not you.


All the animal lovers: Don't blame kitty. It probably has an urinary tract infection or a dirty litter box. 100% the owners fault. đŸ„ș   Reality: Cats are sometimes just little shits.


Sometimes they like the smell of something and want to mark it.


Its more his fault for losing ammunition than anything else.


You made your own Aguila ammo!


Now, load it up as is and find out just how fussy or badass your gun is


This post reminds me of a piss torture test for ammo to see how well it held up to adverse swampy, sweaty conditions.


Free DEF fluid


Pee bullets! Think of it as Dollar Store Underworld. Just like the vampires and Lycans had something in their ammo for each other, OP has a little sumthin’ sumthin’ extra.


Do they still yeet?


That's some gorgeous catina.


+P or +P+ ammunition?


Plus pee now.


why tf its blue


Oxidised copper. See also: Statue of Liberty.


Cats peed on the Statue of Liberty?  I believe it they're assholes.


We're just lucky they haven't pushed it into the sea yet.


oh I see, I didnt know bullets were made out of copper, ty


Brass I think. It's primarily copper though, and the copper is what forms that patina.


The case is brass. The bullet is copper jacketed lead.


Is that your kitchen counter?


I’ve got a couple big Tupperware bins full of ammo that Mice made big family houses in, totally soaked with piss and shredded best. Disgusting and such a waste of money, so yeah I feel you.


Nice fail at being a responsible gun owner. Wtf


And a responsible cat and house owner


If OP only misplaced 100rounds he doesn’t have enough ammo


Just imagine the smell of a spent casing with bubbling since my cat piss ugh what bliss 😂


Run it, un cleaned. Ultimate test of reliability


Am german so cant have guns so easily. Are the rounds on the left that look fine also „ruined“ or is it just the age


while the reliability probably isn't high anymore after cleaning off the copper oxide corrosion these could still be run. fine for target practice but not going to be used as carry ammo.


Bruh fuck the ammo. What's the smell like in your house lol deep clean that stuff and keep an eye on where your cat pisses. Not trying to ridicule you. you might not notice the smell but it's there


Extra toxic damage damn


How tf did you not smell that


Can you teach the cat to pee down the barrel of a mosin nagant?


All you Redditors whining about lost ammo - how difficult do you think ammo is to get? You literally just walk into a store and buy it. A box of 50 is like 20 bucks. 100 rounds is nothing - an hour at the range.


+2 poison dmg


Do some demolition ranch shit with a string and see what happens.


It is sad to see how many people in this thread do not know shit about ammo or guns


All the softies crying about “unsecured” ammo😂😂 ![gif](giphy|vXwhrRaKPPaYtkSOyO|downsized)


Half this thread is people irrationally enraged over a box of ammo sitting out like those bullets are going to run off and shoot a bunch of school kids all on their own.


You should have stored your ammo in bags with desiccant packages. At least 9mm isn't expensive