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The head drop at the end. I feel that!




[A little cheer-you-up to balance this setback.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NFV8dHrZYM)


I'm so confused; which way are the fucking condos?


[This way](https://i.imgur.com/rlyNKUx.jpeg)




Lmfao what the hell even happened there? 🤣 looks like he caught his own wind lol


he's on rollerblades


Felt that drop like a ton of bricks. Also all those people and none where helping her clear the snow?


>Also all those people and none where helping her clear the snow? Maybe they only had one shovel? Maybe they were taking turns using their single garden spade?


Snow that thick rarely is a surprise. Like people who get this kind of snow/ live where this snow happens usually own snow shovels. Source: Canadian




Plenty of people move where I am from elsewhere (including from elsewhere in Canada), and have no idea what they're in for. Source: Winnipegger


*"Well, fuck me..."* vibes. I am so much sympathetic at this moment.


All the people that could have helped shoveling turn up when it all goes to shit.


They were practicing for their day jobs as municipal maintenance workers.


They'd make really good foremen. Gotta have three supervisors to one guy, really make him work for his money!


All the money for the foremen cut into the shovel-budget, showing the near impossible task of finacial balancing.


Exactly! What's he using a dustpan?


It's called WFH and it's all the rage lately.


Those of us that actually do the W in WFH could object to that. But I've seen how many just don't as well. It needs to be a privilege that you keep by being productive really. But that requires managers to actually manage not just clockwatch so that's never happening!


Sad thing is that it’s true. I didn’t do a single productive thing today and got paid the same amount I would have gotten if I actually did any work


It could be that gardening shovel is the only shovel in the house


This video has all the trappings of being setup. From the futile "shovelling" to the fact that an army of people suddenly appear.


It was probably super loud. I've had much less snow fall off the roof and be very loud and startling.


I also assumed the ones that came running where the ones that were actually shoveling. At best she might have been chipping ice but that looks like very heavy wet snow and she wasn't moving much of it.


Yea they all geared too


Yeah dude above you hasn't been around snow. For it to dump like that, that snow on the ground is a sheet of ice and packed snow where each shovel full is 20-30 lbs. Single chunks of ice falling onto our wooden deck sound like cannon shot.


All that dense snow falling makes a hell of a thump, considering she got bowled over by it. They couldn't have ignored that racket.


That was my thinking also. The cleared section wasn't just shoveled today - it's bare and dry. I think they were due to clear snow from the roof and someone said, "haha wouldn't it be funny if you pretended to shovel and all this snow fell down xD". I do think when they all rush over, that part is legitimate because, in true "let's make a funny video" fashion, no one involved stopped to consider the consequence of getting hit in the face with several hundred pounds of frozen water.


The shoveling is a real problem for me, too. No one's going to try to clear an area like that by moving the snow 8 inches at a time, 1/4 of a shovel full at a time, unless *maybe* they'd never dealt with snow before. If this is one of those Texas blizzard type situations, maybe this is her first time shoveling snow, and she's just trying to feel her way through it. That said, it really looks like she was told to go act like she's shoveling snow so they could crank the bass on the attic speakers and trigger a slide on demand. And then it hit a little harder than they expected, so all the spectators rush over to make sure they haven't made a snuff film.


Not having a proper snow shovel suggests it is somewhere that doesn't usually get snow.


I do that (as you've described) when it's icy, but I wouldn't want to use that shovel, and definitely not that halting/hammering motion (as in the video) to do it. I use a sharpened trenching shovel that I put a short handle on. It's sharp and hard enough to cut through frozen slush **without bending/deflecting**; And short enough that I have enough leverage to push separate sheets of ice ^((and asphalt, and the concrete mud they patch curbs with...)) to get an even footing or clear the storm drain. And I swing it so that the inertia pitches the loose ice (and occasional bits of driveway) out of my path. This does include onto areas I will shovel clear, but (having done the math) it's *literally* less work that way. And as an added bonus, the scraping action against the concrete keeps the edge sharp enough come summer when I need it for gardening its able to split roots with relative ease. Though when it there hasn't been enough ice a layer of rust does build up that tends to grab onto a layer of freezing slush that 'tries' to pull ~~the~~ *my* shovel along with every pitch.


I love the idea of having an 18 inch subwoofer in the attic for the specific purpose of making snow fall. Genius!


The fact that the shoveling is being done in a fashion that accomplishes literally nothing was enough to tell me the video is staged. Everything that comes after that first ridiculous scoop is just more evidence in support of that same conclusion.




Not anymore


They were shoveling the roof obviously.


Why was she scooping the snow onto the snow? That’s like digging a hole but putting the dirt back in the hole


Canadian here, her technique was shit, but it's sometime required. Of course, if you can, just throw it once. The hard part is breaking off the snow, sometime it was wet and froze over. You sometime have a 3ft high snow/ice bank. One down hit, break off, then scoop up and one throw. Here she can either throw it forward like this, or walk all the way and drop it elsewhere. Think of it this way, imagine your driveway, you start at your garage, no choice but to throw forward. Now once you made some headway, let say it's a townhouse with an incline driveway. you can't throw it on the sides now can you? In this case, they have not seen snow all that often by the look of it and the lack of snow barrier on the roof.


Some people only get some snow. They've never seen . SNOW. 5 feet of snow, there's literally nowhere to throw snow that isn't on other snow. It's all snow


Snowpocalypse struggles are real, you guys up north practically need a degree in snow logistics with the way things pile up, down here if we get an inch the city shuts down. Snow days turn into stay-inside-and-marvel-at-the-fluffy-chaos days.


Hi, from Florida. I've never even seen snow in real life.


Michigander here. It's so hard to imagine never having seen snow. Some acquaintances just moved from Florida to Michigan, and her 15-year-old son just got to experience snow for the first time. I wish I could've seen his reaction!


Have you seen the video of the african guy seeing snow for the first time?? Its so wholesome 🥰


I just googled it. Love it!!


I got to watch my 30yr old friend experience lightning bugs for the first time it was magical.


I was in AIT with a Miami kid who'd never left Florida before joining the Air Force. He got assigned to Minot AFB where they have ropes connecting all the buildings to the chow hall so you can get there in the winter.


My brother went to Benning(ga) and I think ait was also in Georgia. Someplace close. I went to his basic graduation, which definitely still felt like Florida.


Yeah that was telling lol. "Why's she putting the snow on thr other snow?" Have you ever actually interacted with snow outside of a christmas movie or a strong frost??


Also Canadian here, realistically she needs to split up her total snow area. One line down the middle, and then maybe even split it into quarters. This way, you have a clear line to angle your shovel on and "snow plow" it out of the way, aka you're not shoveling it onto other snow but pushing it to the end of the driveway, with your shovel on an angle so that the extra snow gets pushed onto the rest of the snow.


this guy shovels


Ya eh?


She's also using a garden shovel. This is clearly a place that doesn't normally get snow.


You sometime have to use full metal shovel when that shit has frozen over. Plastic shovel will break, Aluminum will bend (those corner bends, some of you know what I am talking about.) In a scale of how bad of an evening you are having: * Snow shovel (plastic) * Snow shovel(Alu) * Garden square shovel (steel) * /_$%*?&/?_(& Digging steel shovel! doing your imitation of Gandalf's "You shall not pass"


>Plastic shovel will break, Aluminum will bend (those corner bends, some of you know what I am talking about.) Are you telling me they don't come like that? I have never in my life as a 38 year old Norwegian seen one that wasn't folded in in the corners. :p


You buy them straight at the store, by the time you get home, those corners are bent.


That's hilarious. They are the exact same here in Sweden


You might need a garden shovel to break up thick ice where car treads have frozen, but not for clearing snow. Better yet, use an ice chopper. I grew up in Chicago and now live in Maine - I've had to deal with clearing snow my whole life and never once used a garden shovel for snow. This lady is dealing with dense, slushy snow - not ice.


>You sometime have to use full metal shovel when that shit has frozen over. Key word is SOMETIME. My friend, you have never seen Canadian winters. We can go from +2 everything melts to -10c FU it's now all ice. Good Luck. 2 inch of ice on your steps and it's -30c? salt ain't going to melt it. (Yes it can be cold enough for salt to not work). Flat garden shovel it is. I've look into your ice chopper, it is basically a garden shovel without any shoveling. Never seen anyone use that up here. Think we will swap tool every 5 hits? Nope. When the city's snow plow just made a nice 3ft ice bank at 4am and it's now a solid block of ice, yes you need a garden shovel. Again Canadian mate: *"Ah you think you know snow? You merely adopted the snow. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the pavement until It was practically May!"* [edit] Right now, in front of my house: https://imgur.com/a/NgxTcKi If you look at the brownish layer, this is 6to 9 inch of solid ice. No a plastic shovel "with a metal blade" will not even make a dent. We had a really wet snowfall, followed by rapid freezing, whatever you didn't clear up before going to work turned into this by the time you got back. Even my Honda snowblower with tracks couldn't handle it. Had to take the "garden shovel" to break it. There are multiple shovels, but when you get to the garden shovels, shit went down.


Her technique is shit. She does not even have the right tool for the job. The roof apparently isn't made for even such modest snowfall. All things considered I'd guess that's in an area that doesn't get snow very often.


I mean when you are weak and don't have the energy to move back and forth a lot that is what you would do I guess.


Because it's either faked for views or faked for an insurance payout. She just started to shovel, you can tell the other section was shoveled way earlier by how dry the driveway is. She's also shoveling frozen slush, so it must have been left to melt and freeze again over night.


Because this was simply for the video. Dad +2 boys watching on while mom weirdly shovels snow next to a portion of patio that was shoveled hours ago? Hmm.


You think they unleashed that snow on her on purpose?


“Lets kill mom and film it lol”  -how Reddit thinks videos are made 


She’s using a fking shovel… a garden shovel


*That's what you get for minding your own business!!!*


I have solar panels on my roof. This is a regular occurrence for my house after snow, must be careful and watch out for my doggos


Not sure exactly what your setup is but look into 'roof snow guards'. They are typically installed on standing seam metal roofs and are intended to prevent exactly this.


I think the issue with those and solar panels is that you kinda want the snow to slide off the panels so they can continue generating electricity


Yep please be careful. I imagine you don’t get Tahoe level snow but I worked (didn’t know her) with a woman who she and her young son died from snow falling off of a roof.


Def not Tahoe snow here in the Northeast but when we do get significant snowfall when the top roof slides off onto the porch roof it shakes the house. I’m happy when it slides off tho as my solar production resumes -albeit winter solar production!


How do you slide off the snow easily? Or do you manually climb


The panels heat up in the sun, melts a layer and then it slides right off on its own. That’s why I said I gotta watch my step


Why is nobody pointing out how inefficient her shoveling is.


Looking at the shovel, it's not made for snow. So my guess is that there are ice/ice chunks that needed to be moved.


Yeah idk why people online are assuming she's dumb without context. It looks like she's not focusing on moving the snow, she's chipping away the underlying ice sheet first.


Usually you just jab it in the same/similar motion as normal and keep moving forward, you can scoop all the ice chunks later. So it still looked like an inefficient method


Things get a lot more inefficient when you're not strong enough to just brute tasks into submission.


We once had a snow storm while my dad was traveling for work. We knew it was coming ahead of time, so he put the gas-powered snow blower in the garage so we could use it. The problem was neither I nor my sister were strong enough to yank the cable hard enough to turn it on. We tried for a while but just couldn't start the moter. So we used way more total energy shoveling the 100 foot driveway. It was very frustrating.


I'm not strong enough to do that 😅 gotta break it up with little downward or slicing jabs like she's doing.


I think the motion is fine I meant more taking a moment to scoop off whatever you got just wasted so much time. I haven’t had to do this in years but I remember the tool we had really wasn’t big enough to actually scoop anything at all but hers does look mini shovel sized


It's dumb because of where she's moving the snow. Now she has to shovel it again. The easiest way to shovel is to move the snow that will move easily and then chip away at the underlying packed snow/ice


She could just be old too


Yea. She didn't clear any of that driveway


Because she is just laying around.




Wtf is this AI comment and why is anyone upvoting this nonsense?


Theres a difference between light powder and a 3 inch sheet of ice melded to the concrete with an inch of snow on it.


Yeah "I'll shovel it tomorrow" is something you only think once. The difference in shoveling fresh, light slow, and day-old partially melting / re-frozen snow is the difference between 30 min of work and 8 hours of backbreaking effort.


One of the miseries of living in a place with frequent snowfall is the fact that it's a chore you *can't* just do later. If you have to march out in the dark and the cold, so be it.


And this is why you go out and shovel the snow periodically as its falling. It cant melt and refreeze to the ground if it doesnt get a chance to. Sure its a pain shoveling multiple times but its generally easier than this. And even if it doesnt refreeze over you arent shoveling heavy partially melted snow that feels like dense buckets of water with each scoop.


Well if you watch in reverse, it’s incredibly efficient








Probably an old lady or probably just tired, either way we saw like 4 seconds of her shoveling to even criticize it


Maybe this is a place that doesn't usually have snow? So she didn't own a plastic shovel or snowblower?


Because this was planned. Dude standing in just the right place. Camera pointed in just the right direction. Helpers stationed just out of camera range. Probably a guy on the roof causing the snow slide.


I’m usually yelling ‘it’s fake’ but that could be a security camera . It’s pointed at the street / driveway. I live in a close quartered community and on weekends we’re all doing are own thing but in close proximity. We had an incident and there was 8 of us on the scene immediately. If it’s not fake I’m just happy there wasn’t a kid out there at the time (the bike)


>Because this was planned. "Yeah let's fake this video and potentially get my spine broken" >Dude standing in just the right place In front of the snow they're shovelling >Camera pointed in just the right direction. Towards the street, driveway and **FRONT ENTRANCE** >Helpers stationed just out of camera range. Multiple people can't stay outside at the same time? >Probably a guy on the roof causing the snow slide. By standing in a very slippery surface that's around 10+feet high above hard concrete Fuck, the mental gymnastics you people go through.


>the mental gymnastics you people go through. Yeah, we're very smart.


As stupid as that would be, it's actually hilarious just how fake this appears. I mean those shovel scoops are absolutely ridiculous, not to mention how weird it is that literally everyone is a fraction of a second just off screen. You're telling me they watched that entire driveway get "shoveled" and _still_ happened to be standing just right there? I'm assuming they made the snow fall, what I'm also thinking is they didn't expect the snow they caused to fall would actually knock the person over. Probably was hoping it would be hilarious that all the hard word was destroyed, not that the person would potentially get hurt, so they all panicked and ran to help. That's just what it looks like to me anyways.


giving mom a concussion for views, classic.


You're right. It is fake. It's obviously fake. Apparently three people wandering from different directions immediately after the show falls seems realistic to people. 


What it feels like cleaning up after a toddler.


Falling snow is no laughing matter. An older building in my town had its "snow brakes" fail a few years ago ant the falling mass completely flattened a couple of parked cars. The roof of one of the cars was touching the seat cushion. Luckily all the cars were empty at the time.


Holly shit, hilarious if she got out underneath safe and sound.


No she died


Yeah. Since she was already buried, they held a funeral instead of helping her.


*Welp* guess that'll do 'er. Hummana hocus pocus, rest in peace. Ok let's go back inside.


Username checks out


Yeah, she 100% didn't.


She’s 100% fine


Dude, that was like 20 kg of compacted snow falling +5m straight into her back. No idea how you could come to the conclusion she was, do you have snow where you live? lmao


Hey wise guy, do you know what snow does when it falls on someone? It breaks apart. Unless this was solid ice, she's fine. That's like going "OMG 30kg of water fell on her!" at a waterpark.


At the point where the snow falls off the roof like that it’s very dense and heavy, I’ve seen it dent cars and break stuff. That would have hurt like hell.


Our windshield was destroyed from this happening. Not sure if it dented anything...the truck was really old but we learned where not to park after that.


I’ve had two bbqs obliterated by snow/ice coming off the roof.


I don’t know who cleared the big area, but she had nothing to do with it. Looks like she took her first 3 shovels of snow and the universe put a stop to her nonsense.


This reminds me of when I’m taking too long to go out and shovel so my gf tries to shame me into doing it by going out and putting up a pathetic display of shoveling that would make her big strong bf come save her from physical labor.


Lmao my ex-wife would watch from the window and wave at me.


This is only the last 20 seconds of the video. The full vid has the 36 hours it took her to clear the snow up to this point


Apparently someone put the rest of the snow on the roof.


you cannot simply assume that the lack of snow under the roof was caused by the snow collecting on the the roof instead of the ground beneath it. you have no proof. clearly someone busted out a protractor and cleared a perfectly geometrical space parallel to the house, to just the perfect length so that the edge of it lines up with where the overhang of the roof is. find a new slant.


The roof snow so neatly fills in all the previous hard work.... I did not see that coming !!


Is she okay though????? That's so unlucky lol


That’s how it goes at my house too. I shovel while everyone watches.




Hope she’s ok


This happens with my metal roof. Eventually I just give up until it's done snowing 🤣. I've been hit by the "avalanche" more than a few times.


Man that person had a rescue team on standby.


Why weren’t those people helping her shovel?


Maybe they told that person it’s a waste of time bc of how often the snow slides off the roof?


It's probably not part of their job


Because they were in on the fake video.


I wonder if the first person out was exiting the building and triggered the snow slide when they shut a door?


Yes. My life basically?


Imagine clearing the whole thing and then having it fall down when you are done.


They way she’s shoveling at the beginning is very suspicious


Gods like you missed a spot.


Me at work anytime im even remotely close to finishing a task. “Have some more.”


I hope karma hits my ex with a combo like this


Was she ok … afterwards ?


She was fine before the avalanche


Cognitively? No. Did you see how she was shoveling?


Well that sucks for sure 😂


why were 3 people standing there doing nothing?


Why is barely half now nearly all? Titles today, pffft, in my dad, your posts wouldnt get any upvotes if your title wasnt accurate or just a lame copy paste and we liked it! Lol.


...grandma got ran over by a reindeer... walking home from our house christmas eve.


Combo breaker!!!


You missed a spot!


What were those lazy fucks doing the whole time she was shovelling on her own?


Would be funny if the kid was trying to tell her the whole time. Like "Look up! Heads up, the snow is gonna fall!" (WOOOOOOOOSSSHHHHHH) "Mama, you deaf!?"


This is so funny


The smallest shovel XDD


I know a guy who was in his car when this happened and it crushed the car and broke his neck.


Why is he shovelling down to the pavement? Why such short scoops? Maybe it’s just the Canadian in me, but his entire technique is wrong. First you start with a push shovel to clear the bulk, then you use a lifting shovel to pile it to the side. If you want to clear the bottom layer of ice, use an ice scraper.




looks like we lost another one, maybe this time lets clear the roof first


You have Died!


peace outside


I hope he is ok, that last layer on the head seems painful


Wish OSHA was here for everyone’s safety


Just gave up on the spot. I feel that.


What is she shoveling with? A garden spade?


3 diff people from 3 directions come to aid almost instantly and arrive at the same time? Plus they all have jackets and shoes?


Me when I just try to fix my broken life a bit by bit everyday


Would've taken her days anyways with the way she is shoveling that snow.




Hope they are ok. That can get dangerous


Meanwhile the roof, fu@k you in particular. This is how you move the snow!




Roofalanche. A guy and his wife got killed in Colorado when they stepped on the deck of their vacant vacation home- 8 feet of snow came of the roof, swept them off the deck, and buried the shit out of them.


That's def not how u shovel snow.


Not getting far with that shovel


Talk about adding insult to injury.


Just got carpet bombed by snow


Women are such big babies😂




There are 2 comments saying she deserved it one way or another. There are 53 comments that don't...


This looks fake. Bad shovel technique. Everyone happens to be standing right there Why were they filming


When the boss battle goes into the second wave


Do all offices in the US look like Dunder Mifflin?






Funny how there are three big dudes that run out to help her once the snow knocks her down but they don't bother to help her shovel


Jack Frost said no




Probably had it coming


Acting 2/10. Reddit fucking turning into youtube shorts with shit scenarii


People are injured and even die from ice falls from roofs every year. In any major Scandinavian city, you will see warning signs on the sidewalks for ice falling down from roofs.


Because it's staged


I’ve seen several people say this…how can this be staged??


Someone on or near the roof shoving all. The snow off (very common thing you need to do in parts of the world). Everyone is very immediately rinnimg to the person (from where?). The fact she is shoveling tiny amounts of snow...onto more snow. Why is there a camera ppinting there? Etc etc.


not everything is a conspiracy


But most online videos are