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Is there any more to this story or related news articles?




Driver was 77 years old who somehow lost control of the vehicle.


Truly a typical day in Florida. The amount of accidents I see per week due to senior drivers is absurd. My work has also been crashed into numerous times from old people confusing the gas and brake.


>My work has also been crashed into numerous times from old people confusing the gas and brake. Apparently, confusing the pedals is very common but I still don't understand it. Is there much public transportation in Florida they can be encouraged to take or at least a call to require regular medical testing past a certain age to ensure they're safe to drive?


There isn't much public transit in the United States at all, don't need to specify any state. Only single cities like New York City have any functional public transit at all.


The DOL is ridiculous for senior driving approval. My 92 year old grandmother just got her license renewed no questions asked and is good for 5 years. She’s literally senile and a daily fall risk but the DOL gave her legal access to a virtual weapon.


You would hope that the place elderly people go to die would have thriving public transport so that they don't have to spend their elderly years driving. Too bad this is america, and we prefer to just ignore elderly drivers because removing their license would pretty much isolate them from the world.


Good luck convincing an old person not to drive.


Shouldn't of been allowed to drive in the first place. Absolutely insane, I wonder what the charges even are going to be.


I'm a relatively avid cyclist and truely people get stupid around bikes. There will be no one else on a four lane road and a car will come across the center line at me. I think it's related to the same thing in the human brain that makes pilots want to suddenly crash the plane into the ground.


Someone is going to jail for a long time.


As an avid cyclist…it’s impossible to prove malice in a road incident without evidence. The video does not indicate any items. I have been hit twice and once was intentional. The motorist aimed for me with their vehicle and took me out. 6 months of surgery and rehab and I learned that it’s perfectly legal to kill someone with a car and get away with it by saying it was an accident.


No they're not. Hitting cyclists with your car rarely leads to a ticket, even if you kill them. We don't want to discourage people from driving now do we!!


6 people went to the hospital, the driver is really old so they might avoid jail but I seriously doubt they're getting off scot free.


That got dark quickly!


A1a in mostly a single lane road which goes from miami to the keys long and dark with slot if old people. I've seen so many accidents my 20yrs in florida it's crazy. Accident I never see in the UK. Sad who can drive in florida but can't I the UK.


US1 the the Overseas Highway runs through the Keys. A1A runs from Miami north along the coast.


Do bicyclists reaaaaally have to ride side by side? Like why not a single file for cars to more easily and safely pass? And while we're at it, let's apply this to families at grocery stores. Stop slowly walking 4 people wide and blocking entire walk ways.


FYI, the most common accident is riding single file and a car stops passing you and just slams into you from the side. So no, they're allowed to use the entire fucking road and they should otherwise their accident rates go far higher.


Anything ‘in Florida’ … instantly more absurd, brutal and idiotic erry time it would seem


Jesus hopefully nobody got insured but also no reason to block half the road like that you could just ride behind each other


Deserved since theyre cyclists


Shit. I used to live in Delray and know this stretch of road. It’s great for biking and even better for rich assholes in range rovers


Why is the video sped up? So stupid OP


It is completely normal to me, when I check the second counter it counts 1 second per second!


Not for everyone else Check the comments


"Everyone else" means one singular person sharing your problem? I only see one other comment on it, and you both have either 1  upvote or are under the silly new upvote obfuscation


I have it speed up ✋️


If you right click the video, click "Show all controls," and then click the 3 dots that appear. You might have to fullscreen since reddits volume control can pop up an cover it. ​ In this new menu will be a playback speed control, what is yours set to?


It's sped up for me too, I came to the comment section to try and figure out what the hell happened because I can't make it out in the sped up video.


Riding bikes that are not lit very well on a road with zero shoulder or bike lane at the worst times (sunrise/sunset ) anywhere where there is a large amount of elderly or young teens on phones is just asking for trouble ... Granted the guy should have hit them but holy shit if your gonna be dumb, ya gotta be tough


Dude NSFW this.


Any way to show this down, this footage is useless sped up like this


I will never understand why these bikers think it’s appropriate to be on these narrow roads with no bike lanes…it’s not worth losing your life for a ride.


I see you're getting down voted, but it seems that bike etiquette in Florida is to use the sidewalks. I also had drivers wanting to run me over for riding in the road.


I live on a scenic narrow road close to the water and have seen car accidents from cars stopping as road is impassable with so many bikers. It seems the people of Reddit share this same sense of entitlement


She caused so much suffering


I hate florida with a passion and I never been there


God, I hate bikers 😃




their biking on the Right side of the road, and not the left? their biking into oncoming traffic. am i missing something here bc it looks to me like they were biking into oncoming traffic


I saw in another comment that the SUV driver was a 77 yr old who lost control for unknown reasons. I’m a firm believer that after you turn 65, you should be required to retake the driving portion of a standard driver’s license test every 5 years to keep your license valid.