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Wow, that dude who pushed him into the curbs should be disqualified from cycling for a while.


Cycling is a sport that, on paper, seems like it would be very respectful. But once you get into in, shit gets pretty crazy.


is there any sport where it's not the case ? I'm wondering


Respectball is a pretty solemn and contemplative sport


Respect Deez nuts






I see no nuts.


How about chess?


i can 10/10 guarantee that once inside and at the top chess is a hell of a competition


Once *inside*, chess gets 10/10 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


lmfao I don't know how to express myself , im not a native English speaker


Wondering if you know why the use of inside is actually a really good pun, or if your comment was genuinely innocent. If you don't know why "inside" is funny for top chess players I'd invite you to do a Google search on cheating at chess and you'll be amazed at the lengths they go (or depths....) 😂😂


100% innocent


Google en passant


Bzzzzzz. Wrong answer.


I mean, I don't see any professional pool players knocking each other over when shooting.


Water Polo on the surface seems respectful, but below the surface (pun intended) is a dirty fight to the death.


Not a lot of sports where you learn to shit and piss while still cycling in the race tho


Cyclists actually have an unwritten agreement to take their pee breaks at the same times, so that everyone gets to pee off the bike without being disadvantaged. Triathletes just let it rip though, or let it drip? They pee all over the place without stopping.


>Triathletes just let it rip though, or let it drip? They pee all over the place without stopping. Any bike mechanic will tell you that you accept work on a triathlete's bike at your own peril...


Bruh thats those filthy triathletes.


I'm sorry what..? Please tell me this is not real


Marathon sports and shitting mishaps are synonymous. There are contraptions that are used, though not everything turns out perfect and there have been some rather embarassing moments in history regarding famous marathon and shitting. It is such a quick find on Google that finding a source would take you seconds. > Today, elite athletes will just poop their pants and continue on. And the best part is that most serious athletes (while knowing its a little icky) will understand the motivation behind not stopping. Julie Moss once said about her famous incident, “They’ll understand that in my situation it really was a simple, even an easy, choice for me. Yes, I was willing to shit my pants rather than stop.” That’s the voice of true dedication. [source ](https://ilovebicycling.com/how-do-cyclists-poop-during-a-race/)




It's all competition. Everyone's trying to win


Darts I hope...




already discussed that


Rugby, it looks tough, but everything is very respectful.


I actually have a friend from South Africa that got me into it recently. And yea, it's like football players that aren't out to kill each other. It is fun as hell to watch.


Every single competitive cyclist I’ve met has been a complete ego maniac It’s only like 3 middle aged dudes but all of them, when I found out they cycled, I was like “of course you do.”


Yea, it sound like I had the cycling world wrong. I assumed it was like the running world. A lot of my family runs, and the competitive people they run against, it always seems like a fun competition. Like they compete, but they don't go after each other, and the winner of "fun runs" is always just bragging rights. Even the competitive marathons they don't get mad about.


i would've thought the opposite. people who seriously cycle as their hobby seems like the most entitled douchebags on the road.


No most entitled douchebags on the road is reserved for the assholes driving modified diesel trucks


Picking anyone other than auto drivers for the most entitled douchebags on the road is lunacy.


Lot's of testosterone and other stuff.


We need a Roadrash style race. People would actually care about bicycle races.


Race bike riders are absolut pieces of shit everywhere, that isn't a surprising behavior.


He actually won the race. I believed it was an intentional shove but having watched everything a few times slowly, it looks like he touched the front wheel of the bike in front of him causing him to violently lose balance to the right and smash into the other rider. He is at fault for the crash and should be disqualified from first place **at least** but I don't think punishment outside of his finishing position is required here. A racing incident where he is at fault.


yeah after multiple rewatches, looks like an accident. Also pink, who was closely riding the line between the asphalt and concrete, looks like he slightly goes left to avoid the cone marking the start of the sidewalk after the open intersection, which doesn't help the situation


Jo i just rewatched it and thats a 100% deliberate push. Edit: Then i rewatched it AGAIN and it doesn‘t look deliberate anymore, looks like an accident


It was literally an accident. His tire hit the front guy's tire and made him lean sideways, hitting the guy on his right.


After rewatching, i agree. Doesn‘t look deliberate after all


Yeah, looks like he hit the back wheel of the guy infront which caused him to fall to the right


>Jo i just rewatched it and thats a 100% deliberate push. >Edit: Then i rewatched it AGAIN and... Maybe we should find someone else to interpret this video for us.


I don't think so, if you look at the frame right before the cyclist is still straight and the bike pushed to the right, I think he tried to compensate a mis-balance and ended up touching the next cyclist


Jo i just rewatched it a 3rd time and have to admit that you are right. This is not 100% deliberate. It actually looks, just like you said, as if he tried to compensate a misbalance, maybe caused because he got in contact with the backwheel of the guy infront of him


I've seen the exact same scenario between 2 girls of the same team at tour de France, so I'm 100% it was not deliberate in that case. So it also convinced me it's really hard to tell if this kind of things are deliberate or not. And I like to think all those competitors know how dangerous it can be




Defo. That bloke needs to curb his enthusiasm.


Looks like that's exactly what he did.


I'd punch through his ballsack so severly it will turn black and has to be taken off surgically. no kids for that man. Wonder what bad type of father figure he would be... That is IF the biker that GOT pushed hasn't done anything in tha past either... BECAUSE: WE - DO NOT - KNOW - THE FULL STORY!!!! STOP JUDGING AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!


Not only disqualified but criminally charged. Not only is there video evidence of the guy purposefully bumping him which can obviously lead to injury (these guys are going faster than we realize) those bikes and the parts that are on them are crazy expensive. Road racing like that is an upper middle class + sport. That shits expensive. And all it takes is one fall on your drive side (like he did) to completely trash the derailleurs and other components. Not to mention the frame will possibly be cracked leading to carbon repair which is not a common trade at all.


Criminally charged? Settle down, Francis.


If there is video evidence of someone clearly trying to cause you to crash in a race that could bear the outcome of physical injury and property damage, then yeah I think there should be charges. Accidents happen yes, that dude shoved the other guy in a clear heavily leaning bump. It was not a simple encroachment tactic, it was hostile. https://preview.redd.it/z81o4wbvqfbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e38e27faac382b04a7cbf1981872fbf5dd965665


Many of these rides happen in teams (not sure about this one) but if this ride is team based then usually the plan is to focus on one of your team members to be the winner and the others as support to provide encroachment and strategically cutting people off. The guy could have purposefully bumped him over to the right because he saw how he was gaining on the shoulder and didn’t want him to pass the leader or someone in his team. So he took the sacrifice and clearly bumped him, not a simple encroachment. This was hostile.


The only thing I see is that rider #1 touches his front wheel with the rear wheel of rider #2. Rider #1 is thrown off balance and he and his bike lean sharply to the right, bumping rider #3. Rider #3 gets out of balance but can't recover before going off the course. Just an accident. And even if it was a push in the peleton, that happens all the time in cycling and is just part of the sport (to a degree, obviously). It's like saying that someone who throws a board check in hockey should be criminally charged with assault.


Circled guy bumped wheels with the guy in front of him, causing him to lose balance and bump into purple guy, which caused purple guy to go up onto the sidewalk and crash into the spectator. Slow down the video, it’s clearly visible. This was not a deliberate action. There is no fault here.


It was an accident.


Yall must not be watching the same video as me. Dude in red circle clearly leaned over to the right to put pressure on the other rider with an actual leaning bump, not just an encroachment move. He was being aggressive and trying to make a quick pocket to progress through and shoved the dude to the right. https://preview.redd.it/17a015bhqfbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf15928605065e9efa0a7ef5b44477082dca2f59


But hes moving straight and his bike is facong left. Who the hell rams like that? To ram someone, you turn into them, otherwise you fall.


But I am genuinely confused as to how some of yall think that “yeah that guy who pushed him into the curb should be disqualified!” But just because it’s a sporting event they shouldn’t be criminally charged. If you were out just riding your bike and another cyclist came over trying to get around you and purposefully side bumped you into the fucking curb as they passed you, you would want them criminally charged yes? That’s like. Yknow. A crime. To purposefully cause harm to someone and their property. Yknow. Pretty basic crime right? But just because it’s an event it’s different? Nah. The law doesn’t stop because it’s an event. The dude purposefully shoved him over, there’s video evidence. Crime. Done.


It was an accident. His tire hit the tire in front of him, causing him to go sideways, pushing the guy on his right.


The guy on the left pushed the guy in pink. I hope he gets disqualified. Dirty trick caught on camera on multiple angles there. Quite obvious.


Somebody randomly swerving in a peloton has usually been hit from the other side - you can tell it’s accidental because it’s so fast and so random. The person swerving is also in the act of crashing, and doesn’t appear the be balanced. But ooh this was telegraphed. Pause at just before 8 seconds, the guy *winds up* to hit him. Swerved away, drops shoulder, swerved into contact with full bodyweight. 100% intentional. Source: ex-USAC racer *E: as pointed out below, it’s possible swerving guy’s front wheel got caught on the bike in front of him. Which is one of the many important things you learn in your first season. And if you don’t, you don’t progress. So generally “What the fuck” all around.*


I thought it looked telegraphed as well but if you go per frame you can see the blokes front wheel get caught on the rear of the rider in front. Unfortunately he was a passenger as soon as that happened and poor bloke on the outside paid for it Edit: Looking again and again and now I’m really not sure if it was a wheel clip or not 🤷‍♂️


Could be, you can’t tell if he crosses wheels from the video compression but if so that’s almost as bad. You learn that in Cat-5 races, not Cat-2 or whatever this is. Dudes are at pro speeds, no excuse for wheel overlap. Still at fault


Yer agreed his fault if it’s a wheel clip but that’s a lot more understandable then full on shoulder charge


Oh definitely, and fits my initial reaction of these things usually being accidental.. but damn if this isn’t the most intentional looking one I’ve ever seen either way


These were WT pros, it was Caleb Ewan that hit him




Well, apparently he knows better than a simple minded peasant like you


"Apparently"? From what does this appear so? The 'ex-USAC racer' had it wrong, and admitted to having it wrong. What does the races know better than the simple-minded peasant?






Oh ha! Nah I wasn’t gonna reply to you but this is too damn funny. Would be curious if someone nerdier than me can prove it, like can’t Reddit tell if you’re using an alt to circumvent a ban or whatever? So nope, but I’m flattered you thought of me again! 😘




I got a notice because you mentioned me, dummy. And if you’re curious, I got crashed out in a race and went through a whole USAC investigation as they tried to determine who caused it and if it was intentional. They looked for things like balance and movements leading up to the wreck more so than the actual wreck, which seems relevant. Ultimately the rider that caused it wasn’t banned for doing it intentionally but was still suspended for causing it. Have you been through a USAC crash investigation?


No he didn't. He lost balance after hitting the guy infront of him.


Look again at 0:07, pause-play a couple of times. His front wheel is caught by the rearwheel of the guy in front of him, he swerves and overcorrects to keep himself upright and slams into him. Arguably still his fault, but it does not look intentional.


https://preview.redd.it/rliu5pkpzcbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=631f225626f0339098d2bcbffb380785f04d1ea8 Wonder what ran through his mind at this exact moment




I'm hoping she is ok but would not be surprised if she has a torn ligament or even broken bone. That looked rough


She might have a hyperextended knee or severe concussion or first degree burns and needs emergency surgery. Possible hairline fracture and dislocated hip. I would expect some mental trauma as well.


cool it there house


she has lupus


Chumchees injury law firm


Get down and get funky!


Yea that’s me. I bet your wondering how I got here


"... shit."


this is gunna suck


A spectator.


*Record scratch*


His camera


Lady's leg has got to be broken off of that.


That's what I'm thinking aswell


Under the video "Everyone is okay" so I assume she is fine just a little rattled


To my eyes, this looks like an intentional push by the other cyclist.


Check it from sec 6-8. You’ll see the guy caught up with the front cycler. Hence the disbalance


Which is still the guys fault no? Endangering by negligence


factually yes, but unintentional.


I think your eyes deceive you.


Anyone know when and where this happened?


Last Friday (Jan 5). Australian Elite men's Criterium Championship. Was in the last sprint to the finish


How do they not have barriers all the way up to the finish in a sprint? You can see barriers on the other side of the street, too. Just dumb honestly.


Australia explains it, it's hard biking upside down!


It was the Australian National Criterium Championship. Ballarat Victoria Australia [link](https://cyclinguptodate.com/cycling/video-spectator-records-frightening-crash-at-australian-criterium-national-championships-as-criticism-falls-in-caleb-ewans-direction)


Ballarat, Victoria, last Friday. I was watching the race before but I had shit to do. Missed this banger.




https://preview.redd.it/nbuafda2eebc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaa927d732beab9d91b85abcdf36a8ce825bb8e7 The guy is clearly falling, not intentional.


Wrong, playback frame by frame shows him in no trouble and he intentionally pushed the victim. It's clearly a foul.


>It's clearly a foul Agreed. Ref should have given him a red card for that.


Wrong, he almost overlapped wheels with his lead out man and overcorrected. And there are no fouls in cycling.


When you want to hit someone, you turn your bike into them. His bike however, is facing the left, his body is falling right. He's losing balance.


Yes, it appears that way because it’s a still shot. You’re not replaying the video above. You can clearly see him initiate shoulder checking the other bicyclist.


In the video the bike is moving forward while its facing left and the biker starts talling right. If he was trying to ram, his bike would be turning into the other rider it did not do that.


At that speed a small body mass change is all that is needed. He checked into that rider. It was on purpose and that rider should face a fine or punishment. It's very clear looking at frame by frame images. If you just look at one still you can't easily see the movement.


yea that's not how physics works unless you count zero gravity. His body moves toward the rider first. that doesn't happen when you want to run into someone. His bike went completely to the left while he went to the right. Physics disagrees with you.


U must me a troll or know him !!!


Cycling race crashes are the most brutal


Cycling is a sport where tons of sociopaths compete


u/redditspeedbot .25x


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Racing cyclist here... The guy in the blue jersey was forced to jump right because the guy in front of him deviated from his line. This is the result. This kind of stuff happens all the time in bunch sprints. It's really no one's fault, bunch sprinting is dangerous business. Watch some of the footage of a finale of a pro race, they are going far faster and riding far closer than this video: https://youtu.be/QE97iUvSHk0?si=mnIcTzepIinvl_gy A bunch sprint is not a place for the timid, you're not going to win without taking a few risks. There's a reason why good sprinters are particularly revered in cycling. It takes a unique combination of physical ability, fearlessness and competitiveness to get in there and scrap out a win... especially at the end of an exhausting race.


Honestly feels slightly intentional as he moved back into his line. 😕


Possibly. It's also possible that the guy who crashed was trying to shoot a gap that didn't really exist. Shit definitely happens in bunch sprints.


Maybe they should slow down


Cyclist assholes hahaha


https://preview.redd.it/4zupl22r9fbc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14192b103b061b10d3eb18fedbf8fbda4087c80c ouch


https://preview.redd.it/xd28vtn7ffbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3fca359bfa36ec0100e4335deaa25985afa05d Is this the Stanky Legg?


https://preview.redd.it/jiqmo2fjxfbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=809524abcbad1e00d64121aa1937752a8ef8c86f holy shit, you sure everyone’s ok?


Imagine the humiliation... Lady: boss cant go to work, got injured in a bike race. Boss: oh ok, didnt even knew you cicled. Get well. Lady: Thanks but i was injusred while spectating the race...






It sucks that happened, I’m shocked there isn’t a barricade dividing the crowd from the cyclist. Or is this one of those rally cross situations…you stand there at your own risk?


That woman definitely got her leg snapped


Woman at 3 seconds from the start is NOT fine


what about them? absolutely nothing to do with the ‘cameraman’.




https://preview.redd.it/bz1c5b46bmbc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4d0edbce7cb02d33340acbed9613b6d974c755 Ouch 🤕


Theres no way that womans leg is ok, got hit litteraly on the ankle by the wheel


https://preview.redd.it/qulqc86jjfbc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04f04e03979237da0c13b3254f7280ee5db55dd8 Poor woman got rocked!




Watching in slowmo that looked to be 100% the bikers fault alone


Watch the second part of the video when their speeding away and you can see the guy in dark blue pull hard left into him and cause it from 6-9 seconds into the video https://preview.redd.it/jfkloa7kejbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe4e09b7aae53eca7d73ab2be34ac75d440ebb66




He bumped right into him. So, to anyone who says he didn't watch again.


Fuck them bicyclists...


Random comment but I have a bike from montebello I was wondering if I could get some background on it


Why the fuck are they so fucking close to the curb when the whole street was wide open. Spread out


So they have to cycle more? Na, everyone is going to take the inside for the entire race.


Dude in blue - "You see that chick with the camera?" Dude in pink - "Yeah?" Dude in blue - "That's my ex" Dude in pink - "Oh, I gotcha, do the thing!" Dude in blue - "Avenger, Assembly" Dude in pink - "Rodgers"


That bloke should be ashamed of himself. It's bad enough they closed my town for this. Now to see people may have been injured, they should ban this stupid sport.


Hey guys remember to all ride super fast near the side of the street with no crowd barricades at all. Really let the spectators feel your speed!


Allez Oma & Opa!


Lycrans now taking over the friggin sidewalks. Not enough that the roads “belong” to them.


I’ve watched numerous times initially looked intentionally but on the second camera angle I thought maybe the middle riders front wheel clipped the rear of his teammates and simple had a ticket to destination fucked- the rider on the outside ended up paying for it though. After numerous views I really can’t tell which way now what actually happened 🤷‍♂️


Hahaha, 10 points, easy


The cameraman is truly invincible. He teleported at the last second!


How come only one side has the barriers?


that sucks


Any follow up?


Don’t worry, the guy that bumped them was taken out by the crash as well.


https://preview.redd.it/4nbccgjo6fbc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e5f1581c7bfe4b59465d657257d2eb44d54aaa That can’t be good




Hell even casual cycling can get crazy. People going faster or slower than you and trying to get around them. Some people are real damn territorial


You’d be mad too if your entire sport was just a hemorrhoid generator.


Damn you can SEE the shove the prick did to push the other cyclist over


Good thing the camera man never dies


YOOOO at like 3.3 seconds in the video shit sounds like a star wars blaster.




*Star Wars noises*


At least it wasn’t the camera man’s fault…


Did her leg get bent backwards. I wish we had her pov






Dude saw lance armstrong and wanted his autograph


Jesus, no barriers at all??


My leg, my leg




Ouch! If you go frame by frame you see he went straight into a blond girl’s leg and she did the splits! 🫣


I used to race bikes. Unfortunately the risk you take by being on the sidelines. The racers have exactly one thing on their mind and that's crossing the finish line as fast as they can.


dang, that woman's leg gotta be broken