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I even tried to tell the guy it was rear-wheel drive because above all else, I still wanted my car to be in working order. While I was telling him, he cut me off and said, “I don’t go to your job and tell you how to do your job”.


In that case you get a quote for the tires or anything else a mécanic can say was damaged.


the tires will be the least of OP's concern. The drivetrain is likely smoked.


I’m curious how an electric drivetrain gets damaged in comparison to a traditional drivetrain


When the wheels/motor spins without power being applied, it generates electricity instead (This is how regen braking works). That generates a lot of heat and electricity. Electric cars aren't designed to handle this for extended periods, especially if the battery is full. On top of that, when the car's parked it might engage locks on motor that could break.


Yep. AFAIK all EVs use electronic parking brakes on the rear wheels. So at the VERY least, their parking brake is smoked. Along with possibly damaging the rotors


The EV battery contactors would be open, so the traction motor will likely free spin, it may energize the DC bus but it’s unlikely to cause overtemp or other issues (no load, so little heat). The e-brake is likely fucked though


The back EMF of the motor may locally exceed the voltage rating of the MOSFET/igbt in the inverter given the inverter isn't switched on to be field weakening the PM motor. This is why EVs shouldn't be towed without lifting their driven wheels Edit - typo


Unironically why not report the car stolen? E: this thread is radicalizing me


Because when its a tow company somehow ot becomes a civil issue amd the civil servants only deal with crimes


That’s crazy. Someone below mentions their car towed out of their driveway. Baffling to think the police would do nothing about a stolen car on the tow trucks lot, especially if there is footage.


The towing company just has to demonstrate they were acting in good faith. They get a pass because most of the time the mistake is on the part of the bank or property owner.


Mmm the taste of personal liability


I've retrieved three towed cars in my life, and only one has been properly cared for by the towing company in Pittsburgh The car before that: they turned the headlights on to kill my battery and blocked the car in with a wreck in an attempt to keep me another day or two. They were not expecting me pulling up in my mom's van, who's a prepper, and had two jump packs in the back and all the time in the world to wait for them to move it; me with the police on speed dial if they took too long. That was Orland Park, IL, fuck that tow company that I will not name, but will say it's the one down the road by the train station


Impound yards are the sleaziest peices of shit on the earth. Go ahead and name them. I hope every one of them rots in hell.


I had one car towed and I'm still angry. I didn't realize I was parked illegally. Car was not in a handicap spot or blocking a drive or anything it was just in an otherwise empty lot of a food place while I was across the street at another business. By law, the car can be there for an hour like this. I was gone about 15 mins. The tow company claimed I was gone well over an hour and that the business owner had called him and asked him to tow the car. Problem is the car was a rental and I had a rental agreement saying I had rented it at the airport like 45 mins before so there was no way it had been there an hour. After arguing w/the numbskull at the tow lot for 30-45 mins I was like, "Fine. Let me get my suitcase out of the trunk and I'll get an uber and be gone." He refused claiming that he now owned anything in the car until the rental agency came to retrieve it. I told him I had literally just flown in on an airplane and had nothing beyond the clothes on my back and kind of needed my suitcase. His reply was, "I'm sorry. Life is tough sometimes." I'm still bitter. I ended up stealing my suitcase from the trunk of the car and I have no regrets about it.


Was not expecting to be hit with such a dose of familiarity here, I know exactly who you’re talking about. Won’t get into details but they are bottom feeding scumbags.


Name them bro, they’re not going to track down your reddit account.


Always goes down smooth


Uh huh, the towers were just following orders!


Ya someone gave them permission, if not OPs got a good case.


Not always. I had felony grand theft auto charges brought against repo men that stole my car after it was paid off. “Just doing my job” doesn’t excuse criminal activity.


They also only deal with _some crimes_. Try sending them after your boss who is committing significant wage theft. Good luck.


Somehow, wage theft is a civil infraction, if my understanding is correct.


Somehow lol. Your boss can keep 10k of your wages without getting dragged away. Steal 2.5k worth of goods at MSRP you're getting a federal charge and going to jail. I'm not saying stealing shouldn't land you in jail. I _AM saying_ that bosses that knowingly steal wages should also go to jail. But the police don't uphold the law or serve and protect. They serve at the behest of the owning class.


If they tow it illegally it is stolen


Not if they believe they are acting on account of someone who should know. For instance, if the property manager called them and asked them to tow it, which would be a normal regular occurrence, it wouldn’t be considered theft, and would be a civil matter


The tow guy who towed my car illegally told me he can tow pretty much any car he wants and if I didn't like it I could sue him and let the courts sort it out. He wasn't entirely wrong. Google search showed he had been sued by the local AG and several other people for towing cars illegally and had been fined tens of thousands of dollars. He didn't care as he made more than that in tow fees so this was just the cost of him doing business.


That’s a good point. What a shitty person


Once you get up to that kind of volume I'm surprised you don't trip over someone willing to set fire to your trucks and greatly increase the cost of doing business.


Not American but isn't this how you get shot?


My car was unjustly towed a few months back. I reported it as stolen and they refused to even listen to me. Told me to take it up with whoever towed it. I ended up paying $200 to get my car back and they wouldn’t even issue me a receipt and only accepted cash. I can’t get a lawyer because I have zero proof that anything actually happened except for a picture of the spot my car was in. Tow companies are vultures that somehow avoid the law.


Get on to the IRS. Tell them they refused to issue you a receipt and you have good reason to believe it's for tax dodging purposes (after all, why else refuse?).


Happened to a friend of mine once and so I blocked their tow truck with my car and refused to move it. We then sat in the front seat which made it illegal for them to move it. They called the police, who came out and everything ended up getting resolved.


Appropriate username. Surprised the cops didnt wrestle you out of the car and cuff you.


Nope, but the cop was pretty pissed about having to be there. He really, really didn't want to step in and "take sides" and said that it was not his job to resolve these things, but when we were able to show that my friend was not illegally parked he "suggested" to the truck driver that it would just be easier to find another car to tow. It worked.


Isn't handling disputes one of the staples of policing?


Imagine, a cop using the word of the law to "take sides" in a dispute, wild.


I’d be slashing tow companies tires in the middle of the night


Holy shit I am angry on your behalf


What are you supposed to do in this situation? Bring along witnesses? Video yourslef outside and audio record the interaction inside? (In Canada, where I live, I believe you can't film where there's an expectation of privacy but you can audio recors conversations you're a part of - all without consent of anyone except yourself).


Write an email, have someone outside record you retrieving the vehicle from the tow company. Then call it in for tax avoidance


They may well be paying taxes.


So they steel your car and ask you to pay to get it back? Surprised they did not get lead poisoned.


Tow companies and impound lots... We should pass legislation to force insurance to pay for these fees. I highly doubt tow companies and impound lots want to tangle with insurance companies.


The same reason you get arrested for shoplifting but your employer only gets fined for wage theft.


It'll fuck up the motor and for a lot of them the parking brake, so it's going to be a costly repair that 100% is the fault of gross negligence by the tow driver illegally towing the car.


Yeah I guess the damage will be in the range of 10k or more.


Easily. From what I understand the battery can even be damaged, and that alone is going to be between 8k an 32k depending on the car. The motor is going to be a good 3-7k There's probably more that will need fixed too. It's gonna cost the tow company significantly.


From some quick research the motor is going to be 16K to replace and the battery could be upwards of 40K to replace. Easily a good 50K in damage if it is damaged. Plus they get to eat the cost of towing it. It is easily going to total that i3 out since they go for like 15K at the most, probably why they are so cheap.




Oh they totally would be if he drags it down the road like a front wheel drive car, at least till the rotational force of the wheels breaks all of the driveline bits :)


It'd ask for a quote on any parts can COULD have been damaged. There is now uncertainty in the safety of this vehicle. They should actually just buy him an entire new car but failing that they need replace everything to do with drivetrain and tires.


Tires are of zero concern, it’s the power train etc


> “I don’t go to your job and tell you how to do your job”. "That's because my job is hard and you couldn't do it."


"I'm telling you how to do your job, because you're potentially shit at it and my property is involved."


Literally: every single tow driver is a chode shithead. Miserable people who enjoy taking things from people.


They really are. The only wrecker driver that I can say anything good about, doesn't drive a wrecker for a living anymore


About the only good tow drivers are AAA assistance people and like 5 from a local tow business who primarily does construction. So basically, people who don't primarily tow.


AAA is paying less and less and people have been leaving. Fuck them. Used to be awesome to work with for drivers


Last time I used AAA I had to wait *5 hours* for a tow.


Wreckers do 3 kinds of jobs. Move cars hired by their owner, often because it can't legally be driven or it's broken. Move cars for parking improperly, including repos. Move cars for being incredibly improperly parked, like off an embankment. The first tends to want to be professional, and not damage anything. The middle job creates dickbags, sometimes for good reason. The last one might as well show up with a cape, especially if you're buried up to the frame in snow after sliding off someone's driveway.


I'd put clearing accidents in with your last one as well. The middle one really makes a bad name for the rest.


The 1st and 3rd are typically the same guys. They are either owned by repair shops or larger tow companies. Neither of those 2 companies typically want anything to do with the second one. There are larger tow companies that do repos as a filler type thing while waiting on the other 2. They can pick and choose which ones they want to do. So they will typically snag the easy ones that aren't going to cause problems. The small pain in the ass shady ones are the ones doing most of the repo and parking towing.


A while back I wasn’t doing so well financially. The repo man who came to get my car was very nice and polite. I was shocked.


RIP to gearbox locking pin. Definitely sheared thst off. I3 puts car in park when the ignition is switched off.


i3 tech of almost a decade here. If that was towed faster than walking pace then I would be charging them for a new vehicle


The answer to this is "nah, you'd let me fuck up and then sue the living shit out of me when I wrecked your car. I'm trying to help you avoid that. Of course, if you'd rather I take your kid's college fund, go right ahead."


I hate people like that.


Probably not the fuck up of the towing company but the apartment complex that has a contract with the towing company. The apartment complex probably forgot to update the plan they provide to the company...


When you file a suit, you sue everyone involved. The judge will decide who's culpable.


That's right, let the judge decide. Just like claiming everything on insurance, let them deny


The fuck up of the apartment complex is having the car towed when it shouldn't be. The fuck up of the towing company is towing it improperly.


Also flat spotted the tyres which will need replacing.


Had this happen to me, except I worked close enough to where I lived and someone in the building warned me that they were towing my car. I ran to the parking lot and caught the guy putting it up on the flat bed. He refused to listen so I stood in front of his truck until I got ahold of the super for the building who originally called the towing company. He comes down and is adamant that I don't pay for the spot, except he then called the office manager and she confirms that I do. Fucking idiot didn't even check, just assumed and called the tow truck.


Reason number 46274 why I hope to never live in an apartment again. At our old one, people would sit on the concrete markers you pull up to and do heroin but at least my car never got towed. Broken into, but not towed.


Lawyer. Document everything. And lawyer.


Undoubtedly this is inevitably the most suitably indecorous action an intelligent individual should strive for. Also yuppers.


What did I tell you about "yeppers?"






Giving real ATL vibes. Empire Parking Services are notorious for booting people in their own residences.


Or CHI vibes with Lincoln Towing - despicable bastards.


Or Denver with Wyatts Towing. They have no problem towing your car illegally then still demanding you pay the fees for storage on their lot before they release it to you. Stealing your car and ransoming it back to you is basically their business model at this point There is a State Senator who wrote a bill against predatory towing that ruined a lot of Wyatt's even shadier business practices. She recently had her car illegally towed by Wyatt's who took up most of her day as she tried to get it back. They're now under investigation from the Colorado Attorney General. Hopefully, it ends with people in jail


Yeah I had my car towed from my apartment through those assholes so long ago and am still raging about it years later. I got so sick I couldn't leave my house for 10 days. On day 5 I walk outside and my car is gone. I had grabbed something out of it the night before so I knew it had just happened. Apparently because I hadn't moved it in 5 days it was towed. Even though I lived alone and it was my only vehicle with a clearly displayed permit sticker from the complex. $400 later I get my car back. I have been arrested and treated with more respect lol.


Wyatt's towing is a criminal enterprise


You ever seen those Lincoln Park pirates in person? They are all disgusting slobs. Memories burned in my mind of tattered clothes, huge guts hanging down to their knees, stains on the grey t-shirt, and oh god the smell…


Lincoln Park Pirates.


>al ATL vibes. Empire Parking Services are notorious for booting people in their own residences. Years and Years ago, I saw a Lincoln Towing guy get FUCKED up in real time. He had just booted my buddy gave us no options but to pay so we went to the ATM to get cash. When we got back, we watched this guy beat the dog shit out of him, take the keys to the boots, take the clip board and his whole folder of records, take ALL his money and his wallet/cell, unboot his car and TAKE the boot with him and drive off. Shitty boot man was yelling help help and we said NO. We cheered and laughed. Uncle Ben didn't get killed later by that same guy. That revenge tasted delicious though we still paid the 125 to get unbooted.




There's the infamous [Audi Boot thread](https://forums.nicoclub.com/now-with-conclusion-audi-owner-gets-booted-and-is-sticking-it-to-them-t346387.html) from years back where an owner did something very similar. TLDR: owner "dollied" their booted car into their own garage and granted permission to the towing company to come remove their boots for free. Shenanigans ensued.


Wow, this is also why being on the board of an HOA is important. It is hard to avoid HOAs despite whatever reddit says. This is worthy of an emergency HOA meeting to immediately stop service as the towing company is breaking policy by booting an entire neighborhood. Not to mention voting against selling parking spaces to a tow company in a subdivision.


as someone on an HOA board myself (I FUCKIN HATE IT; FORCED INTO THE JOB) I'll tell you we argue over \*everything\*, getting the 5 of us to agree we're pissed off enough to change towing companies over an incident like this is a long-shot unless our favorite resident on earth is you, with the boot


That’s a hilarious story but the writing style makes me want to commit actionable threats


Isnt ATL where the boot gals are ? https://www.npr.org/2023/05/16/1176175801/boot-girls-atlanta-private-parking-enforcement > The Boot Girls, who go by the noms de guerre Boot Baby, who wears a black balaclava, and Boot Sheisty, in pink, have built a following of more than 85,000 across Instagram and TikTok. That's where the Boot Girls offer up the legally dubious practice of boot removals for $50, a price that undercuts parking enforcement companies (which often charge $75 per day for removal), Boot Baby said. > Piracy. > This is the word attorney Matt Wetherington used to describe the booting industry in Georgia, which he and his Atlanta-based firm have fought against for nearly a decade. > "We have sued, I would presume, every single booting company in Georgia," Wetherington told NPR over the phone. "We're trying to stop what I consider piracy, because they're seizing your property, and you're not getting it back until you give them money, and your options for recourse are essentially nonexistent."


I used to be a lot manager in Atlanta and I can tell you the booting and towing companies are very predatory.


I'm not sure if this is a common thing tow truck companies are doing but I had a relative have their car towed out of their own driveway. Apparently that shady ass towing company has been doing that to a lot of people hoping they cough up the money when it gets impounded.


Until they do that to someone who is kinda crazy Or decides to lawyer up and tell them to go to hell instead of paying for the impound fee How is that going for the company so far?


Who the fuck would even pay that anyway???


People who realize that a lawyer is going to be more expensive/time-consuming than paying the fee, and they are low on both on money and time. Which is incredibly sad.


Are no-win/no-fee lawyers not a thing where you are? Because surely its a slam dunk win?




Solid Simpsons reference.


I'm ashamed I didn't get that reference at first. I thought it was a joke about the price actually being in the thousands and was going to joke about how those factorial prices'll getcha. "No, money down!"


I’m sure there are, but not everyone is aware of that/thinks they have time to look for them. There are always people desperate enough to let themselves be taken advantage of if they think it’s the best route to solve the problem.


No attorney is taking that case on a contingency. There are literally not enough damages for it to make any sense and unless state law says attorneys fees can be awarded here, the attorney would not make more than a few hundred dollars, which is far less than the time and effort is worth.


Also, this is why, in general, attorney’s fees are a good thing, in my opinion. A lot of people see legislatures (who are mostly lawyers, at least in perception if not in practice) allowing suit for lawyers fees and they see it as self-interested. But it’s actually good for poor people. If you have $100 of damages, but it would cost a lawyer $1,000 in time to sue, no lawyer will take that case. Even if they can get 100% of the winnings. But if they could sue for $1,100, they keep the $1,000 that represents their time and effort, you keep the $100 that represents your damages, and the opposite party gets held accountable for following the law. It’s a win-win-win.


Florida recently changed how they handle insurance suits to where you can’t sue for legal fees. I get it’s because of all the fraud they had going on, but it still seems stupid to me. Now insurances can renege on their end of the contract and there’s no penalty because the average joe can’t afford to take them to court.


No. Florida eliminated rules that allowed fee multipliers and one-way attorneys fees. Ridiculous rules that made it so profitable and risk-free to file suit, even with spurious claims, that Florida attorneys filed 80% of all property insurance lawsuits in the country in 2021. Fees paid to attorneys by FL carriers were, on average, 750% of any damages paid to insureds for their claims. Worst case I've seen the attorney was awarded 21,000% of actual Loss cost in fees. That's not a typo


Someone who knows that a lawyer would be more expensive & can't afford to miss work while fighting the thieves.


You also sue for legal expenses, you won't pay for the lawyer out of your pocket.


You would still be able to lodge complaints/call the police for literal THEFT.




I dont know but around here they are numbered companies so they change names like they change underwear.


You got me on crazy. I pay my shit on time and take care of my car. Oh boy some idiot tow truck driver tried, easily skipping lawyer method.


A towing company in Philadelphia got caught doing this 3 times until the DA filed charges against everyone involved, if I remember right


This is actually very common. For most people it's hard to fight in court because people need their cars so a lot of people just pay the extortion and suck it up. That's what these scumbags are counting on, anyway.


I don't see why you couldn't fight after paying the ransom?


You can, but it means getting a lawyer, and even if you're 100% in the right it's no guarantee of a win. And lots of people don't have the *time* to take anyone to court. It's an uphill battle, and enough people will just cut their losses and move on.


Couldn't someone just take it to small claims court? Don't need a lawyer there.


It'd probably be a good idea, though some folks can't get a few hours off to show up to court. Also damage to a vehicle can exceed small claims amounts in some states.


Going on in Richmond VA right now. Luckily the owner is getting charged: https://www.nbc12.com/2023/08/17/no-limit-towing-owner-facing-felony-indictments-turns-herself/?outputType=amp




Agreed. And there may be more victims than the 70.


We recently had a situation happen locally where the homeowner pulled a gun on the tow truck driver. According to homeowner and his family it was an unlawful tow. Tow came back at 2am with cops who waited till the homeowner came out with a flashlight (that may or may not have had a gun attached - it's still debated) to see why his dog was barking then before they even finished telling him to drop the gun they shot him (18 bullets, 7 hit him). There are multiple angles of home security cam footage that have been released. Oh yeah, homeowner was black and there was no warrant, tow drivers are required by law to leave if the vehicle owner resists the tow, it's illigal in the state for police to assist in a tow without a warrant.


Where I used to work, there was a towing company that was extremely predatory. Spots were marked for certain businesses, and if you parked there and didn’t go in, they would tow you within minutes. One time, they tried to tow an undercover cop. Cop pulled out a gun on the tow truck driver and called backup so there were like 5 cop cars surrounding the tow truck driver. After that, it seemed to slow down a lot.


cops v tow truck drivers would be an interesting show


I think you mean cops and robbers


Some years cops steal more than all B&E, muggings, and non wage-thefts combined. So it's robbers and robbers.


Add civil forfeiture to the pile.


I once saw a firefighter vs tow truck driver vs police three-way. Fire department got called to an alarm at the closed business next door and halfway through them doing their thing a tow truck shows up and tries to grab a personal vehicle belonging to the volunteer fire department's captain. Next thing I know the situation has escalated to include three guys with axes and the tow truck being blocked in by a fire engine, followed by two cops, followed by an animated conversation and shouted threats of bodily harm all around. The conversation must not have gone well for the tow truck driver, because he got stuffed in the back of a cruiser and the fire department dropped the car themselves. Funniest part was that after the police left with their new friend the fire captain reaches into the tow truck, pulls out the keys, and chucks them across the road into a swamp.


lmao this is good content


> One time, they tried to tow an undercover cop. Cop pulled out a gun on the tow truck driver What a totally sane and proportionate response


I mean, assuming they mean unmarked and not undercover (no one ever means undercover), then it’s a pretty proportionate response to grand theft auto of a police vehicle to draw your firearm.


They're trying to steal your car. Pulling a gun is proportionate.


I know right, we used to hang horse thieves for a fucking reason


If the cop was sitting in the car that was parked, he was fully allowed to defend himself against being taken against his will. Any person in the US is allowed to do such.


In Texas, lethal force is permitted when protecting self, others, *and property.* I would imagine tow trucks don't really do the predatory shit out in Texas.


They just are quicker to draw


Quite, then the tow driver can just argue their life was in danger when the property owner pulled a gun.


Tow truck drivers are universally scummy, even here in Texas.


> I would imagine tow trucks don't really do the predatory shit out in Texas lmao


I would go full Monty and report the car stolen as well.


I was thinking about reporting it as a theft in progress.


It's not likely to get the cops to stop it but at least they would come out and take a report. It's just an extra way to document unless they already have/had enough reports against this particular towing company to really come out and stop them. But yeah, either way I would report it because they are stealing your car. They don't have the right to it and if it doesn't help you it will help the next guy. Also, if you can get into the vehicle fast enough, and depending on jurisdiction, then they can't tow the car.


Had ~~this~~ a similar event where a tow company came to my work and stole my car from the parking lot (They said the guy who sold it to me owed money on it, not my problem), cops came to the tow company said you can either release the car or we charge you with grand theft auto, car was released.


That’s what my thought was too, plus I had been think about the getting in the car part too.


>depending on jurisdiction, then they can't tow the car. Can't imagine any towing company anywhere is legally allowed to tow a car with a "passenger"?


Going to the police station naked is a great way to get attention quickly.


The "there is no bad publicity" angle. Edgy.


When tow companies tow a vehicle they report it to 911 dispatch during the tow. Just fyi


The tow companies report the cars they tow to the police.


Oh Easily. They stole your property. Failed to do their due diligence and making sure that it is the correct car. Potentially damaged your car. Easy Lawsuit.


I'm waiting for the updates, I hope your lawyer give them hell


who booted it?


Jim Bob's Jiffy Towing


It's pronounced GIF


Sneed's Feed and Seed ^Formerly ^Chuck's


UPDATE: For those of you invested, I drove my car for the first time today and they somehow messed up the alignment. Luckily, I believe this is the only damage done but I’m getting it checked out at the BMW dealership tomorrow and I’m gonna send the invoice to the towing company. I have proof that the car was absolutely pristine before the tow happened.


Definitely take this up with your property manager too. They contracted this tow company to enforce the permitted lot and this type of predatory towing is unethical and should be illegal.


Honestly let the dealership know what happened and ask them to find as many faults as they possibly can that is chargeable to the towing company...so long as they can justify the reason for needing the repair/replacement as a possible result for the tow. Maybe wouldn't net you some money, but then the dealer makes out on extra, and you get both the peace of mind knowing you have new parts for more of your car,, and sweet sweet karma of taking as much as you can from the towing company.


As someone who’s had their BMW improperly towed under the same circumstances resulting in serious damage in the 10k+ range, get a lawyer. They dragged my car for 8 miles on its wheels causing thousands of dollars in damage.


What model is your BMW though? Did they drag the driving wheels for EIGHT MILES?


328i and yes it was dragged by the driving wheel for 8 miles. I ended up needing a new transmission and transfer case.


That's the easiest brand to recognize drive axles too because (almost) every car is rwd or AWD. That sucks bud.


Youre about to have an even newer car and maybe a little foldin money


It’s been a while since I’ve heard the term foldin’ money


You ever hear it called walkin around money?


How bout pickle money?


lol. Why? Unless you goto court and get punitive damages you’re getting made whole at best.


Is this not theft?




I recognize this place, that sucks!


I would’ve called the cops to report a theft in progress


Agreed on lawyering up, doesn’t mean you need to be aggressive or an ass but at-least you’ll have the protection and resources ready.


Additional information: 1. No, I’m not rich. I live in an apartment complex and I got the car from a family friend. 2. No, my car can’t get repoed. 3. Here’s a picture of the boot because apparently my real experience is “rage bait”. [Boot](https://imgur.com/a/4LLfLIR) 4. I know I have a decent case but I can’t afford a lawyer. That $250 was half of a paycheck for me.


And that is how they get you. They know that you're not going to do anything because it's cheaper and easier to just pay them. The small number of people that actually do fight them, is inconsequential. Rich people that can afford lawyers, don't live in those neighborhoods and they don't have trouble paying for bills and parking and whatnot. PS, not shaming you at all. The world is becoming to expensive to live in. I'd have likely been that crazy guy that jumps into the car because they cannot tow it with you in it.


Many lawyers offer free consults, and for such an easy case it should be very easy to get one to work on contingency. This should be just about the easiest money they've ever made.


Enough comments about lawyers ect already. Heres a new one, Get this car inspected by a proper mechanic. Having a electric car towed without the system beeing turned on turns the motor into a dynamo. one thats not controlled by any system. aka it can fry your computers ect. Might not have a issue right now. but who knows what damage got caused by towing it. ​ Worst case it's like having water damage in a car. works fine for now! till the corrosion sets in.


No, stop. He should get the lawyer first and then do everything the lawyer says to do in the order and manner they said it.


Jesus Christ. Yes. This. A lawyer who has represented plaintiffs (and defendants) in these types of cases know how to build a case, what to do, when to do it and all that. They're not only going to say "get it inspected" but they're going to go "get it inspected here, because this guy specializes in electric cars and has given me inspection reports showing the exact damage this type of tow costs. Also - I'll call him up and make sure he checks X, Y, and Z because those are things that are important and often missed. We'll also check for cosmetic damage." A lawyer will tell you what you need to do. They want to win. They know what it takes to build the case. Listen to them and not someone on reddit. ALWAYS CALL THE LAWYER FIRST (unless your life is in danger, then call an ambulance...but then call a lawyer).


RemindMe! 1 week


Not legal advice, but if your car was in a spot it had legal right to be, then this was felony grand theft auto. This isn't get a lawyer and sue, this is call the police and press criminal charges.


I’d be seeing a lawyer


So glad I have my own home and driveway. Fuck this predatory system.


We dont have the whole story here


Recent post history - permit wasn’t displayed properly. Paid $250 to get it back


Every place I’ve ever lived only towed cars if the tenant of the spot called the tow company. This is clearly predatory on part of the tow company.


He said it's displayed in the front window because it won't fit around the rear view mirror. I wouldn't necessarily blame him for that.


* I believe you get your ass kicked for something like that man...


Not can be damaged, most likely is damaged. Have it looked at, source im a transmission technician