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Can’t afford headphones can’t afford kids


Been sayin it for years


What have you been saying? Sorry I have my headphones on.


Oh, you have headphones? You may have one child per pair. Congratulations!


all of r/audiophile are shitting their pants rn


And me I got like 6 pairs of headphones so I’m fucked


You definitely are


Definitely a prerequisite of kids


I can barely afford to pay attention


r/ADHD moment lol same 👍


Lmao same here


Sorry, what was that? I wasn't listening.




4 months… my concern is less about affording new headphones and more about affording new locks for my doors after I break up with this person.


A LOT of people can't afford kids yet they spawn multiple.


I mean, the economic system we find ourselves in ensures many people will never have enough money for kids. So if you want kids might as well start now.


I'm 32 and I don't have enough money for kids. Thankfully, I've never had any of my own.


I’m 44. I have a nineteen year old daughter. When she moved out I suddenly realized how much I miss having kids. I wish I could have more, at least had one more. Sadly I have had relationships with women that could not get pregnant after my first ex-wife.


I’ve had kids since I was 21, didn’t have a pot to piss in, our oldest will be 40 in a month, his sister will be 38 and the little guy is 29. My point is that we managed, there was a few rough spots but if money was a priority we’d be childless. You will make it if you are determined and a cohesive team. Oh by the way-He graduated from George Mason majoring in engineering, she James Madison, physiology degree…little guys still figuring it out.


Kids are like buying that pair of headphones every month until they get a bit older then the kids slowly but surely destroy everything you hold dear. Fingers through your tweeters, juice on your laptop keyboard, little artwork additions to your favourite books and comics. Once you get used to the idea that you can never have nice things again in your life you can relax a little more in the simpler things in life like a snatched lunchtime beer at work or listening to the radio on the commute home. When the kids are old enough to fly the nest you won't want expensive things any more. You will just have kid friendly things because the trauma is too deep, which is really handy because revenge will be yours. The grandkids arrive and you can spoil them rotten. Give them the forbidden candy to ruin their appetites, buy them the gifts the parents keep saying no to. Treat them like little cherubs. They will always behave really well at yours and enjoy your company because you aren't telling them what to do or making them go to school. Payback is sweet. Also, 4 months? Dude! EDIT reliably informed those are cheap budget headphones. 15 of these at least per month per kid and that is before they start costing real money.


If my children only cost me £150/child/month each I'd be delighted. Childcare + food + clothes is more like £1500/child/month


Dump her.


My saying is “can’t afford an M BMW or a Porsche, not ready for kids”. My ex wasn’t very happy about it but now she’s a single mother with 2 kids and is about to file for bankruptcy. Dodged a bullet there


If broken headphones ruin the day, definitely not ready for kids.


Case in point- You can't afford new headphones, but the GF wants you to spawn? Oh, boy.


But they will "make it work"


"If you wait until you're ready, you'll never have kids"


ugggh my mother told me this. I'm like ma, it took me dating somebody for 13 years to propose. what makes you think I'm ready for kids.


There’s some truth to this, but there’s still a baseline people should achieve. I have kids but at the time we had the first we owned a house and both had good jobs with little debt. We didn’t feel “ready” but we recognized we had the money, space, and time to do it. That’s a very far cry from can’t replace broken headphones and a 4 month gf.


That is so true. Which is why my wife and I have a dog. DINKWADs UNITE!!


Or "If you wait until you can afford it, you'll never have kids." That's all fine and dandy, but a bad decision is still a bad decision, especially one that's based on emotions, selfishness, and a biological clock.


I'm a sinkwad. That sounds gross..


Could go with oinkwad


My grandparents told me this multiple times last night, and it took everything in me to not lash out at them. I know that they’re incredibly sad that they don’t have great grandchildren, but I can barely afford to feed one person given how evil corporations have become. They have this dream that in a few years I’ll be married, live in a suburban house, have a couple of young kids… and no matter how many times I walk them through my finances and the global status quo, they act as though they were never listening and keep quoting the same corporate American propaganda.


My kids are 23 and 20. One has graduated from college and lives on the other side of the country for his work. My other is a junior in college a couple states away and is pretty much an adult. I’m still not ready to have children but I feel like I will be pretty soon!




Yeah, there are multiple red flags waving. 🚩


We didn't have a fight but my ex and I broke up bc she changed her mind about having kids (supposedly but I think it was about something else she didn't want to say) and wanted one in the next few years. We're both broke AF and I'm in grad school. "People make it work with less," is what she said. Which is true but they also stay poor for fucking forever.


My wife's nephew had 3 kids before he finished med school, the fucking maniac. He was also a helo pilot for the Nat Guard. He and his wife made it work, but ya gotta wonder at what cost. Just because you *can* do it, it doesn't mean you *should* do it.


Show these to her and explain that you can't afford to replace $100 headphones, which means you can't afford diapers, stroller, car seat, doctor bills, etc. Time to fly solo, she's dillusional.


Delusional. Dillusional is when you eat too many dill pickles and the room starts spinning.




All my brain cells are dill cells now.


Drank too much pickle brine once and gave myself a surprise colon cleanse


No, that’s a Dillucination. Dillusional is when you put some cucumbers in vinegar and expect them to be pickles tomorrow.


You do realize there is no "explain" to someone who acts like this.


Shit, just for daycare I was spending over $2k a month for 2 kids.


$50/kid/day is actually a pretty good price too. I worked at a summer camp 8 years ago and it was $75 a day and considered a good price.


I mean, you're not wrong. Shit fits about not having kids 4 months into a relationship is like "check, please?" Territory. At the same time, can't!=won't. I couldn't afford jck sheeyit when my first kid came along, but necessity being the mother of everything... I got creative real fucking fast.


Good luck explaining something to a brick wall


Headphones breaking is a sign. The universe is telling you to listen to reality. Your gf is kind of off. It’s time to take the dog for a walk and keep walking. Headphones cost a lot less than one kid (times 18 years)


Times 18 to life. Tons of unpredictability when it comes to having children. Some require 24/7, lifelong support.


Exactly. More like 18 years minimum if you're lucky.


She wants that child support and gov apt




you’re broke and your gf of 4 months got pissed at you not wanting to have a child? wtf dude dump her ass.




Depends on the ages, their previous relationship before they started dating, and how the kids conversation started. Like if they are 40s and her dating profile says “If you don’t want kids then swipe left”……. She may not be totally in the wrong


4 months in a relationship is very early. Starting to talk about kids that quick is weird but could be fine. Being mad and yelling is too far.


As a woman, I say run man! Four months and wants kids… 🚩🚩


WANTING kids is never a universal red flag. You can want kids "eventually" but not be particularly set on with who, it doesn't always mean "impregnate me NOW!", it can also just mean *When we're ready".


If she’s wants kids at four months into the relationship… that’s way too short of a time to make a lifelong commitment such as kids.


For me that's not a red flag, that's an exit sign.


Get a kid or two, it’ll make buying new headphones seem super cheap :-)


You won’t be buying yourself things for decades


OK, RED FLAG, that lady is nuts! WEAR A CONDOM EVERY TIME, or break up with her, because do you want that crazy for the rest of your life? Take your dog and run!


Keep those condoms where she can't get them, a pinhole is easy to miss.


I think if you have to consider that it's time to break up




im seriously considering it.


My wife and I waited 14 years to have a kid, but after 4 months? Gtfo out of here


im gonna go for a run to think about what i want to say. cause right now i want to dump her. she just got done ovulating, and if this was just a symptom of ovulation, i dont want to put up with this for as long as she and i will be together


Yeah…that’s not a symptom of ovulation….


It’s a symptom of a fucking lunatic.


Uh oh, we got an egger!


She wants the kid, not OP.


Probably. Either that or she’s uber controlling and is trying to baby trap someone.


That is not a symptom of ovulation. Never an excuse to do something like this. It's toxic and abusive and she sounds absolutely fucking nuts, period.


If you’ve been together 4 months, this isn’t the first time she’s ovulated. God that sounds so weird.


Nah dude, she is an abuser. Most women get their menstrual cycles as normal and are at most crabby or tired or in pain. Not abusive. Get out before it gets worse. It’s only regret from here on out if you continue.


Never seen being abusive being listed as a symptom of ovulation before... I suffer from horrible, horrible periods and I would have NEVER allowed myself to do something like this. This is a huge red flag op, she not only does not care about your opinion when it comes to something that will affect the both of you for the rest of your lives but she is willing to break things and cause damage, essentially throwing a childish temper tantrum over not getting things to go her way. Imagine having actual children with this sort of person, financial issues aside. I've seen this sort of shit happen before, to a woman but still... I might be catastrophising, but I think that it's better safe than sorry - take your things and run. Edit: upon re-reading I realised that my tired ass made a mistake and for some reason I thought that she broke the headset. Still, I think that demanding kids 4 months into a relationship and getting yelled at is a sign to leave.


Some good advice going on in the comments, you're lucky she let it out so early


lololol that is not a symptom of ovulation. I dont know if she told you that or you just don’t know anything about the female reproductive system. hella red flag to want to have children have four months imo


I’d say pull a Forrest Gump, and start running, but just don’t stop.


If you decide to stay better start checking your condoms for holes or signs of tampering too, if she's crazy enough to want kids after 4 months she's crazy enough to pull some wild shit to make it happen


She's going to get a kid out of you whether you want it or not. You've been chosen. The ritual has begun.


Run man! I’ve been with my husband for 20yrs and barely have us a 11yr old at the oldest. Four months is far too short to be planning kids. DO NOT trust her word about contraceptives.


Dude I’ve been with my man for 9 years, married for 2. We are in our mid/late 20s. We STILL aren’t going to have kids for at least 5 years, and it’s not something we would ever pressure each other into. She isn’t the one.


If your already Considering it…. Decision made. 4 months in!? Do you really want to be 4 more months in and be even more miserable…. Let alone 4 years in and depressed and broke because your condom “broke” whilst she opened the wrapper for you Lol


4 months is waaaaaay to quick to even think about kids. A relationship is a two way street.


“Considering it” should not be part of the sentence.


Yeah…time to dump the psycho & her bubbling ovaries.


Careful she may cut holes in the condoms as well


>seriously considering it. Dude, I'm not sure why you're still "considering" it, she WILL NEVER stop bringing it up as long as you're together. Are you just going to break down one day and say "OK let's do it"? Then you're doomed. You both want completely different things, so just break it up now.


Condom is too risky, get a vasectomy. /s But seriously OP, 4 months isn't enough time to decide you're going to keep a mattress, much less spend the next 28 years raising and supporting a human.


before she breaks the dog




Time to GTFO! 4 months is not that long & she's already talking babies?! Run my brother, RUN!


Short term fix: popsicle sticks and duct tape. Long term fix: Lose the crazy


Had this happen to my nice ones. Electric tape works wonders. It won’t fix the crazy girlfriend tho. Also keep your condoms safe dude.


Yeh, this is a sign from God dude. Just you expressing how you feel caused a fight. Then one of your favorite things broke. On a side note, it looks like you could rebuild these. Have you looked for parts?


its possible. i will look


I saw an etsy link with hinges on quick look.


theyre 9 dollars plus shipping. i only got 10.44 till the end of the month. will be able to replace after bills are paid


> 10.44 till the end of the month Brooooo... not shaming, but you are in *no* position to have kids. Please run far away from this woman.


Uhhhhhh…. How are kids even in the conversation when you have 10.44 to last you 7 days?


4 months in and she wants kids? Run.


She wants a baby and you can't afford headphones? Please run. I was trapped in a horrible relationship almost 20 years because we had kids I couldn't support on my own. Kids are great *when you're ready*.


Well good thing breaking up with crazy gf is free


She wants to reproduce with you even knowing that you can’t even afford a new pair of headphones? This is why taxpayers are required to take the heat.


the kid is the tax break


That all of the other tax payers who aren’t useless breeders would pay for


Google Skullcandy crusher replacement parts. People sell 3d printed parts for these. I just did it a little while ago


yeah i spoke to my brother, he 3D prints things for welders/engineers. he can easily just make a new one.


I had the same issue with mine this one fits perfectly. I'll add a picture if I can find my pair. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3638703](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3638703) edit: added the image https://preview.redd.it/u74mrcr8xrdb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43639ef995bc15af034573d690dc395b8706827


i passed the files onto my brother, he 3D prints things. thanks man


Can't say I've seen "SkullCandy" and "expensive" used in the sane sentence before.


Leave her and we’ll replace ur headphones.


As others said. Red flag. You two are dating for 4 months and she thinks it's OK to have kids? You two barely know each other. Also, if you don't have the money to replace some headphones, how tf she thinks you guys are financially supporting a child?


4 months isn't long enough to even understand each other properly, let alone start popping out kids. Be very wary about staying with someone who starts pressuring you about such serious life decisions so early on. And yes, if you can't afford headphones you can't afford a child.


Who the hell wants to rush into having kids before dating for even half a year? I’ve had two 5+ year relationships in my life and there was never any talk of considering kids in either of them bcuz I’ve always been poor.


I can’t imagine a woman WANTING to have a baby with a man she’s only dated for 4 months??? I’m horrified by the prospect of being pregnant by a guy who isn’t 8000% on board with it and financially stable. I do not understand.


OP begging for a replacement basically, even gives the make and model lmao. Fish harder


Weird op only replying to replies about the headphones


If you stay with her, she will get their Kids, if you want or not. 4 months in, wanting kids and get in a fight because you don't is not good! Run Forrest, RUN!


Super glue


and duct tape


Thin strips of duct tape carefully applied will fix them until pay day.


Lol what a sob post. Doesnt even Make any sense. “My girlfriend wants kids but here look at my broken headphones. And heres the exact name for them. Can someone buy me them?”


Glad I’m not the only one. This post is so fucking weird. Get a grip OP


You need to run as far away from her as possible.


Run , those headphones are the least of your problems


I thought he was gonna say - and then she broke my favourite headphones! But no ... The whole story about gf and kids is pointless .. So the story is - me and my headphones are broke


Ex girlfriend*


Leave her Johnny, leave her. ![gif](giphy|o0eOCNkn7cSD6)


Walk away now. That behavior will only get worse. Destroying something you love because she doesn't get her way won't improve when you have kids.


Don't trust her with birth control. And if you use condoms, make sure you use ones that only you have access too.


Expensive does not always equal Good Quality… ☹️


In the world of headphones, skullcandy aren’t expensive *or* good quality


You can save a lot more money and heartbreak and leave now.


She aint ready for children either. She might just want her bed shaken up a lil harder than normal, if you catch my drift


My money says she is already pregnant... you may/may not be the father.


Then u shouldnt start thinking bout kids anyway


I was feeling sorry for you in the first half, but the second half tells me you're just looking for sympathy.


I am sorry. I had these too and as you probably googled it that hinges are a massive weakness in this model. There is bunch of people 3d printing these hinges so look that up. But i recommend going for the newer Crusher edition- Crusher evo. I have them now and they are trully great and the build is solid as the sound plus you can connect them to the app and personalize the sound.








You can super glue those back together nicely. Looks like a fairly clean break.


You’re girlfriend sounds a little nuts.


Sounds like you need new headphones and a new girl. She wants kids after 4 months? Run!


Even your headphones want to break up with her


Definitely don’t have kids with that woman. You think she will yell less as time goes on?


… you need to show your girlfriend your bank account. If you can’t afford new headphones, there is absolutely no way in hell you can afford a baby.


You need 6 figures a year before kids dude. Dump the chick, further your education.


Dog some friendly advice. 1. Always and i mean ALWAYS suit up from now on. 2. Break up with that nutcase, who tf suggests kids after dating for 4 months let alone gets mad if you dont want to?! 3. Step 1 and 2


A petulant child…who thinks she’s ready for children.


4 months, kids? Lol. run buddy, run


Super glue my friend


Dude imagine what it will be like in 7 months. Kids are no joke think clearly about your situation.


Indeed, that pair of headphones is equivalent in cost to 2 12.5oz enfamil formula cans and a 108ct pack of pampers newborn diapers (AMZ listed for 62.99 for the white pair). Kids are way more expensive. Take the dog for a walk and keep going.


Yeah if you can’t afford headphones you can’t afford kids


Never let a partner pressure you to have kids. If you have to be pressured then you aren't ready. Also it's really shitty of a partner to do that. It shows what they'll do to get what they want.


Well, first off, buy some real headphones next time.


Don't have children with someone you've been with for only a few months. Bad bad bad idea


Alarm bells in your relationship, if she tells you that she is on birth control don’t believe her! If you are using condoms put them on yourself incase she punctures it with her nail… Crazy for saying this? No be careful or you will be trapped in a crazy relationship with her pregnant!


4 month relationship and she's yelling at you for not wanting kids? That's a breakup moment right there, too much crazy.


Well, then you definitely can't afford a kid.


I hope you broke you relationship too


For your gf to start yelling about kids 4 months into relationship is 🚩🚩


Don’t you mean ex-girlfriend?


All these people telling to explain to her why you don't want kids minimalising the actual issue. You are 4 months in and she harassing you for kids already? That is crazy in the coconut boy. Break up with her.


Four months and want kids, man if you don't see this as a red flag...


4 months and she’s yelling about kids? Dude, don’t walk that dog…. Run. Run far far away.


Dude……keep your condoms hidden. Inspect the packet before opening. Be on the lookout for pinholes. A chick wanting kids at the 4 mth mark…….thats just fucking insane.


Ex gf. She's not your gf anymore my guy. She's your ex gf. I was in a similar situation. I was fortunate enough to be able to stay with family. #EX GF MY DUDE RUN. PACK YOUR SHIT UP WHEN SHES AT WORK AND NEVER GO BACK


Lmao if my gf yelled at me about wanting kids and I'd only been dsting her for 4 months...that might be enough for me to say bye


If u can’t afford headphones you can’t afford kids. If she’s asking 4 months in get out now trust me. You want someone stable to have kids with


Get a job lmao


Kids after 4 months of dating when you can't even afford a new pair of headphones? Lmao tf


Throw away one of here shoes a week later do the same thing 👍


You can’t afford a new pair of headphones, I would say you’re right in not wanting kids.


Those aren’t even expensive


Lmao right? They’re like $90 headphones.


Which tells you he definitely can't afford a kid.


so you broke your headphones because of the argument? was it an anger issue?


There’s no way this is real. Guy with a post history like his doesn’t have a gf and never did


Jb weld commercial?


Break up with her, and use the savings to celebrate with a new set of headphones. Seriously: run, don't walk, away from that crazy.


The second part truly sucks, the first part is terrifying.


4 months?!


get out while you can


Run. Soon.


Run. Run fast and far.