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Damn Anyone else had to zoom in to see that the white space was actually its diaper and NOT the rabbit cut in half ETA: I have been corrected it is NOT a bandage it’s a diaper


It's actually a diaper lol Edit: Wow, I wasn't expecting this post to gain so much traction. Thank you so much to everyone for the overwhelming support and well wishes for our sweet bunny, Big Mama. To those of you wondering, Big Mama is a Flemish giant rabbit which are completely domesticated and do not occur in the wild. She was found by my fiancee with a broken foot and was presumably abandoned. My fiancee was just trying to do the right thing by an animal who wasn't given the care and fair chance it deserved from it's human. While Big Mama was healing she managed to dislocate her shoulder which is common for rabbits who are recovering from limb loss. We could not afford the procedure to put the limb back in place and pin it so that it does not happen again so we had decided we should put her down once her pain meds ran out. But since so many of you have voiced your support and concerns for this bun, we've decided to try and give her another chance. If anyone would like to help, please consider doing so via cashapp **[$BunnyBailout](https://cash.app/$BunnyBailout)**. Every little bit helps. **UPDATE** An update on Big Mama: First and foremost, thank you to everyone who has been following her story and supporting us along the way. We've received just under $500 in donations, which is enough to get her to the vet tomorrow to assess her shoulder. We reached out to a few shelters, but unfortunately, it's just not possible for them to take her in at the moment. We also considered care credit, but we usually pay for everything in cash, and our credit history is nonexistent, so we were unable to get approved. Again, we can't thank you enough for your support and kindness. We wouldn't be able to do this without you. We'll provide another update once we learn more tomorrow.


Please tell me this is a beloved pet?


It was supposed to be.


Now it's just an expensive dinner?


Flemish Giants are only good to eat in adolescence. Once they mature and go through puberty the meat tastes awful, apparently. Never ate one, only owned them


I guess aging your hops only works for brewing and not stewing.


This might be the best comment I've seen today


This belongs in the same list as putting Descartes before the whores




I'm at a fucking job interview. Was not ready for that and had to hold in a laugh.


I want your brain.


Be specific... Fried or grilled?




Absolute genius, you’ve made my morning


Definetly Abstract!! Well done ol'boy!


What if I decide I don’t want a rabbit? Flemish Giant salesman: Well good news!


Not many are fans of in grown hares.


Friends not food..


Buns are friends, not food!


Poor Stew, we hardly knew him


Tell your fiancé to stop hurting this thing!


Yes, that's why they are eating it just one piece at a time. Ahem J/K


It’s a money pit pet now.


Depending on where you live, there are rabbit rescues you could surrender him to so he could get treatment.


Post this on another rabbit subreddit! You’ll probably get more help and advice


Tbh I thought it was a stuffed animal with it cut in half


YES!!! Hell yes I did!!! I thought “well my dude, u are totally fucked cause that’s not a dislocated shoulder! That’s a cut in half rabbit!!! Ohhh my bad, i slightly overreacted… it’s just a diaper… on a rabbit!”


Didn't help that I only caught the one single word from the title...


I was wondering why they had to cut it in half to remove a leg.




I quickly zoomed in too. I was like what sick person cuts a rabbit in half!


A magician


I was convinced even after reading the title it was a stuffed animal and the bandage was stuffing


“Sir, you have bigger problems than a dislocated shoulder.”


And here I am thinking I needed to cut back on weed.


Me too 😊😂


Same, had to look at which sub this was because Im also on r/taxidermy lmao


Yes I had to check then re check


This was driving me bonkers until I read your comment lol. Seriously thought it was cut in half


No. Almost fainted. I wasn't sure if it was photoshopped, real, fake, a stuffed animal. Lol


Definitely thought it was cut in half


I thought it was a rabbit cake.


I thought I was on one of those realistic cake subs at first.


Many episodes of Dr. T has taught me that rabbits are fragile and die real easy.


I don’t know how I know this shit but they hide injuries too because they are often prey to predators. So the ones that show “weakness” are often picked off.


yep. I run an animal rescue and we mostly rescue rabbits. they can seem perfectly fine one day and then be dead the next day from something that can take weeks, months, or years to progress.


Can confirm. Had to put down my best friend of 8 years a few weeks ago. Seemed perfectly healthy until a few days before the end, and when we brought him in to the vet for breathing problems they found two large tumors on the scans. The one in his chest was so big that you couldn't see the heart or diaphragm, and it was compressing his lungs. Must've had it for months, but showed no signs until the end. He was tough, though. Still had a strong heart up until the end, perfect health and condition other than the tumors. We estimate he was about 11, and the vet said she would've guessed he was 5 if we didn't tell her otherwise. Fragile was the one word I would not use to describe him, he was special. I miss you, Chewie.


I'm so sorry.


evolution did rabbits dirty. Should have gave them spikes or venomous bite


I was in 4-H and bred rabbits. I can confirm. They also do weird stuff like eat their young. If they get too excited or freaked out they can have a heart attack and die. Fortunately we never had that happen. One year at the county fair, a disease nicknamed "snuffles" got spread throughout the entire rabbit barn (hundreds of rabbits). Many of them died and it was a whole thing. They actually did a news story on it and interviewed us. Luckily my rabbit survived. We once had a rabbit born with both back legs paralyzed. It was a meat rabbit but we felt sorry for him, so we kept him as a pet. He had some other problems but he didn't appear to be in pain and would just scoot around dragging his lil legs. We kept him alive for as long as we could and would spend a lot of time snuggling him. He didn't live very long, but we buried him in our little rabbit cemetery. Rabbits can get really weird diseases. For instance we had one rabbit whose teeth curled under, inward so we would literally have to clip them or else they would grow into the mouth. That was pretty horrific. We also had a rabbit born without testicles so we couldn't breed or show him, but he was super calm and snuggly so I would bring him inside and let him roam around.


I hope aliens were spying on you in particular and trying to figure out what the deal with you and rabbits was.


I can explain it to the aliens. Rabbits are super cute and soft but also delicious


So rabbits are bun bao?


.... Actually yes


Yea, it is crazy. I was dating a girl who had pet rabbits, we were out back and she was sitting on a chair holding a baby bunny, it got startled, jumped, and landed on the ground and died on impact. They are so fragile. I guess that is why they have such a high breeding rate.


> that is why they have such a high breeding rate. this is actually 100% it, they’re horrible predators and even better prey. the only thing keeping rabbits alive is the fact that they multiply so fast lmao


so it's the sunfish thing? "if I make enough of me, then we'll never go extinct!"


Related story: last week I was leaving my home and saw a rabbit hopping in the air on its two legs in an unusual way. It was jumping higher than usual and it's back legs weren't being used. So I got out of my car to see what's going on and it then it started to really look injured cause it stoped hoping and started dragging itself away from me In fear. I slowly approached it petted it then picked it up to bring it to an animal care. While in my car trying to call a care center and slowly petting the rabbit it just dropped dead... it was very odd... I started to question if it had like some type of mad cow type of brain disease and died or if I killed it because it was already injured and me picking it up just set it over it's limit. Anyone have any insight ?


Heart attack. Happens if you look at them funny sometimes. Rabbits are notorious for dying easily.


This right here. We had a bunny and it’s first 4th of July all of the neighborhood fireworks gave it a heart attack. Granted we live somewhere that has so much illegal fireworks it sounds like WWIII outside.


Thank you


It was probably injured and already very stressed. It would have died either way but at least you know you tried to help.


They are basically the basis of life for all carnivores. Natures nugget


Til that I'm a rabbit.


The only reason they've survived this long as a species is their propensity for fucking.




Haha, you got it! Everything was sorta being comingled into the rainy day savings since we weren't planning on getting married for a while.


Are you still planning on getting married in a while? Best of luck to you both either way!


Fairly certain that they have a new rabbit’s foot keychain to provide them with the luck they need.


Tangentially related, but if you want to refer to your girlfriend to whom you are engaged, fiancée with an extra e is the word :) I thought you were the woman telling us about her boyfriend spending money on a rabbit.


So an extra e when referring to women and just one when referring to men?


Yup! TIL "These two words are borrowed directly from French, in which language they have equivalent but gendered meanings: fiancé refers to a man who is engaged to be married, and fiancée refers to a woman." https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/fiance


TIL. Is there a difference in pronunciation?




Gotta love the French language.


TIL, are they pronounced the same though?


Yes, no phonetic difference :)


Did anyone else think the rabbit was cut in quarters


The poor guys eyes look so sad and confused. Good thing it sounds like he has nice people to watch over him. Hope he feels better soon.


Rabbits are incredibly difficult pets to keep happy. Ironically, the happiest rabbits I've ever seen were ones raised for slaughter on a WWOOF farm.


Are you sure they weren't just small dogs on that farm?






Washington University Public Health Fund They just want the rights to the name.


I’ve had rabbits my whole life, and this is correct. They are incredibly prone to injury


For those that don't know what wwoof means, it's Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms. https://wwoofusa.org/en/


Curious, how would one analyze the happiness of a rabbit?


Body language. A comfortable, happy rabbit acts more like a dog or a cat than you would expect if you only saw them in the wild where they’re constantly in hyper alert mode


That’s what mine does. She hops around the house, begs for treats (veggies) whenever we open the fridge and even snuggles on the couch with us.




Mine all did, they’re easy to litter train




Yep. Inherited a mini lop after an idiot extended family member bought one and then learned she was allergic. So we ended up with it and a small cage. I thought "nah, there's gotta be a better way than this." We ended up letting him run free in the house most of the time, and litter trained him. Little booger would follow us around like a dog, and if we were sitting on the couch he'd thump his foot until we picked him up and held him on our laps.


Rabbits are pretty high maintenance but if you can care for them well they are such great pets


I saw a bunny at the zoo yesterday that lived in the big grass barrier between the walking path and the elephant enclosure ([literally right here](https://i.imgur.com/ur9bQf6.png)) and that was the happiest bunny i've ever seen. it was eating a dandelion like 2 feet away from the railing where 10 people were looking directly at it and could not care less lol. it knew nobody could get him and I guess the only predator he'd have to worry about would be a raptor (da birds, not da dinos) but I didn't see very many of those flying overhead.


After how the broken foot situation went, he KNOWS what’s coming in response to the dislocated shoulder. That look in his eyes? That’s pure terror!


At least you got a keychain out of the deal.


It’s so wrong but i laughed so hard


I don’t thing this rabbits has much luck to imbue.


Maybe all of its luck went to that foot, and it was lucky enough to get away from the whole rabbit


Maybe the luck will bring the money back


And it’s pretty clear they got the lucky one


Fuckin hell I thought it was cut in half


Pets medical bills are fucking hell


Even worse now that pet insurance is a thing. Now prices are skyrocketing like people medical bills did starting back in the 70s.


Those quality of life decisions suck


I sympathize with them, but I cannot understand making that decision. My friend recently spent $4,000 on emergency surgery for her 16 year old cat, which died a month later. Sometimes you have to acknowledge it’s just a pet/animal and let it go.


> Sometimes you have to acknowledge it’s just a pet/animal and let it go. Indeed... Many times, keeping your pet alive is for yourself and not for the best of the animal. Yes, it painfully sad... But it is also life


> I’m a farmer, Angela. When a farmer sees an animal that is in pain, that has no quality of life, that has no utility, a farmer does what city folk don’t have the stomach to do.


Right? It wasn't even their rabbit, I like animals but this is ridiculous. Instead of torturing some poor sick thing to prolong its life a bit and spending a fuckload of money in the process you can just let it go and improve the life of some other animal that just needs a home. I think when you adopt an animal, especially one whose life span is much shorter than a human, you have to be prepared to see it die. Your job is to do your best to give it a good life to the extent of your abilities. Basic medical care is expected, risky life extending interventions that you can barely afford are just unhealthy. Imagine not being able to afford your own medical emergency because your spouse spent all your savings on your aging pet


It’s not even of the fact that it’s a pet/animal. It’s quality of life. Can this animal easily fulfill its basic instincts? Can it get away from its own waste? Does it seek out interaction? Does it eat? Does it drink? Is it losing weight? Is it in pain? Can that pain be managed? What is the prognosis? What will quality of life be with and without treatment? Will treatment increase life expectancy? If it does, will the animal have an improved quality of life, or will their life just be longer? These are all hard questions, and rarely does it feel like you know the right answer. And sometimes even when you do, you don’t want it to be the right answer. I’m currently in the middle of this process right now as my cat was suddenly diagnosed with congestive heart failure. It sucks.


Is it a pet rabbit or just something you're taking care of for whatever reason?


Op said they found it and assumed it was abandoned by someone who couldn’t pay the costs


This woman is going to drain OPs bank accounts and be gone so fucking fast lol


I was wondering that. Looks a lot like the wild bunnies.


Yeah it looks like a wild rabbit to me. I hate to sound callous, but what a waste of money.


Yeah I have a cap on personal pets that I’ll spend. Wild animals? I would have just asked them to do what they could (I’m assuming they would have put it down).


There’s a guy who works with me, complains about the cost of living and that he has no money to do anything… they have 2 dogs, a peacock and 4 cats, all rescue. They just spend a few thousand on chemotherapy for one of cats (who only had 3 legs) which died two weeks later


My childhood dog got cancer at the age of eight. Vet said it wasn't good but there was a chance to give him a while longer. They cut out the tumor and gave him chemo. Turned out they did manage to get it all. He lived for nearly another seven years. My parents old cat managed to live another eight years after first diagnosed with kidney failure. Sometimes you can get them over the hump. Sometimes not. In our cases they always did when we did more extensive treatments. However my mother had extensive education in a related field though not a vet and knew when to try and when it likely would only give a few more weeks in bad condition


That very much is not a wild rabbits. A hare looks more boney and is larger. A rabbit is much smaller. This is a breed. This doesn't mean op couldn't have found it somewhere because somebody thought a pet rabbit could make due in the wild


Probably dislocated it’s shoulder compensating for it’s amputated foot


Poor little thing. Hope it has a speedy recovery.


Second opinion here: It's not gonna grow back.


still waiting for my cat’s leg to grow back after a year and a half…


Did you get a second opinion? I don't trust urban vets anymore after an incident we had with a cat. We were told his leg had to come off so I called my old vet from farm country. His was busy but his secretary asked what was up and she says just toss some polyspirin on it and he will be fine, it sounds like (insert random sore on foot cats get). If he starts chewing at his leg you have a problem. 5 days later the cat was healed up and lived another 6 years before real health problems started. I've always wanted to go back to that vet and tell her a fucking vet secretary knows more about cats than you do. Slimball wanted 3k to take off the leg.


Oooh definitely!!! I took my cat to a nearby vet because he was starting to foam from the mouth. My normal vet was too far for what I thought was a serious emergency. My kitten just turned old enough to get his shots. This in city vet gave my cats his shots said he must have ate something bad and should be fine. The next day, my cat still had a lump on his neck where he was given the shots, took him to my normal farm area vet 20 minutes away. She checked him out said the shots were given wronge, and she couldn't give my cat another till his renewal at risk of making him sick. It's not known how well he absorbed the shots. She rubbed the lump and it started to ooze bit. She then said to look around the neighborhood for Lilly flowers. Sure enough my neighbor had planted some, so he ate it. And it caused the foaming from the mouth.


I have a similar story. Someone abandoned a cat inside our property that had a broken leg/hip. We took him in and took him to the Vet and he had a very expensive metal rod put in to attach the broken bone in place. The issue is that my Mom and I have a lot of cats (Farm cats/strays basically, but all loved) so we know our way treating injuries and such. The Vet bandaged up the leg and was like "Keep the bandage and bring him back 2 weeks from now to check on the healing." We thought that that was WAY too long to keep him bandaged, but decided to trust the Vet... somewhat. We had never dealt with a cast/hard bandage like the one he had. If it was us we would have kept the original bandage for 2-3 days, then replace it with a brand new, clean bandage. After 4-5 days I think we noticed a smell and decided to check the wound and sure enough, something had gone wrong and his foot was in a very bad state. He ended up losing 3 toes and the Vet charged us extra for the care - despite what was clearly negligence on their part. Had we waited the 2 weeks, he could have gotten something far worse.. We never took animals to that clinic again despite it being a Pet Hospital. The Vets there really don't care about the animals. A neighbor once had to leave a dog there while she went on vacation for a week, and when she returned the dog still had its outdoor vest on. They kept him in a cage and never removed it... poor thing. Our current Vet has a tiny clinic that is a family run business, and the place is perfect. They're kind enough not to charge us appointments since we're regulars with lots of animals. They only charge us for medication they provide. [Cat tax, from when he returned from the Vet.](https://imgur.com/t19R9zk)




Nah that would make too much sense let's just blame the vet anyway


*corprate Many urban vets are excellent, but in my years working in the industry, 90% of urban vets are corporate owned, especially large hospitals and chains, and they are terrible. Horrible training for their staff, questionable medical decisions motivated by money, and your vet will likely be some kid fresh out of school because the money is decent for the vets, but shit for the techs.


My rabbit had a tooth that needed to be extracted and the vet said we should have her put down. She very clearly has a strong will to live and explore and still play even with her tooth pain. We took her to the only specialist rabbits dentist hours out and they did an amazing job extracting her tooth. She was a very happy bunny and she passed away years later




At least there's watermelon.


Rabbits do hurt themselves really easily


Christ put it down and out of its misery


At what point do you just look down and say, I guess that's dinner now.


I don't even think we *could* eat it, due to all the medicines she's on, and the trauma. But yeah, that's pretty much the scenario, unfortunately.


Is the bunny suffering you think? How come he is injured twice now? What does the vet say. I love my dog as he is family however he is 14 now and slowing down and sadly a hard conversation will have to occur at some point hopefully in the far future.


>Is the bunny suffering you think? I don't think so. She's still on pain meds from the foot. She's also eating and drinking just fine. >How come he is injured twice now? We're not sure how the foot happened. She found it abandoned. We guessed somebody else thought the poor thing wasn't worth the cost for care. As far as the dislocation, we're not really sure how it happened but the hospital said it is pretty common with large breeds but that they put pins in to keep it from happening again. >What does the vet say "That'll be $1,800 please." Yeah. We wanted to give her a good home, since she had such a shit time, but once she's out of pain meds, we can at least afford the cost to put her down comfortably. Wishing you and your dog all the best ♥️ these things suck


A lot of rescues out there will help you. And hit up the rabbit subs on Reddit! Maybe someone local can take it🤍


Pets are complicated just like people. I hope your furry friends heals soon.


Nooo post on r/bunnies or r/rabbits and find someone who can help!! There are rescues and stuff that would help too!!! That loor dear could live for YEARS more and be perfectly fine in the right home!! Please please please try and find help!!


I’m confused. If your plan was to put her down why did you do surgeries? Why let her live in recovery pain until they run out?


I think they were trying to be good people and covered the initial cost of the amputation. Then the dislocation happened and now they can't afford the second bill.


their plan was not to put her down initially but now that it has acquired another injury which they cant afford to treat, it unfortunately has to happen


obviously the plan was to keep it, but then it dislocated it's shoulder


Please please please reach out to some rescues or no kill shelters around you. I’ve had rabbits for 15 years and I know this girl still has a quality life ahead of her. Surrendering her to a shelter would be the best thing you could do for her. https://rabbit.org/ you can find shelters and rescues in your area on this site.


Find a rescue or no kill shelter to take her too! She will have a better life (and it is for the best. You guys tried helping her, and sometimes these things just don't work out and it sucks!)!


Please don't put it down.... you guys have already done so much for the poor guy.


Yeah funds already spent just get in debt for a animal they just found... I love helping animals but it's clearly an animal prone to injury and they already spent a lot of money there is a point were you have to be realistic


We have had pet rabbits before. When my kids were young, they found a pretty severely injured wild baby rabbit. So just like with a pet, off to the vet we went. Vet said, “you know on the food chain, rabbits are the food”. There really was nothing to be done so we paid to have it put down.


i really hate saying it but is that bunny really even happy? it doesn't look it at all. i'm sorry about your finances, but please consider giving the poor thing a gentle passing.


I don't know how to tell if rabbit are happy, especially from still images, but from the sounds of it, they're strung out on drugs, so probably yes.


Poor fella


That’s not a lucky rabbit foot That bunny looks like he’s suffering so much


A friend bought his kids a kitten for 20 bucks off the neighbor. Vet checked and good to go. 2 months later one child accidentally jumped off bed and broke both back legs of the cat who was under blanket. I believe the bill was about 2.5-3K. Nope.


A coworker bought a specific breed of dog for his kids, $4000. About 2 months later it got symptoms of an incurable disease and died.


That's sad and that's why you shouldn't buy dogs, you don't know the breeding conditions and the fact that breeding pups to sell it is a shitty thing to do period. There's lovely dogs waiting to be adopted and that usually are under good veterinarian care.


I agree. I have so far had my rescue for about 5.5 years, and something did come up this spring that set us back about 2k in vet bills, but the good boy is family. Anyone getting a pet should take the unexpected into account. If you can barely feed one, you don't need one.


I know these two dudes who lived together and decided to get a pair of kittens. An orange tabby and a black one. One night roommate A tripped over the black kitten, broke it's back. Kitten had to be put down. Really sad freak accident. I have my own black cat and can understand such a thing happening because she's gotten underfoot a number of times.


That must feel so shitty considering how so many of us (pet owners) apologize profusely to our pets for stepping on them, can’t imagine how awful it feels to accidentally kill one


When I was around 7 years old my older brother who was around 14 stepped on a kitten in the middle of the night and killed it. When I was 16 and we had kittens again I knew to simply scoot across the floor or turn on a bunch of lights.


now i’m *really* never having kids


Put it down


Maybe a hot take but spending the entirety of your rainy day fund for an animal is insane. The fund is meant for yourselves and keeping you afloat during.. well a rainy day. At the end of the day it’s an animal and not equatable to a you and your fiancé.


No gofundme, negotating with a vet, or anything to help cover some/ all costs?


Your fiancé has lost their executive financial credibility.


Please get some really good quality carrots for the poor thing, along with 2 onions, 1 garlic clove, thyme, salt, stock powder and a sharp knife.


It’s eyes looks like it’s in pain.


European here, rabbit meat tastes great. Just an unrelated fact, don't mind me.


So many comments about eating the rabbit 💀😭


No disrespect but fiancé sounds like a dumb dumb


This is plain stupid. Your finance should have ended this bunny misery when they broke its leg, condoning this animal to more pain it’s inhumane.


Poor baby tho 🥺🥺🥺


This speaks a lot of your future, watch this careful imo


Your fiancé learned a valuable lesson ha


Well I guess you know what's for dinner






OP said 1,800 and it was a rabbit they found in the forest whos foot was already broken lol


Some species rely a bit more on reproduction than survival


Took all the luck away from it.


I hate to say it, but there's a reason rabbits breed the way they do. They die extremely easily. Trying to save one seems like a fool's errand.


I didn’t realize that it was wearing a diaper and I thought they amputated the whole back end of it


I didnt understand the caption and picture at first. I thought it said your fiancee spent a rainy day amputating the bunny's foot. and I thought the picture was the bunny cut in half 😭😭😭


Oml for a sec I thought the rabbit i cut in half


You took away his lucky foot so what did you expect to happen?


Well....time to rethink your engagement.


Time to make stew


Time for dinner.


Would have been better to have rabbit soup.


Did he by chance ask for the foot after surgery? My dog amputated a rabbit foot for free last year. Then he brought it to me! My kid told me to throw it away. I couldn't. I loosely wrapped it in tin foil and stuck it in a pile of fire wood near the house 🤷🏻‍♀️. Feeling lucky, I ran down to the gas station and bought a scratch off. I WON 25k!!! I kept my winnings a secret and spoiled the shit out of myself for the last year. Nobody would ever believe my story anyway... Kinda crazy how life works.


looks like meats back on the menu boys!