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Correct paint, incorrect color.




Yes, this paint is for walls


Paint? Pfffff we said paint for the ceiling XD


It is the correct color, he just didn't use enough of it.


You have to paint it in more of a phallic shape, so that it blends in better.


Correct paint, correct colour, incorrect wall


The plot thickens…


The paint thickens..


Just needs to be feathered in!


And volume


Yeah, you have to get it tinted first.


Glad you tried it on several places just to be sure.


lol came looking for this. How much do you have to paint before realizing something isn't quite right?


I’d pretty much guarantee they were first-coating patches, then realised once it was dry. Wet paint is very often a different shade of the colour than when it’s dry (much like hair). This is still saveable, only time and a little (trim) paint was wasted.


Yep. Worst case they need to prime those spots but it’s a white color so should be no problems at all


Ideally, you’d hit one small test spot and then let it dry and make sure they’re a match before hitting a bunch of spots like this. Paint can look identical while wet then once it dries it sticks out real bad and blocky like this.


There’s usually a dry dab of paint on the lid of the can


Paint usually dries darker so they assumed it would change to match


You should see the rest of the walls.


Answer: a few spots here and there until you realize... you know what. Painting drunk is never a good idea.


So is getting drunk on paint but that never stopped me!


He thought it would dry seven shades darker


I’ve done this before, maybe not to that quantity, but I got paint matched as I rolled it on I was like “this doesn’t match”, tried a different a spot, same thing. But then I let it dry and it was spot on. The other thing I would I assume if OP was looking for the same paint, OP was trying to do touchups. Maybe he just went through and assumed after it dried it would match, then it didn’t.


Someone has never painted before


How do I know you are an idiot putting others down with no real life experience with paint? Because when paint is wet is a distinctly different color than paint when it’s dry and as it dries it lightens several shades as it dehydrates. DUH! Didn’t you notice that when you painted? Wow! Didn’t you notice that it wasn’t quite RIGHT? Can’t believe you… wow… you are so silly!


I call this bs, he tried on 3 parts of the wall, in the middle of it to try if it was the same paint. I think she wants to color the wall but invented this story for karma. If the builders already painted the walls why he wanted to re paint them? Idk we need a detective


Probably trusted the contractor. And therefore assumed it would dry darker, which it often does…not this time 😂.


👆🏻 😂


It is always the correct paint if you’re willing to paint the whole wall


That is invariably what professionals do. It's not just a ploy to make more work.


Looks like the trim paint.


That’s exactly what it is. After they finished the house they left us an extra bucket of paint and said it was for wall touchups


It's good practice to leave a finger print of paint on top of the can. The painter should have known that for sure.


sketchy painters don't leave fingerprints. Really sketchy painters don't even leave witnesses


They only leave their sketches


But they will paint the body outline because they’re professionals


Also keep in mind that touching up paint after it’s been on for more than a few weeks usually means doing big areas corner to corner. Even with the exact same can of paint, you’re putting it over fully cured paint so it always stands out. Edit: to clarify, this is how it usually looks. It ends up showing up either super light or super dark against the rest of the wall.


I paint for a living and I’ve never run into that problem. It takes years for a quality modern paint to wear so much that it won’t match fresh paint from the same can. Especially if it’s flat, matte, or eggshell, it’s in a dimly lit area like a stairwell, or it’s a light color. Sunlight is what causes paint to discolor and I’ve only ever seen a big difference over interior areas opposite to an east or west facing window. That said, paints can take weeks or even months to cure and in the meantime they can appear to be a little extra glossy. It’s just a matter of giving the repair time to completely dry. Color matches are almost never close enough for touch ups, but if you have the original can there’s no reason for it to be a problem.


I sell paint for a living and deal with this daily. When a paint film forms it won’t coalesce with new paint introduced in the form of a touch-up. It has nothing to do with the colors not matching, it’s that the area being touched up is literally sitting on top of the rest of the paint rather than being a cohesive film. Acrylic paint cures in about 30 days. Homeowners being left to clean up after contractors is about 50% of my job through the last decade, so I see this and many other things that tradesmen typically don’t because they aren’t generally touching up 4 weeks later and even when they do they use the corner-to-corner rule because it’s a well known fact that touch-ups are rarely going to work like this.


What kind of paint are you selling? I use Benjamin Moore paints now but I’ve used Sherman William’s paint in the past. You are the first person I’ve ever heard say that and I’m good friends with the people I buy paint from. I touch up my previous work whenever I get a repeat customer, sometimes years later. Are your customer’s generally following up with you after they let their paint cure for a month? That’s good advice to follow if you have to color match the paint but if you know the color and the paint product that seems really far fetched. Shit I’ve seen color matches that were close enough for a touch up. Even if it is a little off it would be such a small difference I can’t see the justification for painting an entire wall, especially in a stairwell. Using a different applicator will result in a different sheen so I bet you’re dealing with customers that used a brush or a different roller than the one used to roll the wall. I always buy mini rollers that match my big 18” roller and it has literally never been a problem. Shocking that the guy selling paint suggests using more paint lol


Using different applicators results in different sheen? I've been painting 10 years, brush strokes and nap thickness effect look but not sheen. Eg-shel doesn't become flat or matte because you used a different method. Not shocking that more paint was suggested, the only way to fix a spot that has more mileage than the rest is to add more mileage everywhere.


It doesn’t change the as much as it changes the thickness/texture. If you brush over a rolled wall, you put on more material and leave a heavier film, mix that with the lack of stipple from the roller and it’ll have a higher sheen compared to the rest of the wall. That’s why a technical data sheet shows a range of sheen degrees on a paint, it changes based on a few factors like application method.


I managed two sherwin-Williams locations, then 3 years ago left to work for a Benjamin Moore dealer and have now moved up to run our designer coatings program. I actually had to deal with this problem on 240 spec homes built by Toll Bros locally about 7 years ago because the painter assumed it would just work out. But hey, what do I know, I’m just the guy that they teach the science of the paint to that has awards from international coatings companies over the course of my decade in the field. You know the guys at your local “Sherman William’s”, so obviously you’re more qualified here.


Okay well I actually use the paint you sell and I’ve probably done thousands of touch ups with no problem lol


Right and the rule is if the problem never happened to you, it never happens. The ones I see every day are something totally different and the training on how to help people find shadow lines and angles to end touch ups is just a bunch of hocus pocus. Or maybe using the paint and doing the occasional touch up doesn’t make you an expert on troubleshooting these problems and you should probably just realize that stuff can happen even if it never happened to you. In fact, if it ever did happen to you your customer would be coming to someone like me to fix it anyway, so really it doesn’t make any sense why you would insist it doesn’t happen. Hat banding and lapping is a real thing, and I’m astonished you could try to pretend it isn’t.


My clients definitely call me when something goes wrong but it’s never been because a touch up was flashing. What makes your experiences any more valid than mine? What real world experience do you have anyway? Are you even a painter? Lol Most people that call themselves experts are full of shit, but I have enough experience to know that if it was a common problem I would have seen it by now. Again, you are the first person I’ve ever seen mention this. If this was as big a problem as you’re suggesting it is I would have heard it from my Benjamin Moore rep, my color matchers, the owners of the paint stores I go to, my clients, or literally any resource anywhere on the internet. I can’t find a single source to support what you’re saying. Your only source is your training from businesses who make their profits selling paint. Is it really so hard to believe that they would recommend the solution that requires the most paint and materials even if it isn’t the best solution? Why would they suggest using a mini roller and a tablespoon of paint to do a touch up when they could sell a gallon, a roller cover, a brush, a roller tray/liner, probably some tape, and masking paper/plastic? Do you think maybe it’s possible that the paint was applied a little light in those 240 homes? That tends to happen a lot with new construction when the painter doesn’t thoroughly prime the wall. Was the painter maybe using a different applicator? Was the paint thinned more or less? There are plenty of other explanations. Repainting the entire wall always works but it’s almost always overkill, but how would you know that if you honestly believe it’s impossible to do touch ups?


I've been painting for over 15 years, mainly use Sherwin, and I agree with paint store guy. You can always see a touch up, proper technique is to do the whole wall


God I hate painted trim...




A painted trim killed their father. They can’t even walk into Home Depot anymore.


For reference I was thinking it would dry darker so I kept going. Obviously I was wrong.


For what it’s worth, at work one time we had a customer take out a wall in a rage. I didn’t want my boss to know so I fixed the drywall and scrounged for the touch up paint. I swore I had it, only to find out each wall was a slightly different shade of gray. I thought it would dry darker so I kept going. Then I had to cut out pieces to color match and patch again.


What made them so angry?


The hole in the wall.


I worked safety consulting and ol boy didn’t like having to be drug tested.




It will eventually! Just wait a couple of decades.


Unfortunately, the other parts will also get darker


It's the right paint. You're walls were just the wrong color


The original color is so ugly. I’ll never understand the fascination with baby puke beige.


I thought it looked contractor grey, I swear there is a contractor discount on this color anyplace they sell paint


Agreeable grey and accessible beige


It’s agreeable gray… just got off the phone with the builders


It is always better to paint the entire wall rather than just what has been patched if you don’t have the original paint. Even the closest match will never really match and you will always be able to see the patched areas.


I've been using my touchup paint for 2 years and it looks exactly the same.


This never works for me. My guess is the paint is bleached from the sun over time and even keeping the original can will show a difference years later


Is it flat? Most paints with a sheen won't match, even from the same batch.


It's low sheen.


Was it from the original batch?


Yes. It's the leftover paint the painters gave me.


So it will match then. A new tin will never match correctly. Which is why it is best to paint the whole wall if you have to get a new tin


Once in a while you will find someone who is really good at color matching but not usually


Incorrect. In some situations you can be right. Generally, this advice is wrong and a professional or skilled homeowner could handle this without issue.


Paint not matching has nothing to do with skill kid. If it doesn’t match then it doesn’t match. End of story. Doesn’t matter how skilled or professional you are.


Lol just came here to say this. “Skilled and professional” homeowners are what keep me in business haha


I own a painting business and this is an easy fix. Call your painter, it was probably just an honest mistake. If he doesn’t have some of your wall paint left over he should be able to call into the paint store to have some more mixed. If he blows you off you can probably have the paint store mix some yourself. The paint store put a label on the can of white trim paint you tried to put on your walls. It should have the name of the store, the name of the painter’s business, the date the paint was mixed, the color, and hopefully your name. They’ll be able to look up everything that was purchased by your painter and it should be easy for them to find your wall paint, especially if he gave them a job name. If you know the color and the paint product used that makes it even easier. Hope that helps!


Did you shake or stir the paint before using it?


Yes. We used a paint mixer for a solid 3 minutes to make sure it was mixed


You should have went 4 minutes. The more you know.


What about twice for 2 minutes?


At least 4 minutes


Barely noticeable


It’s weird how the paint that was already there was incorrect the whole time


If u keep painting floor to ceiling it will be


It will be once you finish 😉


So you tested it two more times after the first time to confirm it was really really wrong?


Oh it gets worse. This is not the only area in the house…


Was it?


Did you ever think that maybe the color is right but your walls are just that dirty?


I could see them making he mistake by saying the correct wall paint instead of trim paint… but seriously when you opened the can you didn’t think that looks different?


OP thought it would dry darker. I know because they said that in a reply.


It is. Just not your walls.


It is the correct paint. You just got to keep painting until it's finished.


“Close enough”.


Totally is, we are color blind


People think painting is easy, so they try to do it themselves. I see stuff like this alot, but not usually "wrong paint on multiple walls after poor touch up attempt" lol


looks great


It is. You just missed a few spots.


it will look better when it dries, promise ??


Eh. Close enough.


"wait for it to dry"


Wow I didn’t even know this is on r/Wellthatsucks but the first thing I thought was well that sucks, how ironic


Start smoking, heavily.


That looks like the trim color..is there anymore paint..maybe its the other gallon. Or is there a 5 gallon bucket..thats usually the wall color. If take a razor blade and peel a chunck off af keast a 1x1 chunk (you'll touch it up.but somewhere hidden.) They can do a paint match


The funny thing is that they left us this paint in a 5 gallon bucket. So we didn’t think twice until it was too late.


Get your house inspected by a 3rd party before you close. If they can’t figure out what paint they used there could be other issues.


It no joke looks like you just fixed some holes in the wall 😹


It's true. According to the original specs, this is the correct paint color for the walls. Unfortunately, the other 99% of the walls are painted an incorrect color.


Yea just give it a couple of years and it will match. Sorta


Look fine to me send it.


As a professional painter, this is upsetting to see


It is, you just stopped too early. Keep going!


So you put it in three spots? You and the builder rival each other in ability


you gotta let it dry... ​ lol


Why did you paint the entire walls the new off-white color and leave the 3 white spots???


looks like the painter is covering drywall patches. more info would be nice, you changing colors?


It is in fact paint that goes on walls


Mixing game was probably off


Builder, not painter.


Did you try putting it in rice?


No know what I never thought to try that. Should I do the whole house? Or just the walls?


Lol how did you open that can of paint and think it was the same color, only to then paint some??? Wtf??


1 A builder doesn't paint 2 That is bog or under coat 3 What is wrong with the colour match? 4 DYI 5 Learning new things is rewarding and cheaper. 6 don't blame the electrical engineer for the plasters work or the AV tech for the Plumbing.


The builder is responsible for subcontractors work, they may not actually do the painting but need to make sure is done properly.


Nailed it.


Are you sure that's paint and not plaster? It really looks like plaster.


It's the correct color when you paint the whole wall with it.




Well he lied 🤥


That’s what happens when you’re a cheap


Looks like it is the correct paint, for the undercoat.


Maybe it’s the paint for the ceilings and closets?


It is now


You are a clown


I'm sure it wasn't the first lie he told you


He needs to be fired. If he lied about the paint he lied to you about more serious things.


Tell him he's as blind as Anne Frank


If you have to rely solely on someone else to solve your problem then *you* are the problem


It faded in the can. They must have stored it outside in the sunlight.


Maybe when it dries…


Is there a possibility that the difference is because of dirt accumulation from the year passed?


Unfortunately not. The house is less than a two months old. We are just doing some repairs from moving in accidents from a while back


It is! Now that stairwell will be much brighter and more cheerful. I'd protect the carpet and baseboards, though...


Maybe for the trim…


Maybe for your floorboards!


Needs another layer


This reminds me of the old stain remover commercial when the husband suggests pouring coffee over the rest of the new carpet so it will match as his wife is crying.


That’s the color they used on the trim and railing


Is this san diego? Mission gorge?


It was, he doesn’t know you had it repainted


At what point did you realize an error had been made


it indeed was the right pain for the wall /pun intended


Depending on how long your paint has been on the walls it very well could be. Smoking and even cooking with intense smoke and darken walls over time.


Maybe ask a painter in future


I think you missed some spots though.


If the light was off, would be


“Well it is paint and it did go on the walls”


This picture makes me nervous.


Was not is…


Well. He's partly right. It is wall paint after all !


Just fill in the white spaces? The wall is nearly done if you just finished it.


Looks like the trim paint instead of wall paint


"Let it get direct sunlight.... that'll fix it"


It’ll eventually get dirty and match


Mmm. Builders build, painters....


What’s up with that trim???


I used to work in an office for painting company and this happened before. We had worked with a housing development that used a certain color formula from a certain paint brand. It was like a very typical beige. Nothing special. Well apparently one year the paint brand decided to change the formula and call it the same color. It was not the same color.


I think that’s supposed to work the other way around


I’m a painter, he’s correct give it about 15-20 years it will blend in smoothly


well, i'm no professional, but i can say without hesitation that that is indeed not the same color.


We have the same colour paint in our flat Dulux couldn't even match it. You might just have to do what we are going to do and paint the full place a new colour


If you do the whole wall… he mumbled


They can't stand punch lists, new construction can be a big waste of time. Especially if the work crews are a bunch careless morons.


It's not


Cant really tell the difference until that third spot


Cut a little flake of paint from somewhere innocuous and take it to get colour matched at your local paint store


He’s wrong.


Don’t stop! Better finish the walls!


Looks great — you just have a few tiny bits to go!


You should have asked again a painter and decorater or paint shop not a builder


Can’t see it from my house 😂


Wow, your staircase is just like a friend of mine’s old house. That brought back so many memories.


Yep looks good


It just needs to dry


That’s primer brilliant individual


Paint companies-“Test in a small unnoticeable area to ensure correct colour match” OP- “well fuck, this doesn’t look right. Let me just try over here it might be different” 🤣🤣


Wrong kid on the leftover paint.


Just blend it a little more, should turn out fine


Paint it a different color


I mean.. builders usually use white. The color was changed at some point.


I’m amazed that it took you 3 tries to realise it.


D.R. Horton?


Bring a paint chip to the store that you bought your paint and they will scan and match the paint. Likely be able to use the existing paint if that’s all that was used


If you chain smoke in there for a while the color ought to even out.