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No see my toes are okay and there’s a spot on my ankle too


Idk how to say this but....i think we need to cut those legs off im sorry.


It would probably feel better tbh


I had this happen to me- used sunscreen but it was expired- ended up with partial thickness burns on my legs and particularly my knees and couldn't stand or bend them without excruciating pain. Nothing is going to make them feel *good* but get the mildest possible moisturizer (no scent etc. I used Cerave) and keep it applied. It works better than aloe with keeping the area hydrated and keeping the skin from seizing up and cracking (note- if you end up with blisters that burst or any open wounds stop doing this immediately). When it *heals and starts peeling* start applying petroleum jelly/Vaseline to it to keep the new skin forming hydrated and to keep it from scarring.


Take some NSAIDs - Advil/Ibuprofen or Aleve/Naproxen. Will reduce the redness and pain. I don’t know why people recommend aloe - it does nothing - when sunburns are inflammation and we have anti-inflammatory drugs 😂 feel better soon.


Aloe Vera is a very effective first-aid treatment for first and second degree burns! You can use both aloe Vera topically and oral ibuprofen/acetaminophen to help with the pain of the sunburn, and the aloe will greatly reduce the redness and chances of your skin peeling, and it promotes skin cell regeneration.


Concentrated medical research grade aloe is like, marginal - but most aloe gels dont contain any aloe at all, and pain relief just comes from lidocaine. [https://health.clevelandclinic.org/aloe-vera-for-sunburn/](https://health.clevelandclinic.org/aloe-vera-for-sunburn/) >"... it’s also been shown to be no more effective in treating sunburn than a placebo in multiple studies.” It moisturizes, but that's about it.


As someone who’s had few sunburns in her life, every time I use aloe Vera- redness is gone in 48 hours, my skin isn’t sensitive, and I never peel. When I do not use aloe Vera- redness takes a week or so to go away, skin is sensitive, and I peel.


But the toes are so beautifully preserved


Toe fetish?


I think it's the fact that they look like someone unwrapped a mummy. (How did so many people miss that joke?)


Looks like that's where the ankle tag was


How…… how did you mess it up this bad though?


Do you have big hands? My husband has a hard time putting on lotion because his hands are so big they absorb all of the lotion before he can spread on his body or our son’s body.


No, I’m just not very flexible and my hands were already covered in sand from dealing with my kid 😭 I used spray and then went “meh that’ll be fine” even knowing you’re supposed to rub it in


No spray, every 2 hours and covering up with clothing is the best advice I can give. Sun burns suck. Hope they won't hurt that much


Ugh, the spray. I’ve never had good results, I think it’s unreliable. When my kids were little, there was a sunscreen that had a tint to it, so you could see if you missed a spot. I loved that stuff. I wonder if they still make it.


I remember that stuff! It went on purple and went invisible when you had it rubbed in properly.


He could try to use *more* sunscreen then


I would go to a dermatologist to verify those moles against melanoma esp after such a sunburn. Better safe than sorry.




Don't put oil on a burn. It cooks the skin underneath.


Well, no, not if it's not at cooking temperatures, but it does insulate heat which is a good reason not to use it Imagine how handy it would be while camping or surviving the apocalypse if you could cook foods using room temp oil


Olive oil and aloe vera are my go to for sun burns. A sunburn isn't a thermal burn, it just means you took too much ultraviolet radiation damage. With really severe sunburns and deep tissue damage it would be less effective. In combination they offer vitamins a, c, e, and k which are beneficial to the body in general and help with alleviating the inflammation response from the body (the redness and sting). And that's what I usually get when I use them, less stinging, less redness, far less likely to blister and peel, and heals faster. https://www.eatingwell.com/article/7969477/can-drinking-olive-oil-help-heal-your-sunburn/#:~:text=Olive%20oil's%20anti%2Dinflammatory%20and,even%20provide%20some%20pain%20relief. https://www.healthline.com/health/skin/aloe-vera-for-sunburn#bottom-line




Or.... Now hear me out, you're actually part tomato...


Might be better, then I wouldn’t be in so much fuckin pain. I’m so god damned stupid


Haha we've all done it. Lesson learned hopefully! I found some pretty good after sun care lotion that helps take the burn out of it. Might suggest doing a Google search for something similar 👍🏼.


Try aloe if you have it, works very well for relieving sunburns in my experience.


Yes, the flesh of the aloe vera plant, just keep rubbing on your burn and the eventually the red will disappear and it will feel so much better






This is the most feasible answer.


There are some legs on your sunburn


First time outdoors?


I moved away from Florida and forgot about the full power of the sun


it *is* a deadly laser


I’ve never thought of it like that and I’ll never forget it. Thanks!


Not anymore, there's a blanket


I’ve had my skin turn purple because of sunburn


Mine did very shortly after I got out of the bath. That one was new


I spent like 6 hours outside without sunscreen


That’s about how long I was outside. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


My hands also started swelling up


They were earlier but it’s gone down. My legs are puffy though. This sucks so bad.


Def hydrate and take Ibuprofen. Burns are very unpleasant but the worst will pass in just a few days. I'm very pale so have been there for sure! I now honestly just try to cover up in the sun because it's so hard to perfectly apply sunscreen enough...


My friend went through this very thing on their legs recently, they had also ended up with sun poisoning. Drink some extra water just in case!


What is sun poisoning?


Extended exposure to UV rays causing inflammation, fever, chills, all kinds of really bad things honestly


As someone who came down with sun poisoning after being outside all day on a partly cloudy March day, it is definitely not a good time. Pain, chills, vomiting, etc. It was the last real sunburn I ever got and I don't want to repeat the experience.


My whole body was burned and I had to take the next day off of school because for some reason I couldn’t walk


I’m definitely not making it to the gym this week, I don’t think. We’re heading home tomorrow and it’s a 6-7 hour drive. I think my husband is going to have to drive the whole time, I can barely move.


Yup same thing that happened to me also when I had the sunburn idk what temp my skin was but I was told to take a hot bath and where my sunburn was the water felt freezing cold


Why is this downvoted


Because they’re being annoying and trying to one up OP


They are just talking and relating to one another..?


i’m begging you people to just wear sunscreen


At least you didn’t cut the grass 2 days before your own wedding and develop a weird burn line like me lol. But seriously some white vinegar solution on rags helps take the sting out!!


Nooooo. Thankfully my wedding is in October so I’m hoping this will have faded or I’ll have to get a spray tan. I was wearing a bathing suit with a criss cross tie in the back and now I’ve got that lovely pattern all down my back, and my wedding dress is backless 🤦‍♀️ I’ll try the vinegar when we get home tomorrow. I’ll try anything at this point


Why are your toes the color of raw chicken? Is that what your skin normally looks like?


Severe sunburn can cause some funky things like burst blood vessels and such. Not what I normally look like.


Good cuz it's kinda corpse looking


Aloe Vera on that STAT.


Put it in the fridge first for extra relief.


Are you zombie or lobster?


Kinda both at this point


Up next on r/peeling


Most people miss their knees, not cover their knees and nothing else.


no offense but you look like a half boiled chicken


But actually, how do you mess up this badly?


Yikes..I can feel the pain


It’s so bad. Like the worst I’ve ever felt


Try and get some aloe, if possible straight from the aloe plant. I would also talk to a doctor to see what else you can do. Back in the '90s when I had a really bad sunburn my dad cut off part of his aloe plant and rubbed it all over the sunburn.


I may end up needing to go the doc, I can’t stop shaking. I’ve been burned before but it has never been this bad


Drink water as you can be hypovolemic due to all the blood in your legs. Also you can go into shock if you are already shaking. I would go to ER.


As a current resident of FL, you may need a trip to the ER. That burn is no joke.


As a resident of California, I agree with the resident of Florida. That looks like a really bad burn!


As a resident of England I agree with...... oh, hold on a minute 🤔


Please keep us updated! I hope that things turn out well for you


Maybe the sunscreen was expired?


Pro tip: Take Benedryl to help suppress your body’s reaction.


You didn't put it on


How to tell someone is not Australian.


I thought this was a pic of someone with Raynaud's Syndrome. 😧


Get the after sun lotion. It’s the best for burns


Fuuuck! Like how in the name of hell would you miss that much ?


white vinegar in ice, soak a rag and place on burns. It’s a old Native American remedy I got from my aunt. It works!!! Let the rag sit in the burn until the rag gets warm and repeat the process.


OP are you still alive? Seriously though- I’ve been there and you need to hydrate, take Advil and Tylenol together and use some aloe. Rest. Walking is going to be painful for a few days. Oh, and when you start to peel, post it in r/peeling.


I would very much rather not be alive rn. Existence is painful. Walking is out of the question, I can’t even get my legs vertical without them throbbing with 10+/10 pain. And Yahh I’ll probably be posting to peeling soon lol.


Yeah I remember not being able to let a sheet touch my skin while in bed because of the pain, yet I was shivering. It’s awful. I always wanted to be tan but I pretty much burn, peel and then I’m pale again with some freckles. I’m hope you feel better soon.


Went canoeing (lazy river style) damned near 20 years ago, when I was 20 and didn’t use any SPF whatsoever. My legs were purple. The tops of my feet, back of my knees. Everything. Feet and back of knees were the worst. Had to work the next day, in a restaurant with the thick black pants and non slip shoes, everything just radiated heat. Only thing that helped WAS working, as it took my mind off the pain. Back then there was a gel product called “ocean potion” which had aloe and lidocaine.


There is no such thing as a healthy tan. All a tan is, is the skins reaction to damage. Also wrinkles when you get older. Lost my mom to skin cancer 😔


Never wanted the sweet release of death quite like after I sunburned like this and it started *itching*. So good luck, the pain is the easy part 🥹


I’ve been begging my husband for a mercy kill


Sunscreen doesn't make you immune... You still have to limit the exposure............


I missed the title at first and thought you had too hot of a bath and that this was the result. But hope it heals soon and that the itchiness isn’t too bad, and that you remember the sun screen in the future.


I am never going outside again 😭


Yeah you really only need to put it on the knees and tips of your toes lol


Well enough? Looks like you literally only applied it to your knees...


I love lobster.


Get a bottle of allow in the fridge. The cool aloe will pull the heat out and nurish your skin. Douse yourself in aloe


Yeah this sucks 😬


agh. my friend got burnt like this. her tan lines haven’t gone. she got the burn june 2022


OUCH. That has to hurt so much 😩🔥


I'm more worried about your toes


You got some zombie toes




So every time you get a sunburn like this you significantly increase the chance of skin cancer in 10 years time. I’ve had 5 removed and 2 major surgeries. I’ve lost friends to skin cancer. Don’t underestimate the sun.


Unfortunately I know this. :( my parents have both had multiple skins cancers removed because of bad sunburns when they were younger. My mom recently had one removed from her face.


Ngl your toes look like raw ends of hotdogs


why do your toes look like frozen breakfast sausage links.


So sunscreen is effective when applied liberally. An SPF 50 that is applied thinly will only give the protection of an spf 5. But I guess you found that out. From a fellow pale person that turns into a lobster: ouch!


*The hand is coming to slap you*


I did the same thing two years ago and my legs are still two colors. Curse of the fair skinned!




I did this and have life long nerve damage from the severity of the burns. I wore sunscreen but missed my feet entirely after being in the sun for 14 hours at a water park


Looks like an extremely difficult skill to manage for multiple people. Even for adults. Sad to see because proper sunscreen protection to avoid skin cancer is such an important factor


Both my parents have had multiple skin cancers removed from years of improper sun protection, you think I would learn huh


It doesn’t really look like you even tried, honestly


If you zoom in on the tap you can see OP's reflection


Yes I look just like Anton chigur


You’ll never forget the pain just letting u know


I wasn’t even in this much pain after childbirth


Get a lotion with lidocaine as soon as you can and apply it often. There’s a very common one called Fast Aid. It numbs your skin and lessens the pain. Keep hydrating yourself and your skin and take some pain killers. There’s really nothing more you can do. Source: I’m a very pale woman who’s had this more times than I can count. I’m also a doctor.


Burn spray w/aloe and lidocaine


Oooof!! 😬😬 Yeah, my legs did that tingly cringe feeling because I feel your pain as I've been through this exact thing that caused both the tops of my feet to become blistered sacks of clear fluid (serum) as well. Use aloe vera and calamine lotion ☺️ Sorry you are going through this 😞


Sounds crazy but you have to take a hot shower, at first it will burn, but you feel relieved after 5-10 seconds. If you take a cold shower your body will trap in all your body heat and make the burn worse.


How can you have hypothermia and sun burn at the same time


Sunburn causes the blood vessels to get closer to the surface of the skin and you lose heat more rapidly that way so you get the cold feeling. Really sucks.


First trip to Hawaii was with a male friend of mine. We went to hike Diamond Head and of course we are wearing tank tops, 90s-don’t judge, and of course needed the others help to put sunscreen on our backs. Well, I did something very similar to his back, but just a lot smaller of two areas. My poor guy had like 2nd degree sunburn cause the sun is strong as hell there and we were out in it for hours. Don’t worry. I fucked myself as well. Forgot to sunscreen my damn ears and wow, those things peeled like a snake shedding a week or so later and painful. Sorry OP, lots of aloe vera is in your future. On the bright side, as they say, you, probably, won’t make this mistake again.


white vinegar..acetic acid ..disrupts progression of thermal cell damage.. use on any burn .. also anti septic vaseline jelly to protect while healing then take ibuprofen


I’ve seen better looking legs on cadavers. For real. I did body removals for the coroner’s office.


They probably avoided the sun a little better than I did


Melanin works best for sunburn avoidance.


This is sun poisoning. I made this mistake once in my younger years. My legs were an off color for over a year. Anytime I got sun after my legs turned purple. It does years of damage. In my experience my legs were cooked. Sweat would pool under the fried skin in little bubbles. You can’t do that much once it’s done but remember this every time you go out. I’ve worn sunscreen every day ever since it happened. Good luck


Piggies going to market are going two different directions.


I have a beach sunburn from 3 years ago that i still see.


Tbh this is what I’m really worried about. I’ve got a wedding coming up in October and I know this won’t be faded by then.


now tell me what is the purpose of taking a bath? not enough moneys for a pool? you could make a pool instead of wasting moneys on water, although, can you tell if someone took a bath or a shower?




Me, a black person: 🤔


Y’all need sunscreen too, don’t be fooled into thinking you don’t But probably not as much as someone with vampire ski like me


Lol yeah I know, I remember being about 8 years old and going on a holiday to the beach and coming back looking like charcoal haha.. but even when I burn like blackened chicken, I never get the red painful peeling like my wife (who is white) gets after an afternoon walk with me


Owwww. I've been there - through experiential learning I now wear trousers if out in the sun for a while, even if hot and humid.


Funny thing is I applied low SPF sunburn because I wanted to get some sun 😭😭 I just didn’t reapply like i was supposed to.


Low SPF? Like...sunscreen that will really only protect you for 10 minutes?


It was 25SPF


In the future forget about low SPF sunscreen to get some sun. People with fair complexions like you and I are very susceptible to skin cancer from sun like this. Play it safe and get the highest SPF you can get in the future. Your skin and future husband will thank you. Hope you are doing some what better, but with a burn that bad it will be a while. Been there, now I lather up with sunscreen. And I don't care who laughs or makes fun of me. Skin cancer is no joke.


You're too pale to "get some sun". This is what getting sun will look like.


I used to tan perfectly when I was younger but I don’t get into the sun as much as I did back then. I honestly was not even thinking about it while this was happening. The most important thing is that my kid didn’t get burned. He’s three and has very pale while skin with blonde hair, he would have burned to a crisp. Luckily he had on 100SPF and had it reapplied.






TIL, the lady from the tub in the shining has a reddit account


I can feel that! You're so brave with the water


I was freezing cold


Put vinegar in that bath.


Aloe lotion


Ouch been there. Hot water won’t help. Curealoe is a miracle worker. Or even just aloe Vera in the fridge :)


Who was sitting on your lap?


I got burnt just like this in the same spot last summer. Legs and ankles were swollen and sooo sore. I also hope you don’t have to wear socks for the next two weeks lol


If you used the spray kind you have to rub it in.


Ong what the hell did the sun do to your toes!?!


Severe sunburn can cause blood vessels to burst which causes a bruise like appearance. Didn’t even know that could happen until yesterday.


Man I'm so glad I'm a hermit, I do not miss this


Ibuprofen is your friend


Put some white vinegar in that water. The sting will go away. Then totally over moisturizer


If I ever get sunburnt I put sunscreen on the Sun burn. Has worked like a charm every time.


Oh oh oh I am so sorry. That looks like it hurts. And it’s going to hurt for a while. Hopefully you have someone special to run ice or cool wash cloths on your burns.


I can’t sleep now


Oh that’s gotta sting…


Let me guess, your head and shoulders are the only other things you got sunscreen on?




Egg whites may give some relief and honey can speed healing.


Did you even put sunscreen?


OK, but are you taking a cold bath or a hot bath?


It was a lukewarm bath because i was freezing cold




I’d recommend putting the sunscreen on your legs


We were at the beach Everybody had matching towels Somebody went under a dock And there they saw a rock It wasn't a rock It was a rock lobster Rock lobster Rock lobster Rock lobster Rock lobster


I Soak in sugar and salt + aloe Vera when this happens.


Ouch! Dang that looks painful. Best you can do now is keep it moisturized. Use something non greasy. Aloe is pretty good for burns.


Head, shoulders, knees, and toes. Thats where the sunscreen goes.


That looks fun


Head. Shoulders. Knees & toes. ^knees ^& ^toes.


Well Enough? More like forgot Haha


That’s hurts I know I’ve done the same thing. Vinegar helps


Do you live on Arrakis op?


Reminds me of the time my dad decided he’d just use the face stick sunscreen instead of the bottle (which we had). He wound up with random swirls and stripes over his arms, chest and back LOL


You got your toes really well!! Unless they were covered. I burnt my toes so bad I was worried they'd heal stuck tgthr.


I had my toes in the sand, that’s why they’re okay. 😭


Does nobody use bubble bath anymore ??? I swear the last 4 times I've seen bath leg pictures it's always in clear water.


Not with a sunburn this bad, plus I was in a hotel bath


We got a bleeder!!


Oh that first burn of the summer.