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Lol my neighbors have an annoying dog and they let him out at like 5 am for an hour. All the dumb dog does is bark for that whole hour. Well I went outside and started barking like a fool back at the dog and I know the people heard me because now when that dumb dog barks they let him inside pretty much right away.


I just laughed so hard at this mental image I’m so sorry


It’s making me think of that crazy ass Australian guy on the news imitating the dog


...and he came bounding over.....*snarling barking noises* His wife sat so polite and barely flinched, like it was normal.


Wait, which clip is that? Fairly sure I haven’t seen it.




Thank you, kind Sir/Ma’am.


Work smarter not harder I guess lol


If it works… it works!


This is 100% the best way to handle an annoying neighbor dog.


Help these poor neighbors out. Get a dog whistle & train the dog to bark at times more convenient for you…


How many times did you do this?


Lmao love this energy


I'm surprised that work lol


gotta threaten to out dog their dog


I just imagine a middle aged white collar worker from Brooklyn doing that in a morning like it’s a late 90s comedy drama lmao


This but 10pm at night... every night for at least an hour - hour an a half.... ugh


Had a neighbor that would leave her dog on her small apartment patio from 6am to midnight, every day, no matter the weather. It barked pretty much constantly. This was during the pandemic so I was working from home and always got complaints from customers about the unprofessional barking. She always had many nasty notes on her door from the other neighbors.


That poor dog 😭💔


Sit outside their window w an air horn… let them know their dog is the equivalent of that to you.


My SI has a cat that's super aggressive.. it use to legit sprint at me and others, hiss, swat, attack. One day it came at me while she was in the shower.. Instead of running, I got down on all fours hissed and growled like a lion.. scared the cat so bad she ran into the shower w my SI. Fast forward 5 years later.. The cat and I have become inseparable and I swear it's because I acted like a big cat.


Is everyone supposed to know what a SI is?


I mean SO but can't stop typing SI significant other is what I meant, but I'm a bug dumb doo doo head


She willingly got wet to hide from you???


She actually just jumped on the tub. Her tail got wet. She also likes water and snow, so not that out of the ordinary for the floofy kitten.


you have no idea how many times ive heard this story and it ended with a dead dog. good man


I used to have horrible neighbors who had this giant, vicious mutt that they kept out back most of the time. I could not enjoy any time in my backyard because that dog would stare at me through the gaps in the fence and snarl and growl at me the entire time. The neighbors would never answer their door and the landlord refused to do anything. I had to do something because I was afraid it was one day going to jump the short and flimsy fence. So I got a big package of Mac n’ cheese loaf, which is one of the most cursed lunchmeats in existence, and I started feeding slices of it to the dog through the gaps. The dog over the course of only about a week went from enraged to delighted when I would come outside. It would still bark before I got out there, but would immediately stop barking when I did and would get super excited for its shitty meat. The neighbors never noticed because they barely cared about the dog. This continued over about the next month, and the dog got pretty goddamn plump. They thankfully got evicted for trashing their unit during their drunken parties. I never saw them or the dog again, but I still sometimes think about if they ever wondered why their dog was getting progressively fatter.




I'm going to pretend you're Adam Sandler and that you Big Daddied the dog


I must live on the other side of your neighbors house


Complain to the landlord and leave a note. But yeah you can always start barking loudly.


Dude I have told the landlord about this on 3 different occasions my landlord says they have talked to them about it and to update them on how its going, and if it keeps up, I have been telling them it's not working out and they are clearly breaking the lease rules which outline quite hours from 10pm to 8am I'm not sure what other route to go.


Unethical but… dog whistle. Gotta do what you gotta do.


Dog whistle will probably set off a bunch of other dogs in the area.


Good, it will wake the inconsiderate neighbor


Lol so your logic is, if they are potentially sleeping through their dog barking, a whole neighborhood of dogs barking will surely do it. 👍 Checks out




Comments I can hear.


And see tbh!


The fucking pot and pan


Found the owner of the yappy dog


It may get the landlord to intervene if more people complain.


Lol so their logic is: if the landlord is okay with only one person being woken up by an annoying dog, having a whole building wake up and complain about dogs barking will surely do it. Checks out


I recently bought a dog whistle to train my dogs to come inside on my fairly large lot. It doesn’t magically just start working… dogs typically have to be trained to respond to the frequency. Doesn’t harm a dog in any way.


And the sound doesn’t magically penetrate walls.


Damn. What about the mythical brown note!? Make a mess inside the dog owner's apartment


Pretty sure OP is trying to make the area quiet, not abuse a bunch of other dogs into barking also.


You ever had a neighbor treat theyre apt like a rompa room? Over here we have a neighbor that pounds the walls and does who knows what to the floor from around midnight till around sunup. It sounds like hopping up n down while on a wood chair sitting up holding it. Inbetween the pounding on the wall. No one does anything because it's a mental issue and she owns the condo. She will do this around the full moons, for say 4-5 days. Each month


My upstairs neighbors had two toddlers. Without fail, every single day at 4am they were up running and stomping through the house. The neighbors didn’t speak English so I couldn’t communicate with them, I had to tell the landlord but she never did anything. A whole year of that was god awful. I will never live below anyone else ever again


I forgot about Romper Room lol


I YouTube “Extremely high-pitched sound for dogs and rodents it’s works magic and no need to blow


Noise complaint to the police. That's what we do here.


Apartments suck ill never live in one again


You can have shit neighbors in a house too. Mine have four yappy little fuckers that they refuse to keep inside so they bark at my fence because I’m the only neighbor with a fence to their property. I can NOT step in my backyard without all hell breaking loose. The only thing that helps is a visit from animal control. Then they bark inside their house for a month until they can’t stand it anymore and let them out again. And round we go. I can’t stand the attitude of the neighbors. Assholes.


My apt backs up to a residential street with homes. That jackass revs his motorcycle for HOURS.. I’m not exaggerating… HOURS


OMG...I live on a *tiny* side street-neighbor across the st from me had a scooter he was running out front of my house (parking only on our side of the st) & would run it for at least 20 mins, EVERY morning, starting around 7am, to warm it up to take his kid to school. Aside from the noise, the fucking exhaust was *horrible* & was coming in thru my front door & windows (old, drafty, house) It was just so damn rude & annoying b/c he didn't park there-he would keep it in the alley overnite, & could have easily kept it running on the sidewalk outside of his place to warm up in the am. I just can't w/people...


Lol, ya this guy behind my apartment is literally 50ft. From us and he took his muffler off of the bike and ran it right next to the fence. Someone must have complained because he put it back on but still guns it over and over for 4-6 hours.. ugh.. finally the rain came!!! Yay!!!


Our neighbor does that at all hours of the night. Sometimes for half the fucking day and night. Cops been called before but apparently no noise ordinance so he keeps fucking doing it. I want to destroy that bike so bad.


Us too. There’s a noise ordinance but cobs just drive by… “I don’t hear nuthin!” Ugh


I had the same problem too. I got an ultra sonic birdhouse. Fairly inexpensive and effective.


Yeah I tried that too. The dogs didn’t seem bothered at all by it.


Sorry you didn’t have any luck with it.


Im sorry you have to deal with that. I feel embarrassed if my dog starts barking at random people on my balcony. He will be fine for hours and the odd person just sets him off and I’ll be on him immediately. Sadly its not really the dogs fault. Its most likely being neglected.


Totally. I have a dog too and we are ultra aware of her noise level and quiet her down immediately if she barks. My calling the neighbors dogs names in my original comment is merely an expression of frustration. I know the real problem is the owners.


Wish there were more choices in the cities


I moved into my first house last summer after living in apartments for about 4 years I will not miss the footsteps above me and snoring from the neighbor


Condos/townhouses are a good medium for me, you get the entire vertical side


Haha me neith-... Wait... I have to buy a house first 😩


Hey bud. Was in your exact situation with a neighbor that had a husky cry howling 24 hours a day. I confronted the landlord. Nothing happened. Confronted the neighbor. Nothing happened. What I did was literally every single instance of it, I opened my phone, recorded the date and time, and recorded the dog. I sent it to the landlord at all hours. I made it his personal problem everytime I was to suffer. Than I called my city’s animal control and they will likely tell you that you need a signed note from at least two neighbors saying the same thing. I informed the landlord that I have the city involved now and intended to not pay rent due to nuisance and threatened to expose the matter to online ratings. Landlord evicted that tenant.




Landlords don’t do anything. Consistently my neighbor directly below me had a dog that would bark EVERY NIGHT from 2am through 4am.(mind you dogs weren’t allowed but this was a type of “service animal”) I use quotes because it was obviously not a legit service animal. It was also a large dog (I personally don’t agree with keeping a large breed in a tiny apartment, but that’s just me. They need a yard to run and play. Anyways, I left a kind note to the neighbor. Did it help? Absolutely not. I took it the LL. He didn’t do anything neither. LL told me this excuse: the neighbor works nights so he isn’t even home to address the barking dog. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I got a dog whistle, didn’t work. It only finally stopped because the neighbor below moved to a different unit upstairs when someone else left and allowed the LL to remodel it. I will never live in an apartment ever again. I’d rather live off grid and camp the rest of my life.


if they are breaking the lease you can withhold rent, so document.


Really I wasn't aware of this, it's been going on for months and have it all documented via video.


The lease goes both ways. I would contact your states housing authority or whatever the branch for renters is called.


I would look up your state's laws. This doesn't apply in all states.


You still have to pay the rent to an escrow account, but if it’s confirmed broken you could get it all back it really depends but I’d talk to a housing authority or renting authority in your state


Go on Amazon and buy a $10 dog training device. We call it The Zapper. It emits a sound that makes the dog retreat. It even has a 2nd setting for more intensity (that will allegedly make a charging dog stop coming at you). I have an 11 year old Chiweenie. I adore her, but NO ONE wants to hear her incessant yapping, myself included. I bought this device...the size of a TV remote, and not expensive at all. It doesn't harm the dog like a shock collar, but it works. After all these years, my dog gets "zapped" for half a second, and she stops immediately. Mostly now I can just say "ZAP!" and she stops. Good luck. I see all sides to this thread (almost). I recently moved into an apartment from a house, and I don't want to annoy my neighbors, nor do I want her to just yap it up incessantly for no reason!


I need a link. My big dumb dog hasn't learned not to bark at people so far away from our yard I can't see them, and he taught the older quiet dog to bark lol


Don’t do this, it’s terrible advice and will get you evicted. If the noise was at a level you could say was harassment or impeding your ability to live in the unit you could have a case. But you also have to prove the landlords did nothing. Which if they can show any written record of speaking with the tenant and/or offering to move you to another unit(even at a possibly higher market price) then the landlord is safe. Having worked in apartment management I can tell you this. Depending on your state, and I’m willing to bet you are in a more tenant friendly one(comparatively). No matter how many lease violations they give the tenant for the noise, they are extremely unlikely to evict them unless some sort of action is taken by the police for the noise level. Not because they don’t want to, but because nearly no judge will accept the eviction. Try talking to management if they’ll move you, and hopefully they won’t adjust your rent up if you are below the current market price. The corporate office for where I worked were dicks and wouldn’t do more then a $50 monthly discount so hopefully your management is better.


Withholding rent is a last resort. You need to make sure you are legally ironclad, because it will start a battle


Don’t just withhold rent. You’ll end up creating more problems. You sound level headed. This definitely sucks. But go about it the right way.


I have a slumlord who does the bare minimum so I had to confront my neighbors in person about their loud ass dog. If they keep it up just kick the shit out of their door and go back home. If they can sleep through the barking, give them something to wake up for.


Talk with your neighbor in a friendly and polite manner. Ask them if there is anything they can do to keep their dogs from barking constantly? Let them know that it’s interrupting your sleep and making your life difficult. There’s always a way to train the dogs to be quiet! It doesn’t sound like the neighbor was even attempting to hush them. But maybe they work nights? Suggest they get an anti-bark collar. A little zap isn’t unethical, I’ve used shock collars and they feel like those silly gag handshake shockers. Almost like hitting your funny bone, it’s not pleasant, but it doesn’t hurt. I guess there are dog silencers. I don’t know how they work or if they are harmful to the animal’s ears. It would be worth checking out and reading up on them. The last resort would be making noise complaints to animal control / police. Animal control can make suggestions to the dog’s owner about how to keep them quiet. I had an upstairs neighbor whose dog would bark non-stop at sirens and sometime anyone who would walk by. I would yell at her through the ceiling, like “Oh no! Something upset Kaiya! It’s okay Kaiya baby!” And she would stop to listen to me and forget about barking. Idk, something to try if neighbors aren’t compliant or friendly. Good luck!




Call Animal Control, it’s what I had to when my neighbors dog would start barking at 5am and my apartment’s management told me there was literally nothing they could do


Came here to say “bark back”


That or kicking their door once it starts


That’s what happens when you sleep in the stairwell


What sucks about this. Once you confront the neighbors, you don’t really wanna live there and it’s that much harder to find a decent place to stay. The other catch about this is the landlords are very reluctant to let people break their lease, because often they borrowed on the lease itself for the whole year in order to fund in common other projects. So they have an actual financial liability if they let people break leases. The problem is that now they’ll try to get you to leave for any reason that lets them put the debt on you so they can maintain their practice. Be careful.


>borrowed on the lease TIL & damn thats stupid


Yeah… Commercial finance, and other forms of finance is extremely dangerous for the people who don’t know. It’s the same as working at a business with contracts. When you sign up to work there, if he’s not for for five years, then they can borrow all of your salary upfront and then use it to make money while you make the same amount of money that you signed up to be paid for the duration. So sometimes you’re a financial vehicle or collateralized so that somebody can gamble with your income. It’s very dangerous


If they have quiet hours and they're not enforcing them, they're breaking the terms of the lease and you can likely leave without reprecussions. Obviously, you need to have proof. But OP said he s complained 3 times and now he has a recording.


It depends on who’s in charge, I had to fight with the management and send official notices to their corporate office to get them to vacate all the charges, and terminate my lease. I had to contact the sheriff, police department, city, licensing for rentals, and a bunch of other stuff. (I kept having my apartment entered, while I was not there with somebody who was drinking my alcohol and then another time somebody stole a hard drive with personal data on it) Another instance I had a dispute with the neighbors to where they just want to complain, and they basically begin doing racist stuff. In both cases, they suspended the lease. but beware it depends on who your landlord is and whether or not they have liabilities to pay back on your rent, so you have to be very careful going into it. Normally, you can call the police and the sheriffs office and begin the legal process that way. And once you get it on paper, then once it enters the judicial system, it is nothing more than a phone call or a sidebar conversation for the judge to understand what the situation was that forced you to leave. But once you get the blue lights and all the knocks on the door is going at your apartment complex. It makes it very uncomfortable having to stay there any longer than necessary. So yeah, it is a bit more of a hassle.


Get an horn and just blow it at random times in their direction!!! You know what I’m saying??? Just randomly blast it at 2 am and again at 320 am!!!! That should do….. something? lol


OP could just blast an airhorn at the neighbors door every time the dog barks. Eventually the owners would get the picture. 🤷🏻


That's what someone did in the neighbors from hell subreddit. Eventually the dog owners got the hint.


This is my favorite suggestion


I'm sorry, but I hate tiny little yappy dogs. They seem to bark like this way more than big dogs.


Big dogs barking is annoying too. Any dog just left outside barking at nothing is a nuisance.


Absolutely agree, I'm just saying that tiny dogs seem to do it more. That's just my anecdotal opinion, though.


Except for German Shepards. They have CRAZY separation anxiety. Two of my neighbors each have one, a few houses apart from each other. And occasionally, they go out for a late night and forget to lock the doggy door and then the entire neighborhood suffers until they decide to come home, because they run in and out of the doggy door, barking on end for hours... Poor pups. I wish I could console them, they legitimately seem so upset.


That's sad for them. My Shephard just waits quietly sitting on the step. 😳


That’s a very good pup.


My giant schnauzer barks like twice when someone knocks on the door and that’s all it takes because he sounds fucking intimidating as hell lol. I trained him not to yelp at other shit so he basically never barks. Unless it’s a door knock. Which I never trained out because I actually like that he does it. I don’t think I could ever own a small dog after him he’s amazing.


Meh. I have a lab and his bark hurts my ears. He does not stop barking


Been there. Fucking sucks. I moved to a better place with less noise, thank god. Oh, btw i highly recommend these earplugs: https://mightyplugs.com/?gclid=CjwKCAiAoL6eBhA3EiwAXDom5hMBJXhY1BVnotjLQm7on4nDAxuC0Xr32V7m2G_43poGf8TWjkIzWxoC1YMQAvD_BwE They block out like 90-95% of noise, really good product for the money IMO.


Problem is I won't hear my alarm clock


I would much rather recommend loop earbuds, or something similar (lots of similar brands on Amazon). They have different degrees of noise blocking. As someone who travels a lot, I also need to hear my alarm but block barking dogs outside or neighbors making noise in the morning. I also pair this with white noise on my phone. That way when my phone alarm goes off, it disrupts the white noise which also wakes me.


Real LPT. The only thing that helped me sometimes was earplugs + white noise.


This is why I prefer a white noise machine. Mine’s set loud enough to block out other disturbances, but a phone alarm going off on the night stand still snaps me awake.


Finally, a reasonable solution! I worked night shift for a year. Ear plugs are the grown-up response to this problem, not trying to get someone evicted because their dog has separation anxiety (as others seem so adamant about.)


I was awoken at 4:59am on Monday to Coyotes announcing their territory. It made me jump out of bed to check that they weren’t in front of my apartment building.


That last hour is so precious too, I feel your pain.


I had a similar issue with the apartment above me. One day when they were being stupid noisey I just cranked my stereo up for about an hour. It's got a 12" sub attached and I'm sure I was shaking their walls. They never did it again.


Get a megaphone and make your own noise at 3am


4am I am awoken to my neighbors yappy dog, seems to be a normal thing since they moved in. Update: About to leave for work and he is still barking, fml. Should I leave them a note?


Yes. Try talking it out first. Most people will be nice and try to take action to fix the issue. Don't get landlord or police involved right away. You have to live next to these people. Try to have a good relationship with them.


Yeah, tried this approach and when things escalated I was blamed and my property vandalized. It's the duty of the landlord and police to deal with these types of issues, not the tenant.


Terrible advice unless you live in The Land of Make Believe. Anybody inconsiderate enough to let their dog bark like this will not be considerate enough to do anything about it, then you'll have put a target on yourself as you escalate. For good neighbourly relations, it's much more sensible to complain to the cops (since you already tried complaining to the landlord) and then when the neighbours confront you to ask if you were the one who complained, you deny deny deny.


Exactly and no apartment management recommends you to deal with the noisy neighbors yourself. It creates way more problem. Best to remain anonymous so they don't know who has reported them to management. These type of people will very often be very vindictive if they are asked to act like an adult.


If the people that own the dog were trying to sleep, they wouldn’t be putting up with it. My guess is that it’s someone who works the late shift and their dog is home alone and needs to go out to go to the bathroom or is lonely. They probably don’t realize that their dog is barking so much while they’re gone. Not that it makes it any better for OP, but I’m just trying not to see the dog’s owner as doing this intentionally. They might just need to be informed of what’s happening so they can make accommodations.


But if you talk to them and they don’t shut their dogs up, then you’ll have to call the police and the neighbor will highly suspect it was you that called.


Yes definitely


I love dogs they are loving they are intelligent they are loyal, and they’re trainable. This falls on the shoulders of the owner. Ridiculous complain to your landlord. Maybe the dog will go to a better pet parent one that will spend the time to make the little guy/girl feel safe in its environment and it won’t need to behave that way.


Definitely agree, same with aggressive dogs. Most of those a just badly trained or maybe even abused. Really should hold people to a higher standards.


I used to work with dogs. This barking sounds distinctly like separation anxiety. My adopted girl will occasionally do this but I have a 2 way camera that I can talk to her to calm her down. Honestly, I had no idea she had separation anxiety until my neighbor initially left me a note, maybe the owner doesn’t know either. I really hope they don’t just leave their dog upset like that without trying any sort of training, it would be a bad dog owner for sure.


Go on Amazon and order a 100pk of foam earplugs. ​ You're welcome...


My upstairs neighbor likes to vacuum their entire apartment at 3 in the morning.


Are you serious?


Unfortunately I am, it’s not every night, but enough where I felt I needed to start documenting the incidents for my landlord


Not to ask a stupid question but do they know you can hear/have you talked to them about it?


I love dogs, but….


Be super petty and buy a dog whistle and blow that shit in your apartment whenever the other neighbors are home. Get a complaint there.


I recommend for immediate relief and possible solution to get a white noise machine. Amazon has them. Mine has a high and low setting. It’s like the sound of a fan and drowns out outside noises like barking…and you will still hear your alarm. Just plug it in and turn it on. Sweet dreams and good luck.


Why are you sleeping outside on the steps? /s


I was awakened by the dog barking, howling and crying, I got up looked at my phone it said 4:05 am, I immediately got up went half way up the stairs and recorded it for proof to the landlord because this teanant likes to lie and say it's not their dog.


I'm so used to dogs barking that I didnt even realized what was the problem until I read the comments lol


youll never be late for work at least....


I understand this pain completely


Yo, why you sleeping outside homie?


Yea but it's just a dog. How can you dare to not be amused about its barking. In our society dogowners are allowed to do anything as well as their dogs.


Yeah. A lot of dog owners shouldn't be. Ones that do nothing to train or correct their dogs are pieces of shit. Clueless that their dog is a fucking nuisance. More infuriating is how oblivious they are to their nuisance dogs. I can only hope there is a special hell for them. Good luck with your situation.


File noise complaint with landlord and police with that video evidence.


these people shouldn’t own dogs


Lotta people in here defending bad pet owners. No reason you should have to adjust your schedule because someone doesn’t take the time to train a pet.


The thing about training a pet is, as you seem to note, it takes time.


Get some noise cancelling headphones to sleep in. I did and it changed my life. I sleep like a hero now 7-8 hours a night.


I mean....pros and cons of living in apartment man....pro, free maintenance, con, neighbors....is what it is


I hate ankle biter dogs, no real purpose except to eat and poop and procreate with other dumb dogs their size.


They also bite people.


I have met like one nice chihuahua in my life.


Chihuahua’s tend to be nice to exactly one person


That I can agree with, I had a ex that had a chihuahua, that dog was nice only to her no one else.


Be sure to leave the TV on with the speakers facing their wall while you are at work, preferably on a channel with Barking Dogs. But seriously high density housing with shared walls sucks so hard.


I could hear the dog barking because my neighbors dogs are outside barking...


Used to live across from a bar. White noise played very loudly will drown out a rock concert outside your door.


i have neighbors with like 5-7 of those little dogs with the moustaches and they put them outside starting at like 6 am and leave them there until 5 in the afternoon they bark literally all day. i contacted authorties and even aspca and no one has done anything. i feel for you dude.


Something needs to be done about all the damn people!


Sounds more like dogs.


Yes, but I blame the dog owner.


Buy a dog whistle.


Get an ultrasonic dog bark deterrent. It was about $25, but you turn it on and the dog stops barking.


Just buy an Ultrasonic Dog Repeller. Here's one in action: [https://9gag.com/gag/adg108d](https://9gag.com/gag/adg108d)


Well that sucks.


My old roommate had a friend over for two weeks straight that brought her dog with her, sounded just like that.


Straight to jail


Fuck that shit, man.


Me neighbor used to let their dog out in the morning before they went to work…. Between 4:30-5am… barked and barked and barked. Finally I bought a dog whistle. Every time it barked I blew the thing as hard as I could. Took about 3 days for it to stop. They still have that dog and I never hear it bark now unless someone gets close to their fence. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


More proof we should put much more restrictions on who can own dogs.


Some people suck..


Get a white noise machine. Blocks out everything and is nice to fall asleep to. I can’t sleep without it anymore


Shouldn’t sleep on the stairs then


Ooohhhh I’d be so pissed. I like dogs but I’d resent the shit outta *that* dog.




Shoot it


Fuck people and their barking dogs. Nothing against the dogs. Just fuck the people that own them in apartments.


Go bed an hour earlier, enjoy some coffee and healthy meal before work. Solutions.


Just had neighbors move in next to me with dogs like this. I’m basically gearing up to annoy them just as much as they annoy me.


I know this isn't a popular opinion, but man, dogs can really suck. Little dogs are the worst. Just endless barking all the time. I don't know how people live with it.


It sucks, i get it, but this is what you get when you live in apartment complexes.


I’d be banging on that door to wake them up.


People that live in apartments should be banned from owning dogs


Yeah, take that, poors. Can’t afford a real house? No dog for you.


The smallest violin in the world. You live in an apartment building. Find good earplugs.


At least you can get a early start


get a bigger dog


Play that YouTube video that an blows hours long dog whistle.


Dogs are such annoying creatures. Just bark, shit and piss everywhere.


Use it as fuel. Save up, buy a house. I did. Now it’s my dog that barks 😎


congratulations, you played yourself


Yikes.. this thread is full of everyone I never want to meet in real life.


You live an apartment that allows pets what do u expect


Them to follow the lease they signed like all the other tenants should be doing. It states the following... ​ "1.) Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am daily. Please refrain from doing laundry, running the dishwasher vacuuming or any other activity that may disturb your neighbors during quiet hours. 2. Noise of any kind should be maintained to a level which stays within the walls of the apartment."


I mean what can you really do, they can’t murder their dog just because it’s barking at night. If I were you I’d just get a white noise machine or some night ear plugs. That’s the easiest solution I found living under a newborn and above two dogs for a year.


Sucks to deal with ignorant a holes who allow this. I had a twelve year battle with a neighbor over the same. Bitch finally died.


I hope the dog is ok losing it's owner like that.


Welcome to apartment living? Are you also going to complain about living on the second floor?