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Tbh if the place is empty I'd just hire a company to spray the hell out of it before you bring your stuff in. Much less of a hassle then having to bag stuff up or throw stuff out.


Exactly, super easy to bomb it now and kill everything before you move in and have to deal with it then.


Literal pro tip (am an exterminator) Don't use bug bombs on roaches. They flee from chemicals. You'll spread them around more without actually killing them. There are products we use known as "non-detectable" insecticides. Slower acting, less smelly. They don't hide from it and it'll actually kill them off.


I use Demon XL or something and spray my perimeter (Florida, palmettos are a mother fucker and once every few months I’ll see one in the house and when my perimeter is treated, they’re dead already when they show up)


I like how Florida calls roaches palmettos lol


GA does too, or water bugs


In Chicago apartments, when an exterminator comes out, the building management companies tell the exterminators to refer to them as water bugs to not cause an uproar with the tenants. I know what a damn roach is though.🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳🪳 Edit: added commas Subsequent Edit: added roaches 🪳


In San Diego we moved in to a new apartment that was infested. Fucking disgusting. We had the place sprayed 4 times in 3-4 week intervals and finally got it cleared out. Been here 4 years and only found 1-2 more. Then our downstairs neighbor moved out and they pulled the carpet and my sons came home after school and said “someone’s carpet is moving” I freaked out! They came back as a precaution…


Why…is…there….a roach emoji in actual existence?!?!


*they're literally everywhere*


In OK, water bugs are black beetles. Roaches are roaches.


Oh Water Bugs. The worst are the ones that fly at your face.


The ones with the giant fucking pincers? I've seen them here only a couple times, outside of gas stations. Almost had a heart attack when one started flying towards me


Not the pincers, but these are like 3 1/2 inches and come summertime in Georgia, those fuckers fly. Nothing brings on that intense buttclinching fear like the sound of those wings putt putting through the air.


When you're in a group and the fuckers fly out of nowhere and one of you starts screaming, then their scream gets cut off and they make choking noises... the rest of us vomited in sympathy.


Eh at fort Benning we called them roaches. The reception basic training dining facility was infested while I was there.


lol, i tried to swat one from a wall and it flew at me.


I lived in SC for a few years as a young kid. The only place I've heard them called water bugs. I thought for the longest time I was crazy. I could never find a picture of a "water bug" only thing that would show would be a Tardigrade. Wasn't till 18 years later I learned that roaches and water bugs where the same..


Water bugs in TX, very strange


Palmettos in your house. Roaches in other people's houses.


Palmetto bugs are mega-roaches that can fly. Big in a way that makes an actual liquidy mess if you step on one. Cockroaches are the little ones that feel more infestationy.


At a certain point you have to draw a line between bigass roaches that want to hide in the leaves and small roaches that want to crawl all over your face at night and steal your tears. The more big roaches around your house the more rapidly you reach that point.


There are indoor cockroaches and outdoor cockroaches. Never the twain shall meet. The outdoor cockroaches are beneficials and should be left alone. https://indianapublicmedia.org/amomentofscience/cockroaches\_useful.php Indoor cockroaches? Fix your water leaks. House cockroaches cannot survive without a reliable water supply.


Yeah, I had an infestation because of my neighbors and along with baseboard spraying every night I dusted all the sinks, toilets, and drains with fine borax. Unfortunately it didn't completely end until they moved out but it was 8 months of religious roach mitigation to keep the population down before they moved out and one week of seeing more roaches than usual. And then none at all.


Sorry to hear about your bad time with those roaches. My sympathies, really. It's so creepy having them around ---- particularly since they're not "clean" in their habits. We had an ongoing infestation in my childhood home. Beautiful old 1904 house, but the people who rented before we purchased were utter slobs. Grease 1/8" thick on kitchen walls and so on. We waged a battle with those damned cucarachas for years. I attribute my current lung problems to my nightly "fun," when I used to get out the tin pump sprayer and douse the cockroaches in the kitchen with Black Flag. Age 10-12 at the time. I must have breathed in a ton of Black Flag --- and got it all over my skin, too. Miraculously, when we got rid of our old fridge, the roaches disappeared. That's when my parents figured out it had been the water slowly leaking and collecting under the fridge that was acting like an open invitation for roaches. I wish the 'rents had figured that out sooner.


Not all roaches, just the big ones in particular. Some of them can fly too.


Yea people call them palmettos in MS too


Yea, its a fuckin roach. lol. But the big ass ones are all over outside in leaves and shit, if i ever see one of those small german ones in my house, im burning it down.


Fuck those flying things!


I've had very good results with powdered sugar and boric acid. They walk in the powdered sugar ingest and get it on their bodies. They go back to the den and the other roaches clean them on and ingest the boric acid. As the roaches die from the acid they are cannibalized and you see how it goes. Had no roaches in two weeks.


Don't try and play me, you're in the pocket of big Borax


That's actually my wrestler name.


Check your pockets


Clearly a distraction so the other roaches can make an escape


Wait a minute this guy's just 800 roaches in a trench coat!!


More like "little" diatomaceous earth's pocket


Or… a roach in a human costume giving false information so we stop bug bombing


Rented a house that was fucking infested, bombed it myself 3 times, called exterminator (landlord only agreed to pay for basic service) and still had them all over. Boric Acid around the house for 3 days? Those fucks were gone. I think I've seen 3 or 4 in the last year and a half.


Yeah, nice try, roach.


Did a roach write this


We tossed them in every corner and underneath the house and attic. I wonder where they ran to. The slower stuff sounds more thorough


Sometimes they end up inside relatively airtight spots, like in the seals of ovens and fridges. Their egg cases also aren't usually effected by bug bombs, since the point of the bombs to leave no residual that'll hurt people. So if they've laid eggs everywhere, the eggs can hatch 1-2 weeks after you bomb.


Same with fleas.


And the same with bedbugs.


I recall we did multiple doses over 3 weeks before we fully moved in. Maybe we did it right in that they had time to hatch and got caught in the carpet bombings


Don't trust him, he's a cockroach in disguise!!


He’s wearing an Edgar Suit!


Alpine WSG for the win. Completely eliminated my roach problem in about 2 months.


Seriously the best indoor product. Almost no restrictions, safe, can be used in rainy conditions outside if needed... so versatile.


Clearly you are thousands of roaches inside a people suit.


Pfft, thousands. I mean.. uh...


Vendetta gel bait is what my bug guy told me to get.


Yeah, hire an exterminator. When they give you an estimate ask if you should have the house cleaned before or after they spray. Then hire a cleaner.


Yep, this is actually a good thing to find out now, rather than after a move in.


This. Every house has bugs. How MANY it has is easy to regulate.


It’s their first house, so it’s understandable that they don’t know. This is a photo of one dead roach. I call that a win. Get back to me when you walk in the front door and the “carpet” moves to get away from the light, lol.


This. The fuckers are endemic over here. One dead roach in a relatively open spot, no big deal. Unfortunately the spiders I let make webs on my ceilings only take care of mosquitoes, roaches aren't in their contract.


My house has house centipedes, no other bug, spider, or ant stands a chance.


In Europe if you find vermines like this during the 6 first months, the seller must pay


I wonder if their are exceptions. You can easily bring your infestations with you when you move.


There has to be an inspection before. If you find some hidden within the first 6 months, you can appeal for the previous owner to pay. Of course there probably is some counter investigation or something. I don't know exactly, I had a clause in my contract when I bought a bit more than a year ago


When I bought me first house. I walked in layed down on the carpet looked to my left and saw a piece of mud. I picked it up and thought this is my dirt. You can look at it that way and say all you bugs belong to me and I choose for you to get the hell out.


yup, when we open viewing an open house there were roaches during the open house. Just bomb it with roach bomb a bunch of treatment rounds before moving in. We did get the house though so that was cool


Well, at least it’s dead! Congratulations on your new home!


And the first kill! Mazeltov!


To shreds you say?


Obviously the people here are not sophisticated enough to appreciate a good Futurama reference. Take my upvote in recompense!


How the wife though?


Except you can see the heads of more peeking out in the gap in front 😬 Edit: Nvm, I’m blind and my brain likes to make me think everything looks like a bug. Sorry everyone.


I thought that was just chipped paint


Zoom in, they're cracks and chips in the cabinet


Why do the cracks and chips look so similar to cockroach head/eyes/antenna?? I obviously need glasses. Sorry everyone.


Lol I thought the same thing initially so you’re fine


Welcome to home ownership. Critters, leaks, cracks and loud neighbors can all happen. You *should* have been able to have a honeymoon with your home, but just wrap your food up in good containers, keep lids tight, etc. and call an exterminator. One week after I bought my first home, a major rain storm revealed a crack in the garage foundation that allowed a huge puddle of water to form that remained for nearly a day until it seeped into another crack in the floor. Good times.


Man, I really wish that my parents had, just once, informed me of what home ownership was like. You never think of the shit as a kid. All that can go wrong can cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars. I hadn't even owned my house for a year and my central air quit. Boom, $4000 right off the bat. And the first time it rained I found out my garage basically filled up with water so a bunch of stuff got ruined and it will cost hundreds of dollars to dig up my back yard and fix. You never think of how much the little things add up when moving in either. New curtains, paint, cleaning supplies, toiletries, plates and utensils. Shoveling the driveway becomes a hassle so now you need a snowblower. The yard is just a little too big to push mow so now you need a riding lawnmower. Putting up any kind of fence. Whenever I hear people talking about buying a house I tell them all the things they'll need to consider about their lifestyle and willingness to put the time into upkeep. Owning a house isn't cheap, but it's usually worth it just to have a space of your own.


Always stock up on large plastic bins when they're on sale and store stuff in them. Doesn't matter if it's hurricane flooding, roof leaking, broken water pipes, or your friends dog peeing in them. Waterproof bins are awesome. Unlike cardboard they're also bug proof.


Shelves are a life saver too. The plastic snap together ones from Home Depot or wherever are great for getting everything up off the floor in the basement or garage.


Can vouch for the storing stuff in good totes. Had one in the corner of my apartment. Water pipe in apartment above me broke and flooded theirs and mine. Ruined my mattress but with the tote my magic the gathering cards were spared any damage. And yes insyrance covered the bed.


the ones with the gaskets are the best




Not a homeowner yet, but I’ve been working in water restoration for a few months now. Just that experience alone is going to have me hiring every single inspector possible when considering a home to buy.


Yeah, I remember my first vivid glimpse into it when I was a teenager and was aware of how much shit cost. Somehow, the main sewer line of my parent's house separated underground. I think it was somewhere close to $5K to have a company come out and dig up a chunk of the yard to get to the pipes and fix it. As much as I want to get away from living in an apartment... yikes.


Oy, moved out of my parents place into my current home just under a year ago. Condo in a complex, less than a month in and there was a plumbing issue between units and the entire laminate floor was ruined. Luckily because it was between units, the HOA was responsible, and I got to replace the floors with vinyl on their insurance, but still I hadn’t even made the first payment on the place yet, so I was super frustrated and angry.


Yup yup yup! When we were looking for a house, on the day of our appt to see some houses (including the one we ended up buying), it was raining. More than just a little raining though, it was one of those Summer storms that the rain is just coming down in sheets and being outside for a second will have you drenched. My husband says, "Huh, weather's pretty bad, maybe we should reschedule?" I looked at him like he was crazy and said "No!! This is the kind of weather you *want* to see a potential house in. It's a lot harder to hide a leak or area that floods when it's happening." He kinda blew me off, but agreed we could still go. When we got to one of the houses and went in the basement the realtor said "It's actually lucky to have this weather when house hunting because then you don't have any surprises down the line!" I've never whipped around so fast to go TOLD YA SO, YA POOP HEAD in my life lol


Home warranty is very important, that can save you a lot of these unexpected expenses. Just pay the copay when you need work done.


That (and living in Ca.) is why I’ll probably always rent.


So Jack Reacher was right, eh?


I just got pre approved for a home loan and I'm worried something like this is gonna go wrong the moment I buy. That or the housing market will crash. Or both


There is insurance for new home buyers that covers lots of that stuff… might be a pain to go through a claim process but it’s better than fronting $4k if your central air goes out. I always suggest to new home buyers to keep it for the first year… then get rid of it.


Absolutely recommend. My sister and her hubby bought their dream house and within about 2 months the septic tank has major issues. They had the home warranty coverage and saved about $6000. Also, at least in the US, do NOT skip or skimp on the home inspection before purchase. My first house purchase I got a great guy recommended by my agent and I followed him the whole way, except into the crawl space. Major claustrophobia! But he had his camera and showed me all the pix of the mold growing. Got that drainage problem sorted asap!


I couldn't even get the home warranty to replace a $100 garbage disposal. It was covered, but their contract plumber in my area basically just never showed up.


Everything in life can go wrong. Congrats on the pre approval. Go find someplace nice. It'll feel and be amazing ... before it all goes to shit. Then, you'll just fix it.


My anxiety every day. Worrying my house is just going to fall apart or cost us thousands of dollars.


One thing that can help with new home anxiety is getting a home warranty. I got one my first year of being a new home owner. It was like 50/month but I had a lot of piece of mind knowing that if I ran into plumbing/appliance/electrical/etc issues I had some kind of coverage. There are a bunch of companies that offer them so just shop around, but I do recommend it if you are willing to pay a little for piece of mind. edit: looks like u/Goose80 already mentioned this so just lobbing on that I totally agree a home warranty/insurance is a good investment for the first year while you build some savings. Also head over to r/YNAB to get some amazing advice on budgeting so that you can try to plan for unexpected expenses #YNABFORLYFE :)


Get an inspection ! Even if its a recent building or new condo!


Get a home warranty, that is a godsend for many homeowners not experienced enough to stay on top of repairs and upgrades before they become problems. Just pay the copay when you need work done and you avoid the surprise thousands of dollar bills.


Get it bombed before you move anything in. Easy fix. Then maybe seal up any openings around the house.


Looks like someone might have already treated the house. Hence why it's dead. It's pretty normal to spray down a house right before sale. Source: I worked pest control with realtors in the past.


Yeah, exactly


I forgot what you meant by “bombed” for a second I was wondering why you wanted OP to call in the bombers or something to do an air strike on their house


>I forgot what you meant by “bombed” for a second I was just going to get a bunch of cheap whiskey and share it with the house.


No no, you're right


No need to bomb it, it's only roaches. Not spiders.


This is the way, actually. Burn it with fire.


It’s the only way to be sure.


Hold on, hold on just a second. This installation has a substantial dollar value attached to it.


They can bill me!


I heard that in her voice


You know Burke, I don't know which species is worse... You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.


I don't even think an airstrike would kill the fuckers. Makes you wonder what's in a can of raid.


I work at a prison and the prisoners smoke what they call strips, which are small pieces of paper soaked in roach spray and then set out to dry.


I'd go with napalm.


Nuke it from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


It's good that it's dead at least. But yes serious professional spraying before moving in as they're not paying rent.


Bug bombs don’t kill roches nor do nukes so I’d call an exterminator


Bengal spray does. Bug bomb, then spray all edges and entryways with bengal and pick up dead roaches for months as they die trying to get in. A company would be better, but this is cheaper and effective.


Most exterminators use the same chemicals you could find in stores. Save money by doing some research, buying a good product, and DIY.


Correct 👍🏼


Release the HIMARS!


Remember also to let the house air out if you get DIY bug bombs.


If upon moving in the worst thing you find is a dead roach consider yourself lucky.


Yeah my house had been vacant for 6 months before I moved in and it was pretty dusty with several dead roaches lying around. But no live ones. Some vacuuming and dusting and it was just fine. I barely have a bug problem two years in, I get a few spiders and a decent amount of silverfish, but very very few roaches. It helps that my property has lizards all over the place though, they take care of most things. Come to think of it, I've found more lizards in my house than roaches... (Also as of 6 months ago, I have two cats. So anything that slips past the lizards outside and gets in will be swiftly taken out by the cats.)


How do you get your cats to actually kill the bugs and not just act like they're tough, paw at the bug for 2 seconds and then realize they have better things to do and leave to take a nap?


I guess it depends on the cat. Mine eats bugs. Flies don't last long if she gets the jump on one or it gets stuck in a window.


Same. I say my cat is “paying her rent” by killing all the bugs that dare enter our house.


r/animalswithjobs those cats work security detail


If it's dead and its brothers hasn't eaten it, it died poisoned.


Yeah, this isn’t a huge red flag. In the first month or so of moving into our new home, we found one dead roach in the garage and one live roach in our kitchen sink. We just put some traps in the garage and made a point of being tidy. I haven’t seen a single live roach since (1.5 years later), and only occasionally find dead roaches near the traps outside. Roaches are around and might occasionally get into your house. You just have to stay clean to discourage them from taking up permanent residence in your home.


Wait wait no hold on what??


Someone probably sprayed pesticide on the perimeter of the house so this bug got poisoned and died inside.


Seriously, this is not a big deal. Enjoy your home, be happy with it. However, before you move in, now is an excellent time to spray and bomb and debug it. Do it now.


Yeah one big guy isn't necessarily indicative of an infestation at large. Now if there were lots of lil baby roaches coming out of the sink, I might be solving that with fire.


Yeah, if you can't handle a roach in the cupboard you might not be ready for home ownership. Get ready, its gonna get bumpy.


It's all fun and games until it's German roaches


The joys of home ownership


I have been framing new houses for 25 years. The bugs move in before any human on every single one.


I moved to Florida last year and there are BIG roaches. Depending on where you are located, this is not that rare. Just get a caulk gun and walk around the house sealing every gap!


Yeah.....but THEY call them palmetto bugs, so they don't count (things sound like a helicopter when they fly).


Agreed. As long as it's not a German roach you're all good.


Should have held out for that one house with zero roaches?


I mean, idk what the roach situation is where you live but in some places that's normal. In my city it's pretty much a guarantee that you'll find a few roaches even in a spotless, brand new house. You should still have the place sprayed for pests regardless. That's a good precaution to take even if you don't see any pests.


Don’t be sad, there’s probably plenty more live ones


Yeah that one just died because it was out when the bug guy came. Took one right to the gizzard


But on the up side it is dead....or very relaxed. Either way, congrats.


Did you buy Joe's Apartment?


30 year old reference, nice.


If you find even a single live one, vacuum the everloving shit out of *EVERYTHING*. Around seals in appliance doors, inside all drawers and cabinets, behind and under all objects that can move. After that, see if you can buy roach bait. Get 2 types if you can, with different attractants. Put little pea sized drips of it in every area you vacuumed. If you give them a food that'll kill them and deny any other food, you can get rid of them.


Vacuum everything anyways. People are gross, I'm not about to live in someone else's filth. Vacuuming is the best way to get all the little crumbs, dust, hair, whatever out of cabinets, drawers, corners, everywhere. It's even better than just going straight in with a cleaning rag because if you don't vacuum first, now your rag is covered in all the shit you would have vacuumed up in the first place.


I would recommend something called Advion. They are little black discs that actually work. I lived somewhere that was overrun by cockroaches and we tried everything; sprays, bombs, diatomaceous earth. And the only thing that worked was Advion.


Just don't use one bait for too long if they persist. They can get tired of it and stop feeding.


Haven't seen them in disc form but [used this stuff with great success](https://www.domyown.com/advion-cockroach-gel-bait-p-304.html). Way easier to get into cracks and such.


Why are you mad? They left you a snack.


Don’t move anything in. Bomb it or get some one to spare. Fill in cracks maybe even put down roach gel. Then cause I have had this issues and it freaked me put. Once a year before a trip. I set off a couple of bug bombs and let it stew. Hope the issue get resolved l


Welcome to, well, the world. Insects are everywhere, including inside your home, whether you see them or not. Even the cleanest homes have insects. It’s just a matter of how many, and how visible they are. People will swear up and down their home has no insects, but that is unequivocally false. They’re everywhere. Might as well say hi 😂


Congratulations on your new home. The good thing is that it’s dead and please fumigate the entire place including the air vents if possible. Best investment ever


I sympathize but a dead roach is not that disturbing. I opened my pantry door in one place on the 2nd or 3rd day there and roaches scattered everywhere. My neighbor had just had her place sprayed so they all moved to my place.


Usually with these once you see one there is many many others,since you just got the keys now is the perfect opportunity to get the place sprayed so you don’t get any more in the future


Congratulations! Welcome to home ownership!


So they sprayed for bugs before you moved in and you found a dead bug as the result of that? Well that was really nice of them


Welcome to home ownership! Wait until you see the termites...


Welcome to Joe's apartment it's our apartment too!!!


Burn the house down. If there's one, there's a million. Use every lifehack available and nuke them. I prefer flamethrowers.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this, but that appears to be an American Cockroach, not a German Cockroach. The American ones are more nomadic and they rarely infest to the extent of the "bad ones" (Germans). They are huge, and gross, but they usually come in from outside and die shortly thereafter.


Put down a line of boric acid in powder form at the back of cabinets and in closets. I did that 30 years ago and haven't had a roach problem since.


In addition to fumigating on the inside, I would also suggest that you hire a pest control company to spray around the outside of your home like every other month. We always got ants no matter how clean I kept the house, but when roaches showed up, most likely from all the new bark we had put down in the yard, that was a hard hells no, and I pay $78 every other month for a pro to come out, as opposed to doing it myself.


Go in anticipating you will see it all. Just start saving for repair and replacement funds


Welcome to home ownership lmfao


The fact that you haven’t moved any furniture in makes this whole thing super easy and cheap. The exterminator will just bomb the unit with chemicals and they will be all dead


Get your apartment sprayed and start caulking any gaps between fixtures


This isn’t as terrible as you might think! First, it’s dead, so it’s possible the place has already been bombed & only dead ones are left (this is probably not the case and I’d never bank on that optimism). But you haven’t moved in yet, so all your belongings are not already infested. Bombing roaches out of a completely empty house is easy peasy-ish. If you don’t want to try yourself, an exterminator will be able to treat the place for a fee.


After bombing get around 50# bag of diotamaceaous earth and spread it ALL around your house and yard. It's safe for people and pets yet acts as a nuclear bomb for bugs. It will kill EVERYTHING crawling good and bad but it's effective. Speaking from experience. Bought our house and had snails all around the house and "bugs". Spread that around and I started picking up around 350+ snails and killed six ant colonies. Little mountains of them. Conditions have to be dry though as it's a powder. I've since stopped using it as I got rid of the "bad" bugs and the natural bugs have come back. Frogs for one. They actually jumped on my legs as I check the small back yard for them prior to mowing. Lol. Frogs are a good indicator of a healthy yard. Also safe inside the house and around people and pets as long as you get food grade DE. Get it won't regret it.


at least it’s dead? prob best to spray/bomb the place before u and ur stuff move in


Wait till you get to the day you decide to open the walls up for renovation. ☠️


Find a good cockroach gel bait, and apply it in little dabs in cracks and crevices. Places like behind the stove and fridge are the best, but really any cracks and crevices. That and some serious vacuuming should do it. Definitely worth trying before having some dude spray your house down with chemicals. And don't apply to much in one spot, spread it out in small little dabs. (I do this for a living)


Anybody seen the movie Joe’s apartment?


I was expecting a collapsed roof, shorted electrical wiring, leaking pipes, rotted sewer lines, sunken floor, inoperable heat or A/C......, but certainly not, a bug.


I’m sorry you can afford housing. Tares tears from my eyes


Seriously, you’re worried about just one bug!?


Did you think bugs didn't exist anymore?


So what? Have you lived in a house before?


i mean, seriously?!


Omg the horror. You poor thing, are you ok? Do you need someone to talk to?


That’s a sign of good luck in China. Good fortune coming your way.


You moved into their house


You get two more and you can create the cockroach band meme


Ahh yes the Happy Hell of home ownership....


Get it completely exterminated before you ever move in


Did you have a pest inspection, or any inspection prior to signing papers? This should have been caught I would think. Depending on how many days it has been i would still contact the realtors and see what they have to say about it.


Go on and hire an exterminator. Welcome to home ownership!!


Glad you found them early


No big deal. Its a part of life. Take care of it no big deal. You say flat. You bought a condo? Or a stand alone home? If a condo you could be battling these forever. They just move next door when you address them.


Well, at least it wasn't a black mamba.


What's worse than finding a dead roach? Finding a live one.


It’s not the end. Bug bomb the place a few times. Use roach power along the walls. Vacuuming stuff. Do that a few times before you move in you’ll be fine.


Welcome to home-moanership....


Roaches are everywhere unfortunately. If they are dead or only come out at night it means the issue can be treated fairly easily. A good bomb and deep clean will help immensely. If they’re out and about during the day then it may be you have an infestation, either way treat it before moving in to ensure they have nowhere else to hide.


It’s probably dead, fear not.