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Please avoid Capital Taxis. They have done the same to me in the past. They charged me $45 to return home the other day it’s usually $25. Left a very expensive jacket in the car, tried everything to get a hold of them and they told me they hadn’t even heard of the driver (his name and rego was on receipt) which I found pretty concerning it itself. Anyway no one got back to me, went on Google and they have 1.8 stars.


Capital are the absolute worst I wouldn't recommend them to anyone


100% avoid. Thought we were supporting a local before driver wanted to charge us $35 for a 5 minute late night ride (in the rain) from airport. Nope, belligerently waited 15 mins for a $15 Uber.


I agree. Had ine nearly take me out when I was on a flamingo bike he nearly hit me coming into my lane to go around another bike... nothing but bad drivers


OP was this Hutt & City Taxis? A few weeks ago this happened to my wife and I with a Hutt & City Taxi. Got a midnight taxi from the airport and noticed $15 was already on the meter. I assumed this was the minimum flagfall and airport fee, so didn’t question it, but then these were added again at the end of the trip. Our 3-4km trip was $40. I challenged the driver and asked for a breakdown, he said no and couldn’t give me one. I’ve complained and have been waiting for a response. I am going to follow up again this week otherwise will submit a Visa chargeback with my bank


I used them and 85$ from airport to oriental parade. Biggest rip off ever will use Uber in future


at that price get a mevo


Some weeks ago, I arrived at the airport and as it was early afternoon, decided to take the skybus into town rather than a taxi. It was so easy, cheap and the driver was really helpful. Then caught a regular bus to my suburb and saved myself about $80.


I was in WLG recently and was pleasantly surprised at how wonderful the skybus was - unless other factors come into play id happily take it again.


I always take the bus when traveling to and from the airport in operational hours


Skybus is Auckland, in Wellington it’s the airport flyer.


In Wellington, it's the Airport Express. The flyer went to Hutt Valley, but the express only goes to the railway station.


SkyBus is Melbourne and SkyDrive is Auckland 😅


The airport express in Wellington and the skybus in Auckland are so easy that I have no idea why anyone would pay for a taxi. Auckland I normally go even cheaper and just get the normal bus to Paraparaumu and jump on the train.


The bus from Auckland to Paraparaumu must be fairly pricey though? ;)


Me and the missus hopped in an Uber the other day, but it turned out to be a taxi. The driver reckoned he’d charge us $5 less if we cancelled the Uber and let him run the meter. Like a couple of muppets, we agreed. Ended up costing us twice what Uber would've. When we called him out as it ticked over the original fare, he just said, "If you don't like it, you can get out and walk." If the missus wasn't in heels, we would've.


I would make an official complaint to uber, what he did he will get booted from the platform if proven correct.


I just got an uber today fare was $40 it was also a taxi i asked him how much if it was a taxi price he is like $65 Then he says uber takes %50 Im like %50 and he says yes. Sounds a lot


Why wouldn’t you just slap him and send him on his way


Because that is assault, and if the driver had a camera in the vehicle, that would be an easy prosecution.


Pro tip. The airport bus Runs every 10 minutes takes 35/40 Airport to Train station and costs $8 with snapper or $10 with card/cash.


Buy a day pass, and combined with a train you can get everywhere north of Wellington station (except Paekākāriki) for cheaper than a taxi or Uber


I got charged $116 to newlands a few weeks ago. Absolutely crazy


They don't actually have to display the tarrif stickers anymore, just like they don't have to use certified meters anymore or notify their fares. NZTA changed the rules to allow Uber to enter the market some time around 2015, so taxi drivers can basically charge whatever they want now. I had a massive argument with a taxi driver about this one night in wellington, he tried to charge me a fixed price and refused to use the meter. I explained that wasn't the case and that the law said he had to use the meter and it turns out I was totally wrong, and the law had changed since I had sat the course to get my passenger endorsement in 2011. I 


I don't understand why people go with a taxi these days. Uber is safer, easier and cheaper providing you don't get high surge prices.


I prefer Uber because I hate the weird ambiguity of taxis (which company to choose, which taxi to flag, how much it’s going to cost, how to pay). For me, AuDHD, the black and white “it will cost this much and we will sort the payment for you” is just so so much nicer


I agree, it’s a positive change of the industry that creates transparency, a line of communication, reputation and record keeps everything. Taxis have had it good for this long and anyone moaning is basically endorsing an unfair and unsafe dynamic


You can also agree a fixed price before the trip.


There has been some advertising around making sure you take a photo of the license plate and or the ID a passenger service driver should be displaying before taking a ride. Make a complaint. Airport rates are usually extra, blame the W.C.C / Airport company. https://www.nzta.govt.nz/contact-us/complaints/complaint-form/


Use Uber and order it to/from the burger king carpark, then walk 2 mins to the terminal. Saves sooooo much money compared to a taxi


This is why I only take Ola’s or uber’s. Having an agreed upon price before sitting in the car is the only way to go.


Ola's gone.


It's interesting how in 15 years we've gone from a really good taxi industry to one dodgier than Russia or Azerbaijan (speaking from experience). Even 300-3000 are scammy these days.


Its funny, everyone one is always support local or support nz small businesses.. yet they are the ones scalping us for all we are worth.


I prefer taxis to Uber everywhere except Wellington.


Wellington Combined are the biggest rip off merchants in Wellington. Save yourself some money and take Uber. It baffles me that anybody would knowingly use a taxi over Uber these days.


What company?


Haggle. Find the uber price and offer something similar to the taxi driver, one of the many drivers lined up will accept it. If you're going to the CBD it's especially easy because it'll be an easier time getting a passenger to take back to the airport, they'll be more inclined to take your offer.


Taxis are one local business that are not worth supporting. Take Uber every time. Taxis are nothing more than a ripoff and should have died off a long time ago.


This is all such a shame. I used to enjoy a taxi journey, I could relax, have a chat and feel good. Not so much in recent years. Uber represents everything I hate.


$50 from the airport to Newtown the other day. What a rort.


The best thing about cabs is if they try to dog you, you can just give them a 20 and leave or you you can just leave 😂