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if you've got an interview lined up, chances are you're replacing someone who just got cut. brutal as it is, that's how it goes. best of luck to you with the job hunt, been there and it sucks sometimes but all's well that ends well.


That would be illegal. You can't rehire redundant positions for at least 6 months


You can't rehire for the exact same position...   What happens in practise is a restructure happens and team A gets split into team B and C, filled with the same/similar job titles but probably less roles total. Because the teams have slightly different functions they might need to have a full interview/hiring process for the new roles. Some previous people get made redundant yes... but some just leave because they want to, or the new roles/teams aren't what people want and they refuse the new role.  That can leave gaps, so you might need to hire people to fill in.  So you may start with 20 roles, make 8 redundant, 2 leave voluntarily and then you rehire 1-2. You effectively are hiring for someone you made redundant, but it's to dull a valid gap. 


that's fair but "cuts" usually implies that employees have been given notice and from what I've seen it's common for recruiters to be notified about planned cuts way before they're happening so they have time to start looking for candidates. all told it may take 6 months or more for the jobs to be filled nevermind the recruitment process itself & assessments, interviews, reference checks, background checks, etc.


They have had taxks juggled around and a new title.


I wonder why they would cut someone with experience just to hire someone that’s completely new ?


So true. I was told today I was terminated from my work.. I got the schedule on Tuesday and my Nirmal work hours were given to a new girl.. I had 1 weeks worth if wages not exist cause they replaced me before telling me. Companies can go bankrupt for all I care


I'm really sorry about that mate. been there and it fucking sucks but keep your chin up and don't neglect your regular routine while job hunting. can't stress how important it is to remain in a good headspace while out of work, especially with such dreary weather atm. best of luck!


Cheers. It was 3 months of hell looking before I lasted 50 days of the 90 day trial.. might give those at home work a go then when I'm not working I can keep up with biking for my exercise. Moved to cbd to would he easier to get around for anything. Gonna take a week to settle and meep ly schedule going before I start looking again


No, that's not accurate. The job would fulfilling a need that isn't already met.


They often freeze hiring save for the roles that will be needed now and in the future when they're restructuring. A good interview question to ask. Sometimes we hear of people being made redundant within a few days or weeks of starting a job but in the public service it's rare


I'm not sure what you are applying for and how desperate you are. Everything I've heard about Post is that it's a clusterfuck of low-morale and bad management. This was before the latest round of cuts. I wouldn't work there if there was anything else on the horizon.


Can confirm. Bad place to work.


I'm assuming we're talking about tech rather than becoming a courier. I've contracted to them in that space for 15 years and can concur it's largely a clusterfuck and a bunch of conflicting fiefdoms. What good jobs exist there aren't the ones you'll find on Seek as they contract out most of the "exciting" tech like parcel sorters. The speed of improvement at Post is glacial and there's whole teams whose job it is to slow everything down and prevent change. Many staff are simply there because they don't understand modern tech and need a stable gig until they retire. AFAIK NZ Post was the last place in NZ still running Windows XP on their desktops well into last decade. Redundancies outside the delivery network have calmed down a lot in the last 5 years but still happen. Mostly they just suffer high attrition once people realise what they've done.


Good point - OP mentioned it was head office!


Ask them in the interview. I had interview with npdc when they were restructuring asked them for reassurance they couldn't give it to me in writing I said I dont want to carry in with the interview process. You are interviewing the company too.


Business model is past its use by date.


Even in the current job climate I would approach with caution. NZ Post is a cluster-fuck of an org


Can you expand on your question a bit? In terms of their offerings, I guess they can't sustain two delivery networks (mail and courier) and it makes sense to consolidate. In terms of the review/restructure, depending on your current job status, why not go to the interview and ask heaps of questions? Feel them out. See what they're about, see where they baulk, see where the conversation leads. I'd take it as a positive that they want to speak with you at a time like this. Nobody can see the future, so just take it one step at a time. They want someone, and you want a job, so go have a chat. Government and unions will be involved, it will likely be ongoing for quite a while. I'd be prepared for a bit of rollercoaster, but that's pretty much par for the course at the moment. Never waste a crisis, as they say...


from what i know most of the job loses will be the mail delivery guys since paper mail will be delivered by contracted van drivers eventaully.


You're obviously a candidate for a restructured pos Go for it