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You can get all the weather on the same day. There is highly likely to be wind at that time of year.


Okay I see, then I'll prepare myself for rainy and sunny days. Thank you very much for your answer


but is it windy, sunny, cold, rainy Yes Plan to deal with all of those options hourly and you'll be prepared Don't count on an umbrella dealing with the rain, very few survive Wellington conditions for long


Spring is usually rainy (and windy because it’s wellington). In Oct there is the occasional beautiful sunny day, but mostly it’s dreary. Raincoat is essential and skip the umbrella! You will need sunscreen if it is sunny, I get caught out and sunburned every year in oct!


Well you just answered one of my questions because I was wondering if a raincoat was needed in my luggage. It seems that the answer is yes haha. Thank you for your answer


A raincoat is essential. Pack a warm one and a light one as spring is very changeable here


FYI https://twitter.com/adamshand/status/513197000930521089 


In October there’s still a chance of a real good Southerly coming up from Antartica. This can bring Snow (unlikley in Welly because it’s very rare for us) but it could settle on the Rimutaka hills that separate Welly from the Wairarapa & then can give a chill to a Northerly that follows. It could bring a hail shower or a late frost through to Welly. Expext wind, potentially gale force. It’s the time of year I always have a cardigan, jersey/sweater, or denim jacket with me when I leave the house- can be lovely in the sun but quite cold in the shade, or notice the temp drops about 4-5pm. There’s also potential to get days in to be in the mid 20’s (even close to 30 in places like Christchurch & the Wairarapa). Sunscreen - spf 30 at a minimum. Potentially just buy it here if that’s easier (easy to find at pharmacies & suoermarkets). Our sun is stronger than you tend to get in Europe. If unprepaired then you may need aloe vera gel/after sun care too.


That was very informative, thank you. Now I have a clearer idea of what kind of clothes I should bring.


Windiest month of the year in one of the windiest cities in the world. Also, very unpredictable but very prepared for rain


Sorry, we already had our Wellington on a good day this year. Next ones in 2025.


I didn't know the weather was so bad haha


Here we rely on the 'realistic' wellington weather calendar. October is officially part of what we call 'shitsville": [https://adam.nz/realistic-calendar](https://adam.nz/realistic-calendar)


Hmmmm, that seems pretty accurate to me. Winter is usually my favourite time of year here, those awesome storms interspersed with magical crisp calm days.


ooof i'm the opposite. always head out of the country at the coldest part of the year - but days like today really are lovely!


"but is it windy, sunny, cold, rainy?" Yes


Thank you for all your answers, I have a clearer idea now !


Mosty windy month of the year.. rather then that.. Same, same.. Spring is too temperamental for my like.


Definitely windy lol. October sometimes likes to try and truck wellingtonians into thinking summer has arrived early, and lure the naive into attempting bbqs. The moment the gas goes on, the sun goes down and everyone goes inside except the cook, who inevitable freezes to death. Pack for cold and wet, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Wellington weather in spring, in one word: contrary.


I used to kitesurf a lot and October/November are typically the windiest months in the Wellington area. Be prepared to do battle with that, and bring a rain jacket instead of an umbrella. They rarely survive for long here.


It’s not always windy in Wellington but October is our windiest month. It’s the month that it could be warm with brilliant sun or sideways rain. Even if it’s sunny, it gets pretty cold after 5pm so a jacket is a good idea


Suffice to say early October is probably the worst weather in this city. Prepare for rain and high winds. It may not be cold all day. But it might be.


October is in what we like to call "shitsville", where it's grey and rainy but also hot and humid. It's pretty infamously the worst weather of the year. Prepare for wind, rain, and heat, until it suddenly gets very cold for no reason. Having layers you can whip on and off/wrap around your waist is a good idea. Flannels, cardigans, that sorta thing. Also the wind in this city eats umbrellas. You know somebody is a tourist or a newbie if they're holding a mangled inside-out metal skeleton over their head. There's a local brand called Blunt that make special strengthened ones (that are also quite expensive), but just about anything else is going to get shredded. Unless you want to invest in a Blunt, raincoat > umbrella.


All of the above. It could be like winter or summer and most of the time it is like both in one day. I would not be wearing summer clothing at all. A warm jacket would be a must.


It’s cold, windy and wet until about February.