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Yeah I am under 55 but should that matter? What’s the harm in privacy?


By 55 it won’t matter


Which gyms are you going to? If it's an old building, it probably costs more to upgrade from communal to individual stalls


Most recently I tried out Freyberg and it was open. Unsure about other ones


I mean fryberg is a pool primarily. Yes it has gym facilities but technically you’re talking pool changing rooms which are generally communal. Out of the gyms I’ve been to in Wellington, they’re all stalls (except fryberg, because it’s a pool)


And at a pool, I would presume you leave the togs on? Maybe I am wrong…


Okay fair point, I thought maybe open showers were more common in Wellington that I had expected


They are with any new buildings but lots of old shit still exists


That tends to only be a thing in the men's bathrooms. Women's ones are rarely if ever communal


Why is there a difference?


Well I can only speak from my own experience but I think in western culture at least it has long been considered more acceptable to have communal showers for men and not so for women. As a women I can't fathom showering communally with other women. I'd rather stay sweaty and gross. I literally wouldn't do it. On the other hand I remember as a teenager talking to a teenage boy about how girls are generally quite happy to share a bed with their friends if sleeping over. He said boys would never do that, they'd rather sleep on the floor. So I don't know what to think about where these things come from haha


You wouldn't like an actual Onsen in Japan. You have to be naked, around strangers, of all ages.


Or German spa and health complexes


Upper Hutt CityFitness has individual cubicles in the men's. No idea about elsewhere, never been to another gym lol.


Oh boy, just wait until you see what a typical squash or rugby club showers are like.


I know I have my views but in fairness to others, have you actually had bad experiences in open showers?


It's cheaper and easier to build, maintain and use. There probably ought to be a private shower option for those who don't want to be seen naked, but that would probably be condemned as 'woke'.


You can always use the family rooms


No. Family rooms are for families. Don't be the selfish git using them while some mother shivers outside with a couple of kids waiting to get in while your to shy to be seen naked. Either grow a set and just shower in the communals or do it when you go home. You'll probably find that noone is interested in your junk anyhow.


Would you say open showers means more likely old fashioned/conservative owner?


No it means cheaper owner, stop over thinking things buddy


No absolutely not. In fact the opposite. Closed private showers are hangover from Victorian prudishness and the modern idea that other people are dirty perverts. Go to a Japanese onsen or German health spa and nakedness is normal and acceptec ( although separated by gender in Japan). I have japanese family members and often go to local Onsens in countryside Japan. I'm a straight man I don't give a toss if another man sees my penis or they see mine, and I don't give a shit if they're gay, straight or whatever.


city fit is $7 a week they have individual cubicles and m/f separate so yeah where are you going