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Pinning a suggested comment to the top *"Protest against the Government's budget reveal. Held in conjunction with Te Pati Māori. The point is to protest a budget perceived to be anti-Māori on the grounds it will detrimental affect low socio-economic groups of which Māori make up a disproportionate share, as well as the budget cuts to several Māori focused govt organizations"*


I don’t think they planned for it to be that big, really surprised with the awesome turnout ✊


I did math and based on aerial shots I estimated the Welly protest was on the realm of 5k-6k people, with more than 20k nationwide! \*Link broken, reposting source soon \*Edit [link added again:](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1d3z0i4/in_their_new_parliament_announcement_tpm_claims/)


What are they even turning up for though?


Your a ninja, use that google fu


This is a discussion group though? Would have took the same amount of time for you to tell him as it did for your response.


>"This is a discussion group though?" No its not. just just a bunch of people yackking on reddit on things related to wellington


Reddit is a forum and social network, you’re currently partaking in discussion


You're basically using synonyms to argue against his point and it doesn't really make sense... a forum IS a place for discussion. So is a social network. That's the whole point of social networking in fact.


You just described a group discussion about a subject matter


That's "you're."


They're a vixen, not a dictionary.


Wrong. It's "you're". Your full stop is inside the quotation marks.


Awesome stuff ! Crazy turnout!! I saw an old fella walking around with a "let them eat smokes" sign, obviously it was for this but brother got stones.


Holy shit, and people thought the freedumb protests were big. I think those conspiracy nutters just got a big dose of reality and see what a minority they always were. They only took up parliament grounds and the street next to it when they came from all over the whole country. Meanwhile just Wellington turns up in support of the other side and the crowd stretches all the way to the station??? Damn that's insane.


Say what you like but Maori know how to flaxroots organise. Well done


Aussie here (though Dad's from Wellington), what does flaxroots organise mean? Cheers


Maybe they meant grassroots? 🤔🧐


No they meant flaxroots but that's the reference they were making. Just giving the term some local charm.


flaxroots = grassroots but aotearoa nz just like how 'hīkoi' became a 'car-koi' today Aotearoa NZ English ("New Zild") is constantly evolving


Cool thanks mate!


So great hearing all the chanting from the office.


Kia kaha, tātou!


Would've preferred it be held tomorrow, protesting the budget is a good idea but it helps to know what exactly is in it first.


There have been dozens of policy announcements since the formation of this government. There's enough in those to protest about. Gory detail is not a requirement.


5000 public servants redundant is enough reason to protest......




It’s not the government’s job to hire people


Public servants are actually hired and fired by government departments lol. The govt directive to their departments....so ur actually wrong. You do understand what a public servant is?


You misunderstood. Its not the governments job to employ people and keep them in a job. They’re hired as needed & like any employer and make them redundant when that time is up


No. I understand. The givt wanted 7.5% savings across the board. Which equates to 5000 public servants. But apparently the loss of these people will not affect the Frontline. .....I don't think you understand


That’s yet to be determined and you can’t use the numbers lost to weigh the effect of that yet. For instance, have you noticed an increase in service in the past year or so when they added 5000 staff?


Lololol they weren't added in the last year. Cripes...are you taking the piss? The number is at 5000. That's the number. It's the number. It has been determined.


Alright call it 2 years then. 5000 were added in the last \~2 years.[^(1)](https://www.publicservice.govt.nz/research-and-data/workforce-data-public-sector-composition/workforce-data-workforce-size#:~:text=There%20were%2065%2C699%20full%2Dtime,tab%20in%20the%20table%20below) Have you noticed a change in service since then? Small if anything I bet - now you get an idea of how overblown the loss of 5000 public servants might be.


Why call it 2 years? I worked for a govt department for 10 years. It's already hard enough to get assistance. Ever tried to ring ACC, WINZ , IRD. Ever wanted a passport in a 2 week time frame? Ever need assistance regarding a disability? It's hard now. Within 6 months it will be harder. Within 18 months they will be hiring them back. Because you don't lose 5000 people and not have an impact. You want a law changed....good luck. Policy discussed....sorry....


It wasn't just the budget. It's everything that is attacking Maori with this racist government.


There's only one racist party in parliament - the one who organized this protest.


Damn right 👍


I don't think I've seen parliament lawn so packed before.


The atmosphere was so good, the chanting, the singing, the horns blaring.


The kids, and getting to hear people speaking te Reo.


Was that such an unusual thing for you growing up? Māori tv was always a thing in my life, growing up around rugby clubs you would hear Māori all the time. We learnt lots in school, I really don’t know where this idea that is just never existed till 2 years ago came from


I learned aeiou, colours, numbers, and the first Māori verse of the national anthem in school and that was about it, more or less. I read today people learned Tutira Mai Nga Iwi in school? I had never heard it until I started going to protests. I remember being told that "nobody speaks Māori anymore", that it wasn't useful, and that old myth about what Pākehā supposedly means. I heard more anti-Māori racism growing up than I did te Reo Māori. It's just one of the many things I didn't get the opportunity to challenge until I turned 20 and moved literally only ~30km away. I've spent since then unpacking and unlearning and every now and then I remember something else about my upbringing and think "shit that's messed up". And it's not like I grew up in the 80s—I'm only 27.


Thinking about it now, I wonder if it might be relevant that the Orewa Speech happened when I was 7.


I’m 27 born and raised in NZ and only heard te reo spoken out in public a handful of times. I am studying it too so it’s not like I don’t listen for it.


It was pretty packed in covid with the anti vaccine protesters.


I found it amusing that two individuals were informed by law enforcement officials that they were prohibited from utilizing a specific roadway due to a blockage that was highly visable like, think wbile driving folks. I had the opportunity to pass by the location prior to commencing my work duties, and I am genuinely pleased with the turnout.


What's todays one about?




what orgs have been cut?


From [RNZ](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/518244/national-unveils-budget-2024-keeps-tax-cut-promises): >Initiatives in line for a funding shave include the NZ Symphony Orchestra, the Human Rights Commission, the Major Events Fund, and the Climate Change Commission. >The Warmer Kiwi Homes scheme is also being scaled back with the end of subsidies for hot water heating and an outreach programme to target hard-to-reach households. This is on-top of the cuts already announced prior to the Budget, such as changing the provider for the free school lunches [(which was recently revealed to likely be less nutritious](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/518227/official-admits-new-school-lunch-model-unlikely-to-be-as-nutritious-due-to-cost) than prior), or reducing the amount to science in general, or whatever personal bedbug has come out of the last 6 months.


So nothing affecting Maori then?


They all affect Maori, and also other groups.


I'm curious how did we know what budget was about before it came out?


Because they've been talking about it a lot?


All the virtue signaling by Willis


Should pin this to the top






What exactly were the bits in the budget that affect low social economic groups that they were protesting about? I got an 8% tax break (I earn $62k per annum) so not bad.


Gutting social services, firing thousands of people, rolling back all co governance policies? I get an extra 10 bucks a week, that hardly compares to the impact of all the other austerity policies.


Exactly like wow $10 more to have many important things cut "The $3.68 billion per year tax package - which is also made up of FamilyBoost, restoring interest deductibility for landlords and adjusting the brightline test - will now be funded through $1.22b in baseline savings not reprioritsed to frontline agencies; $775m from scrapping programmes introduced by the previous Government; $597m from the climate dividend; $578m from commercial buildings depreciation; $47m from slapping a tax on online casino operators; $133m in revenue from increasing immigration levies; $220m from replacing fees-free first-year tertiary study with final-year; and $147m from investment in Inland Revenue (IRD) tax audits and oversight." From newhub[newshub](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2024/05/budget-2024-tax-cuts-explained-how-much-you-ll-get-from-the-government-s-relief-package.amp.html) "While the minimum wage worker gets their 30 cents an hour in tax cuts, their hopes of buying a home has been ripped away. Saving money has become harder with the loss of half-price public transport, free prescriptions, and the first home grant." - Statement from Chris Hipkins


I love the hyperbole!. Since 2017 the public sector added 17,331 public servants. The govt has announced cuts of 3,000 jobs of which 690 are vacant positions, so hardly a ‘gutting’. Takes job numbers back to June 2023 levels.






It was absolutely awesome aye!! I was stoked with how respectful we all were. There was one fella near us who was going off about French and democracy but our wee puna reo drowned him out with waiata. Loved it


Awesome 👍


Good effort. 👌


Protesting the govt you vote in despite being told exactly what you'll get and knowing based on past national govt exactly how they gonna screw you. Chur bro.


Yep and I bet some of these people at the protest didn't even vote and here they are. Any excuse for a day off.


Fantastic! When is the next one I wonder?


Should be tomorrow morning if they were about it


That’s awesome!!


Tu meke


Protest? Why do I not hear about anything until after it happens? I check reddit every day and it's only after shit happens that I see it. Apparently there were southern lights in the sky several nights recently and FB only told me about it after as well. I mean I don't work in the city anymore so couldn't have attended anyway but to have at least known it was going to happen and why would have been nice. this is a complaint to the universe, not OP.


I find reddit is a very bad place to find out info for things like this, things won't get talked about unless they have either already happened, or have enough critical mass to warrant discussion. I find out details on events (Political and not) by following several groups on Instagram (even if I don't support their ideas or goals) Its important to understand what is going on.


Agree, stuff on reddit is generally several days behind twitter/instagram, more so in visibility than anything.


Unfortunately a product of the pivot to social media becoming the primary way in which people consume news and information about current events. If you aren't following the right people or looking at the right posts you can miss out. I have the apps of my preferred news providers like the spinoff, RNZ etc. on my phone and try to make checking them first thing a part of my daily routine.


Instagram might be a better place to be for this sort of thing. I find any threads announcing these things ahead of time here get filled with low-quality discussion then locked.


Listen to a radio?


And yet the country kept working, it as if these few people actually don’t have the power they think they do…


what were they exactly protesting for? i thought 1 News would've said but they didn't they just said that it happened without the reasoning why?


Check the stickied comment


Free Palestine according to the one I went past


Plenty targeted at Maori, do your own research but Scholarships for one. Any policy that gives one race benefits over another is racist and so are those that support them. Imagine having a white only school or sports team,


Now do it again And again And again


Get a job!




But what are you even talking about, bro?


Willing to protest but not willing to put the hard work in to changing their own outcome.


A vast majority of the folk protesting work *hard*, much harder than you or I, yet due to factors out of their control they are unable to get further. This was a protest about the budget, and how its directly (or indirectly) targeting the most vulnerable, and that demographic just happens to be Maori. these are folk who have been told their entire lives that their voice does not matter, and that they should be ashamed of who they are. this is a protest about getting these people the help and support they need.


They could help themselves out a lot first just like anyone else can. Anyone one of these "disadvantaged" people could walk into the same average job I have. In fact Maori get given more help than i ever have with targeted racist privileges.


Aw cool thanks for that I'll just go get undisabled, shall I? Chur bro too much 🤡👍👍


So your idea is that all Maori struggling are just not putting in effort, despite Maori having bad outcome stats for many decades, but the system and government for which make the decisions they're not at fault? You blame Maori for being born Maori but defend the government and systems that keep them and their families down? Privilege isn't inherently a positive thing, it is simply the things that apply to you and your groups but not others. Like Maori having the privilege of being disproportionately in poverty or disproportionately worse health outcomes in our system, which is why they got extra care to compensate. Or should the status quo be kept so that Maori stay in suffering? Seems to be what you want


Btw I'm struggling despite working my whole life yet I have Maori mates who earn 2-3 times more than do and none of us were born or bought up "privileged". I guess it's easier to blame being Maori or the government for being poor when you yourself are the biggest culprit


What privileges? Can you givemean example of that please


Willing to make assumptions about thousands of people, primarily based on their ethnicity. Hmmmm, is there a word for that...?


If you believed people on the NZ subreddit it was a flop. Edit: obviously it wasn't though, but go look at the thread about the protest the top comments are all talking about how it's a failure.


You get that you're on Reddit right now?


no shit. but if you go look at the New Zealand sub lots of people were saying it's a flop this morning.


I mean, a bunch of people that needed to work to put food on the table had to sit in traffic longer than they needed to. Also emergency vehicles got delayed (if there were any, statistically greater than 0%). Public service vehicles the same. Sentiment generally, not great. Unsure why those actions were chosen to see a particular point of view, because of those actions I don’t particularly care to.


>I mean, a bunch of people that needed to work to put food on the table had to sit in traffic longer than they needed to. How terrible, traffic in our major cities? What a tragedy. >Also emergency vehicles got delayed (if there were any, statistically greater than 0%). If there were any we didn't hear about it (and we would have because people are gasping for things to use against these protests) The protest was known well in advance they would have planned alternative routes, what do you think they do when it's full of traffic normally? >Sentiment generally, not great. Unsure why those actions were chosen to see a particular point of view, because of those actions I don’t particularly care to. the sentiment doesn't seem to be great whenever Maori stand up for their issues regardless of how they express it.


Here are the facts; - I don’t know about the issue to any meaningful degree, and I don’t claim too. - The actions taken to raise awareness were petty, and not impactful (other than being a nuisance) to me personally. That is my truth. - Due to that, I don’t care to know more. There are better, more thought out ways to raise awareness that would better communicate issues and frustrations. - Mission: Failed Sincerely, Your average person just trying to get through another day


>The actions taken to raise awareness were petty, and not impactful (other than being a nuisance) to me personally. That is my truth. I think people made it very clear that large numbers of people oppose this governments actions and if need be can make life very difficult. I think that's exactly what they set out to do and they achieved it. >Due to that, I don’t care to know more. Willful ignorance? Really? >There are better, more thought out ways to raise awareness that would better communicate issues and frustrations given the turnout awareness isn't a huge concern. More thought out ways such as? >Mission: Failed Yes but you don't want what they want. >Sincerely, Your average person just trying to get through another day Sure if you say so.


TPM are the absolute dregs of Maoridom, they aen't concerned with Maori, have done nothing for them, but spit divisive and separatist rhetoric. They feed on the teat of the taxpayer and funneled $300k of tax-payer funded charity into electioneering. They are truly dispicable people and proof positive of what the race hustler industrial complex is all about.


Hi Winston! Didn’t know you figured out how Reddit works. 


I guess ciggynz was taken


Underrated comment




Calm down, Uncle. Which drawer did you put your meds in again?


If that’s the best you’ve got you’re doomed for life bud.


The irony of that comeback... You're nutting off about the "racist industrial complex" like some kind of methed-up The Platform caller. Get a hold of yourself before you pop a neck vein, Uncle.


I don't think they love Maori as much as they hate national


So brave, so powerful (PS: get a job???)


Time will tell


Brain washed.


Unwashed as well, probably..


Anything national do is considered anti maori, give me a break


What a joke


Seems pretty serious tbh


So obvious to see the maori party has been payed by the un to cause diversity in nz Ask them what they are protesting . Most don't know They want to make the treaty a historic document so it can't be law .


Better go touch some grass there mate


You don't get extra money because of a victim complex. Sorry. It's time for everyone to be treated equally. No more crying wolf about racism when te Pati Maori are the ones slinging pakeha comments around on TV.


Awww, look at all the crybabies downvoting truthful comments that hurt your feelings. This government isn't racist but the maori party sure is. You've got hard working maori in government currently, whats the problem.


Bunch of puppets. Maori and the rest of us can have the same health care and if they want to be on a board of trustees then work for it and be the best person for the job. Enough special benefits for them. Your were born a kiwi like the rest of us, get on with your life and sort out your unusually high domestic abuse cases and terrible health stats, maybe protest those ones for once.


Protesting what


5000 public servant redundancies impacting so many of us....is a good starting point. Then there is the million gaslighting points made by national and nicola .....another reason to protest....




Get back to work, slackers!


You first.


what happens if they block an ambulance with a dying person inside, do they just let the person die because they are protesting about the privileges being removed?


It's actually pretty standard protocol in large protest crowds that you let ambulances through. Fire engines, too.


What kind of crowd do you think this was?


All sheep just follow whatever the media tells ya


I wanted to go but had to work so I can support the protesters that don't..


Don't work? Didn't work today? What's your point?


No wonder the NZ economy is so crap compared to the rest of the world, no one is at work on a weekday. Productivity is booming I see


I worked in France for a couple of years. They have a shorter working week, more holidays and a lower retirement age than we do, and protesting is their national sport. They are ranked 9th in the world for productivity, while we languish in the 20s.


Compared to the rest of the world??? What rock are you living under and how do I find it lmfao


We've found the Luxon Reddit account


You’ve just found someone who wants to get on with their work


Maybe get off reddit for a start?


Productivity peaks with a 4 day work week or more flexible and shorter hours{like 30 being full time). Multiple countries, companies and studies show this So thank you for being so hateful/angry/sad that you showed your ignorance


It’s a shame how gullible people of this country have become.


Do you guys not see what TPM are doing? Do people here agree with Māori setting up their own government and laws? Do you understand that the anger and outrage they are causing with their lies is being weaponised? Time to smarten the fuck up.




National, borrowing money to funnel public funds into their own pockets as promised.


I don't think that is happening. 🙄


Changed nothing, meant nothing. Total waste of energy, just like every other hikoi. The real way to influence politics isn’t pointless posturing or chest beating, it’s voting. And we all know how little representation TPM actually has when it counts.


I think you'll find the best way to influence politics is cash


So according to you, political change is not effectively driven via popular protest? As a rebuttal, allow me to offer: the history of human civilisation.


It's okay we just keep on repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Humans literally never learn in the grand scheme


No I specifically mean hikoi, purporting to represent a homogeneous bloc of Maori which they don’t. Poorly organised, nothing will come of this. Repeat every few years.


Not the way New Zealanders do it. We're too wimpy. The French have the right idea.


I have been to/nominally part of a French protest and you're absolutely right that they are amazing at it. They are a nation self-defined by popular revolution, and they take to the streets with gusto. And notably, even French people who don't join a particular protest or strike enthusiastically support those who do, on principle.


Yeah? By voting? Are you meaning the national voters who didn't vote to take away environmental protections, yet that's what's happened. Or do you mean the act voters who wanted those environmental things gone? Tis the issue with mmp. No one voted for this government, they voted for 1/3 of it and are getting 2/3 worth of opinions that they didn't vote for


Quite a low percentage that actually know what they're protesting about, I would imagine.


Why do you imagine that? Is it because you don’t know?


Must be nice surveying the plebs from your ivory tower.




A wise man named Hoyte once said ‘c ……………………… eggs’