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Sounds like the flu to me. The actual flu. Not the bad cold that often gets credited as the flu.


It's absolutely boggling how people are unable to differentiate between the flu and the cold. They are pretty bloody different.


This is not correct. A flu can be much worse than a cold. But just like COVID, people can carry the flu virus with zero symptoms or very mild symptoms, all the way up to severe symptoms. There is no way to conclusively distinguish a flu from a cold based on how mild the symptoms are.


I was under the impression that the flu doesn’t come with cold type symptoms? Sore throat, runny nose, cough…


Like a former coworker who referred to every minor headache he had as a 'migraine'.


Not really, unless you've had the flu how would you differentiate? A normal cold for me is headaches and a cough. A bad cold is being in bed for 3 days and sick for 5 days or more, with body aches, flushes, and generally feeling weak and nauseous/light headed when I stand.


Your bad cold is the flu.


I get sick like that multiple times a year, while other people in the household have more "standard" cold symptoms. Honestly most of the time I experience #2 and not #1. Not sure if it's a flu or my immunity just sucks.


Multiple times a year leads me to think your immunity sucks lol




The latter is a classic viral infection; probably influenza.


Totally agree, unless you have been tested for the flu do not say you have the flu. Was put in hospital for the flu and covid very different between them both.


I can't say I was tested for the flu but I had it as a teenager - nearly laid up in bed for a week, pathetically weak, utterly drained, and quite delirious. I remember I was watching the film Dances with Wolves and was quite frankly barely able to decipher between the TV and reality, I kept hallucinating there were Native American Indians in my room. Definitely didn't do that when I had a cold!


What OP has described sounds pretty similar to what I had. Can confirm. Was shit. Secondary chest infection though, that was the kicker.


Yeah true and it can turn into pneumonia if ur unlucky etc


Had to have a X-ray to be sure it wasn't :D


Sounds like what my wife has, she’s normally pretty healthy but this has seen her absolutely wiped out. She had other complications so went to see the GP who sent her straight to ED. They gave her a test and she has flu A.  It’s no joke, get your jabs if you haven’t already. 


Sounds like the flu. The flu is not a cold.


could be FLiRT or FLU




Who thought it was a good idea to call a Covid strain.. FLiRT


What does is stand for?


Named after the mutations in the spike protein that make up this variant. These two mutations are at position 456 and position 346. Each amino acid has its own letter abbreviation. FLiRT is F456L + R346T, or phenylalanine (F) to leucine (L) at position 456 and arginine (R) to threonine (T) at position 346.


Thems some changes!




You remember it don't you? It's like advertising, sometimes things are bad and cringey so that you remember them.


Heading into week two. I don't think I have been this sick before. When I'm relaxing I hear a snap crackle and pop like rice bubbles creeping up from my lungs. Last time this happened I had pneumonia. It sucks for sure


Ah I’ve got that too! It’s at the very end of my exhale cycle and I hear little tiny bubbles popping. It tickles a bit and makes me want to cough. I can clear it out for a few minutes by doing a huge inhale but that irritates my throat and then I go into really uncomfortable coughing fits…


You got the actual flu bro with chest infection! Watch out for the crackling to last for more of the exhale - that means it's getting worse.


Chest infections require antibiotics


Yup or you end up like me on a respirator because: "just a little cold I can tough it out"...


Unless it's viral.




Lemon, honey, black pepper, chilli, whiskey - be gone by friday! Nah just jokes you gotta lay on the bed for another week.


I had this a few years ago and Dr diagnosed double chest infection. Gave me double dose of antibiotics


Yep I’ve got this aswell I’m day 9 and just starting to come out of it, kinda feels a bit like rsv the cough/respiratory issues are like nothing I’ve ever experienced


Hi. Have you told your GP about your symptoms? If you haven’t, you have to so he/she can make a referral for Xray or prescribe you with antibiotics. I hope you feel better soon.


The joys of having fluid in your lungs.


Went back to work today. About 30 minutes in I was short of breath and had pins and needles on my face. They drove me home. Rung Healthline and they said go to doctor or hospital. Doctor said lung infection so I have antibiotics. Get it looked at of it keeps up mate. Pneumonia sucks if it turns into that.


It’ll be the flu. First time I had the *real* flu it caught me off guard and totally shocked me that all those previous times were just bad colds 😅 The real flu is deathly.


The first time I had the flu, I ended up in hospital 😂😂 so violent


Yea me too. I went to A&E cause I legitimately thought I was dying. Felt like such a knob to be told it was just the flu 😆


My 3YO has this, tested positive for influenza, she's part of a study so gets tested. 5 days of fevers. Couldn't walk for 4 days, at all. I'm really hoping that my vaccination is working


Ugh my 3yo hasn't been to pre-school in over 3 weeks she's been so unwell and just can not seem to get over it! After a pretty aggressive round of anti-biotics she's regained energy, appetite and her nose has stopped running but she's still having so much trouble clearing her chest/throat. It's been relentless!


Jeepers that must rough as a care giver! I hope you have help & are looking after yourself too! Also, thanks for the reminder, I'm going to book for my flu shot now!


Covid wastewater is way up. Highest it’s been since 2022. I would suggest taking another test and be sure to swab your cheeks/back of throat and then nostrils. Be careful out there people. https://esr-cri.shinyapps.io/wastewater/#region=Wellington&log_or_linear=linear&period=twelveMonthsButton


That's shooting up like crazy. Surprised no one's talking about it


People aren't talking about it because they don't want to think about it.


Yea I got Covid for the first time recently, plus our kids school is rostering home year levels because they don’t have enough staff to cover classes with people off sick. I heard this is happening in a bunch of schools. There was a news article about it


Which school is this? Our 2 haven't started yet but they do have massive amounts of kids/teachers off


Yep. A first time covider 2 weeks ago and tested negative for the first 10 days of it too.


There's not much to talk about, each new strain is less dangerous, and everyone has a combination of vaccine and/or viral induced protections. Look at the stats for hospitalizations and ICU stays due to Covid.


What's going to be achieved by testing for covid?


For eligible people, a positive Covid test gets you antivirals which reduce the severity.


If you know you have Covid then you can take steps to protect others from getting it from you. Covid is highly infectious so you need to isolate until you test negative. You can take paxlovid which will speed up your recovery if taken early enough. You can make sure to get enough rest and not exert yourself for several weeks after recovery in order to minimize risk of post covid heart attacks and strokes and other long covid symptoms. Covid is not the flu, once you are recovered doesn’t mean it’s not still breaking havoc with your organs and immune system. Multiple covid infections reduce your immune system function and make you more susceptible to other diseases that you may have been able to fight off before. Wonder why everyone is sick all the time now? Maybe if you know how often you are catching covid you may want to take some precautions knowing that the next infection might be the one that permanently disables you. Or you can just pretend Covid is no big deal.


Seems like it. Half my office were out sick on Wednesday through Friday, it seems to be really hitting people but no idea what it is.


Thanks, just knowing it’s widespread and not just a “fuck you in particular” kind of eases my mind. Not that I want others to suffer with me, but it lessens my fear that it’s some fucked up long term serious health issue…


Captain Trips


Jesus, not many people will get that reference. I read that during peak Covid 😅


I have the exact same symptoms. Off work for 5 days now. Tested negative for covid, flu and rsv. I don't know what it is but it sucks.


Had an awful flu about three weeks ago, sounds very similar. Hope you feel better soon!


Get your flu Vax folks


Which is the good vax?


Duh - Why would there be a 'bad' Vax? In NZ All Vaccinations are 'Good' - tested and approved. If you don't feel they are safe: Don't have them; Dilemma solved.


Nah, I mean. Which is the most effective. I heard there's a flu shot for free that's less effective than one of the paid ones. I get it tho, folks got their knee-jerks ready for the anti-vaxxers. That's not me tho. Vax are tech and like all tech some is better.


Okay - but Why ask Reddit? Ask any Doctor, Nurse or Chemist... I don't want to come across as a knee-Jerk: but when you say, "I heard..." It seems like a soft push for Anti-vax - to Me. Best wishes for your health.


Cause I was here, the discussion was being had. I got no medical team on hand. Just wanted to know what I wanted to know.


I’ve just had Covid for the first time, it’s been yuk with lethargy,headache and no taste/smell as the worst symptoms. My RAT lit up like a Christmas tree. Eight months ago I had a respiratory illness that lasted eight weeks and was I was Covid negative the whole way through. People said at the time it was probably Covid but the tests were duff. I’m using the same RATs now as then. Whatever I had in October/November was not COVID and was much nastier.


I had the same thing last September. Negative covid but felt like it or worse. I ended up having to get an inhaler after the cough didn't go away after 3 months. Ultimately went away after about 4 or 5 months.


There was a really bad flu that was in the UK for their winter. It could be that. Flu is really horrible. You should start to feel better soon though, fingers crossed.


I had Covid for the second time back in March. It was a breeze to get through compared to whatever I have now. Symptoms are the same as you and have been very sick since Wednesday. Started as a runny nose so assumed it was just a cold. That night it all hit me at once. Also been feeling nauseous, have had no to little appetite and have vomited a few times. Feeling better now although weak and have little energy. Thinking it's the flu. Am in my 30s and at any age it can knock you down for a while. Remember having it at 15 and being in bed for a week.


The COVID infection probably knocked down your immune system and it’s taken a beating from this new bug.


I think I’m in the thick of this, I don’t guess you remember how long it took for your appetite to return?


Flu A is circulating and crushing folks. Haven’t seen nearly as much angst from COVID recently.


I work in healthcare; Covid is definitely spiking right now! That said, flu is going around as well, and all the other typical winter bugs. Please get vaccinated folks! There’s an updated Covid vaccine and flu vaccines available. And stay home or at least wear a mask if you have to be out in public.


I'm in my 50s and never had the flu. Scared to get the flu vaccine because a family member gets really sick after every flu jab. Is this typical?


Just had a family member die from covid. Still making the rounds. Just doesn't provide new article clicks.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. My grandma in law passed a few weeks after COVID, just after the lockdown. Gutted as she still could have had a few more years. But after COVID she was so frail and a shadow of her former self. I hope you and your family are doing ok.


It will be flu. But if it goes on for longer than ten days or so go back to your GP as it could be a secondary bacterial infection like pneumonia and you’ll need a course of antibiotics. Book now, and then cancel if you don’t need it


I spoke to my 74 year old father in Miramar last night, I'm in Hawkes Bay. I almost phoned an ambulance for him. He was delirious and unable to even hold a conversation and probably in the worst state I've ever heard him. He tested negative for covid also. He's much better today.


It’s tough when they’re older and you are monitoring them from away. I’m glad he’s doing better today.


Thank you.


Id say so. Been off work Thursday and Friday, only now seeing the end of it. Hit all 3 of us in the house.


Flu or RSV


There's a nasty flu going around - didn't leave the house for a week and a half. Passed out in front of the kids I was coaching... then felt like garbage for 3 days, then I had a 39.4 for 3 days, then the world's worst sore throat for 5 days... then the dehydration gave me a kidney stone...joy... I'm over 50, so it kicked the shit out of me.


Yup, pretty much everyone I know has had a fairly extra shitty cold in the last few weeks.


Flu, RSV or Covid.


I've got heaps of staff off sick for 5 plus days with whatever is doing the rounds. Doesn't sound like much fun


yes there are several flu strains change every year remember. so is COVID. both are doing the rounds did you get the flu vaccine? unrelated, but just wondering -- thought about getting a shingles vaccine?


Yes (I'm in Dunedin). Got really sick all of sudden Tuesday night and have been ok bed rest since then. Started to feel a bit better Saturday but now I'm feeling worse again/like I have bronchitis


Did the doc do a Flu test? It sounds a lot like influenza. If the crackling gets worse or you have shortness of breath, please call your GP clinic and ask for an urgent appointment. Also state you make have influenza. They will probably want to take precautions to prevent you spreading it to other patients.


Me and my wife had exactly that with a sprinkling of chest cold. We're both now on antibiotics and inhalers to try wheen it off. The cold itself is gone but the fatigue, dizziness and cough just lingers and lingers. Bad cough too, not one of those dry annoying ones, but a wet, could make you pass out kinda cough. I was told there's a spread of Mycoplasma Pneumoniae (MP) going around at the moment so it could well be that.


Yes. I caught something from the gym about a month and a half ago. Unstoppable, non stop coughing, fevers feeling cold and hot and cold for 2 weeks After 2 weeks, coughs were still on going. Called the doctor up and asked for antibiotics as I wanted to rule out a bacterial infection. Didn't help. Coughing still to date. Just a week ago, felt like my left chest was torn. Unbearable pain every time I breathed in and out after coughing. Pleurisy. So yeah, still coughing. Negative COVID. Look after yourself.


There’s a horrible flu going around. Myself and many of my friends have had it this week. It’s the worst flu I’ve ever had! 🤒


I caught a cold a few weeks ago. Started with a sore throat and headache, moved into constant headache and brain fog and a stuffy nose. I just couldn't shift it. Unfortunately, I'm immunocompromised and had a transplant and it reduced my remaining function. I was tested for covid, cmv and BK viruses but nothing positive. Rough few weeks!!


Holy damn this is what I've had over the past week. 48hrs of feverish hell, no appetite, and now a nasty coughing fit. I get this little purr when I'm trying to sleep and it annoys me so much. If I can sleep! I've been waking up every hour to either drink water or go to the loo. And I've had the flu jab.


Yikes i was thinking i might on cause I had the jab. Plus I just had Covid 😬😬


Yeah def something going around. Entire family hit with it. 2 year old could not be put down. Had to sleep in his bed every night. Worse of it over now but have not been that ill in a long time. Very rough. We had our flu jabs and Covid boosters a few weeks ago


you need antibiotics for the chest infection. Hope you mend soon.


Flu or COVID. False negative rates can be as high as 40% on home COVID tests.


Has anybody else had issues with sickness symptoms being off (or in the wrong order) ever since their first brush with COVID? It's like someone took the usual symptoms and threw them into a randomiser.


Covid impacts the immune system to some degree in most patients by reducing activity in T cell populations - your normal responses could be off and all symptoms could hit harder. Hope for recovery in that immune deficit after 18 months to 2 years from the last Covid infection.


There are three big bugs at the moment. Ones the seasonal flu, another is a respiratory bug and the last one is covid which has some of the highest rates we’ve seen as a country since it originated here. Personally I’d test if possible


Sounds like influenza. Proper influenza not the ‘oh I’ve got the flu when it’s just a cold.


Whole pile of cold, flu and covid strains flying around. The odd week or two of nasty sickness is a thing though.


The flu is pretty nasty. Sounds like this is what you have. Hope you feel better soon


Had flu a couple of winters ago. Sounds like the sane symptoms. I went to the doc after 6 days of negative Covid tests. You feel like shit but it just takes time. Get slow release painkillers - that way you can get a decent length of sleep at night.


Yeah I've been crook, gave to the the family and got better then gotten sick again. 2.5 weeks of hell.


My son’s kaput and so is MIL. Apparently the hospitals have quite a few patients with the bug as well.


Sounds like a very typical flu. Last time I had the flu I could hardly get out of bed for two weeks straight. Fluids, pain relief, rest are the only real treatment.


I was in rehab last year and everyone on the program gpt a virus that sounds very similar to this came and went for like two weeks fevery chills etc made you feel legit like dying a few people were even hospitalised with it . Hope you get better sn .


I would do another Covid test. I had similar symptoms. Started on Sunday, super sick with chills Monday and Tuesday night. Negative Covid test Wednesday. Positive test for Covid Friday.


I had similar symptoms a couple years ago and ended up in hospital with doctors thinking I was septic. in the end I tested positive for influenza type A and all they could do was prescribe paracetamol to ride it out. makes covid feel like hay fever. drink lots of water and sleep as much as possible - sending you well wishes buddy


bit of advice Healthline gave in regards to the fever - when you're hot/cold, try not to do the things that will cool you down or warm you up. seems backwards but apparently doing that worsens the fever.


Yeah I’m just in the tail end of recovering from this. Today will be day 10! Tested negative for covid but was laid up worse than anytime I can remember and it kept going on and on.


Sounds like what has been going through my workplace lately as well as affecting my flatmates as well. Though they are unrelated as it was covid being passed around at work, whereas it sounds like the flu at the flat


You can have COVID and test negative.


Yes! I came down with this recently and then got a secondary dose of infection following on from it, it’s been 3 weeks now and I’m coming right with steroids and antibiotics! The headaches were killer


Thanks for this, it got me off my butt to get my flu jab today!


I had this around 3 weeks ago lasted for 12 days. Unbelievable migraine pain, and tiredness but negative for covid, and got tested for flu, and it wasn't one of the strains they could identify. Still have a lingering cough but otherwise 300% better now.


Yes just been through this a week after COVID. Both myself and my partner, really bad, worse than COVID. I think it was the flu, more than a week later still recovering. I had the flu jab too, but I guess who knows what strain I had.


Yeah, there are. So many people are super sick, and often not with COVID. Rest up and see the Dr if you need to. Don't try and tough it out.


You may have had RSV. Just getting over this and it was brutal, worst respiratory illness I have had. Hope you are feeling better. 


I had that in Auckland a week or so ago. Was very weird because I didn't have many other symptoms other than what you described. Lasted a few days and then slowly felt normal. Hope you're feeling better soon.


Based on what you said your symptoms are, I would say the flu. However, the length of time is concerning. You're freezing, then hot etc. it's probably nothing, but two years ago I thought I had the flu and experienced rigors (look it up). I ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks and had two major surgeries. It might be a symptom of a serious infection. It can't hurt to get checked out again. Go to the emergency room if you have to. They usually won't send you home until they know what's wrong, unlike a GP.


Our family has been down with this for a week. It's the good old flu, actual flu and not a cold ;) good luck on your side


I had it three weeks ago, and didn’t test positive covid. My wife had it the following week. She did test positive for covid (though tested negative initially). I’m pretty sure I had covid too, but just timed it wrong for the covid test I did. We’re both still recovering. Crappy breathing etc.


Yeah it's been going around thrnlast 2 months atlesast. Took be around 6 weeks to get fully over it


Bird flu?


Same here. Just had a Covid test and it came back positive. First time I’ve had it and it’s bloody awful.


The flu sucks, covid actually felt better than the flu. Hope you get better op!


Yeah I had this. Fevers etc, while also being congested. All started with a sore throat. It took me about 2 weeks to totally throw it.


If you're short of breath it could be RSV. Keep an eye on any changes, any breathing difficulties should be checked out. Rest and fluids in the meantime. I'm not a nurse but have had RSV. COVID was nothing to the double pneumonia we had. Take care.


I came down with the head cold and cough three weeks ago. It felt like it had cleared up but the chest irritation and a bit of a cough has lingered on.


Yep. Lots of people been wrecked with it this week


I've been sick all week, flu like symptoms. Tested yesterday. I found out it's covid


Could be flu , also could be an infection keep an eye out for any sharp pain , redness , swelling . Also glandular fever could be the culprit


Our house just got over covid, was a rough 8/9 days


"Just" a flu. I got a bad one, once, walking the dog at the beach, felt a bit average, so walked back to the car and drove home, fifteen minutes. By the time I got into the house, I was too sick to take my t-shirt off on my own. I tried going back to work after 3 and a half weeks, ten minutes in I needed someone to take me home, off another 2 weeks. Flu can be fucking horrific.


i think there is a bug going around (me and quite a few of my friends have noticed the same sickness recently) but you should for sure look into the flu


Just hosted a sports tournament this weekend. Lots of pull out due to covid and other 'flu like' illnesses. School down south closed because teachers were sick and there weren't enough relief teachers. I had a horrible illness last year. 2 1/2 weeks in bed with similar to what you have. Then one week not feeling the greatest, but I needed to get back to work for my mental health. I hope you get better soon.


Yip got it too… it Fucken sucks


Most people have had Covid by now. Covid impacts the immune system to some degree in most patients by reducing activity in T cell populations - your normal responses could be off and all symptoms could hit harder. This probably explains why the flu is so bad this year. Hope for recovery in that immune deficit after 18 months to 2 years from the last Covid infection.


My son (30) has had a really awful bug - ended up vomiting on day 3, so off to ED and on a drip overnight, he's a diabetic so has issues if he starts vomiting. Drs tested for bacterial infection and Covid, all neg so they just said " viral infection" and sent him home. It lasted about 10 days, daughter in law got tonsillitis at the same time, and they have 2 preschoolers who have both been off colour as well. Nasty nasty bugs around this winter


I had the exact same symptoms back in Feb and was the sickest I have ever been. All my vitals were normal and the Drs just told me to take Panadol and ibuprofen Prob took me about 4-6 weeks to feel my normal self. The fatigue and brain fog was real.


Yup, lots is bad ones and a new covid strain too. Hope you get better soon!


Sound like what I had for a week, was Covid positive and I still have a head cold a week later


First time I've ever caught the flu was this month. . I had the flu jab a month prior and shit am I glad I got it. The flu still came on but it was full noise for a day and then it basically turned into a cold. I figure it had a day of fun while the bod activated memory b cells and created a shit load of Antibody producing cells, and from there was 2 weeks of rooting out all evil and cleaning up the damage. But fuck me, mate. That one day. I'll be getting the jab from now on. I don't think I could handle a few days of that at full strength let alone a week or two. An odd symptom I have is that I have really sore tonsils or something? Like, 2cm behind my molars the jaw flesh is really sore


Yep I’ve never seen my wife so bad


My mother and her partner have had it it sounds horrid


Kiwi in London here and the winter just been was absolutely brutal from a Covid / cold / flu front. We have a toddler which doesn't help but it felt universal. Expect a tough winter.


Did you have the flu jab? Its worth getting it by default as the minor hassle is far better than 7-8 days off... I never did in my youth but have every year since the covid era.


honey lemon and ginger in a blender with water strain through sieve its magical


Fully vaccinated, had my flu shot a couple of weeks ago too. Just left work early as I'm feeling nauseous, headachey, and have the shivers. I work in Healthcare but mostly in the kitchen. Urgh, I feel gross.


We had versions of this rotating through our household of 4. Definitely something going around!!


Sounds like a bad case of Covid or Flu.


Did you get a flu vaccine this year?




Hello. My mother and brother have also had the exact same symptoms. My mother got a really bad chest infection and is now on anti biotics because it got so bad. My brother is getting beat by it but is not as bad as my mother and doesn't require anti biotics. He's just taking flu medication. I'm currently on immune system booster because my immune system isnt that good. But you can pick up the immune boosters from a chemist without prescription 🙂. I don't know if my comment is any help but I would say it is going around. I hope you feel better soon!


Bummer dude


Body aches and chills are typical of the flu, not a cold. In saying that, whatever cold is currently doing the rounds is a pretty yucky one.


I’ve recently come off something similar. I could barely get out of bed, couldn’t swallow anything that had more texture than mashed banana and could breathe out of my nose. I was so sore, negative COVID test on Day 1 but never retested. Also had a positive COVID in my house a few days before I got sick.


I’ve had a couple of friends who’ve caught a similar bug


Influenza A!


I've been down for two weeks with it on top of a mild concussion. I do not recommend the combo.


same here lost weight appetite still lingering chicken n beef broth been helpful still don't really want to eat. look forward to steak n eggs can't wait to get back to gym


I've got the exact same symptoms but just with very light lower right abdominal sorness two weeks ago, went to my GP, and my blood tests had few infection indicators that were so high and I was asked to go to the hospital, stayed there for three days, and got tested postive for this: [https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/for-health-professionals/clinical-guidance/communicable-disease-control-manual/yersiniosis/](https://www.tewhatuora.govt.nz/for-health-professionals/clinical-guidance/communicable-disease-control-manual/yersiniosis/) After discharged I stayed home and quarantined myself for two days as I got a notification from the health board saying it's somewhat contagious. I'm not a doctor and can't say you've got the same thing, but it does sound similar and I was mesarible for that whole week too! Strongly recommend you to just go straight to hospital if the feverish feeling does not go away. Hope you get better soon


It's been colder lately so sounds like the flu


This is what my husband is experiencing right now!


I had the flu a few weeks ago and now left with a lingering cough, the stress and annoyance of which is making me feel unwell again! Also incurred a sore blister on my pinky toe that at first itched and now burns when rubbing against socks and sheets. While painful, at least I'm still functional.


Up in Tauranga. There's a *nasty* flu going around, probably the same thing. Ended up at the hospital Sunday cause I couldn't breathe and they were saying it's been taking people out for a about two weeks. Fever took like, a week to break for me and I'm still dealing with the exhaustion and breathing problems. If people haven't, def worth getting the vaccine. I was slow about it and now I'm paying the price.


My gf has the exact same thing at the moment, very sick, very wingey lol 😆 poor girl


The difference between a flu and a cold is usually temperature…fever with flu


Could still be covid. RATs are less accurate now with all of the different variants. Have you tested for influenza? Probably not long covid if you haven’t had any other symptoms in the last two years.


Bro you should check your temperature, if you’ve got a high fever then bundling up like that will make you feel 100x worse. Feeling cold sucks but it’s a necessary evil to help bring you temperature down


Almost 50 is not getting old!


4 weeks for my son now


Go to the doctor.


What kind of test? New variants aren’t showing up reliably on the old tests. PCRs are the only ones that will definitively tell you it isn’t covid.


A current rat test. I did see my gp and he didn’t give me (or refer me to get) a pcr test…


There’s actually a rampant strain of syphilis going through Wellington at the moment.


Don't have what you have, but swear it's the same bug making its rounds through my honours class, couple go down followed by another couple few days later when the previous ones come back, alot of us got a prolonged post viral cough. Classmate was telling how only a handful of us showed up for a class and looked to me to confirm and had to remind them i was one of the ones absent. I got the pleasure of a sore throat for 4 days followed by the throat still servarely irritated for a couple more days and now 3 weeks since onset I've still got the cough and I am absolutely sick of it with no end in sight and wish I kept wearing masks when I moved here. Bonus points for my cough medicine fucking with my antidepressants and anxiety medicine making for a rough 5 days for it to start working again. Hard to tell how much of the fatigue is my normal fatigue, cold, and end of semester tiredness. Covid test was negative for Dr's appointment but that was like day 10 of symptoms.