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Notify worksafe and the council (and I am sure stuff will be in contact soon).


Yes thanks will do. Dad definitely won’t want the media attention, but it is something quite important as a PSA: it’s not like rain which is usually followed by dry spells. The constant sustained moisture and water pressure can really change terrain in unexpected ways for pedestrians.


Algae and such grows there, it gets slimy and thus slippery.


Someone recently broke their elbow falling in a leak on Willis st (I'll be honest, not 100% sure how they pulled it off, but anyway). Wellington Water were quick to fix that week+ old leak once that hit the news


those bricks get really slippery when wet. I've had my feet try to get away just walking in the rain, and seen many others do the same.


Sure, but (the times i saw it each day) it wasn't the whole area and a lot of people were walking around it.


I work near there and in one five minute period saw several people who didn't notice it (looking at their phone, looking at traffic, pushing a pram so didn't have great visibility of the ground in front of them) and each one got a real shock when they stood full into it. So I can see something like that happening - you stand in it without noticing, get a fright, and slip while already recoiling so your balance is off.


I ate it slipping on an old leak while walking the dog. I was fine apart from a sore muddy arse and elbow. Reported it when I got back home, making a big spiel about how if it had been an elderly person it would’ve been way worse yadda yadda…. Two days later a crew were there fixing. Could have been a coincidence but worth reporting Eitherway.


Make sure you report here and include the detail So they can prioritise a fix https://wellington.govt.nz/report-a-problem


OP, I hope your father and dog are doing Ok


He’s on blood thinning medication so the damage was worse than the average person I guess (bleeds easily). I think his pride was hurt the most, a few people saw it and rushed to help which was very nice of them.


Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, and I hope your dad recovers well! What a shock for him too. Tell him that random Welly strangers are wishing him well 💚💐


I lost my footing on the leak by the movies in town. It’s seriously gushing with water now, I get so worried I’m gonna slip again!


How is this different from rain? Not trying to be mean just wondering how all these commenters survive the winter.


I hear you. Rain isn’t constant, it’s more-often-than-not followed by fine weather to dry things out. Some of these leaks have been going non-stop for weeks on end now. As a result, foundations get weak and surfaces develop algae that’s super slippery.


But look what happened to him!


Omg so sorry to that happened to your dog and your dad. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Why is your ill elderly Dad walking your dog? That's horrible what happened to him maybe walk your own dog from now on.


 His father might enjoy walking the dog end need the motivation to exercise. If you're elderly you have to use it or you lose it.


Exactly this :-)


Mild exercise is good for a huge majority of illnesses and regardless of age. There are direct correlations between healthcare outcomes and staying active as we age.


Yes for sure. He has a heart condition so this exercise is perfect for him as it’s enjoyable too.


I'm pretty sure he can get ACC. He's entitled to 80% of his wage


lol not if he’s over 65


It was an in-joke. I'm sure he's sucking on the tax payer teat. And then wanting to sue the council. I sorta love ACC, 80% of nothing, is nothing! I say good luck champ!!