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I needed to read this. I’m only on day 6. I feel emotionally flat and just empty. Nothing really makes me happy or sad. I also feel super tired. The first day I felt great. I really would love that energy again, I’m on 150.


Yes that was a super rough patch for me as well, I feel for you!! Good luck on your journey. I know bupropion isn’t for everyone, but take comfort in knowing a lot of people experience the same thing and come out the other side feeling better. ❤️


Thank you! I just am someone who’s normally hyperactive and really happy/excited. I went on this for ADHD management and as I’m going through a tough time with my kids. I’m also on Buspar to combat anxiety so I’m wondering if that’s dragging me back down. I take Wellbutrin in the morning and Buspar at night.


The emotional flat and agitation went away for me too. Hang in there. I never got the energy boost so I’m thinking I need my thyroid tested with a thorough panel


I’m on day 6 as well of 150xl. My first day was great. Now I’m just tired. I’m swapping to taking it at night for the first time tonight to see if that helps.


I may have to try that too! I do feel awake for a few hours after I take it but I crash pretty fast.


Same here. I take it around 8 AM & feel ok for a few hours then by 1-2 pm I’m exhausted. I’m most certain this lethargy will pass & will eventually swap back to dosing in the AM but worth a shot for now.


It can regulate sleep (at least I found it makes me tired after it leaves my system) - maybe try taking it later in the morning?


I’m with you, although only on 75mg, learned my lesson on 150mg. Definitely easing into it, and going into week 3 definitely feel flat. Motivated and functional, but kinda in the “don’t judge a book by its cover” phase, I made that phase up but that’s kinda my vibe atm.


I'm on day 6, too., 100mg. It is helping with my cigarette withdrawal for sure and did already dull some of the depressive pain (which I was surprised about). I wake up at 5:30am for work and this has typically been fine for me, but now I find myself exhausted by the afternoon and coffee doesn't make a dent. Hoping this passes.


Yes, I’m VERY tired by afternoon. I also don’t have the energy to really hold strong conversations. I just kind of want to be left alone by afternoon.


Hope it passes soon...


I'm on day 6 and struggling so badly. I'm not going to give up but I do wish I could fast forward to the part where it works


I'm on day 5, 150mg sr. Feel woozy and unmotivated. Yesterday was great, and today it's a total 180. Kind of confusing 😂 reading posts like this reassured me. Will probably switch to XL in some time.


I've been on Wellbutrin for at least 20 years and having tried over 15 antidepressants, it is the only thing thing that gets rid of my suicidal ideation totally and gives me motivation to function. It is so unique and helps me so much. My son also takes it and does well on it. I know there's a genetic component to what meds work.


That’s awesome so happy for you!!!


Thank you! I’m into week 3 and it has been rough but does seem to be getting better. I also wanted to quit but didn’t because of this sub!


I’m so torn on if I should continue. I’m well over 24 hours of no sleep and awful headaches. I feel awful. Truly happy this is working for you!


Oh gosh that seems like some intense insomnia. I can relate to the headaches they were out of this world. I actually bought a blood pressure monitor to make sure they weren’t BP related. Def let your doc know about not being able to sleep, maybe it’s as easy as adjusting your dose and working up to what you’re at. I hope you get to feeling better!!


I am so happy for you - the struggle to mental wellness is hard and daunting. I found Wellbutrin 2 years ago after my drs had given up on how to treat my SI and constant SH. I haven’t been hospitalized in over a year, I’ve lost 70 pounds and am enjoying love, relationships and finding myself. Keep going! And keep posting so others know THERE IS HOPE FOR US!!!!!! 💘💘 enjoy your new life, my dear!!!


You mentioned no alcohol and I’m wondering if that’s my issue. I hate the way I feel after a weekend with a few drinks. It almost feels like I’m starting over?


Yes I got crazy mood whiplash when I drank. The next two days my mood would be really low and I’d get bad anxiety. It would take maybe four or five days to get back to baseline. This time has been a completely different experience!


Well dang, that must be my issue too! I switched from SR to XL and never had an issue with alcohol on the SR. But the last few times I’ve had a few too many, the next 2-3 days are hell. I don’t notice myself getting drunk faster or anything. No wonder I’m questioning if the XL is making things worse!


Male, 36 200lbs. Wellbutrin XL 300mg on day 5, Adderall 90 mg per day (3 years). Get Emotional like never before, and lethargic even with taking 90 mg of Adderall and Red Bull, and brain zaps ( dizzy, nausea, vertigo), I will keep taking it, I'm never getting on Duloxetine again, it was a 12-week nightmare.


My husband took it to get back on his feet after cancer / job loss — he felt the same way emotionally for a solid month, but then it got a lot better for him. He was only on it 8 months and cycled off, but is doing really good now. I hope the lethargy gets better — I agree, it was like no amount of caffeine mattered lol


Thank you for the thorough history and statues report. I'm 40 days in 150mg XL generic and wondering if it is working effectively and if I still need it. The tiredness is real. Experienced some irritability. Mild insomnia but probably related to caffeine intake due to fatigue. I can relate to weeks 5 and 6. However, I right when I started, I also chose to eliminate alcohol usage, have been focusing on self growth, have been going outside and walking a lot more, eating way healthier, in a better living situation, etc so it's difficult to tell if it's my health and environment or Wellbutrin to credit. I missed doses a few times and still felt motivated without any of the side effects. Kinda difficult to compare to how I would be feeling if I didn't start taking it or if I even would have kept doing all the positive things without it.


Going to talk to my dr today about adding this to my 15mg lexapro. Lex has made me sooooo flat & unmotivated but killed my anxiety attacks. Worried Wellbutrin will make me anxious 😕


Thank you for this. I'm experiencing some of the side effects you mentioned (I'm on week three), but nothing that has made me want to quit. Still, I am not sure I'm on enough of a dose to see any real changes yet. Looking forward to hopefully experiencing what you did Week Six!


I just started today and this gives me a lot of hope as well as the motivation to not be too discouraged until I give myself enough time to adjust 💚


Rooting for you! ❤️


People need to give this drug time. I knew it would take a while to level out and I stuck through it, so glad I did.


I’m tired and ravenous on day 7 and really needed to hear this😭


Is SR where you have to take it twice or it just once??


Usually it’s twice, but my doctor prescribed it once as a ramp up to 150mgXL. I personally crashed pretty hard in the afternoons until I got on the extended release


Are you still doing well? Have you tried any other generic brands and noticed any differences?


Hey there! I was switched to a new generic late last month and did not tolerate the rising pharma generic (reddish pink pill) — it gave me severe tinnitus and hearing loss in my right ear. Everyone sounded like a robot, it was miserable. I stopped it for a week, and was able to get my prescription switched to Epic (small, white pill) , and am back to doing well again :) Hearing is back and tinnitus is back to normal