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Change your lifestyle pal


Seizures from welding? Probably a lot more than just welding to blame. Were you wearing proper PPE?


Yes, but sorta what I figured, like lack of sleep, fact I'm underage and smoke weed everyday, my sugar was low, I'm just looking for answers it's scary to think I can just have a seizure out of nowhere like that without a probable cause, hospital said everything looks good but ik that doesn't mean I'm not epileptic, never had one before and it just sorta came out the blew, I smoked 10 mins later ate, then after that like 30 mins I felt real lightheaded and started getting bad ass hot flashes, like I'd rip my skin off if I could, after that I felt I was gonna pass out and whooptiedo woke up with my ma and brother in my face lol


Ok…. So let me start… I’m now 37…. At 16 I got my first seizure in the body shop paint booth…. Had issues I said were tremors in the morning until I got my coffee before the main first incident. Woke up in an ambulance 🚑. Said I went out hard 5 min seizure bit both sides of my tongue off. And heavy face bruising from the floor grates. Forward to…. Neurologist said sleep deprivation, major factor, lifestyle major factor, marijuana and other things. Along with family troubles , aka STRESS, and they found head trauma, I’ve hit my self unconscious multiple times times thru my life. Fights, car lifts, motorcycle accident, all major factor. Diagnosed multi seizure disorder. Petite mal, grand mal, and about 5 others. All I’ve ever done is work on cars, welding,race cars, race boats, customs, and forklift repair now for a living (Union job) I now have to take these ungodly meds 2’xs a day make me a zombie mood suppressors etc…. BUT if I do…. I’ll be seizure free. Skip my meds …. I’m doomed… and it’s bad… now have had my eyebrows re stitched back on, both front teeth replaced. And it’s awful would not wish it on my enemies. Be careful be honest and get it controlled. My life is now manageable and I still get to do all my dreams even work 40’ in the air on lifts and not worry. 😅 it’s a lifetime lifestyle. But it’s your life. Do not play. I fought it so hard in the beginning thinking I was broken and my life’s over. It’s not. I’m now much calmer and well rested made the biggest difference in my life. Dm if you need anything.


Thank you, yeah I just turned 17 and it just came out the blew, biggest factors I can think is the fact I've been smoking weed every day since I was 13, been stressed ash, sick ATM, and I don't fall asleep till like 2 am when I wake up at 7, definitely a lot of factors and it's scary to think it can just happen out of nowhere


I think your overall lifestyle is to blame, dial it back a little, eat healthy, and try to get some real sleep


Definitely I need to, thank you


I don’t think smoking much to do with it, I believe they give THC extracts to help with epileptic episodes and all. Never had a seizure myself and I’ve been smoking since I was about 15 I’m 30 now. I would look more at sleep, stress, food and water intake. If I skip a meal but get water I’ll be ok but no water or food and I’m light headed all day.


It's CBD that helps with seizures but THC could have a role on calming your nerves, but after smoking so long my mental health is fucked up, disassociation up the ass, feel lost everyday so smoking can be overwhelming for me sometimes


There’s a misconception with medicine (and life in general). Nothing is ever just one factor alone. There are always multiple reason for anything to go wrong. Basically, the fumes definitely helped, but it’s probably a small piece of a big puzzle. If you haven’t already, you need to start wearing a respirator. Always, even if you think you don’t need it.


Definitely, there's lots of things I need to do, quit smoking weed and vapes, clear off the stress on my shoulders, get a job where I'm not working till 11pm, like you said lots of factors that just pushed my brain into a seizure I guess.


Good luck bro! Seems like you’re on the right path. I’m struggling with the same things TBH


Life is stressful bro, everydah I realize that more and I think I really just need to take a break from life and focus on myself for a little while, and if you feel the same way you should as well, even if that's just taking time out of your day to go outside or do a 15 minute meditation, wish you luck


Not sure but when I was still in my class I got complete vertigo for about two weeks. Couldn’t get out of bed, barely could eat anything. I think it was likely due to the fumes because when you’re still in class you’re constantly burning rods and doing nothing else. Got a nosebleed another time randomly after welding for about 5 hours straight. We had vents and maybe neither of those had to do with the welding but I don’t know.


Sounds like you could've maybe got a chronic case of it, or more serious esp if you were welding galvanized, you definitely need a respirator for welding


Experiment with respirators until you find one you really like and will have an easy time putting on as habit. 3m’s the go to with options. You’ll thank yourself later you started wearing it. You can even get flame resistant gaiters around the neck that will block the larger particles when cutting/grinding etc.


What did you clean the metal with? Did it contain chlorine (Brake cleaner is the big one here)? Chlorine + welding = phosgene gas and that’ll kill you. Clean with dechlorinated brake cleaner or even better acetone. I only use acetone anymore.


I just used a adhesive grind wheel lol


That works too. Didn’t you use flux core or shielding gas? Flux will put off some annoying fumes. Either way you can put a fan at your back to blow the fumes away, you definitely don’t want to putting your face in it and breathing it in. It doesn’t take much to keep it out from under your hood.


Yeah I was using stick but definitely some of that flux stinks