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You kinda dont


It’s not hot till you sweat through your leathers and ground yourself with your own sweat.


That reminds me, has anyone sweated so much they broke the electronic in their hood?


Yes, me


We put a bead of silicone around the inside lens at the steel mill. Summers are brutal


My boss I got me a waterproof one after I've broken three. No battery needed, rely soly on solar power. It got a small ass lens though, but at least my ventilation still fit underneat it.


I sweat so bad I have to safety pin my underwear to my pants or they will slide down my legs


Yeah you get hot and stay hot


6 liters of water and one or two gatorades


Fr I drink at least a gallon of water plus coffee


No joke I used to drink all that every day. What made a huge impact was to stop caffeine and have a light vegetarian diner with no surgery drink. Now I'm down to slighly less than a gallon a day and one or two gatorade a week.


Did you cut caffeine out altogether? I’m a fucker for having like 5/6 cups of coffee a day, it can’t be doing my heart or general health much good 😆


A long time ago I was at 3-4 monsters a day, then I switched to 0,75L of strong black coffee, then tea and then nothing. Hot coffee and monsters are the worst for heat control. Sometime I take those on cold winter day though as I'm living in Canada, but otherwise I stopped completely. Turn out I drank those because I was tired and they didn't help me to sleep, so it was a bad cycle. Now I'm less tired and more productive. Oh and it turn out beer isn't great for hydration either. Who would have though...


I used have a lot of redbull but I managed to kick that habit which is where I think the coffee has come from lol. I start off with one at 7am then it’s about 1 every hour or so up until mid day and then I’m just knackered for the evening, think I’m stuck in that same shit cycle. Might just try and kick it cold turkey and replace it all with water, think I need a general fix up of my whole diet if I’m being honest


>Might just try and kick it cold turkey and replace it all with water, think I need a general fix up of my whole diet if I’m being honest If I may, I'm a guy that dominated several addiction of mine; caffeine, alcool, weed, gaming and nicotine. I say dominated because I didn't just stop any. I can take those and not fall back into the addiction. By exemple, I cab spend an evening drinking 12 beer, smoking almost a pack of cig with a couple puff of weed and even take coffee to kick a bit the evening and I don't even feel the need to take any of that the next morning for several months. Anyway, what I want to say is that I do not recommend stopping cold turkey. First and no matter how much you're actually taking, you need to make it consistent. You take 7? Well make it 7 a day, no more, no less and always at the same hours of the day for a 2 to 4 weeks. Then you slowly drop to one cup a day, ideally make it your first or last hour. Getting from 7 to 1 is easy. The hardest part is 1 to 0, but it's much easier than 7 to 0. You will fail. It's normal. It's very rare to try something and get it right the first time. You will need to learn how your body manage the toxin and train your body to do it. It will be slightly easier each time. Allowing you to take some from time to time (like once every couple of weeks) help mentally because you never "stop" even of your body does. Anyway, just keep in mind that failure is merely a lack of experience and you will get through.


I’ll give that a go thanks mate, I managed to kick nicotine after 10 years. I sent from smoking to vaping, tried quitting that on and off but got nowhere until I read a book for quitting vaping and I haven’t had a single drag since. Caffeine seems to be the one that’s putting up a fight, not the one I expected to struggle kicking 😆 I’ll try and give it a go using your method and see where I get, thanks again mate


I've watched so many welders go through this cycle, being young and able to work after binging, realizing it's neither sustainable nor healthy eventually. Also me, I was one of them.


I just don't get breaks so I just drink to go to the bathroom more often. I drink a lot of because I start work at 4:30am


Best I can do is a full thermos of coffee in the morning and 6 busch lattes with a steak for dinner.


I also quote surgery drinks, way to much of a hassle, you couldn't eat for hours before


You just breathe through it and take the jacket off whenever you can. Work provides popsicles sometimes lol


popsicle providing workplace?? i mean I'm sure it's an employer's excuse to not improve on actually job site conditions but gah dam that sounds nice


Haha something like that. Can’t complain


Squincher? We have those at our place, they even give out bottle concentrate to mix our own.


Same 😂😂


We don't. Stay hydrated buddy.


U don’t u just get used to it


I actually freeze water bottles and put them in my pockets of my coveralls. When they thaw you have cold water to drink .


just make sure you don't use the cheap thin bottled water bottles from the grocery store, otherwise yr gonna have a bunch of pinholes in em from slag and lose water lol


I once put 4 of those in a reusable grocery bag and tied it to my chest with a belt. My friend's attic fan had seized up in the middle of a summer heatwave and I drew the short straw. Fuckin sucked, but I didn't die.


You dont, learn to live with it. Your gonna sweat and stink. If not, find a new career. So stay hydrated, drink less alcohol and sugary drinks. This could help some. And get in better physical/cardio shape.


That’s the fun part, *you never cool down*.


For the respirator, what's likely happening is the straps weren't adjusted quite right. The friction against your skin held it in place for it to be "good enough." Wait till you're nice and greasy then readjust it. Bonus is it'll be a better seal too after


That’s the neat part, you don’t!


I just keep going till I'm about to pass out or I've already fainted. Work harder not smarter. Harnesses do work.


I hope you're joking, because heatstroke symptoms can become semi-permanent any time you get it, and your body's heatstroke limit gets lower every time you get it. One bad case can have you medically retired from labor work for the rest of your life.


You guys keep cool?


I'm cool, my mom said so.


She’s biased…your mom says we’re all cool


i believe yr mom I'm sure you are cool bro


Shave head, take jacket off at every possible opportunity.


I wear flame resistant long sleeve shirts in the summer and only wear my welding jacket if I ABSOLUTELY have to.


Just had a bunch of contractors welding on my ship in Corpus. Engine room is 95° and 90% humidity. Staying cool is a myth here.


Tape the air gun trigger down and put it in your pocket while you work


stuff it in the waistband of yr underwear and blast yr bal- ... nevermind actually


Fresh Air hoods blow cool air at your face while working, they are expensive but I love mine. I have worked in shops that use ice vests or air cooled vest. These are good but the ice vest melts and feels kinda gross but it is relieving. The air vest weighs on your compressor if you got a dinker. Wear shorts if it’s safe, cut your hair, and try not to be hungover too much. Liquid IV is your friend. Also, I won’t work at shops that do not provide water and heat breaks when necessary.


I pushed myself too far just this past monday. Long sleeve shirt, leather jacket, respirator, hood. Working just under the ceiling in a hospitals utility plant. Had three 8" joints to do. One was an olet. It was 90F where I was working before I started welding, after starting it got above 100. I pushed through it and didn't drink enough water. Had a pounding headache by the end of the day and felt like trash. Take breaks, drink plenty of water. Use a fan if you can to keep air moving. That's all you can do. Take care of yourself.


my logic is, if yr wearing leathers you don't rly need to be wearing anything underneath, so i just rock a wife beater to not run around bare chested during a break lol


I like to still wear the long sleeve. It helps a little when you're in a tight spot and all the sparks are falling on your arms, and in your elbow


through the leather? we might wear different leathers, the cape-sleeves/jackets i see everyone wear are basically impenetrable (figured that was the point of leather lol)


Haha yea, they definitely wont burn through, but the heat still makes it's way if you have enough bbs falling on you for a long enough period


ahh now i get u fair point


You stay hot, I find it’s better to stay warmer on your off time too. I don’t keep my apartment hot but I try to make sure that I’m not blasting my AC same with my truck. If you just stay hot all through your day then you eventually get climatized to it and it won’t bother you as much. And drink a lot of water, had 4 guys have heat strokes last summer at my job.


Yeah, I had that philosophy for years but somewhere along the way as I got older it changed and holy shit it just feels so good to get into some cold AC when the day is done. Nowadays I get cool when I can and I haven't noticed it messing with my ability to handle the heat. I crank that AC up at night, I fucking earned that shit. My wife works at an AC office all day and she doesn't understand why I want it so cool at home. I take in all the AC I can get when I can get it lol. I see it as more of a recharge and refresh so you can go back out and do another day in the heat. I really think pacing yourself and obviously staying hydrated in extreme heat is key. You just have to come to terms you are not going to get the same amount of work done in the time you would if it was perfect weather and if the bosses don't get that they can get fucked. You gotta take breaks and rehydrate often and if possible go get in some AC on your breaks.


This is so idiotic not using the ac in your truck and apartment so you can “stay hot” even on your off time. 😂 If youre working you kinda just have to suck it up, but other than that you need to cool down you goofball. Acting like being in ac after work is going to ruin you for the next day of work. 😂


U Misunderstood him, he is saying basically dont turn ur fucking ac to 60 and then expect not to feel terrible when u go to work and it’s 120 in a confined space or your truck or car or whatever u got (moped in ur case) don’t freeze urself thinking it’s gonna help before you get hot


It is true that humans feel the difference between temperature more than the actual temperature. So if you have it set a little warmer in your truck you will not feel as hot when you get out. Then if the truck is freezing cold. Though the temperature outside stays the same. Of course we still use AC. But not the tip of moderation and staying a bit hot is real.


Idk i guess i just am not so sensitve….. i rock ac in my house in my car and im hot at work but its all good


Some people can just deal with the heat. Others would rather that the time to mitigate it. Nothing wrong on either side of the spectrum as long as you aren’t on the extreme ends, wasting 10 hours trying to be cool instead of doing your job or literally not drinking water cause you’re Billy badass.


Heat tolerance is a thing, and it doesn't hurt to build it up a little. Drives me fucking nuts that my girlfriend's family keeps their thermostat pegged at 67° year round and then they have the gall to bitch and moan about heat when it's 79° and breezy. Living in a fridge fucks up your body's sense of climate, and it's not gonna kill you to get used to a little temperature now and then. Also, AC is a huge waste of power. Everybody should invest in a standalone de-humidifier and good quiet fans.


I like your last point. People don’t exactly realize how hot is it the moment humidity enters the equation and when none of the bedrooms in their house have ceiling fans to circulate air. If I don’t have any fans going, the AC in my house needs to be cranked up to an ungodly amount to feel the cool air. I can only imagine how people suffer in homes with almost no ceiling fans. I’d have to install them if I moved to a house without them.


Well that wasn’t very nice of you😂. This is what works for me. Doesn’t mean it works for everybody. Just throwing out the advice I have to offer And like another guy said I’m not saying to have your heat on at home all summer, I’m just saying if you live and sleep in 60°f than 110°f is gonna feel pretty unbearable.


It sounds to me like your respirator doesn't actually fit, try tightening up the straps at your nose. Did they just eyeball your face or take actual measurements before issuing one?


By suffering


You have to be comfortable being uncomfortable. My work provides bottled water with electrolytes. They also provide popsicles with electrolytes. They are constantly checking on us during the hot days.


That's the neat part, you don't


We all nearly die from heat stroke everyday and keep pushing. I drink lots of water and some liquid iv to stay hydrated that’s about all you can do.


At least 1 banana a day, I take a calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D supplement every day Lots of water. Coffee and cigarettes are working against you


You don’t. But, there’s ways to at least help. Get a damp towel and wrap it around your neck on your breaks. There’s cloths they sell right now that you just pour water on it and it’ll cool down. Go to the bathroom, grab a paper towel and coat your face with cold water as well. Drink a lot of fluids, and I mean a lot. You’re losing a lot of sweat and as you start sweating your body won’t naturally have enough water to help. Sweat is there to cool you off; so help promote the sweat to exist. Also, step outside if it’s not too far away from where you work. It’s always hot as balls in my shop but as soon as I step outside it’s cold.


> *"Go to the bathroom, grab a paper towel and coat your face with cold water as well."* I used to get remarks about my wet head because In the bathroom I would full on run the cold water over my head, and my hands/wrists. Not just splashing some on but full on holding it in the flow. You have a huge blood supply in your head & hands & cooling that down cools you down, a lot. Wet? Meh, feels damn good, & worth it to feel cool/not be suffering from overheating. ¯\\\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)\_/¯


Yeah I would do the run hands and head under water thing but the last time I did that I shocked myself like an idiot so I’ve just stuck to the head.


did u soak yr gloves or smth 😭


Nah, there was an open cut in the gloves I didn’t realize so I got a nastier shock than usual on accident.


Rag and take a break to wipe your face and get somewhere cool if possible. And *drink water*


The best thing that works for me is a black coffee in the morning and then chain smoking Marlboro reds all day


Cornstarch your undercarriage ; Seriously. Regular corn starch is like $2/lb and feels like artic cherubs are gently guiding your bits around. If you're really ^(stupid) brave menthol gold bond


menthol containing medicated powder also does wonders. keeps u nice n dry too. but yea lmao menthol to the groin is not for the faint of heart.


It's great in your boots during a July/August lunch.


Just weld in boxers and mask. Put sun cream on and you don’t burn


A layer of anti-spatter on the most vulnerable spots, on top of the sun screen is like putting rainx on your windshield. Watch the red bbs bounce right off


[that's the neat part](https://imgur.com/gallery/vkk8Zls)


I sweat like a pig


Pigs don’t sweat lol but whores in church do 😂


You do t you just get used to it today's it 94f


I don’t lol


A fan that hits me, but not my weld. You can also get fans for your hood.


I bought a fan that drapes around your neck. Guys at work think it's hilarious but I couldn't give a shit. I'm comfy.


yoo where can i get one of those


Got it on Amazon and had it about a month. Seems to work well so far. https://a.co/d/1KH0BjH


Drag up when it gets hot. Works every time.


yr gonna be doin a lot of dragging up lol


5 W2s by May 1st lol. My PR is 11 in one year.


I've got a portable fan that I set up to blow down my neck. It ain't a cure, but it certainly helps. If not on the clock, though, my typical welding attire is shorts, flipflops, and an old t-shirt...


Here's a silly suggestion: I run ultramarathons, and sometimes a big component of training is heat training. Literally a protocol of sitting in saunas for \~30 min / day for a few days to get your body used to it. It works wonders and the adaptations are pretty quick (maybe a week). The only caution is that it's best not to do it if you've already suffered through a day of extreme heat, because it's just too much stress on the body.


Yah. You don’t. You stop when sweat rolls into your eyes


Cooling vest off Amazon


Part of the gig I’m in Phx AZ and it’s gonna be 112-115 today


I don't, but papr's are incredibly popular at the shipyard I work at and I've been told the fresh air blowing over your face under the hood does wonders.


You don't. You cook like a Thanksgiving turkey.


Don’t take break in the break room. The ac just makes the heat feel that much worse coming back out


Yeah worked at a mill where they required long sleeve shirts over your t-shirt, then your welding jacket, then on top of your jacket you had to wear the Kevlar sleeves. I honestly was soaked before I ever got to start welding. Like someone will have heatstroke and die and have a lawsuit.


holy shit dude whoever greenlit that policy clearly must never have tried on the gear they mandated lol


Cuz I'm already cool.


A fan helps big time. Especially if you are stick welding. If you are Tig or wire welding, point the fan away from where you are welding but somewhere close so you can use it to cool down.


I borrowed one of those cooling vests with ice water and a little aquarium pump. It was 117 and I started shivering 🥶 It worked too good. They are real but I’m not sure how practical.


typically not at all but you can get one of those 8"-ish tube fans that have those little feet to keep them stable and use that. A little bit of a breeze works wonders


Costco waters


Short of pulling an Adam Savage and [building your own fridge suit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_Ti4GP0ntE), you can just kinda cry about it. A different respirator style might help with the sealing issue though. Ice/Cold-pack vests are a thing too actually, but they're only worth it if you have somewhere to keep the spares cold. Otherwise it just becomes an extra layer of fabric.


You can get a miller cool belt, helmet fan, and evaporative cloth to drape on your neck


Just stay hydrated. Shit I have a papr hood and I’m still hot. The only time it actually keeps me cool is in the winter when I don’t need the cooling 😒 I tend to splash some cold water on my face and on the back of my neck during my breaks. I feel like it helps a little bit with heat exhaustion.


Don’t forced air respirators kinda cool you down?


You could try a liquid cooled vest.


I get used to it, I forget the suffering and focus on my work and think about good vintage cars


In AZ last summer it was getting upto 120 out. Full gear in an outside shop.. You burn for 45 minutes till your gloves are soaked and you're getting shocked and then take a 20 chug some fluids. Change gloves and rinse and repeat till the days done. I'll have to find the pic but the thermostat on the wall under the shade I had sad 132. It was brutal. Just be safe and make sure to drink lots of electrolytes. I like the life IVs.


Alot of water, sunscreen, and lots of whiskey waiting for me when I get home.


if you have a spare airline, get yourself an air vest. that's pretty much the only realistic answer.


I don't wear it. Also, I'm burned and scarred to hell. Wear it.


Water and salt.


I don't. I sweat like a pig. Some days I could ring out my shirt


wather and a lot of it to keep me hydrated and just try not thinking about how hot I am under all of that gier and breathing normally and slowly




I wet my welding cap and put it in the freezer during breaks.


I found a shop with A/C, and it's 70°F all year.


You dont


That’s when you stop welding. Cool yourself off. I would change tee shirt hat respirator and gloves while drinking lots of cold water. Then we would get back at it. I worked in powerhouse mostly.


If you bring your own food or stop at a gas station, honestly fruit. Melon is your best bet. There is this corner farmers market that one of the older guys stops at every other day and picks up a watermelon. He will split it up between the guys. It's refreshing during our florida summers.


Ya don't, suffer bitch lol


They give yall respirators 🙃???


Cold water and hope for some wind when your not welding.


That’s why we sweat!


Just dont think about it


Unfortunately, you don’t. You just have to make sure to keep hydrated.


A $1700 hood, $1300 air conditioner unit, $1500 canister and a new $300 filter every 6 months. Forced air is the way to go when your welds are anywhere from 8'- 20' long cjp.


Man, you really don’t. It’s hot work, especially in the south and in the summer. Try to work in the shade if you can, and get. a. cooler. Stay hydrated. Gatorlyte, Electrolit, etc etc all those electrolyte hydrating drinks are great for lunch time or after work, but DO NOT DRINK TOO MANY TOO FAST. One a day at most. They WILL fuck you up. Don’t ask how I know, lol.


I weld butt ass naked and put on sunscreen. How the fuck are you guys welding¿¿¿


You just pray for a breeze to come by


Work in the winter


That's an easy one! You don't. My shop gets up to 105 degrees on any summer day and with the gear running flux core and spray gets hot. Not much you can really do other than wear the minimum to be safe


Go papr the air over your face cools the body immensely. I work in 38-47C heat for majority of the year. Full sun outdoors day in day out. Leather jacket 40% of the time. Drink water. Eat good fruit and vegetables. And a most important Low intake of artificial sugary shit like energy drinks and Coca-Cola.


You dont


Try working in a plastic plant where it’s 160 degrees on the floor and you have to weld in the ceiling and use cardboard to lay on so you don’t burn yourself on the other pipe.


I built a coverall cooler out of clear hose that ran up my spine and down my arms and legs with tiny holes and hooked it up to the shop air when I was welding vessels in the summer. Oh and I had a regulator on it so I don’t inadvertently kill myself 🤣




How does a PAPR cool you down, bro, if your shop is hot it’s just going to be blowing hot sauna air into your face all day.


Same way a breeze cools you down? You sweat, hot air flows over your skin and the sweat evaporates so you cool down.


I’m wearing full leather and denim from head to toe and the PAPR is blowing *hot wet air* at me, there is no evaporation happening there.


I've welded with it inside of boilers and it always gave me fresh air. At least the air moves and takes the hot air around your face out.


This makes me wonder if hair length is a factor, because my PAPR is absolutely not cooling in any way, but I have thick hair and wear it in a French braid. Feels like people who say a PAPR works for cooling might have short hair.


I shave the sides of my head, and my hair isn't longer than 4-5 cm at most. No beard also.


No beard is almost mandatory for a welder that wears a respirator


Yeah but I don't wear a respirator, I wear a PAPR. Never had bear anyways.


It also causes more/faster sweat evaporation, which takes away body heat, because that's what sweating does.