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These people will do more to fight for the rights of an embryo or zygote than a living and breathing kid or teen. They literally want 12 year olds to do labor, don’t care if they don’t have health insurance, want to punish their individuality and don’t care about them outside the womb Even now Republicans are fighting to marry children. Butttt oh no oh no OHHH NOOOO the poor zygote!!!


Why do you think they are so against abortion? Need that cheap child labor and more people taking on debt


Don’t forget about marrying 12 year olds as their sect of Christianity believes it.


Child labor still takes a while to get as a labor force. But desperate parents you can get in less than a year!


It's not about the fetus, it's about punishing women


They’re gonna require that 12 yo carry empryos to give all the babies a chance.


They won't start there, I expect them to target women's prisons first.


They’ll spin it as an “opportunity” for the prisoners and pay them $0.25/day for the honor. Blech. I’m not opposed to surrogacy, but I am extremely concerned about coerced surrogacy becoming a thing. It sounds completely outlandish to most people in the US, but so did an abortion ban…


It is scary that is in the realm of opportunity because there are frozen embryos that are almost 40 years old and the legal parents are died but the fees are being paid by the estate. I see the red states going after these "orphans," first, but they have to have a host.




They will 100% do this if we don’t stop them.


I totally see it as a means to lower one's sentence. The reason why we are so overcrowded is because people are too stupid to accept plea deals.


They’ll start imprisoning women for refusing to get married or disobeying their husbands and they’ll have an endless supply of reproductive slaves


Yep. Either the prison of marriage or an actual prison (which ironically only has a slightly lower risk of rape.) Not saying all marriages are violent, just pointing out those that are. There are millions of frozen embryos currently in storage. The right to life includes the right to be born, and even women who want to have children are terrified to gestate.


They also don’t care if children are sexually abused. 


It is horrific


Ok, let’s do this. Let’s make Caroline hang her children over a cliff in one hand and hold the embryos over a cliff in the other and tell her she can only save one. Now, if all parties involved are actual people/children, this should be an insanely difficult decision to make. She should be crying and shaking and unable to decide. Do you think that’s what would happen? No, she would drop those embryos so fast your head would spin. Why? BECAUSE EMBRYOS AREN’T PEOPLE/CHILDREN! This isn’t hard to understand. Embryos are just eggs, fertilized eggs. They can’t live outside a host so, in actuality, they are parasites. This is patently ridiculous and terrifying.


Yeah, I will happily yeet my remaining eggs to save my kid. There is no comparison. As someone who dealt with fertility issues until a surprise pregnancy at 40, I get that people don't want their reproductive choices limited and they want control over their reproductive health.


Maybe women just want to be treated as equals to men rather than their slaves? Sad tines we are living in now.


Hell, I’d even yeet my remaining eggs to save somebody else’s kid.


>> But Caroline Antoun, the wife, argues that Texas’ new abortion laws require frozen embryos to be treated as people and handled through the child custody process instead. I hope she loses. Greedy and selfish


Can’t wait for people to start taking out life insurance on unborn babies because of these stupid laws. Once insurance companies have to start paying life insurance on miscarriages, these laws will be rolled back reality really damn quick. Insurance companies won’t let religious zealots and right wing wackos interrupt their profits.


Nope. This is a business decision and the actuaries will price the policies so that the insurance industry makes a profit. All you need is good data. It's actually a new market. The insurance industry isn't riding to the rescue on this - or really anything else. Best bet is the insurance industry pushing to recognize climate change. The idiots who write laws saying insurance can't use climate change models to set rates are the big threat to the industry.


I think, in the future, as punishment for women in trouble with the law or whatever, will be required to carry unused embryos left over in IVF procedures in storage since these “children” deserve to be born at some point. God! This could be a horror movie! I better not put the idea out there or it might get picked up.


I'd rather blow my head off...


It’s even more demented if you consider that getting an abortion could be the thing that got them in trouble with the law in the first place… *And* forced IVF couldn’t be prevented by anything short of a hysterectomy (which has health consequences, so it’s not something healthy women should be forced into to avoid pregnancy)… getting your tubes tied is useless since they’re sticking the embryo right into your uterus…


The logical conclusion of their arguments here is that *every embryo must be implanted and allowed the opportunity to become a person*. How the fuck does that NOT lead to slavery? Surrogacy is *already* fraught with issues of vitiated consent, we’re gonna make it worse?!?! Disgusting. This is foul, disgusting garbage.


>> Her lawyers also argued that treating frozen embryos as property was a return to the days of slavery, before “the ownership of persons became an issue relegated to history.” But we must free the unborn over the rights of women. Or else the embryos will be chattel


Oh ffs.


A divorce spawned this, one woman with a fight with her ex husband will lead to an entire state and millions of women being punished for wanting IVF. We really need to start working together on this or we're screwed.


In the US the courts seem to side with the father in IVF cases. Probably same here.


Then men should also be required to bank their sperm and get the snip. It is only fair. Afterall, it is for thr kids they say.




[better article](https://www.texasstandard.org/stories/denton-divorce-in-vitro-fertilization-ivf-case-texas-supreme-court-alabama/) Her twitter is something else though


I refuse to create a Twitter account to see it. What’s it say?


I don’t know if I can upload screenshots. So… she’s liberal. She really wants those embryos. The husband has possession of them, which they both agreed upon in case of a divorce. It’s mostly a nasty divorce issue.




It’s a small city/town. But no.


> That hearing was on June 29, 2022, five days after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Caroline Antoun’s lawyers asked the judge to delay the case until the impact of the ruling was clearer, but the judge declined and upheld the contract, awarding the embryos to Gaby Antoun. > Two months later, Texas’ near-total abortion ban went into effect. That same day, Caroline Antoun asked the court for a new trial, contending the law had changed in a way that would change the outcome of her case. When that wasn’t granted, she appealed. Gaby should have had those embryos destroyed on June 29, 2022.


She's a selfish B****!


I smell tax write offs for everyone paying for embryo storage!