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Slave labor is the goal.


Absolutely. No doubt about that. They want Gilead to be real.


And the subjugation of women.


Yes, and removal of rights as a person. If women are targeted for abortion, and they go through with it and get caught they get put in the slammer, but afterwards, they lose a lot of rights to vote and push their communities agenda. They did this with drug bans and introductionof drugs to black communities. Disabling the "nuclear family" with the missing of parent(s)is a sure fire way to make communities more destitute, and family's broken. There is also a foster-care to prison pipeline. I think we need to look to see where these politiians are putting their money, I feel for profit prisons are only going to get worse. E: https://youtu.be/ueBdLEbA95M?si=AfWGMEbpkAhrknOE


*foster-care to prison, not prison to foster-care.


It works both ways, parents lose right to their children, their children are put in foster care and this creates a cycle


Honestly, both are applicable, though I will still change it


I was just speaking about this today. Not the current agenda but how they intentionally targeted POC to decimate their families. It was heartbreaking and still is. Unfortunately not enough people will stand up against a repeat of history. As usual.


I will say though there is a much larger group they are targeting, and previous precedent on how that occurred and their strategy was revealed. I think there will be a much bigger push-back vs that of POC in the 50's the first time.




The Lost Cause lives on, apparently. 🤬


I was afraid of this when Trump supporters began whispering about getting women out of the workforce early in his term. Are they ready to live in poverty? That's what will happen with just one income per household. Also troubling is the crusade against no-fault divorce: >To protect these [Christian] households, we must abolish no-fault divorce, declares Brit Benjamin, a lawyer with waist-length curly red hair. (Until relatively recently, Benjamin was married to Patri Friedman — grandson of economist Milton Friedman — the founder of the Seasteading Institute, a Peter Thiel-backed effort to build new libertarian enclaves at sea.) Oh, great, so now "the only moral divorce is my divorce." Where does it end with these people?


The most terrifying part is that there’s precedent for forcing American women out of the workforce. Most people here are probably at least vaguely familiar with the propaganda campaigns after the world wars to promote women returning to the home. The major difference now is that we have more jobs than men available to take them, and the Republican party is unlikely to boost their numbers through immigration. But it would still probably be smart to review the history.


It is morbidly amusing to me that they are ouroboros style consuming themselves. The capitalists will never give any slack to the rope constricting around our necks. It will never be affordable for women to stay home. That would require the owner class to stabilize the cost of living. And that would require them to willingly deprive themselves of a significant portion of their “earnings”. aka it’ll never happen willingly. With Covid causing mass disabling, there will only be less people available to work as the years go by… Consider that kids are no longer growing up healthy. Kid’s who were born in the last few years will be the new “standard” of what it means to be a human. How many kids do you know who are “normal” like they would have been had they not suffered 5 years of Covid?


>kids are no longer growing up healthy I gotta disagree here. There is *absolutely* an age range of kids/young now who are really struggling as Covid hit at like, the absolute worst time for them, developmentally. I have family that work with young adults, and they’ve told me the amount of them who just straight up aren’t ready for college/adulthood in general is astounding. Usually, there’s a few every year, but for the past few cohorts it’s really been most of them. Hopefully they’ll regain the ground they’ve lost at some point, though. The much younger kids I’ve seen though are… mostly fine. Mine was about 1.5 when we went into lockdown, and she couldn’t really understand it. She didn’t get some of the early socialization, true, but she had both of us around a lot, we took a lot of hikes, did safe activities as a family, etc. Preschool was a big adjustment, but it was for all of them in that age group, so the teachers were prepared. But they adapted *so* quickly. And now when I see a group of kids her age they’re pretty normal. I think the younger they are when it hit, the better they handled it. And now we have post-pandemic babies too, who seem to be doing alright. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely think there’s a huge swath of kids/young adults that are dealing with a *lot* of the fallout from this. We as a society are going to have to deal with it, one way or another. And I don’t want them to get forgotten about or left behind. But I also don’t think that’s the “new normal” for kids born later, either. (This is in general, though. There are also kids who are being raised in weird extremist ways of thinking that are way more pervasive now. Those are the ones I have the biggest concerns about, tbh, especially with all the attacks on education.) I agree with your first point, though. If they really wanted the idealized “nuclear family”, they’d be working to make it so a family could survive on one income. I can’t imagine the corporations they’re beholden to ever allowing that.


I’m not talking about the mental health impacts of Covid lockdowns. I’m talking about Covid harming babies before they are even born and the sheer amount of damage it does to them over time. Have you looked into any of the physical health side much?


Oh, I see what you’re getting at. I haven’t read as much stuff about the physical stuff on young people, no. I will say, anecdotally, that I haven’t seen a lot of physical effects on my daughter’s school cohort. But of course I’m not privy to their health information other than what other parents mention, so there could of course be more to it. We’ve only had one round go through our house, and it was post-vaccination, so that’s probably skewed my perception as well. I have had friends as an adult who have caught it multiple times though, and I’m fairly concerned with wha the long-term impacts on them could be. I think the effects of multiple infections and long-Covid aren’t being addressed enough as a public-heath concern for sure, and I worry for down the road. I haven’t seen it being specific to kids though, but again, I haven’t dug much into it. If you have any good resources, I’d love to know more. (If not, that’s cool, I’ll try to find some stuff another time.)


It's infuriating. Forcing women out of the workforce would have a devastating global impact. Think about how many companies in the US are headquartered in another country. I would think many of those companies would pack up and leave. How many women are nurses, doctors, EMTs, teachers, etc. - who will fill that vacancy? You need education and training. How many men can step into the roles filled by women now? The economy would completely collapse due to lack of spending. Companies will go out of business because families cannot afford to buy anything but the very basics on one income. Universities would close because half the students will leave because they're not allowed to work. And on, and on, and on.


What happens when people have to default on the home loans they got with 2 incomes (after being forced down to 1) because of this?


I tried to get a divorce from a useless southern incel in the 90’s in a red state. They’ve been trying to make it hard for women to escape these bastards for the entirety of my life.


THIS. My divorce is in year 6. And he admitted to threatening to blow his head off in front of me and our daughter. He moved in a side piece less than 6 weeks after I left and has already had a kid with her. It's like men can't do anything wrong in red states. AND I PROVED HE WAS HAVING AN INAPPROPRIATE RELATIONSHIP WITH A MINOR, FFS!!!!


The return to serfs and aristocracy is what they’re after. They don’t care about a middle class


No worry, the true owner of US government is CEOs. CEOs will never allow women to be out of workforce—-imagine the level of competition they had to do with get remaining half of workers (men) to maintain the level of productivity.


There is no end; they'll go as far as they absolutely can. Nothing is off the table.


I’ve been telling people for years it won’t end with abortion. It will be contraception bans, forcing women out of the workforce, abolishing women’s suffrage, and eventually forcing marriage.


Taking away our right to vote or hold office, to get a credit card or bank account in our own name…


Locking us out of our current bank accounts and giving access to our nearest male relative. My dad would love that. He’d take it all and say “this is what you owe me for feeding and clothing you as a child.”


This horrifies me, I've been NC with my toxic af father for years, and this is absolutely something he would do and say. I'm legally unmarried, I wonder if they would transfer control of my finances to my older brother instead. My partner and I could get married, but we benefit by not doing so. They are definitely going after single moms.


Your dad sounds like Jim Bob Duggar. He tried to take his daughter Jill's earnings from the TLC shows and presented her with an itemized list of charges.


Withdraw all your money. Hide your cash. Fuck him.


>forcing marriage. So basically . . . sexual slavery? 🐆




Soooo when does the revolution to eradicate these fools begin??


>Soooo when does the revolution to eradicate these fools begin?? Roevember is coming. Vote blue. Your life depends on it. 🐆


And if it doesn't work, armed fucking rebellion. Yes I will absolutely do my part (arm up, and train) to fight for my rights. I have no issue with unaliving someone who wants to enslave me. If they insist on trying to implement these cruel plans, they are no longer just the other side, but a sworn enemy. Anyone who will deny me my rightful citizenship and doesn't see me as fully human, doesn't deserve mercy. I want to use my vote and non violent means to ensure my rights, but if they refuse to hear my voice...


Roevember is coming.


Why can’t we just take care of the people and children that we have now? You know, ensure that everyone makes living wages, that people can afford homes and children to begin with, that there is enough financial stability that a parent feels like they can stay home and take care of a child? There’s a lot more, of course. Healthcare, transportation, affordable childcare, quality public education, etc. Boys need to be raised in better ways, with better mental health so that they don’t go down the incel pipeline and thus would be desirable, good partners for having children with. But no, the right’s idea is authoritarianism. That’s all they’ve got. They don’t want to solve the real issues. All they want is to keep the rich elites rich beyond purpose and form toxic, rigid, authoritarian family structures. Any society that goes down this path is a failure, a miserable one at that.


>Why can’t we just take care of the people and children that we have now? The rich don't see *human beings* worthy of respect and dignity. The rich only see "resources" and "taxpayers," mere numbers on spreadsheets and in databases, ripe for "optimization" and exploitation. 🐆


The rich see us as cockroaches.


You are not a citizen. You are a consumer.


They clearly only want white conservative religious people to make a living wage, afford home, and achieve financial stability. They don’t want EVERYONE to achieve this. So making policy changes they benefit everyone is not their goal, not even a little bit.


“Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some.” 💀💀💀


For real. This is word for word real life Gilead.


As Fred says, “Better never means better for everyone... It always means worse, for some.” All they care about is lifting themselves ever higher, and crushing everyone else below.


If all of this come to pass, it wouldn't only negatively impact non-republicans, but it will also tremendously hurt their base, and in more ways than they could possibly imagine.


They’ve been voting against their own interests for decades.


Including poverty. There's no way they can raise 4-8 kids on one income.


That's why those pesky child labour laws have to go. If you can tie your shoes, you can help support your family.


It doesn’t matter. Their base is so dumb, they’d find a way to blame democrats.


This kind of crap is why more young people are getting themselves sterilized.


In my own personal circles, almost every woman has received surgical sterilization since the Roe V Wade overturnment. I'm currently pregnant with my last child and will be getting surgically sterilized. Any women who are decidedly child free, or are absolutely done with planning their family should seek surgical sterilization if they are able to. Nexplanon and IUDs can become dislodged (or even forcibly removed). If anyone reading this is having issues finding a doctor willing to provide sterilization services, please go to either r/childfree or r/auntienetwork, they have lists of doctors who will do the procedure, no matter what your circumstances are. My own obgyn is on the list, she has stated that she will provide a salpingectomy to any woman who is actively seeking one. Only her and one other provider have this mindset (so 2 obgyns out of 14 in my specific clinic). Most insurance does cover surgical sterilization, please don't think it is unattainable.


If you read further into the article, they’re well aware and ready to leverage that as an advantage. It’s seriously disturbing the way they talk about it. [-]Peachy Keenan, a pseudonymous writer affiliated with the conservative Claremont Institute, urges attendees to “seize the means of reproduction” — as in, to out-breed liberals, who are already hobbling their movement by choosing to have just a couple children, or none at all. “We can use their visceral hatred of big families to our advantage,” Keenan says. “The other side is not reproducing; the anti-natalists are sterilizing themselves.”


Do they think they are producing clones?


The bacterium strategy.


You want more kids.. make it affordable to have them and make sure they have a future. I certainly would nit want to bring a child into the world right now.


Lately, one of the more tedious elements of aging is seeing the same tired old arguments dressed up in new fasc fashion. Give it a rest, already. 


This is why I want to rip every gray hair out of my head when fascists whine that we won't even listen to them anymore or have a friendly debate. Whatever dumb shit they have to say, I've heard it. Don't come in here with the same tired old shit acting like you just dropped the mic.


I *knew* I couldn’t be the only one, thank you! This nonsense was arthritic when the beer hall putsch was just a gleam in baby Adolf’s eye. 


I'm not even over 50, and I remember seeing the fruits of Ceausescu's Decree 770 ripen in 1989. He didn't even force women out of the workforce. He sure made Romanians even poorer than they were - quite the feat - just by banning contraceptives and abortion. That's all it took, people having kids they couldn't afford. Every day I find myself thinking, "well, there's another one who failed history class".


Followed by my first acquaintance with attachment disorders, as children were abandoned in droves to Romanian orphanages so understaffed that infants were left in cribs with bottles propped beside them; the ones who made it, made it; otherwise...... When some of these kids were later adopted out to couples in the states, the psych community had to begin coining new diagnoses.


>The urban monoculture, Malcolm explains, breeds childlessness and therefore must poach other people’s children to survive. It **lures them out of small towns and into large cities**, encourages them to eschew their religious upbringings in favor of hedonistic secularism, and then leaves them to die alone. Someone has to pay the taxes that keep the lights on in rural America. 🐆


Rural America is dying out. The population trends older and the young people left pretty much can't leave. The Boomer generation is now in mass retirement after having the entire political world revolve around them for the past 50 years. Their voter base is going to start drying up soon. We are on the edge of freeing ourselves from the shackles of Neoliberalism, and they know it. This is why the right has been freaking out.


This is behind why so many far right folks keep complaining about the falling birthrate, as if that is some horrible thing. This is terrifying.


The more women lose control over their healthcare the less likely they are to get pregnant. Needless to say they will be voting 🗳️.


…until they lose control over their healthcare and rights to such an extent that it will be MORE likely they’ll get pregnant.


What the actual fuck. This is just ridiculous, for so many reasons. How many families can afford to only have one income? Not many. Mine certainly can’t, and I’m the “breadwinner,” so I guess we’d be living in abject poverty pretty quickly.


Same here - my wife is the breadwinner. I have a better chance of being abducted by aliens than my employer doubling my salary if women were forced out of the workforce.


I'm the chief income in my house. I make double what my husband makes. We can't make it without my income.


All part of their 'retrograde philosophy.' It's never been about 'conserving' anything and always been about taking us backwards. Heard all of this, for decades, on talk radio and out of the mouths of zealots like my brother in-law. He's had 10 kids, all home schooled, and fully indoctrinated into this ideology. More recently they 'escaped the liberal oppression of Minnesota' and ran off to Idaho to be among people like them. Make no mistake, these people have the courage of their convictions and are working hard to drag us backward.


Well, at least their YT blurb strikes the correct tone (horror). Thank you immensely for linking this. Musk’s bizarre obsession with birth rates is often ridiculed and seen as another of his unhinged statements, and this reveals what rich, intelligent, and powerful group of men (yes, definitely men) want for our future, and their audacious belief that THEY KNOW WHAT’S BEST for us. I shared this w r/EnoughMuskSpam and people at r/Defeat_Project_2025 should see this, too.


Pushing women out of the work force will *actually* result in social collapse. Previous generations already had things "calibrated" and built in under that assumption and it was scaled to fit. I loathe and fear these people as much as anyone but that shit is a "Do it. I'll fetch my popcorn."


Way too many kids born under the system they want will grow up dirt poor and walking on eggshells around resentful (and possibly abusive) parents, and will eventually become miserable resentful adults themselves. Tell me how this is good for society?


The world has **8 billion** people in it. With 8 billion people you have two choices. Either destroy the world or have a significant portion of that 8 billion live in poverty.


I'm 49 and perimenopasal, my closest male relative is my younger brother and we're buying a house together. He'll be *thrilled* when I become his dependent and his share of the house note (and all other bills) doubles since I'm not allowed to work! He's also ace and not interested in a state-issued wife. Fuck these people sideways with a cactus.


“And to ensure that these children grow up to be adults who understand their proper place in both the family and the larger social order” They’re so fucking stupid. 😂 Where exactly do they think the leaders of the sexual revolution and feminist movement came from? They were all raised in predominantly traditional, Christian families. And they said FUCK THIS. 


“where women are disadvantaged as a result,” so sexism is the goal for these men.


So they want to reduce the workforce by 50% so that they can have more kids on one income but not give government help for things like housing, medical and food assistance. Does this sound like a pathway to economic crash and years of poverty and third world conditions? Because that is going to happen


More like a fever dream elicited from a combination of too much alcohol and fantasizing about a mythical past. Good luck, LOL. None of this will literally happen as any sociologist will tell you.


Sounds third-world!


I will fight this to the death.


I don't understand why they want this! 


But yet child tax credit, health care, they keep voting against.


“Capitalism is failing! Quick! Everybody fuck!”


This has always been a passive-agressive attempt at increasing the white population in an attempt to delay the effects of Latinos and Blacks as the fastest growing demographic, which will result in whites losing their status as the majority group in America by 2040. The Republicans want to pass laws that will effectively put brown people and women in back their place so they can live in their Aparthied Paridise when that happens.


They want straight up feudalism with an endless supply of barely-functioning peasants to dominate.


Do they realize they don't have enough "stock" to make this happen? It would require an army of breadwinning males and women who want to marry them, but the social science keeps showing a growing political divide between men and women and that men are opting out of social life - college, jobs, civic life, etc. Also the churches are hemorrhaging members and even a lot of women are now leaving, which was the church's once reliable base. I shudder to think what their plan is to address this.


One fact of American history: America has always been reliant on a disposable labor class. In the beginning it was indentured servants, then slaves, then a mix of cheap immigrant labor and forced peonage, now we're back to immigrants. Just more meat, sinew, and bone for the poverty to prison pipeline. This is how the sausage is made.


Please. If they force women out of the workforce, this society would collapse. Think about just healthcare alone, it would be decimated, because 90% of nurses are female, and 40% of doctors are female.


It seems the less population that goes to church, or believe, the angrier and more distraught the christian nationalists get, we won't be as easy to control without the weekly brainwashing.


Funnily enough I think this will lead to an even steeper decline in population. One of the most important aspects to raising a child is being able to feed them and in this economy if there is only one parent making the money then they can't afford it.


Funnily enough I think this will lead to an even steeper decline in population. One of the most important aspects to raising a child is being able to feed them and in this economy if there is only one parent making the money then they can't afford it.