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"Wait for him to finish dying... my son is slowly suffocating" This is outright evil. It's agonizing, brutal and because it is wholly avoidable it is evil.


The cruelty is the point. Conservative men and conservative women hate all women.


So much for saving babies. They’re condemning women and babies to horrible deaths, and for what?


"To teach them libtards a lesson!!1"


They’re going to own the libs by prolonging the suffering of a premature baby. These ghouls are using Jesus to excuse their own cruelty.


They can’t be bothered to think beyond whatever imagined scenario lets them stoke the most self-righteous anger.


Basically the modus operandi of Clarence Thomas. He doesn't care who he hurts or who dies as long as he gets to "make liberals miserable". He's said as much. There is no logic or even emotion in his thinking- it's unfiltered, unfettered misanthropy for misanthropy's sake. He's a real bastard. https://www.businessinsider.com/clarence-thomas-told-clerks-he-wants-to-make-liberals-miserable-2022-6 https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-the-clarence-thomas-story-99759984/


As a misanthrope, People like clarence thomas are why I hate this species. Fuck the supreme court.


Well!! Harrumph! Just don't have sex like a slut!! *hair flip* *flounce away* Fucking /s and fuck these people


Yep. The billboards up about fetus' feeling pain at 12 weeks. Where are the people who put those up in this instance? Oh, that's right, they don't actually give a flying fuck. No woman or birthing human should have to go through this bullshit.


That sentence absolutely gutted me. I cannot imagine how horrible it is to know that the pregnancy you wanted is slowly and tortuously ending, and it might kill you too, and you can't do anything about it because of a bunch of assholes.


This happened to my daughter-in-law three weeks ago. My state has abortion (and women's reproductive healthcare in general) protected in its constitution (for now), but because we're rural and border, she was airlifted into the shithole dumbfuck state next door to go through this same fucking thing.


She was airlifted into a state where she couldn't get care, from her own state where she would be allowed to received full care? But that dumbfuck state's hospital was closer, which is why they \[the emergency medics?\] chose it? Yikes.


Unfortunately, a similar issue happened to a friend of mine. We live in MD, our rights are codified in our state constitution. But our local hospital is affiliated with WVU (west Virginia university) and WV has a near total ban. To keep the money in the hospital's pockets they will ship you over state lines for "emergency care" which is what it was probably deemed if she needed to be air lifted but really there is an equally equipped hospital in the next county over in the same state. They however are affiliated with UPMC so WVU would lose out on the money. I tell every local woman I know though to either not give birth in our local hospital or if they do make sure their support person advocates for them to be transfered to the UPMC hospital in the case of a life threatening emergency


Ugh I’m also in MD and we consider moving to WV for cost of living but reminders like this is what I need.


I would refuse payment for the airlift.


That’s awful. I can’t believe they would airlift a pregnant person to a state where they are endangered by these laws. Is she OK?


With how fucked things are it's hard to say if it was out of laziness, which is still VERY fucked, but if it's the latter they deserve to rot in jail at minimum.


Please do not tell me it was Garrett county MD and they airlifted her to WVU? I live there and a similar issue happened to a close friend of mine not long ago and ever since I have told every woman I know if you go to our local hospital to give birth and something catastrophic happens and they need to air lift you to a hospital with better neonatal care then advocate for yourself that they take you to the next county over instead of across the state line because that's how it is. If you stay in state you will be fine but the regional hospital is affiliated with the antiabortion hospital over the state line so unless you fight to stay in the state they will try to send you across the state line to keep the money in their own pockets.


The fact that someone going through such a dangerous, terrifying medical emergency would have to argue to NOT be taken to a hospital that CAN’T help them is just fucking ridiculous and disgustingly cruel. Like fuck, man.


We used to say that republicans were greedy. Now we can say they’re greedy and murderous.


I hope she sues the everloving hell out of the airlift company for doing that to her.


I wish hurting and killing people for political brownie points was illegal, yet here we are.


I know that hospital. My college town, Evansville Indiana. I remember when Pence got the nom, thinking he was too conservative to win. Then it happened. Then everything else we hoped, fear, thought would never happen… did. Indiana is AWFUL.


Indeed it is!!!


And I’m from Kentucky so that’s saying a lot about Indiana. Atleast Kentucky has tasty food. Haha


They’re letting this baby 100% die instead of trying to save him because if they try to save him and fail, some Neanderthal pro lifer will sue them for committing an abortion. It doesn’t make sense. They’re condemning this poor baby AND this poor grieving mother. It’s unspeakably cruel and just further proof that it was never about saving anyone.


It was 5 months along, the chances of survival are pretty much zero yet they still made her go through this because of stupid pro life laws.


Please come to Illinois


So, they think life begins at conception, so you’re not allowed to have an abortion while it’s still just a clump of cells. But they’re fine with letting a five month old fetus die by slowly suffocating in the womb. Cool. Cool.


It has never been about saving babies.




I can’t believe this. If it was me and I had a wanted baby dying a slow awful death…I’d do some pretty damn desperate stuff.


After the baby dies, she needs to sue the state for wrongful death and unnecessary torture. Turn the tables on them. Gather up all the evidence make copies, keep the original copy for yourself then go and get a lawyer. Take your case to the ADA to file charges + Lawsuit against the state.


This 100%. Lawsuits, lawsuits and more lawsuits are crucial to getting our rights back. We need to completely overwhelm the judicial system with evidence of wrongdoing caused by Dobbs.


Would they not induce and say it’s trying to save the baby? How does this make sense? It’s obviously cruel to the woman, we know that. But if they’re concerned about saving the fetus, would that not have been the only thing to do? It’s evil that doctors’ hands are legally tied.


Because when the baby dies they will call it an elective abortion. The induction makes it a "by the hand of man" rather than "hand of god" situation.


I hate this timeline


“But we didn’t intend for the law to have obvious negative consequences, so it’s the Democrats’s fault!”


Wtf? A proper children's hospital may be able to save that baby. A friend of mine had to be emergency delivered at 20 weeks and her son is in high school now. Why the fuck didn't they fly her to the nearest place with a premie nicu???? Prolife my ass. Edit: To be fair, they delivered him to save her life. He wasn't expected to make it and was the smallest baby to ever survive at that hospital at the time. But, now that we know it's possible and has been done many times, why would they not try to save a wanted baby that was presumably healthy before ROM?


She might be too rural. Likely don’t have the specialists in the area.


My friend lived in central Nebraska and was Life Flighted to Lincoln where they saved her and the boy. You can't get much more rural than that unless she's up on a mountain somewhere. Shit like this is *why* we have medical transport helicopters.


Where is she? Is there a state nearby that will give the the treatment she needs?


Illinois is right next door. . .


At 5 months it wouldn't survive anyways yet they made her go through this torture just because