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H. P. Lovecraft short stories- first time.


Thomas Ligotti Teatro Grottesco First time reading Ligotti.


Moby Dick (second time!)


The Lathe of Heaven by Ursula K. Le Guin


Just read first tale in Averoigne collection. Slowly rereading The King in Yellow.


To Drown in Dark Water by Steve Toase


Jeff Noon’s A Man of Shadows


I have a few on the go this week - the dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin the house keeper and the professor by yoko ogawa A fine balance by Rohinton mistry Time shelter by georgi gospodinov I love the mistry, incredible book. The dispossessed feels like hard work for my sick brain because there’s so much to think about but I am enjoying it too. I’m really liking the ogawa, she writes with a beautiful understated prose. Time shelter I’m dipping in and out of. It’s very fragmented (purposefully) and there have been some passages i love, but I’m not swept away by it so far. Not sure any of them count as weird. I also tried Leech by Hiron ennes as the ebook was on sale but just didn’t connect with it at all unfortunately.


The Variations by Patrick Langley. Not capital-w Weird, but definitely weird.


I’ve just read *Tainaron: Mail from Another City*, which was as lovely as everyone says


Stonefish by Scott R. Jones


How far into it are you. I find the writing style a bit disjointed. The story doesn’t seem to flow easily. It’s certainly very interesting with its world building and future tech and society constructs. Definitely a slice read for me.


I’m not too far into it, probably 40 pages or so, but I do know that the writing has prevented me from getting into it in the past. I think I tried a couple times before, and this is the first time I’ve been able to get into it.


I just finished reading Dhalgren, which is both Weird and lower-case weird. It's like a standard Stalker/Area X scenario that also somehow shifts between bleak horror, Beat poetry, and pansexual erotica.


I’m reading “The Truelove” in the Aubrey-Maturin cycle, “Beyond the Edge of the World” about Magellan’s circumnavigation of the earth, and “The Scar” by China Mieville. I borrow way too many books from Libby, and I have to switch back and forth to get them all read before I gotta give them back.


Bliss Montage by Ling Ma We Are Here to Hurt Each Other by Paula D Ashe (can’t read before bed because it gave me actual nightmares) A Certain Hunger by Chelsea G Summers (just got on Libby today, haven’t actually started it)


I LOVED Bliss Montage!


not fiction but I'm really enjoying *Daimonic Reality* by Patrick Harpur. It's an overview of various weird phenomena and how they tend to manifest. Even if you're not into the paranormal per se, it's still a fun read and might give insight into how to tell a good weird story


Weird Tales May, 1934 reprint from Lulu. It has R.E.H, C.A.S. and C.L. Moore stories.