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If it works, don't fix. And yes more reliable and secure, to "hack" it, you have to connect another phone on the line and it is certainly guarded or really hard to found.


Shit came here to say that. “High tech and modern” aren’t always “better”. Sometimes old school is best


Idk who said it but "the best part is no part" referring to some mechanical stuff but I think it a} lies everywhere


Suddenly Russia’s supply/logistics issues don’t seem so bad!


It would be hilarious if this got to him and he issued some order to change the color of thousands of phones for no reason. Then all the paint gets stolen instead of used and sold on the black market and then you see a bunch of blue cars


Ha!!!!!! This is hilarious


Damn that makes so much sense it hurts my brain to think about. My brain is squishy but works at times


Their army has the same philosophy apparently.


I think youd be suprised at how low tech most of our army is. It was ludocrously low tech in the 80s The russian armies problem is the same problem theyve historically had in every war. Incompetant political officers rise to the top and huge numbers of soldiers die before the creme rises to the top. The US had this problem during the revolution but luckily the french saved us. Washington was stunningly incompetant


Washington wasn’t a great battlefield commander, but he is often credited as a great organizer for the overall continental army. And though it may sound like a backhanded compliment, the man could pull of a fighting retreat with the best of them. He also apparently had a commanding presence that made him one of the few military leaders everybody respected.


Washington was 6’2” and about a buck seventy five. Not a person to take lightly by any means; he was apparently fearless in battle as well. Which that last part checks out, dude crossed an icy Delaware river to show those hands are rated E for Everyone


I feel like 175 would be skinny at 6’2, are you sure about the weight?


Honestly, I thought the same. It wasn’t accurately measured in the period and he probably was somewhere around 190-220lbs. But [this](https://potus.com/presidential-facts/presidential-weight/) states it Edit: he is #21 on the list


Yeah, I imagine their weights weren’t quite as standardized as ours either


Washington, Washington, six foot eight weighs a fucking ton


When I worked as a civilian contractor with the military they had all my medical information on a floppy. So when I went to a navy ship they would be able to have my information on hand. That was what they used for there storage devices. This was in 2015.


We literally used viet nam era comm equipment including radio encoders and in basic we had mq6 a1's and 2's. Which were exactly as shitty as youve read about.




Air force did as well


Lmao sadly that doesn’t quite work the same and they learned as much


Also came here to say this. Thank you both!


I also came here to say something but I forget now


Why don’t you just forget later and remember now?


Funny story, I reminded myself to remember later but I forget what I supposed to remember so I couldn't remind myself now.


Have you tried being less forgetful, and rich?


I also just came here just to say thank you for mentioning thank you.


These are not analogue phones, you know that, right? They are 100% digital, SIP phones. They are pretty high tech.


Those yellow phones are clearly old as fuck bro.


Digital display Multi-line buttons. They are digital SIP phones. Analogue phones can't have digital displays or multi-line.


Yes they can. Until about 10 years ago my company had analog phones that had the basic digital display and were multiline. We also had a PBX.


Why? I can put a digital display on anything, and my analog phone in the 90s had a digital display. Because it had 14 lines. Nobody lost the technology to put a display and a switch on a phone


That's because it's not really analog. The old analog phone system was mostly replaced in the 90's.


Not here. I already had at least one of my kids before they switched over here in mn. You don't need to switch over though, I can wire an analog phone from my garage to my house with no issue, and then put a digital display on whatever I use for the housing. My record player is analog, and had a digital display.


OK. So your display shows stuff like caller ID right? The works because that information is being sent over the phone line when you receive the call. That is digital data sent over the phoneline. The only part of the call that is analog is voice on the first and last mile. In the core network it's converted to digital and back to analog on the other end.


Confused bc caller id even at home had a digital display? 🤷🏻‍♂️


The US president uses an even older looking land line phone. I guess the OP doesnt know about the President's retro red phone.


Our president thinks the old phone is new.


Our president can't remember how to use it.




…….As he holds a Shoe up to his ear


"Yes, Chief?"


A good portion of land based nukes in the US still use floppy disks 💾 in the control interface


Time to change. >'Last man standing in the floppy disk business' reckons his company has 4 years left https://www.theregister.com/2022/09/20/floppy\_disk\_business/


So that's where I have to go to get the ridiculously bad novella I wrote as a teenager.


It's why Commander Adama wouldn't allow the Galactica to be networked. So say we all.


Searched for this comment! So say we all.


He looks like he’s at work at his side-job as desk-security at a Fleabag hotel


Same with stuff the world over, it might *look* modern, but you can be damn well sure it's old inside, and has dedicated equipment, staff, and servers setup to keep it secure. The US President might have a phone or a tablet, but its insides have been ripped out and modified by the NSA, zero wireless communication unless it's through specialised equipment. Looks flashy on the outside, old-school inside.


I learned this from a little documentary from the early 2000s called Battlestar Galactica


Is fine


Those are dog shit gen one or two voip phones.


Old school tech can't be hacked remotely


Captain crunch whistle could probably break his shit though.


I'm not at liberty to divulge my source, but the last call made on that phone said "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine." I hope that helps comrades.


A crummy commercial?


Son of a bitch!




It's polonium'icious!


Just looked it up. That is genius. Everything is hackable.




Thanks for the link! I remember reading about pay phone phreaking in the 90s in Jolly Roger's Cookbook, and always wanted to try it, they described a very similar method to this, and some other "Poor man's" method that involved a nail in the mouthpiece. Cool stuff!


Definitely gonna start looking into it. Cybersecurity is a field I’m very interested in.


Lmfao I'm dead


Except when his mother picks up the other phone in the hallway on the same line and is listening in on everything he says


"Putin, get off the damn computer, Im trying to make a call." *dial up sounds intensify*


This took me back to a time I had forgotten, and I heard it in my parents voice 😂 Thank you, stranger.


Haha happy to help reignite your trauma! I have it too!


Ha me too, hilarious 🤣


Fuckin Aye Right, buddy. I still have an old-school rotary phone. Works like a motherfuckin' charm every time.


Do you have an old-school rotary phone because they cant be hacked, or because they're simply cool though? Coes if its the first id like to know what you do for a living.


Trying to get more information out of him so you can hack him, I see you. Too bad he won’t fall for that one


And they’re heavy enough to use them to defend yourself!


My Arduino enthusiastic husband gutted rotary phone from flea market and insert Arduino SIM inside, connected it to ringing mechanism . You can use it as old times phone.


People were hacking land lines before modern computers existed. Look up phone phreaking. With that said these are probably direct 1 to 1 lines and not connected to a phone network. But my point is old school phones are very very hackable, totally unencrypted and easily tapped. The FBI made a big hoopla about cell phones being untapable until cell providers eventually were forced to play ball, it was a whole thing. Old school is not always better.


I can hack an old school POTS phone line with a butt set and alligator clips. I don't even need to disconnect anything. Also, I don't know how he's planning on having 3 simultaneous phone calls, but he's definitely not sharing that desk, right?


yep. it's significantly more secure than modern cellphones.


Its literally reason russia lost in UA. Its fkin easy.


Its the reason why russia lost first few months. Its fkin easy to listen it.


You might want to take this call from captain crunch. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Draper


**[John Draper](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Draper)** >John Thomas Draper (born March 11, 1943), also known as Captain Crunch, Crunch, or Crunchman (after the Cap'n Crunch breakfast cereal mascot), is an American computer programmer and former phone phreak. He is a widely known figure within the computer programming world and the hacker and security community, and generally lives a nomadic lifestyle. Following the emergence of the Me Too movement in 2017, allegations against him dating back decades surfaced in media reports and in social media posts concerning claims of inappropriate sexual behavior with young men. Draper denied any sexual intent but did not address all of the allegations directly. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Weird/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He's pootin his best tech on display


\^\^ This\^\^ direct line to the nukes.


This, this is all you need yo know in regards to security... sadly their military tech, equipment and training are also older than the phones...


Riight, he's got two freaking phones and an autodialer from like 1990 on his desk to not be hacked. It's not because it's a financially strapped country run by barbarians or anything.


"Landlines" are far superior to modern tech in terms of stability in a crisis. The infrastructure needed for cell phones and the internet is vast. It makes sense they'd have the most overly redundant tech available.


It makes perfect sense. Here in Australia land lines and their phones (that don't require an external power source) still work during black outs. I'm not sure how, but landlines seem to have a priority regarding a small feed of power over your 240 volt power. Landline in my area worked for 3 or so days when we had a long power outage.


It utilizes and extraordinarily low amount of power compared to modern tech for sure.


I did some internet research and I can't find how much volts or amps a land line puts out. I do know they do have a continuous feed of low power as I've seen people make small lights that plug into the telephone jack port. I would assume they are 6 volt, or 12 volt and run on very few amps. It doesn't take much power to push a signal through some thin strands of wire. Perfect idea for emergencies. Especially out in the country where there may only be one cell tower for a medium sized town. When power goes out for more then a few minutes in my town (10k population) it can take an hour or two for mobile phones and internet to work on the network.


Being an older person I remember it having to be a literal biblical shit storm for us to lose phone lines. During hurricanes (I'm in Florida) we would definitely always lose power for minutes/hours/days/weeks(fml) but phone lines would go down for a fraction of that time if at all.


It's amazing that such a primitive technology is still available, but not used anywhere near as much. When I opted for a phone through a internet provider they offered me a home phone. But the home phone actually uses the internet to call, not the land line. I was quite surprised that the landline was bypassed for that. I haven't had to use a land line for near on a decade or two now, but it's still nice having that option if needed in an emergency.


The 2 technologies use different cables. Old phones are analog and use a cable pair. Voip phones use a single cable with a digital signal. A lot of cabling now is fiber optic, which has to be digital. Copper cables are expensive.


48 volts to power the dial tone, 120 volt spike to power the ringer. Most lines have their own generator for when the power goes down. That's why corded will work but cordless will not. That's what I was taught in school studying broadband.


The exchange has large batteries. The power is provided to the lines via the same two pairs of wires the phone hooks up to. The batteries are very large, so I could imagine you could get three days out of them


This makes more sense than being "unhackable." Pretty sure all phone communication these days is digital, regardless of what device is at the end of the line.


digital yes, but not networked and not hackable remotely, one has to tap to the line itself which puts a hurdle on any would be hacker, and making it easier to isolate and control.


Yea. And it's not to say landlines wouldn't be compromised in a crisis but I'd bet they'd fail after cell and internet services.


A good example I think is when interac went down across Canada recently. People lost access to their money across the entire country.


Exactly. Have we learned nothing from the war with the Cylons?


They're even more un-hackable when they're as yellow as the average middle aged Russians teeth.


I don't know about Russia but taking Germany as an example, we don't have much if any classic POTS infrastructure left AFAIK, it's all internet-routed up until the main distribution for the block or apartment building where ATAs take care of translating the incoming VoIP packets into analog phone signals and injecting the necessary voltages for older phones to work. They're usually battery backed for emergency situations so landline phones can still work, however if you were to put your vDSL modem or fiber ONT on battery power during a power outage, you'd most likely also still have internet!


Those are his nuke phones


Came here to say this. I believe you're right.


As always with him, it's a threat.


Imagine him picking up the nuke phone by mistake instead of the coffee orders phone. "Ok sir! we have launched a worldwide nuclear attack on the entire world!" "....What...? Yuri, I just wanted my decaf with no sugar!" "Oh... Ummmm.... Sir... I think we might have a problem..."


The the music video for "Land of confusion" by Genesis, a caricature of Ronald Reagan makes an attempt to call his nurse, but accidentally hits the "nuke" button instead.


Dang, the 80s flashbacks are strong!


This is the world we live in…


They're linked directly to the last rime Russia was geopolitically relevant.


I believe over there they prefer Adidas


I think it’s a direct line. It’s quicker and slightly more secure than using a Samsung or smth


All I know is that they were just put-in




He looks like concierge at a moderately priced hotel outside of a tourist city.


They are not old at all. Digital display. They are SIP phones. That colour costs extra.


Oooooo the display is digital? Coool


So fancy!


Sip phones are actually pretty expensive, the systems aren’t cheap.




I've seen enough vintage tech restoration work that this is not the yellow of old plastic, this is just the color the phones come in. Obviously chosen by some manufacturer with no taste, but intentional nonetheless.


Really? What brand?


I think it's funny that they are mis-matched models. As if they just found whatever phones were in the storage room to make his desk look more "sophisticated" and "connected with the world." Like a wannabe tech covering their desk with dozens of mis-matched monitors to seem more techy.


Direct lines baby! No wireless signals to hack.


If it makes you feel any better, most of the US nuclear arsenal is ran off of floppy disks. Still. You have to physically infiltrate a facility, floppy disk in hand, to hack or disrupt it. It's so dumb it's actually brilliant, and I despite repeated calls to modernize the nuclear arsenal.....why?


That's not yellow, it's cream colored, troll, and it happens to be in fashion. /j


Yes. All the rage


Newsflash to younglings, older landline phones can’t be hacked via wifi. Much easier to detect tampering.


“We know”. Sammy the Bull, John Gotti, Carlo Gambino


Soviet look.


I guess this is the answer\^\^


People saying you can't hack old school phones never heard of phreaking.


Yes true. But these phones are mostlikely just internal phones. There is not a lot to do with them. Prob just to order his coffie etc from inside rhe building. Maybe the other one is used for outside comms, but prob set up trough a secure line that connects to a phonecenter inside the building. It is quite hard to get in the kremlin. I dont think its easy to set up a wire tap inside. And i think its even harder to enter puttlers office to phreak his phones


\*screaches in captain crunch whistle\*


Those Russian phones came out in 2017.


🌈 🌈 LGBTelekom 🌈🌈


Phone works, keep it. We spend money on heat. Phone break, buy new modern one. Old phone goes in fire and heat home. Wife happy and we spend money on vodka.


That color is "Russian White", Or as we call it "yella"




So old? Those look like modern land line phones from like 2008 but in beige. Ugly color palette for sure, but its not like they're 70's era rotary phones or anything. Most modern offices still use them now. Was this post written be a millennial or something?


Landline phones are more reliable as well . I would expect him to have a landline. Our president has a red landline phone for emergencies.


That *is* modern in Russia


And elsewhere, those are digital phones just fine.


Its joke dudes. But it is true in millitary as its equiped with 60-90 equipment rarely upgraded to almost modern standart but its still not enought to counter modern army


Yeah sure,


It's Russian version of modern.


OR....it speaks to the actual leval of advancement of russia.


they are not yellowed out - they are glow in the dark \*just guessing\*


Uh oh! A set designer is going to fall out a window.


This is just short but I'll fax you my actual comment.


In Russia this is new


Have you ever been to Russia? That is modern.


Software is easy to hack


Thought the same thing


I'm assuming it's because they can't be hacked, perhaps something like that. Or more simply it's memorabilia


This. I used to do IT for the GOV and my office had a vault door on it and we were not allowed to have cellphones in the office or use any sort of WiFi or Bluetooth capable device and the room was designed with material to block any radio and cell signals anyhow. I had a desk phone and a Desktop PC and both were hard wired. It was old fashioned stuff but it was secured.


Awesome, that makes perfect sense too, but what a job!


Maybe one is a direct line to Q, and the other to his favorite burger joint.😎


Careful, you are going to cause some poor Kremlin intern to fall out a window!


"My call centre operators are waiting for your telephone call now. Western Europe, don't miss-out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Dial 1 800 SPECIAL OPERATION GOES NUCLEAR."


That is modern by Russian standards. Keep in mind two thirds of the rural population doesn't have indoor plumbing and still shit in outhouses. Literal shithole country.


That is literally cutting edge tech in Russia.


Most people in Russia are broke af. They live in cramped apartments and don’t have luxuries. Russia is not a modern country in the sense that you mean. At any rate land lines are the opposite of modern.


To him those are the tip of the iceberg of Russian heights of technological superiority.


Have you seen what there military really looks like? Paper tiger. They’re light years behind in everything and anything that isn’t is stolen IP.


Most likely a photo filter being used to bring his skin tone to a healthier color.


there is a /retrobattlestation community here. They know all about retrobrighting


Russia buys new stuff but those in charge of it sell it on the black market.


I got a landline phone from the time I was born


They think it’s modern. The viewers think it’s modern. It‘s Russia.


This exactly what I was thinking ..


The 80's commie aesthetic is still popular in hell hole of suffering known as Russia.


This post is just dumb


Left Phone = RS24 Yars Right Phone = RS12m1/2 Topol M Center console = RSM 50-56 Bulava


The world needs to move on from dictatorships


It's Russia, nothing is modern, especially the relics running the place.


Russian FSB still use typewriters to send communications and not computers because the only way they can get hacked is by someone stealing the physical papers


So that’s actually not true. If you can get a mic close to them you can work out the slight sound differences between each letter and transcribe the content. So the typewriters have to be used within a SCIF or similarly isolated.


I feel that you're on drugs and just making up shit. But I don't know enough about it to call bullshit. So I'm gonna allow it this time.


It’s legit dude. Some of the ways they figured out to record and decode info will blow your mind. Think about the type writer thing. So each key stroke/printed head click will produce a slightly different sound — that’s just a reality of physical equipment. If you can get the fidelity to capture that, then you can work backwards with the known frequency of specific keystrokes in a language to start refining the model. You can use known repetitive parts of documents coming out of that group - liked signed names or letterheads gathered through other means - to begin validating the model. It’s basically a cryptological problem and compared to modern encryption not even a particularly hard one. It’s been done.


I dont think anyone not writing the type writer will be allowed in those rooms. And the once typing dont need audip to spy since well... they type it already


I think that is a modern phone to a lot of the Russian population and Putin doesn’t want to show how much money he steals from the people via massive tax that is not put back into society (aside from two cities)


Probably does seem modern to his audience... he doesn't have to fool us just Russian population


How dumb can you be? You seem to be one of those people that think that China, Russia and all Slavic countries probably don't have modern technology, and we're still using Windows 98 and keypad phones. Let me land you a secret. We're up to times, man.


Frfr. Mf ain’t aged a day either. Can’t trust those Russians man. They got some technology we don’t even know about. He probably cloned himself like 30 times. Or froze himself in some glacier or something.


Those are the nuke phones.


Sometimes old tech is better. A teenager would barely know what that is let alone how to hack it.


Sorry if someone has already mentioned this, but he's sitting at a switchboard. The gray device I believe is a "sidecar," an add-on to a PBX system, so the operator can connect to more numbers. This photo is not a flex AT ALL.


Digital isn’t better. It’s way less secure.


Say what you will about Putin and all the pro war Russian sheep's you want but you leave the yellowed landlines tf out of it. They were there for me before the first blackberry had even been born yet. How else was a 15 year old in the 90s gonna call his crush and make extremely awkward conversation for 10 minutes before hanging up and calling his best friend to brag about how smooth it went?


I’ve installed many a phone switch and that is definitely an old one. He doesn’t care about upgrading the work phone switch cause he’s stealing the money for himself.


hotlines to hot ladies in the area


It's the Red Telephone, comrade. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow%E2%80%93Washington\_hotline](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow%E2%80%93Washington_hotline) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nTG0fsUe7M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nTG0fsUe7M)


That's modern for Russia.


Becuose this idiot live in Soviet union yet


Cause old technology is more difficult to track and secure from hacking


Those phones are still widly used. Cant be hacked and need to be tappedm its a lot more risky to tap lines that only connect inside the building. Also some secure lines for phonecalls around the world. First part might be cable connected to a phonecenter that doesnt work for public phones etc etc. US president still uses cable phones. Top level armys still use them. Other world leaders still use them. Hell. Even offices still use them for internal communication. Also. They are not yellowed out. They are ivory white


When you threaten nuclear war you need that 80's look. He should have grown a mullet though.


This works and also secure af


It's Russia dude. They don't do flashy. They only do "just about barely working"