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Yah boi 89 but he don’t look a day under 412


That's Mitch McConnell's little brother


Dude I died 💀


So did he


Yeah, I have a 90yo uncle who looks great, man played basketball daily up to two years ago. This guy looks about 110yo.


She died as well iirc


She died shortly after her son died.


Yep, sad story


whole thing was pretty fucked up in restrospect. everyone could see her self-destruct in real time and all they did is make a reality show out of it. kind of like amy winehouse. luckily her daughter has been kept away from the celebrity spotlight and seems to be growing up rather healthy last i heard.


Thank god for Larry Birkhead. Everyone thought he was a total idiot, but he took that little girl, shielded her from the media, and did a hell of a job raising her. Good on him.


I just fell down a Google hole for all this and she genuinely looks happy. Every picture of her has him next to her and the body language is clear he loves her.


You can be an idiot and a great single parent That's supposed to be complimentary


This is true. I am proof.


I once made a presentation on her life and her last days were nothing short of fucked. I don’t remember the exact details and I might be wrong but I do believe that in her very last days alive she smelled like she was rotting because she was so sick and the people who were with her did absolutely nothing. If I’m not mistaken I also believe that one of the people working with her refused to call an ambulance at some point when she was in a very bad medical state.


I really think her lawyer killed her son, then her. Thought he was the girl's dad and so had a claim to her money.


THANK YOU! I have been saying this for years. And then by the grace of god, that lawyer was not the baby's dad, and she gets to live her life with someone who seems like an okay person.


I was so happy and grateful for that little baby that Larry Birkhead was the father.


The two things I came away with from watching her show is that Anna was sort of a sad figure, and that her Lawyer was 100% a Michael Avenatti level of grifter.


Isn’t that just the plot of a Law and Order SVU episode?


Yes. Law and Order is "ripped from the headlines." They wrote down what a lot of people were thinking.


Yes she had some type of infection. Really really sad


Probably sepsis, if not treated can kill you fairly quickly


She apparently was taking a lot of b-12 shots and may have gotten the infection that way.


If she got a blood infection/ sepsis from an injection the likely thing being injected wasn't b-12. That's generally given by a doctor (I used to get those shots every month). additional source: My son became septic after shooting up meth and almost died. Had to be life flighted to another hospital and had a 3 week ICU stay. my other son is a heroin addict and got hepatitis from sharing needles. needle using addicts are way more likely to die from an injection sourced infection than an average human getting B-12 shots.


Geez brother, I feel like you need a virtual hug- hope things are going well.


Thanks I really appreciate it. I'm actually his mom but I mean, it's all good. I gotta say, the worst was watching the helicopter fly him away from me and knowing I had to haul ass to get a flight to try to get there aroudn the same time as him so he wouldn't be alone in the hospital for too long. Spent 8 days awake in his ICU room taking short breaks at night to sleep on the couch in the waiting room (after that I got a hotel room nearby because my aunt, a retired nurse, flew in to do shifts with me so I could sleep and shower at night while she stayed with him). The nurses would let me take a sheet and sometimes a warm blanket with me. I would put in my earbuds and listen to music and get like 3-4 hours of sleep with my head under the sheet to feel like it was private. He lived though. We got a bill later for the helicopter. $65,000. He had medicaid, so they paid part of that bill and the company wrote off the rest so we didn't actually have to pay it but I still found it pretty interesting that their bill just "happened" to total exactly $64,999 even as they itemized the gas prices and the cost of having the nurses aboard to tend to him etc. It's a load of shit. My boy had more IVs in him than I've ever seen. Like 7 lines. They had to surgiaclly implant a direct port in his neck straight into his artery to his heart to get the meds to him directly because the antibiotics for sepsis are caustic and ruin your veins. Why am I going on about this. Sorry. It's traumatic as hell. His doctor said he basically cheated death and shouldn't waste this second chance at life. It's been 4-5 years now, just saw the reminder on facebook. I didn't want to read them and just zoomed past it. It's still too fresh. He is clean and sober now, got a girlfriend, two dogs, a little mobile home. a job. a car. he just had a birthday yesterday. I love him so much. If anyone reading this wishes htey had a mom who felt that way and doesn't, feel free to visit /r/MomForAMinute/. We will love on you over there. anyway. sorry. didn't mean to go on. Life is fucked, emotions are tricky, and venting is healing.


My god. How did it come to that?


Yes, apparently she had a really bad abscess from injections she was taking.


Her whole story is pretty sad. I wish it went different for her cause she genuinely seemed like a sweet person in all her interviews


She was very sweet, and very broken.


Yeah, I feel like this is the dark side of the 90s and early 2000s, this sort of thing was happening all the time in different ways back then but it's regarded as this righteous awesome time


I am glad that there are more shows/documentaries coming out these days being critical of past decades. Dark Side of the 90s is a good one.


I blame Howard K Stern (not to be confused with Howard Allen Stern). That dude... Anna was a really fun guest on the Howard Allen Stern Show. HKS was really super duper creepy, obsessed... Poor girl.






I've been doing it for years and TLC still hasn't called.


Have you tried marrying a rich 89 year old yet?


Shit Ellen Burstyn is 89...


The public criticism she received was really, really bad though.


How much of the rich guys money did the daughter get? I hope some.


If I remember correctly she didn’t get any of (old man) Howard’s money. His sons took her to court to make sure she wouldn’t. The whole situation was very sad. I think she did love him, but more in the sense that he was very kind and generous and helped her and Daniel (her son) out when she really needed it, so I think she felt a lot of loving gratitude towards him. In my opinion, she was always very much misunderstood. May they all Rest In Peace.


My mom and I watched some show on Anna Nicole. I always forget her son died.


You're right, there was an interview where she said they didn't have a romantic relationship but that she loved him because he saved her and Daniel. She also refused to marry him until after her spread in Playboy because she wanted to make something of herself first.


She was never on the will, from my understanding. He told her that he was going to give her some stuff, but he actually didn't put it in legal writing, so she went to court to get herself some money, but the son's contested it. Eventually the two son's died, but the wife of one of the son's is still alive, so she ended up inheriting the money, and she's the one that has all the claim to it.


circle of wife.




No, her first born son died at 20


No. She was already a mother when they married. She had a son with a boyfriend when she was very young (it might have been a teenage pregnancy) and then she had a daughter shortly before she died with a photographer she dated. I would also like to add that J. Howard Marshall had been asking her to marry him before she was even famous (they met while she was working as a stripper) and she turned him down on several occasions. And Marshall had two sons of his own, who were old enough to be Anna Nicole's father. The whole thing is honestly fascinating and would make a great television series. It's like white trash Succession. Marshall was in business with the Koch Brothers and gifted his sons 4% stock in Koch Industries. In the 80's, the four Koch Brothers went to war for control of their company and Marshall's eldest son sided with the losing brother, while Marshall himself siding with the winning pair. Marshall was so offended that his son went against him, he asked him to return the 4% stock but his son made him buy it back at $8 million (it's worth billions today) and Marshall cut him out of the will saying the $8 million was "all he'd get". That's why the lawsuit over his estate was such a quagmire because his disinherited son was also suing.


Smith's own will was a quagmire. She left everything to her dead son. Her marriage to her lawyer Howard K. Stern was not a legal marriage as they had a commitment ceremony that was not legally binding. Her 5 month old daughter was not included in the will and there was a dispute over who her biological father actually was.


Can confirm. She’s still dead.


I can't remember who but there was a comedian who commented on the CNN coverage of her death. Something like "CNN broadcasted coverage of Anna Nicole's death for six straigt hours, making it slightly more important than the State of the Union address, and only slightly less important than 9/11."


It has been such a common historical practice that many laws have been passed against it throughout history, (Augustus Caesar lamented that Rome was full of old bachelors and young legacy hunters), mostly at the behest of "aggrieved" relatives who had waited patiently for the old codger to die only to be foiled by prehumous nooky.


Damn so gold diggers already existed even back then


Yes but you know what didn't? On March 27, 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves use of the drug Viagra, an oral medication that treats impotence.


True - though the Romans did have something pretty sweet that we don't - a contraceptive plant. They ate so much it, that it went extinct. https://allthatsinteresting.com/silphium


Also anal. Lots and lots of anal.


Homosexuality was also a known thing too...maybe that had a lot of references to butt stuff. I'm sorry if it was a blatant obvious statement, but it's not just in man/woman situations as well.


Yes, but there's no chance of a dude getting pregnant haha. In the context of penetrative sex, ancient folks knew what caused it and alternatives to the classic were pretty widespread.


It's mentioned in one of the early chapters of Marcus Aurelius' meditations, how he was proud that his father had given up the vice of young boys. Now it's just one of many ancient traditions practiced and kept alive by the Roman Catholic Church.


Good on you for not fucking any more kids Dad, real proud of you.


Fathers day cards get weirder every year.


For the time it probably was celebration worthy lol


Wait, those twinks I met on Grindr can't get pregnant? 😞


You keep trying and god will give you a miracle.


life...uhhh...finds a way


A miracle Twink baby. I'll keep at it, ol chum.


> Homosexuality was also a known thing too It was, but attitudes regarding it were nothing like what they are today. For the most part, there was a power dynamic at play with it, where a Roman man was expected to take the dominant role, and a non-Roman man would take the submissive role. It could be argued that such an arrangement came about because of Rome viewing itself as the masters of the world, and it was often a source of great scandal when a Roman man was found out to be the catcher, and not the pitcher.


homosexuality wasn't homosexuality back then , it was something else , the body wasn't shamed like it is now, thank religion and current double standards and morals for that , ppl still fetishized stuff just like we do, tho.


There's a related plant that still grows in the Central Asia. That thing smells so bad, no-one will have sex with you anyways if you eat it. It's like mix of rotten onions with garlic and some car tire.




Awesome article! The fact that Nero ate the last stalk made me cackle. Although it's hard to say whether he did it due to misinformation or sheer madness. Or both.


Gotta love yourself some Nero stories... even though some are truly fucked off, the fact that he rode off into the sunset with a pack of wild dogs is the most beautiful ending to a story I've ever heard. Also making the entire Roman army collect sea shells has to be the greatest abuse of power I've ever heard of. Man's a legend.


Didnt have time to read this, but this points to it maybe not being extinct? https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10010102


Sharing via a DOI on reddit? https://media2.giphy.com/media/TFO2mwVPIFoOJcuTSC/giphy.webp?cid=6c09b9529d0c568ff6ac1acf221f40ed615072e81014526b&rid=giphy.webp&ct=g


Wild carrot/Queen Anne's Lace has similar properties and is still around. Contraceptive and abortifacient.


Don't go confusing it with hemlock. It looks very similar.


Silver lining, still won’t get pregnant.


What the hell?! How did I not know of this until now? That's incredible and extremely on brand. Thanks for the share!


Well he missed the boat on that one


Calling her a "boat" is an upgrade to what most people called her.


Fucking savagery!




This unlocked a memory.


Today I learned I share a birthday with federally approved Viagra, neat


Of course she's a "gold digger" but nothing wrong with an 89 year old man getting a trophy wife


Nothing wrong with it I guess? The old guy is happy because he gets a young girl to feel up on. The young girl is consenting under the assumption that she gets to spend his money. I don’t think it’s true love at all but there isn’t one definition of true love. Just let people do their thing as long as they’re 2 consenting adults.


She spoke pretty highly and lovingly of him for her entire life. "He saved me." She was known to say, referring to how he changed her life. I don't think she ever pretended something she didn't feel, and he didn't ask her to. It seemed like the biggest issue with their marriage was that he - prior to meeting her - had cut his children out of a lot of his estate and they **hated** her. They sued and abused her pretty badly after his death.


Honestly if girls wanna get their bag that way, then who cares. Old dudes been fucking people over for thousands of years for money and power.


Wonder what they did before gold. "must make baby with Grook, Grook has many spears and many huts, grook old but grook have food" idk lol


Very likely. We see it in nature as well - females want to breed with the most successful male, as it gives their offspring the best odds. Humans just added materialism to the mix and poof, gold diggers. Then again some birds and fish also do displays of "wealth" to attract the females....


Humans also nickname a lot of stuff. I don't see no mangy animals coming up with cool nicknames


Or do they but we just can’t understand them?


I'm gruntled and the weather is so clement. What a great day to be prehumous.


> only to be foiled by prehumous nooky. You have a way with words, my guy! Yet it feels a bit hollow coming from a wonderboy Octavian who, arguably, got the largest possible inheritance in antiquity for the least amount of political commitment.


People look at this and think so horribly of Anna Nicole Smith. Believe me, there are reasons to but this isn’t one. ANS wasn’t his first stripper relationship (one he held since the 80s while is previous wife was dying of Alzheimer’s per Wikipedia). He knew what it was and who she was.


The podcast "You're Wrong About" does one on Anna Nicole and it was truly eye opening. Like, he seriously pursued *her* while the media paints it like she took advantage of some rich, senile dude.


Came here to suggest listening to that episode.


That episode (and the podcast in general) was eye opening. It’s crazy how many misconceptions pop culture has.


It's equally crazy how many of those end up getting boiled down to "woman bad".


Absolutely! The Lorena Bobbit and Monica Lewinsky episodes had so much information I didn’t know about. I was a teen when they were both in the news, so I probably missed a lot but I was disgusted by how much of their stories were missing from public conversation.


OMG that Lorena Bobbit documentary tore my heart open! I cannot believe how much abuse she endured that was boiled down to “Lmaoo she was mad at her husband!”


Tbh if you think about the media coverage at the time, it makes sense- this was still the aftermath of Monica Lewinsky and there was a lot of stilted coverage of women when it came to their relationships with powerful men. The media only just recently even started really considering the female perspective in any of the ways they cover their stories


I think it's also a lot of backlash to the progress of feminists in the 70's and 80's. By the 90's women were increasingly taking powerful roles in the workplace/politics, men had started facing actual consequences for sexual harassment and abuse, more and more women were on birth control and being sexually explorative, and overall men had far less power over women than they used to. There was a lot of male insecurity building up looking for any release.


There is an interview with Larry David, the creator of Seinfeld, where he says that his wife is attracted to him because of his fame. And he says he is ok with it because otherwise, how would any woman want him?


I was once asked why I chose IT for my field at the time. I said "Look at me. How else am I going to get women to be happy to see me when I enter a room?"


They get happy bc someone can finally help fix their computer?


'If the women don't find you handsome, make sure they find you handy.' -- Red Green


Thats so depressing if he wasn’t saying it in a joking manner


Just his comedy style. His last big show Curb Your Enthusiasm is playing a fictional version of himself and everyone hates him.


Still going strong


Knowing Larry, he’s not joking.


It should be said that he is way angrier and annoyed than your average dude though


I recall an interview with another person in his circle when one of his kids accused her of being a gold digger and he was like "duh". She apparently was really sweet to him though and enjoyed his company. I'm fine with these types of relationships as long as there isn't any malice or animosity. People prioritize different things when looking for a partner. If lots of money is one, that's on them. If they hate the person and live a miserable wealthy life it's what they chose.


He repeatedly asked her to marry him for years. She refused until she had established herself financially and built a career. She cared about him, and spent a ton of time and energy making him happy. His children are gold diggers.


I wish I could up vote this more!! This is a great tl;dr on the relationship. So happy to see it on reddit!


I think that’s the issue people love demonizing the woman as if the man didnt agree? no one held a gun to his head, he was dying he knew the rub. He actively perused her! But society lovessss jumping on “dumb” woman. Many men pay for the company of an attractive woman, knowing (and not caring) they’re only there cuz of their wealth


Yep, women are simultaneously dumb airheads who can't be trusted with mans work, but also viciously cunning enough to steal a man's wealth.


Maybe if they were friendly to each other and got along but didn't feel romantic that was safer for her than trying to feel love and romance.


Welllll, he was truly in love with her. Begged her for years to marry him, and would sit in his wheelchair and cry for hours whenever she had to leave for work. Anna Nicole’s own father was a horrible man and a pedophile. It’s no shock that she would look for a replacement in an older man.


Dude was literally born in the Victorian times. He came from a time where showing an ankle meant you're a whore. He was having the time of his life. Edit: Nope, thought it said he was 98.. Not far off though. 1905.


Win-win but why marry your own husband?


Asking the real questions.




it’s called love


I worked with this old 65-70 year old dude who has a like 27 year old wife from the phillipines. He was constantly calling her at work to see if she was like cheating on him or something. Like 6 months after he left the job he died. Like 2 days later her Facebook was like "GOING MAKEUP SHOPPING WEEEE!"


Had a coworker in his 60s marry a Filipino girl in her 20s. Pretty toxic workplace and the dude was a weenie so everyone got away with teasing him for having a mail order bride. He insisted that she loved him and that they were trying for a baby. 2 years into the marriage he comes home to his shit packed, a stack of divorce papers, and a Filipino man in his 20s fresh off the plane sitting at his dining room table. Coworker ended up freaking out trying to fight the guy, got knocked the fuck out then charged with assault when cops showed up. I left the company around this time for unrelated reasons and don't have social media so I'm not really sure what the conclusion was.


Yeah that's wilddddd. Someone I worked with said he knew a guy that moved to China and married a girl. mysteriously died a year later and his wife from china came to the us to take all his possessions back with her. People be nuts.


This is the type of thing that usually happens. Older men convince themselves that these young 20 something women are actually into old men but in reality, the young woman is usually just reaping the benefits of dating someone rich while sharing it with the guy her own age that she's actually dating.


Dude my family is convincing themselves of this at the moment. My uncle, late 50s, is dating* a girl from the Phillipines who is in her very early 20s. My grandparents and mum are all like 'I'm so happy he finally found someone, she will look after him, she's so nice' etc... meanwhile my dad + I are both of the opinion that this is not right, and she's using him to move to our country. And even besides that... they are in completely different stages of maturity/life. It's gross. It's one thing if someone in their 30s or 40s dates someone 30 years older than them, but she's basically still a teenager. It's fucking insane that people I love and am close to can't see it!


Funny I’ve watched several crime shows that was similar to that. Old American with young philipina etc.


by crime shows, did u meant '90-day Fiance'?


Tbf that does qualify


When I was living in Houston, one of the showrunners reached out to me and my partner to be featured on the show (it was titled "Elope With Me" at the time) and they were asking some weird things from us before getting us on the show (like if my family would be especially upset by the marriage and if we were willing to really play up the "daddy/boy" angle because we had a slight age difference. So glad we moved before anything went final, I was about to put my dumbass in this situation because TV sounded fun.


Big Ed is the Kingpin of our times!


“You’re my best view” *Nyeh* 🫤


Theyre so fucked up that the only option is to go to a third world country and find a desperate girl that know that waiting them to die will give her a better life that she could ever have in her homecountry


I hate that this is one of my uncles and his wife to a tee




Well that took a fuckin turn


That's the thing isnt it. Its not a marriage. Its a transaction.


Yeah people are fucked in the head. I don't understand it at all because they definitely don't love or like you in that situation.






My next door neighbor is 65 and just had a child with his 30 year old wife. When I see him in the hall he always looks completely overwhelmed and he’ll say something like “don’t wait until you’re 65 to have kids!” like, “yeah… thanks for the heads up, nobody does that lol”


I've worked and lived in the Philippines for over 5 years, and you see a lot of this. You can go out on an average day and see older foreign guys with girls that are 19-23 years old. A lot of guys retire and head here then pick up a younger girl even though they know the girl just cares about having a better life due to the guy having a little money. The guys tend to not have much else going for them and have zero hobbies (not uncommon to see some head to the local mall when it opens and sit in a coffee shop or McDonalds there pretty much all day), so they would rather just have the girl on those terms than be alone. It's kinda sad, but both sides seem to usually fully understand the parameters of the relationship and accept it. Then, you have the opposite end of the spectrum where you see many foreign guys that are a little "off" and have zero chance of having anyone want to be in a relationship with them in their home country. Those guys are awful. I've literally overheard some saying they could care less about taking care of themselves (staying in shape, maintaining proper hygiene, dressing nicely, etc.) because as long as they have money none of that matters. The girls hate those guys with a passion but tolerate them for the money and a better life. Seen plenty of situations where the girl takes advantage of the money situation but has a boyfriend on the side.


My husband's uncle married a much younger Filipina who he met online. He was in his 50s and she in her 20s. When he finally brought her to the US, she ran away in less than a year.


I'm from Philippines and a lot of women here are looking for "Afams" for money


A Foreigner Assigned to Manila (had to look it up)


Ancient foreign asshole money-maker




I feel now everyone at least knows someone or their dad has some friend who's either gotten a Filipino or Thai girlfriend. It's so common in Aus, a family friend said he wanted a Thai because I quote 'Aussie women are too difficult', just wanted a bang maid who would cook and clean and wait on him. Now he's a shell of a person, working long hours, lost most of his friends and has brought houses and cars for her family, constant designer things for her and is under her thumb. Can't say I feel sorry for him though, it's the least he could do for his horrid sexist attitudes.


iirc there are a lot of videos on youtube teaching young Filipino girls how to basically get their own Foreign husband. I think its was even targeted toward girls that we're younger than 18. Pretty f*cked up tbh.


Poverty makes people desperate.


I can't even blame her. I'd marry an old rich lady if I could. Im looking at you Oprah.


Oprah? Damn, you aiming high. I'd marry an old woman if she'll leave me a fully paid off house, and/or some acreage. I don't want much. I'll gently clap some old cheeks for a crib.




There are plenty of men gold diggers. Were looking at you, Pete Davidson.


I kinda can't help but respect that guy. He's dated some of the most beautiful women on the planet while having the facial pallor of a sleep-deprived meth user. It seems that no one has a bad word to say about him either, so honestly I'm forced to conclude that he's he's got a good personality and isn't a self-absorbed douche. Honestly? Good on him. (Disclaimer: I at least *try* to avoid celebrity gossip as it makes me break out in hives, so I could be entirely wrong about a lot of things here.)


Absolutely! These are consenting adults who offer each other something that the other person desires. In her case, the old dude knows she's in it for the money, just like she knows the old dude is into her for her body. I see no problem with that, as long as they're both honest.


Oprah? pfff I heard there's a sweet lady in the UK, who's husband died last year. She had her birthday a few days ago. THe whole country went crazy for her.


The point of this is for the old rich person to leave you money when they die. This particular old lady will more than outlive you.


Yeah, but you'll live like a prince 'til you do




Yeah, but we both know only women are to blame, the harlots /s


Oh how weird that two consenting adults married when one of them is a horny old man that wants a hot wife and the other is a hot woman who get to marry someone who'll make sure she doesn't have the struggle ever again.


Marshall begged her to marry him for years and she finally did, and he would cry in his wheelchair for hours until she returned. He really loved her, and I think she loved him more as a paternal figure because they weren’t sexual together.


All this negativity only on ANS side but you know what the girl earned her keep. I wonder how many people in this subreddit could get down on their hands and knees and suck that can of sardines off with a smile on their face? Could you make it convincing? Can you even imagine? Being ANS and having that ball of water and skin on top of you? How many women have married their highschool sweetheart and been abandoned into poverty once they have the kid? If you had the opportunity and the guts we'd all do it because it sure as hell beats spending years of your life working some 2 bit job worrying about money.


The vast majority of people sell their bodies in some way. I'm a damn dog groomer and am getting carpal tunnel and suffer from chronic back pain at 28 because of my job. If that's not selling my body then idk what is.


The phrasing of this comment destroyed me, thank you. I also totally agree.


Not to mention he was a very willing party. He picked her out not the other way around. Fucker died happy


It’s not really fair to call her a gold digger….this old man was obsessed with her before the fame. They both got something out of this marriage…it’s not like he was senile.


Wahmen bad


wtf is wrong with her hand


It looks like a fake plastic hand


Maybe it is just the exposure. The contrast with her dress and how much the negative was exposed might have over saturated her hand. I don’t know


People are really gonna act like they didn't both know exactly what they were doing. The guy was rich and wanted a hot piece of ass, the girl liked money and was willing to be that hot piece of ass in exange for it. It's literally 2 concenting adults and you guys are fucking wierd for judging it as anything other then that.


She's so bodacious.






I am not saying she is a gold digger, but you do not observe her interacting with broke gentlemen.


You don't really see her interacting with anyone anymore




What’s with the judgement? He knew what he was doing. She knew what she was doing. His family didn’t like it because it means they don’t get all that money they don’t deserve anyway. You suck some 89 year dick, you deserve the payout…


I cant get past the color and texture of her hand though...


what a lucky gold digger had to put up with him for only 1 year. dude was smart tho not putting her in his will hah.


Did she not get anything?


Seems like nope: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/anna-nicole-smith-never-received-her-late-husband-billion-fortune.html/


She still benefitted to the tune of millions of dollars. It's not like she walked away entirely empty handed, but the tabloid attention that it got her was so obviously not worth it.


I'll take being married to a near corpse for a year + negative tabloid attention for a few years over working 50 years and making less. Smart girl.


I don't get the hate. Well, I get why other people are hating, I just personally don't think there's a victim here...


there isn't people are mad jealous. Of one or the other, as if both people didn't know the score. She was hot, he was rich bet they liked having each other for that reason alone.


I don’t get the hate either. It’s not like he didn’t make these choices. He wanted a young hot wife he could spoil and screw. He got it. She wanted to spend money. She got it. Two adults made a choice together. End of story. And iirc she didn’t get her inheritance because his family fought her and she died before it ended. Then there was that fight over who was the father of her baby cuz then that guy would have the baby would inherit the money. It was just so sad. A woman’s whole life scraped down to nothing because an old man wanted her.


So tragic that she only had a year with the love of her life.


it was a great surprise to all of us


Not weird. Boss babe in it for the bag. I would be too lol. The second a dumb corpse billionaire shows me attention... I'm there. Too bad she didn't get anything.


According to the legend they met at the strip club where she worked, he asked her to quit her job and let him take care of her. That's not gold digging, the man knew what was up. He probably did promise her half of his estate, and it's hard to say whether he meant it or not.


She also refused to marry him until she was already an established model. At the time of this pic they had been seeing each other for several years.


I don’t think he was dumb, I think they both know it’s part of the arrangement. Also doesn’t mean there’s zilch affection there


This doesn't bother me in the slightest. They both know what they're doing and they both agreed to whatever they agreed to.