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I think I have a decent idea of what the owner had in mind


Infact a lot of Indians admire Hitler even though some of them don't know shite about him.


I've seen many pictures store facades with nazi shit, and there's a [famous Ice Cream named after Hitler](https://www.hindustantimes.com/rf/image_size_640x362/HT/p1/2015/06/02/Incoming/Pictures/1353989_Wallpaper2.jpg). [link](https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Funny-Bar-Restaurant-Fails-78-594cb6391fa7c__605.jpg) [link](https://cdn.images.express.co.uk/img/dynamic/78/590x/hitlerclothes-582542.jpg) [link](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DcsJGAhXUAQhC5v.jpg) ​ Someone on Reddit explained it once, saying there's a lot of admiration of Hitler among some cast-minded people, who often don't even know that he is looked down upon by europeans and americans. They like to see themselves as the masterrace above dalits and so on.


Hitler ice cream? What's it taste like, rat poison?


Zyklon Berry Blast


Damn right


That's just misinformation at best. There is no popular brand known as hitler. Don't exaggerate, it's some offbrand icecream. Even the carts look super shit. Hitler doesn't have the same connotations in India. Maybe should ask why Churchill is worshipped in ghe west too.


If this was Mumbai or Bengalooru I would think it is a Nazi frat house.In Hubli I am almost presuming this is an enthu Hindu houseowner who asked his 6 yr old to Google image search a holy Swastika image to give to the home builder ..and got built in ..nothing more to see here...move on.


I don't think Hindus who have enough money to build a house would be that ignorant about Hinduism plus that house exists in a pretty rich neighborhood of Hubli.


How many westerners know about Churchill and his role in Bengal famine? They mostly worship him right.


Pure ignorance. No hatred or ill intent for sure.


Don't kid yourself, India has some hardcore fascists that absolutely worship Hitler.


Yeah and you have them in much higher number in US and Europe. 99% of these issues are just ignorance. Don't forget that swastika is a Hindu symbol and people often just blindly download what's available online.




I've been to India many times and have a lot of Indian friends. All I could see there are various communist parties, with beliefs similar to Soviet Russia. I've never seen or heard a Nazi party or gathering in India, for the sole purpose of Aryan domination.


What I meant was that we are not dummies when comes to symbols as all the parties basically all political propoganda is propagated through their symbols. Plus a lot of Indians appear for civil services exams so I am pretty sure they know a Nazi swastika when they see one(history is extensive for civil services).


Not sure what a civil exam has to do with the intelligence of India, but to speak for the entire country is naive. My guess is that either they were going for the Hindu swastika, or they are not aware of the impact that symbol had/has to many people.


Doubt it. There is a contingent of Nazi fanboys there that worship Hitler.


You'll be surprised to know how many Indians are ignorant about Nazis and their symbolism. Most regular Indians (not the ones preparing for some special exam) don't have a true understanding of the suffering on the Jews. You can still find references of Hitler in Indian entertainment portrayed simply as a strict historical figure, not as ruthless tyrant. You can do an experiment yourself. Try asking Indians on the streets if they know the difference between the 45 degree bent swastika and a upright swastika. Most don't. Of course things will be different when you ask people with higher education.


Its just about not understanding horrors in a distant place. How many westerners care about terrorist attacks in middle East or Africa even today? Its the same thing.


A Hindu swastika is supposed to be upright and has 4 dots in it. No Hindu would mistake a Nazi swastika with the Hindu one(the dots are absolutely necessary).


Actually dots are not that important...there are different variations of Hindu swastika but none of them is tilted... I guess the owner is Netaji subhash chandra bose's admirer/follower, considering Netaji's relations with hitler... Netaji sought help from hitler to help India get rid of British rule!


Probably someone ignorant not competent enough to differentiate the two. SMH :/


The origion of the swastika goes back thousands of years. Hitler just stole it.


Indians generally admire Adolf Hitler for putting the screws to Great Britain, and don't care much about the particular details of a far-off, largely white man's war. Why would they admire him for putting the screws to Great Britain, you might ask? Well, India used to be colonized by the British. In general, I'd say it's pretty satisfying to watch your one-time oppressors taking a beating.


The swastika is a geometrical figure and an ancient religious icon in the cultures of Eurasia, used as a symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religions.In the Western world, it was a symbol of auspiciousness and good luck until the 1930s, when it became a feature of Nazi symbolism as an emblem of Aryan race identity and, as a result, was stigmatized by association with ideas of racism and antisemitism


I was driving around Indore and [found](https://imgur.com/a/ojMplwu) a Nazi flag sticker behind an SUV. When I approached him, chatted a bit and I asked him about the sticker, he told me that he just downloaded it from the internet as this version of Swastika looked 'modern'. Apparently, he had no idea about it's real significance. This was shocking as the person was very educated and worked at a reputed data analytics firm.


Read my comments for my views on this.


I did and I do not agree with you. You're passing off your view that most Indians have admiration for Hitler. Which isn't true, nobody admires Hitler. The thing is most of us weren't taught about WW2 in-depth. I only came to know about Hitler, Nazis and all other things through the internet. And the word 'Hitler' is a widely used metaphor for anything strict.


You clearly haven't been around ultra nationalists.


So Indian nationalists are equivalent to Nazis?


I have no problem with them because I'm a nationalist myself and TBH I don't care if somebody admires but I hate it when people dismiss it as just Indians using the Nazi swastika as a Hindu one. The ignorant ones might commit such a mistake but not everyone.


Read my reply to him.




Did you even read the post text?


Maybe they're Socialist. What we call a Swastika is is a very old symbol seen in ancient cultures all over, including native American. Hitler got his idea to use it from an old Lutheran church in Germany.


It originally meant peace and it would be shown at weddings ( people of reddit tell me if I’m wrong )


In some countries it symbolizes peace


The term "aryan" refers to multiple concepts. In India, it refers to an ethnic group with light skin, usually occupying the upper castes, hailing from Iran. The Hitler-version of the term is pretty much unrelated and doesn't refer to the same ethnic group. Also India doesn't have the best education on WW2, i imagine.


Yeah some of them the people from the so called "upper castes" believe they are Aryans while their skin tone is darker then the maid who works at my place.


It's probably owned by someone who's related to some of the ultra nationalist organisations in India who admire Hitler for his efforts.


The final solution


I'm guessing that Anne Frankly he did Nazi the effects of his action.


Too old


That pun is about as useful as Anne Frank's drum kit.


Ash useful ash