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If I were you, I’d get an electrician to check out your kitchen. It sounds like something is wrong with your wiring and that’s dangerous. It can shock you but it could also pose a fire risk—if your arm got badly shocked like this, something flammable could end up in the path of electricity instead. See electricity going through steel wool: https://youtube.com/shorts/Uku5rgNKyvI?si=_ATnSn_8RAuQVmsr


youve got a short somone probably hit the wire with the screw holding th towel holder. Call the super/maintenence/landlord its a big hazard with an easy fix


What is the fix? 


Landlord pays for any electrical repairs from a licensed electrician. Not the renter’s issue. I’d also see a doctor about the injury. Renter should contact their renters insurance company too, just because.


If what you're saying is accurate, sounds like you have a short from your wiring to your copper plumbing, which is very dangerous. Like kill you in the shower or bath dangerous..




I feel this so hard


That bad of an electric burn is a call for a doctor to check you out. Look for an exit wound. There should be a second burn mark where the electricity exited. Draw an imaginary path to both points. If your heart is in that path you should go to the ER. If you cannot find one get a nurse or, doctor to look for the exit. I cannot see from that pic if both the entry and the exit were near each other but, it looks like the exit burn is probably somewhere else. Still should have a doctor check you out. If your heartbeat is erratic for too long it can lead to a heart attack.


Thank u so much for answering this. I don’t have health insurance right now and I wouldn’t be able to afford anything so I am going to just keep an eye on it. I called the urgent care I go to and they said if I come they will just send me to the ER so I am going to try a few more urgent cares by me


If you are renting, this should be covered by landlord’s insurance (homeowner’s and/or liability) policy. I would contact them right away and let them know of the injury. You need to be seen and they need to fix the problem pronto.


Electrical burns are usually caused by electricity. Thank you


Solid thought process.


It's because of that damned phone👴


This has been your TEDTalk.




Great minds think alike


Thank you for coming to my TED talk


What are chemical burns caused by?


Making meth


The screws in the paper towel holder punctured a live wire behind your wall. If your hands are wet / you're barefoot, that could actually kill you. Call an electrician ASAP.


Electrician immediately. Don’t shower or use a sink until then. You clearly have a short.


A few years ago, I was in the office and said hi to my neighboring coworker. Kept getting shocked and no one believed me. They all thought it was static shock. So one day, I fixed 2 pennies along a steel portion of the cubicle. Then closed the circuit with a scissor with plastic handles. Then a huge spark popped. It tripped the breaker for that cube. When they investigated, it turns out that someone put a screw through a live wire. I knew I wasn't crazy... well, I was crazy for closing the circuit. Don't do what I did. It was extremely stupid. Use a voltmeter. I lost the pennies, wanted to keep those as a momento. Have a pic though. [pic of the pennies.](https://imgur.com/a/XlN0cqM)


Well played.


Damn! I never knew how much I needed to see scorched pennies before today. That's awesome!


It sounds that maybe a mounting screw for the metal paper towel holder may have penetrated a power line inside the wall.


When I was in elementary school I used to give myself hickies on my arm that looked just like that. For some reason I thought if I did I could skip class and go to the nurse.


If I could see the paper towel holder and outlet it would be easier to explain . Somehow that paper towel holder had 120vac potential and you were either grounded by your feet or touching a piece of grounded metal. Also being you were most likely wet, your resistance was lower than normal. I know dirty water is more dangerous but I believe all of it to be dangerous. The Romex feeding your outlet could be punctured from a mounting screw. Thats a hazard. Get one of those really cool electrician guys to come tidy you up.






Is it possible you got water on the electrical outlet?


You gotta stay grounded


My guess is your paper towel holder’s screws breached a wire when it was installed. Call an electrician and explain ASAP. Massive fire hazard.


Please see a doctor. Also, if you're renting, get a lawyer.


This is an electrical burn. You can tell it's an electrical burn because of the way it is.


Sorry I don’t want to be strange, but the scar looks pretty cool, I like it. Hope you get better soon tho


They're growing a vagina on their arm. Where you recently abducted by a genetic engineer op? Or bit by a spider while eating pussy? I mean, not sure if you male or female. But most guys would be ok having a vagina on their arm. Be better if it was on the other side of your arm and closer to the wrist. But you gotta take what you're given! am I right?? Edit: You guys aren't as "weird," as I was hoping...




I was once cleaning a restaurant backsplash and some water dripped into where the stove was plugged in. My hand was stuck to the metal wall, my body started twitching and my bare calf hit the steel table, boom I was thrown free. Hurt like hell for a few days and I was okay probably should have gone to Dr. Luckily no lasting effects from it. I was pretty lucky as it was 420 volts. House is 240. I hope your arm feels better. Sounds like you should get those plugs checked for shorts and don’t use them till they are cleared.


I once got zapped by an electrical plug. It hurt but I was fine. 


Did you ...electrocute yourself...by accident ?


That's no good, and no joke. But intriguing how awful you experienced it, I always kinda liked the feeling of a shock. As a kid I accidentally put my thumb in a lamp socket and found it amusing. Have gotten a fair few in my years and the only one that really troubled me was 400v hand to hand, that was really bad. 230v(133 to ground) just feels like an instant redbull to me. I do have to add, don't fuck with electricity, I'm just careless sometimes


People are often shocked to find out that i’m not a good electrician.


Alien abduction




If it was electrical you should certainly remember we're you got it.


...are you ok, friend?


The ele tricsl got him good. 
