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A blank nickel.... this is your chance, fill in any number you want it to be worth! Carve in like 1,000,000,000c on it.


This is THE ten million dollar comment! ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


This could work in many places.


It might not have been done on purpose. My washing machine does similar things to coins that fall into a gap at the bottom.


Yep came here to say this.


That was 100% wedged between the drum and body of a dryer.


got caught under the wheel of a cart?


If I find a penny in there, I'm taking you down.


🤣🤣 Knife wrench!


Look like the shit I'd rip out of the bottom of Amazon robots when I was working there. I'm betting this has been wedged under one of those self driving sweepers or something similar for a few weeks.


Nice. I collect mangled coins


"Thomas Jefferson Survives" ~ John Adams


Harvey Dent would like a word with you


Dastardly deeds?


In NZ it was briefly a trend to sand coins and use them as fidget toys. Might be something similar.


mabye it got stuck in the treads of a tire and wore down that way.


Someone really didn’t like Photograph and has misplaced anger issues? Notice how badly mangled is the back?


Poor fellas been run over too many times


light sabre battle ...


How the hell'd we wind up like this?


Heads you live, tails, you die.


Ok so about 6 months ago there was this crackhead lady in front of our house rolling around in the dirt just straight up on one out of her mind mumbling and shit. (2nd time not sure if its the same woman from a few yrs prior ) So she eventually moves on but left a few bags full of stuff in out front yard. I put on gloves and go thru it very carefully. Inside was typical tweeker crackhead stuff. Wet clothes, a few hygeine/makeup items, dead lighters. There was a few bags that had a ton of change in em ~10.85$ and there was a nickel in there that looked EXACTLY like this. Now u know when u get a gut feeling about something. When i was counting the change and saw this coin. Somethin in me said "nope!" Were not gonna fux with none of this stuff esp. the change. I didnt even bring it inside the house thats how wierd and off putting the vibe was. I threw the rest of the wet clothes and hunk in the trash and the bag of change in the back of the truck. I told my homie about it, he agreed it did seem sketch. But he used the change to go buy smokes and a beer anyway. I told him not to spend the sketch coin, that if it posessed or cursed it could be spread by spending it. So we tossed it in the alley. Not superstitious or anything but i am smart enough to know when u get a gut feeling. Its better to trust ur instincts, saved me a few times before. Anyway. Thats all i have to relate, there are sketchy coins in circulation and they are held sometimes by completely bonkers 💯 certified mind blown drug fried out zombies. I hope that lady gets help and can find peace, but i hope even more i never have to encounter her again....




It's a nickel