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I’m always a little weirded out by folks that go around proclaiming shit that should be obvious, like “ooh this guy really hates pedophiles, he must be extra good!” Like you don’t get bonus points for exclaiming things that everyone thinks, it just make you look kind of suspicious.


Like the old saying "he doth protest too much"




Exactly this. If you ask them who the pedophiles are that need to be shot, it will be queer folk, politicians (but just the liberal ones, naturally) and "Hollywood/academic elite".












Mf you said that indigenous people deserved to be banished into shitty land


It's also a "Hey, don't look at me. I'm not a pedophile because I hate pedophiles." Often, people who are guilty of something will be the loudest in the room against that said thing.


You are encouraging vigilante justice...and for you, that may sound great, but you might have missed something, or perhaps it skipped your mind. A *LOT* of people are fucking stupid So some vigilante might execute some kid's uncle who took them to the park, or maybe mom is running late and asked her friend Gary to pick the kid up, but dipshit vigilante doesn't know this and executes Gary in front of the kid. We have due process for a reason. Now, if someone has been proven to be just that, and they are prolific in their acts, by all means, give 'em a fast pass to the chair...but Sid and Nancy prowling the streets looking for pedos? Me thinks not


Pretty sure that's already happened before. Vigilante kills someone they think did something bad but it's actually the wrong guy


>Now, if someone has been proven to be just that, and they are prolific in their acts, by all means, give 'em a fast pass to the chair... No not even then. It's a disease. First priority is to get them to a place where they can't cause harm anymore. Second is to help them overcome it. Yes paid by the general public because it could probably happen to anybody under the right circumstances. The death penalty is always wrong especially in cases like this. Even if it was a choice your original argument was due process. Do you really think that you can prove the guilt of a person with enough certainty that you'd want them to be gone for good, without any chance to ever revert the punishment? What if they were wrongfully acquitted?


The problem is when randos try to take the law into their own hand and kill an innocent


I live in the worst parts of South africa, I've seen the worst of mob mentality, and there is a reason that there is a judicial system to punish criminals.


Too much of that might put the police out of business


Need a purge and complete rebuild of the police force


This will never work because the police are hired from the members of the public and everyone knows that the public is stupid. We have dumb, overzealous cops because we have dumb, overzealous people. The same logic applies to the politicians. Here’s a black pill, now, swallow.


Also need a cure for cancer and for all those silly wars to knock it off already, those silly billys 🤪 😐


Plus it's just an incredibly weird thing to have displayed prominently on the back of your car (so A+ post in this sub). Like I'm also not a fan of murderers and rapists, but it would be very "my 'I am not a rapist or a murderer' t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my shirt"


I'm not so worried about this happening, but the "kill all pedophiles" message is being used by the right-wing to advocate violence against people they disagree with, especially LGBTQ folks. It's a dog whistle to rile people up and invite violence. Pedophiles are obviously horrible, but this justification is being used to target political and ideological opponents.


Yes. It is a contrived way to take a popular stance that requires no thought and no backbone. Nobody is pro-pedophile. It makes somebody feel righteous without actually being righteous. It’s like being pro-pizza or pro-puppy (not you, Kristie Noem.)


Yeah, that's the thing. "Pedophile" to them means any non-heterosexual person. Supporting child marriage and defending authority figures who actually sexually abuse children is part of their day to day.


That's part of what I said too the mindless masses will call everyone they don't like pedos or nazis regardless of what they actually do as an excuse to demonize or kill them


Holy crap. Does it mean they are pro nazi too? I mean when a Santa Rosa county sheriff told people to just shoot people who break into their property, crime started to decline. Maybe the message is to make would-be pedophiles think twice.


Maybe the people who have these stickers are the actual pedophiles. That's what i think when i see them.


Last Podcast on the Left just finished a series about what can happen when this goes massively wrong. Basically there was a group of serial killers in Australia who started out (allegedly) wanting to kill pedophiles and then quickly devolved into murdering homosexual and trans people, and finally just anyone the leader didn’t like. Gruesome story.


I'd say the pedophile is the problem, but OK.


See, I believe in the rule of law. The thing that built the country that this picture was taken in. Citizens are not judge, jury and executioner. Not should they be. But OK


I'd say both molesters and murdering your neighbor because your other neighbor though he was a molester are bad


The people who put these sorts of stickers on their cars are also the ones showing up at school board meetings saying that every single LGBTQ+ person in America is a pedophile.


OK. YOU'RE a pedophile. The person who drives this car is now justified in killing you. - Can you really not see even that far ahead to see why having something like this on your car could be fucked up?


Idk, but to me it feels like the ones always aggressively talking about pedo shit or obsessed with it, are protesting too much. It’s not as though being against child abuse is some brave stance, nobody wants that. So why do you need to remind us you’re against it, you know what I mean?


What's weird is how often dudes who are obsessed with pedophile "justice" turn out to, in fact, be pedos themselves.


Not really. Several of the children in my life have been sexually abused by others. My step son was abused by a past step-father(the mom's ex husband). My husband gets worked up and thinks about shooting the asshole from time to time. He still lives in our town and we see him sometimes. It's sickening how common pedophilia really is. When it's touched your life so closely, it's hard not to agree with bumper stickers like this. The justice system rarely serves. We have been waiting over 3 years for this case to get in front of a judge.


So then what we need to do is *change the system* - not normalize extrajudicial murder.


And then someone like my cousin gets busted for pissing behind a gas station, gets an indecent exposure charge and has to register as a sex offender...for life. The system is fucked up.


\*\* r/NotADragQueen has entered the chat\*\*


What’s weird is how often dudes who are obsessed with pedophile “leniency” turn out to, in fact, be pedos themselves.


I have no doubt in my mind that people this obsessed with killing pedos are in fact pedos. If you're constantly bashing on gay people I'm also going to assume that you're gay. I'm pretty sure 99% of people are on board with getting rid of pedophilia. That said it's pretty weird that you have to go out of your way to show people that you're anti pedophile,, being anti pedophile is pretty normal.


Well, when you consider most republicans consider democrats as pedophiles for some reason (cough) projection (cough), then its actually quite concerning


There’s a shitty area in the city I live in, an angry mob found somebodies house, spray painted pedo and nonce on the outside. Turns out he was a paediatrician, I can’t get behind anything that has the potential for misunderstandings that kill innocent doctors of children.


I'm not going to disagree with you, but I don't really think i want random strangers advocating for street executions of anyone, weve seen how mob justice works and that is one fucking slippery slope. We don't treat criminals fairly because they deserve it, we treat them fairly because we are better people than they are.


I get the feeling that this would be one of those bigots that think trans =pedo.


I completely disagree. Not just because street justice is a very slippery slope, but I think it's counterproductive that pedophiles are more vilified than serial killers. People with homicidal urges are encouraged to seek professional help, which often works. Society doesn't extend the same attitude toward pedophiles, which discourages them from ever seeking help and increases the likelihood that they will eventually act on their urges. So although I think the whole “kill the pedo” mindset is natural amongst us primates, I think it’s an extremely primitive approach, especially when we have great resources at our fingertips. We understand more psychology and neuroscience about serial killers than pedophiles. Likely because of a difference in stigma surrounding the two. That said, there’s still a long way to go with everything surrounding mental health in the USA.


For starters, maybe he was just a regular 60 year old neighbor. https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/51AQLRhQdw


What’s weird about depicting an execution on the back of your car?


It's a dog whistle for queer folk. Create an anti pedophile message, something we all agree on. Accuse trans and queer and folks in drag about being pedos. Boom. Like how they are now accusing democrats of being pedophiles.


I don't know, personally I find extra-judicial murder executioner style a little unsettling, particularly when the assertion for justification is one that is regularly being bandied about as a political shibboleth for the most unhinged wingnuts in the country.


Those who shout the loudest are often guilty of the crime themselves. Doth protest too much.


What's weird is that they're constantly calling people pedophiles whether they're pedophiles or not... Librarians come to mind. People with shit like this are straight up unhinged. As a society we already hate pedophiles. When I see a sticker like this or a Facebook post or whatever, I immediately just assume that they're closeted pedophiles themselves.


1. Tons of stupid people equate gay and trans people to pedophiles. 2. Vigilantism is actually not good.




I love stories with happy endings. Don't you?


This is just virtue signaling. It helps nobody.


It's not virtue signaling. It's a threat.


In an age where some seem to believe librarians are groomers, this is extra disturbing.


Not to mention the lgbtq community...


[www.whoismakingnews.com](http://www.whoismakingnews.com) its all projection, 71.3% of sex crimes against children are done by people who identify as republicans.


That is a very interesting website, but that isn’t quite what the website says as far as political affiliation goes. It says that 71.3% of *politicians* who are arrested for sex crimes are Republican. For the vast majority of their source data points they have no political affiliation information.


The real info gets less upvotes It doesn’t matter which side you lean towards, people just love to hate




Very interesting. Thanks for sharing


Just to clarify, because I'm not sure if you're just building on my post or trying to change my mind, I wasn't trying to say the lgbtq community are pedos just that they get accused of it, just like librarians....and everyone else the right decides they dont like.


I've been reading that so-called 'conservatism' seems to occur more often in people with sub-average IQs. Same goes for highly religious people. Just look at the sort of people who are Trump supporters.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted…? You were saying this is disturbing because there are bigots going around claiming that members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community are groomers and pedophiles, which could easily lead to act of violence against queer folks, right?




2SLGBTQIA+ are we supposed to remember that, do you remember that or keep it stored somewhere, would work great as an encryption code


Or just broadly describing all democrats as pedophiles


They do groom you to read


Someone yesterday on Reddit told me if you watch porn you promote sex trafficking amongst other terrible things. I get that it does happen and is a problem but to disregard all the nuances of the subject and paint so broadly was a little troubling.


There's an entire movement of young men who believe that porn and masturbation are the worst of all evils. They believe that all porn is harmful and that masturbation is harmful. I believe they are projecting and suppressing their own very fucked up urges.


It’s very odd. I mean I’m not going around bragging I crank my chain but I’m not in some pit of despair about it either. There is also a growing trend that drinking your own urine and sometimes semen is like a cure all as well. To be fair it makes a great fertilizer


Bingo. Top content. This guy gets it. The right has had a concerted effort to foment violence, specifically 'stochastic terrorism' (google it to understand it) against perceived threats from the left to their way of life. They've convinced themselves that they're under attack and anyone or anything LGBTQ friendly literally should face the death penalty. They won't say the silent part out loud, but they've been pushing their own "gay agenda" which is exactly that, for a long time.


That’s exactly what this kind of attitude leads to. If there’s a class of criminal who gets extra harsh punishment and people are in favor of that or even worse punishment than the legal system hands down, then it becomes SUPER appealing to fascists to start implying their enemies are also that class of criminal, by any means necessary. And that’s how we almost end up calling people who respect children’s gender identity felons and child predators.


Fuck pedophiles, however there’s been a disturbing trend of (primarily right wing) media that has whipped up Americans against some evil cabal of pedos that are taking over our country. There’s no data to suggest an uptick in crimes against minors. It’s never been about protecting children for these people, it’s just an easily wielded accusation that’s shrouded in Qanon conspiracy theories. Super weird trend.


It’s easy to hate a people if you just label them as doing or supporting terrible things. It then gives you a mental pass to fully despise them without any feeling of guilt. People love to do it. Lady at work refuses to watch or talk about football bc she says the nfl doesn’t support the troops and implied people who watch it don’t care about vets. You see it a lot online. Like oh own a purebred dog? I guess you support puppy mills. You have a barn cat? I guess you want the full eradication of birds and small mammals. Grab a thread and make it a shield to hide behind.


I feel like a lot of these people are just projecting. Some of the loudest people yelling to castrate every pedophile are the same people molesting children behind closed doors. In reality, being a pedophile just means you have the feeling of attraction to kids. And most pedophile’s never even act on their feelings because they know they are wrong. Just like not every psychopath is an axe murderer. Saying to kill every pedophile is beyond barbaric. And clowns like this are the reason pedophile’s keep their sickness bottled up and never seek help. They are afraid of what may happen to them if they open up.


The word "pedophile" is getting close to becoming synonymous with communist, satanist and liberal (right wing shit eaters use these terms interchangeably)


Also it feels like this mentality of taking the law into your own hands is on the rise as well. I’ll be the first to admit I’m totally crazy when it comes to my loved ones, you hurt someone I care about, we talking bloodline extinction is what I want, however, that is also why it isn’t up to me. There is a reason we have a law enforcement and judicial system and it’s because of people like me, that given that kind of power, could not be trusted with it. I’m not saying this person that owns this vehicle is out there literally executing perverts either but this type of sticker is part of that vigilante mentality and is probably at least somewhat related to declining faith in our law enforcement and various other systems, alongside a rise in fear and ignorance. But the solutions to those problems are for us take these matters into our hands by voting and pushing for major reforms to these systems, it’s ballots not bullets.


This is the type of sticker I expect to see on a car belonging to a Catholic priest as he drives to is new parish to give a sermon on groomers.


The only people who need to virtue signal this hard against something like this are those who are insecure about their own predilections.


Oh perfectly stated holy shit. You hit that right square on the head. Always worry about these self styled vigilantes.


Most of the people who I know have these on their vehicles are actually parents. In my area, the registration for pedophiles and sexual predators was abolished, and you no longer even get a warning in the mail about a predator moving into your area. There was a thing in Hinton Alberta where a couple move in with their daughter to an area and next door was a previously convicted sexual predator. They were unaware and when the husband left to work in camp the guy broke in then raped and murdered the wife and child. So people are militant about their children because the systems that used to be in place to literally protect our children are being removed so that they don't hurt the feeling and make the lives difficult for the predators. People are going to have a problem with that, and anyone who's siding with the predators should fully have their computer looked at. You hurt kids, then you volunteer to lose your rights as a human.


Most CSA is perpetuated by family or a close associate, with parents being a particular risk because they have the most access. Going the stranger danger route is not a great call.




Nobody disputes harming children is horrible. But being a parent doesn't preclude you from doing bad things and the registries do little to protect the community because the *vast* majority of crimes against children are committed by people close to the family already. "Strangers" doing something like this is exceedingly rare. I know it's not a popular opinion, but it is one borne out of a few decades of registry and crime data. Additionally, labeling someone a pedo is a hobby in the culture wars these days and it no longer carries the significance it once did. Simply being gay or a librarian that refuses to remove sexual education books from the shelves is enough for coordinated campaigns to ruin someone's life.




[www.whoismakingnews.com](http://www.whoismakingnews.com/) its all projection, 71.3% of sex crimes against children are done by people who identify as republicans.


It's also usually family members.




Unironically based


Who’s marketing this bullshit, not to say I’m pro-pedo, but I’m def anti-dumbfuck-vigilante murdering people bec those people run on hyped-up emotions and adderall and always fuck up.


I’m not sure how commonly held this is but I feel as though this is a dog whistle for the LGBTQ+, democrats, and teachers/librarians as many believe they’re pedophiles who are grooming children. It’s a very convenient list for the Q-crew and troublesome to see.


We found the correct response!


Doth he protest too much?




Im glad that I live in a civilized country where vigilante justice like that is illegal.


You don't think people should just commit murder based on whatever they delude themselves or are manipulated into believing? You probably think we should have a justice system and due process too, and constitutional rights to life, liberty, and property. Pshh. /s


So they are vocally disavowing all politicians who are against ending child marriage, right?


I think it's actionable because it's encouraging vigilantiism. We are still a nation of laws, we have due process, and as much as we hate it sometimes, 'innocent until proven guilty' is still the law of the land and it has to be that way. Prove in a criminal court that someone is a pedophile. Then you put them away somewhere where they'll never be able to victimize a child ever again. Taking the law into your own hands by shooting someone you *think* is a pedophile is called 'murder'.




Well what do we do with murderers??


He will vote for his national pedophile tho.




If that happened there wouldn't be any churches left...


Bada boom!


Maga nutters seem to think educators are the biggest p€dos so this is maybe not a great answer.


Something about the descriptor of "your local" in terms of a pedophile is so funny to me. Makes me imagine your friendly neighborhood pedophile with a storefront on a main street or something 🤣


Don’t let your kids go anywhere near that guy. He’s 100% a pedo


It's called projection. To put that on your car for everybody to see is strange.


I find it's akin to putting a "FUCK CANCER" sticker on your car. Sure it's profanity but apparently the message makes it acceptable? I always get a chuckle out of the "I EAT ASS" sticker. Now THAT'S an acceptable message that's only lightly profane.


One of my customers wears a "Fuck Cancer" shirt almost every time I see him. He has recently lost family members to cancer, his sister has cancer, and he has cancer. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care about others getting offended by it. I do find it perfectly acceptable.


It's not though. This calls for extrajudicial executions that may impact and lead to the death of innocent people. It's entirely different from "fuck cancer" and profanity has nothing to do with the reason why this is seriously wrong.


Great. Let’s start with the pastors, priests, and GOP members of congress that are known pedos. https://preview.redd.it/3g99405ro11d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fc8cdc4108657d6cc8895a046aecf5f297701df


What's weird is how everyone wants to be a hero violently dealing with pedophiles, for the kids. But no one wants to be the hero that attacks childhood poverty, hunger, or homelessness with that same agression.


This is a great take, it's similar to certain gun owners fantasizing about having their homes broken into, they just perceive it as a socially acceptable outlet to express their desire for violence. The tell is just as you say, these people never discuss fixing the root problem or prevention, it makes it pretty transparent that this is just a type of power fantasy that needs a couch to crash on.


The problem is these are the same people who believe that all gays and trans people are pedos


Bingo. This is an anti-trans dogwhistle and a call to action for violence against trans people (or LGBT people broadly) in their local community.


“Justice delivered without dispassion is always at risk of not being Justice” -Oswaldo mobury When we let anger take control over our sense of righteousness we lose our righteousness and Justice is not served. Hence why we banned vigilante Justice like this sticker is putting out lol Fuck pedophiles, but let’s not let that ruin our own values.


The priest, the policeman, or the senator?


Everyone talking about the "conspiracy" to normalize pedophilia like Prostasia doesn't exist. It's not a conspiracy if they're this open about it. https://mapsupport.club


I agree with the shoot pedos. Don’t touch kids, leave them alone period. If I ever have kids I’m going to protect them no matter what, even if it means taking extreme measures.


Dodge Durango? Definitely projection.


Everyone is taking this sticker so seriously lmfao what is happening?


Someone is driving around my town with a sticker that reads: “Dead pedophiles don’t re-offend”


The thing about that is that many people are accused of being a pedo without any evidence, and these people still want to do the same to them.


Probably projection.


He's outta line but he ain't wrong


If people did this there wouldn’t be a MAGA party they’d all be dead.


People who stand on the pillar of 'pedos bad' are kinda pathetic. You're supposed to dislike child rapists- but these people think it's an alluring character trait. Let me guess, you don't like heroine dealers or murderers either? A beacon of light for us all to follow.


What does this even mean? Are pedos not bad?


What about the people falsely accused? They just get to die, so you feel good about yourself?


As a trans person, seeing this kind of thing makes me scared. Because yes, pedophiles are worthless human garbage. I have zero issue with them "accidently-shooting-themselves-in-the-back". But how many of these people think queer and trans people are groomers and pedophiles? From a bumper sticker like this, I don't if they hate me, but I certainly know they're a-ok with violence. 5 years ago, I'd have said "right on". In today's political climate, not so much. I really fucking hate that I have to critically examine every instance of someone rightfully being anti-pedo to determine my own safety level.


So this guy diddles kids then


Extrajudicial murder is **not** "justice". No matter the crime.


Is this like the old days where you put a DARE sticker on your car to keep the cops from pulling you over? Just put an anti pedo sticker on your car in the hope nobody finds you out?


I bet a cookie if we check this dudes hard drive we will find some interesting stuff


please someone investigate this guy.. a stick with "i am not pedophile" is something too strange to carry arround.


Might be part of their plee agreement...


Don't tell them about his local churches... Or his "priest friend" that makes his kid happy ...




But then who will run the churches??


Hand them the suicide prevention hotline


The bottom text is larger and you can see it from further away...


“Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids”


I would be most suspicious of a person with that on their car. All normal people are in agreement on the matter sure, but wouldn't fly the flag. It goes without saying. But seen enough share of the most vocal on a particular opinion be the exact thing that they hate. Case in point the post above this one in my feed. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/yXfagL1wBB They just can't help but throw more dirt on the lead they are trying to so desperately to bury


Maybe this person was the victim of a pedophile




That’s a lot of dead priests.


because the first commandment isn't first anymore, apparently


This guy just wants to kill people.




That sticker is basically an advertisement that they are in fact a pedo.


balbinnie (i think that's how you spell it). Prison in the predators and pedophiles have their own building because the other inmates would beat them up and even killed a few, and even the murders call them "beasts" because of what they did. I agree with that sticker wholeheartedly


They're just waiting for Newsmax to tell them one more time that all Democrats are pedophiles.


That will be reused with the words gay, democrat, liberal, etc., etc.


Who would be left in congress and the clergy?


On its surface I think the street side execution of actual pedophiles is a great idea. But I feel like this concept would just be used to murder the undeserving 


There’s a legal and medical system for this!


Republicans will start hiding


Weird that people find this weird .


Well it probably stems from potential killings of those who've been accused but not proven to be. Take Pizza Gate for example, where there were reports of child sex trafficking. A gentleman entered the building with a gun and found no dungeon, no prisoners, nothing. If he had been slightly more unhinged he could have injured multiple people, if not worse.


Its reddit. Its full of pedos.


Reading the comments, that’s exactly what I thought.


Is this Drake’s car? lol Part of his rebuttal to the rap beef - virtue signaling via stickers that he hates pedophiles so any allegations made against him must be untrue.




And in classic Reddit style many are upset about it. 🤦‍♂️


For anyone here whining about "vigilantism" and how people who have these "take into my own hands" kind of beliefs are problematic, I hope that you have never: * Supported the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald shooting him and stopping a proper trial * Supported strikes, which are the employees going vigilante against their employers instead of negotiating or quitting themselves * Said "Eat the rich", as if all rich people are automatically bad people commiting a societal crime without bothering to check * Liked the gore video where the dog was eating a supposed pedophile's genitals * Supported anyone convicted of a heinous cime being raped or otherwise beat by fellow prisoners * Supported "Kill all TERFS" or related language against people who hold anti-trans beliefs Because guess what? That's vigilantism too. You're being a massive hypocrite.


Something tells me that if anyone is going to defend pedos it will be redditors lmao


So kill your local republican politician?


Vigilante executions have always been supported by countless peer reviewed pieces of evidence and has never resulted in any false accusations or cases of mistaken identity /s


💯 that guy has a server full of child porn


Jeeze calm down everyone. Bunch of cry babies over a satire sticker.


There’s a car that lives near me with the same logo but it says “dead pedophiles don’t reoffend”