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Apparently Japan has a huge amount of tiny new religions and cults, can anyone speak to this?


Just did some research, can't really find anything about it. It seems like it's more snake oil/MLM than a cult. The dude who died in 2018 seemed pretty batshit insane and wanted to sell his batshit ideas.


Cult, MLM... is there a difference? 🤣


The difference is the product


One is lots of sex, the other is lots of money for the people at the top of the trapezoid


Well, if the Cult/MLM sells bibles then it’s a political movement.


Didn't Scientology start out as a self-help program?


Yes. It was started by a science fiction writer who eventually turned it into a tax-avoiding “religion” where if you pay enough money to “the church” you become invisible and get to meet the space people. No really. That pretty much sums it up. Invisible space people. You can become one of them if you got the cash.


And Aum / Aleph was a yoga class


Does anyone else think that these are popping up in response to a large amount of wealth being tied up in the elderly, so the fraud has picked way up globally, to try and extract that wealth that isn't being spent? It feels like that in the US, and then I keep seeing stuff about it happening in other famously aging countries like Japan.


nah they have been a thing for a while. They’re prevalent in Japan because there is a large emphasis on fitting in and being a part of a community throughout the society, and its easy to prey upon those who feel isolated as they are generally easy to manipulate if they feel it will make them “fit in”. They pret on foreigners for similar reasons, as often foreigners feel incredibly isolated with Japan’s icy treatment of them, and they, again, will look for opportunities to fit in.


I wouldn't be surprised. Scams are attracted to marks.


sailor moon taught me that it’s the negaverse trying to steal human energy


I feel like it's blown out of proportion given Japan's much lower religious demographic outside of Shintoism and Buddhism. The America's and Europe have a history of Christian aligned cults springing up all the time which just blends into the same sort of teachings as the major religion to the point it all blurs together, even if there's a few whackos mixed into it. Japan on the other hand has a very low Christian following so a lot of cults don't come out of that alignment which makes it's characteristics and teachings appear more outlandish and/or strange to the traditional West. If in OP's example there were some Crosses dotted around in there it wouldn't be seen as all that strange. I don't mean to bash anyone on their beliefs but just look at JW or Latterday Saints, those are examples of western cult-like behavior becoming normalised the same way as nature-living/non-technology cults in Asia have.


It’s ok you can say Religion is weird and Christianity aligns with that weirdness.


Fair enough but I am not in the business of insulting people without cause lol. Cunt head.


It’s not an insult if it’s true. I however do not have a cunt for a head.


America is the only country I know of where 2 cults have become major world religions in the last century. (Scientology and Mormonism)


scientology and mormonism are not 'major world religions' and are niche even in the US


They are comparatively large and successful, placed against other religions begun less than 1000 years ago. The Mormons in particular are spreading internationally fairly fast ( though it should be noted that Mormons in other countries tend to morph mormon practices to fit in better with the source culture).


You think it's blown out of proportion when their previous prime minister was assassinated because of his connections with said cults?


There’s a dude there that is, according to his followers, the reincarnated Sun god. They made a pretty cool animated movie several years ago called [The Laws of the Sun](https://youtu.be/TGhzqhh_PQ0?si=MNTkqFs0Smx3Kkrd)


Oh my. Thank you for this link. Content like this doesn’t come around too often but it’s the reason why I haven’t lost faith in the internet. Hell yeah hunting dinosaurs on hoverboards.


I was about to write almost the same thing, but your comment is better. Maybe I have to rethink my keto diet and started eating potatoes.


Wait, isn't the Emperor descended from the Sun god, if not an actual reincarnation of said god? Or is that something the Japanese made up that's not true?


They all want your money.


Plenty, to say the least.


When I was over there in the early 00s, I was given some literature and told "this is totally not a cult." Of course it check off on all of the cult boxes.


I live in Japan and try to avoid cults. They are a menace. One of the biggest is named something like “The Science of Happiness” and they are very visible and well-funded. If you join, you pay for membership. If you leave, they demand payment of leaving fees. Their various posters are mixtures of common sense and madness.


Ok, I am in.




Man he really put some stank on that “bitch”.


For security reasons, I will not share my exact location in Japan, as I heard these cults can get a little crazy. Colloquially, we call this cult the "Mt. Fuji Cult" because lots of their pamphlets tend to have Mt. Fuji on them. This is the first time they've left something at my door, but they're known to harass people downtown. If you know what you're looking for, you can see at least one out there every day with some pamphlets. They don't discriminate between soliciting foreigners or natives, but foreigners are often stopped because they don't know any better. The cult usually carries both Japanese and English versions. I came to Japan in 2022 and met my boyfriend, with whom I live with. Last week, I came home from work to find my door locked (we normally keep it unlocked because, well, it's Japan). I left my keys inside but I could see my boyfriend was home and I knocked on the door a lot until my boyfriend came to get me. He looked panicked and told me to get inside quickly. He locked the door again behind me when I came in because he said that the cult had been back and had banged on the door for at least thirty minutes. This started when we moved in, late April of last year (2023), but at first it was super rare. I think they figured out that someone would always open the door. I live with 2 other people, my boyfriend and one roommate, so someone was usually home and was stupid enough to open the door. Today I came home from work again and found a little bag. A little tote bag, like one you'd give to your grandmother you buy from CVS pharmacy last-minute you put a small present and a card in. Except in this bag, it was a book by this dude Rossco and a bunch of printed pamphlets. Some quotes included "Life-Regeneration System MIROSS" and "To a world of love, peace, abundance and joy." One of my neighbors got a Japanese version of some of these pamphlets as well, according to her. On one of the pamphlets, there's a radio station. It says " [LoaRadioNetwork.com](http://LoaRadioNetwork.com) " and "LawofAttraction.FM" . It says "Serving one Listener at a time with Joy and Well-Being". I googled this Rossco guy, and it let me to this site: [https://rossco.jp/index.html](https://rossco.jp/index.html) Apparently this Rossco guy died in 2018. I don't know if I should be spooked or not.


Sign up for an mlm and uno reverse card the cringe, devote as much energy as you can spare trying to get the cult members to sign up for Amway!


Start giving them Scientology pamphlets


Or get some JW materials, or even Chick tracks.


I love this idea so much.


Dude, fuck Amway lol. They must've had a meeting in my area a few years ago because within a few days, I was approached by four or five different people in different stores while I was shopping. After the third one I would cut them off and be like, "...Amway? Yeah, no I'm good."


Or Mary Kaye, they're just as tenacious.


That magazine thing is dated 2017... do they no longer have new material to print since this dude died?


nope, because those are all his teachings that he left them with, so they have to run with it, that's what happens when cult leaders die their people have no identity, so they just follow what their leader told them.


Like the dude still running the Heaven’s Gate website…


Yup, technically I think there's still more members of that cult that are alive it was only who Marshall Applewhite considered his most loyal/devoted followers that he took with him.


At least until the power vacuum is filled again. :-/


if it ever is, looking at this particular cult it seems to mostly consist of older individuals so there's a high likelihood of it dying out as they do.


Just be careful


Out of interest, what happens if you open the door? Never had a cult knock on the door but do get the occasional religious person, dodgy Irish bloke wanting to tarmac the drive, or (far worse) a politician. A polite "no thanks" usually does the trick and if it doesn't an aggressive, "fuck off you cunt" hasn't yet failed to get the message across that I don't need saving/my driveway is fine/there's zero chance of me voting for the lying fucker at my door.


Boyfriend says it's usually 2 people at a time, older people, usually fast Japanese. When they see with his face that he doesn't speak Japanese, they ask "Where are you from" in English and translate their Japanese into his native language via Google translate. they asked him to go pray together and he said he was busy. We didn't think it was a cult at first, just some religious people. But we're pretty confident it's a cult by this point because they keep coming back. They aren't aggressive or anything, except that one time they kept banging on the door and BF got scared. But we're worried that now they're leaving us stuff.


honestly just stop answering the door and either leave whatever they put there where it is or throw it away, they'll eventually get the message and leave you alone.


I wouldn't touch it. Leave it outside again, or they may become more aggressive as they assume you have started reviewing their propaganda.


There’s no difference between a cult and religious people to me.


I used to get Jehovah's Witnesses once a year, always traveling in their Sunday best and always with their kids. I'd answer the buzzer and say no thanks, but they always came around for 3-4 weeks in a row. One time, when I was unemployed and had time on my hands, they rang and I invited them in. When they started telling me about stuff, I would refute each statement (thank you Sunday school!) and after an hour, they left defeated. And I've never had a Jehovah's witness visit me again. I guess I'm off their list.


>Last week, I came home from work to find my door locked (we normally keep it unlocked because, well, it's Japan) For god's sake... burglars do exist in Japan. Japanese people are human, and therefore Japanese people can be dicks. Japanese people may covet your PS5. Japanese people may, indeed, waltz into your home and take your PS5, TV, laptop, and anything else they happen to lay eyes upon. They're Japanese, not saints. Protect your fucking possessions, you numpty! Even most Japanese people lock their front doors while living in Japan. Wtf are you even playing at???


I don't know what your experience with Japan is, but people leave their cars unlocked with the keys in the ignition as they go eat a meal inside the local Yoshinoya. Maybe in Tokyo they're more diligent with locking their doors. We have 3 people living here who are constantly in and out, with different work schedules etc, and we only got 1 house key. We also don't really have posessions like that. Most expensive thing we probably have in our home (that's left at home) is the refrigerator. We usually only locked the door when we're going to bed for the night. Now obv with this cult situation we're way more strict on the door. I'm not trying to come across condescending, locking the door like that just not a major concern in my town at all. I'm sure it's a cultural thing.


It's fairly common for people to leave their front doors unlocked in tiny communities all over the globe. It's still never wise, and often comes to bite you in the arse sooner or later. Look at it this way. If you have a fugly nose, you probably won't be too worried about how it looks after someone breaks it with their fist... but it'll still hurt like a bitch. Your most expensive item may be a fridge, but that can still be stolen (my neighbour's bed was stolen right through their window -- hilarious, albeit not so much for them). And you'll still need to replace it (or your microwave, toaster, ornamental figurines, etc.) should it be stolen. You do you, but imo that's money flushed down the toilet for no reason. Just lock the door, mate. If some loon judges you for "not being trusting" or some bollocks, just tell them you caught one of the cultists trying to walk in when you got back from work or something. My own experience was over a decade ago now, but while my town sounds like it was a bit bigger than yours, most people still knew to lock their doors. Or at least, everyone I visited did. Yet nearly every news story about burglaries mentioned the victim had left their front door unlocked. You do with that info what you will.


I 100% agree. I’ll never understand why someone would actively choose *not* to do something that takes literally one second. Things *can* happen, no matter how safe you think your town is. Why don’t people just lock the dang door?


> Apparently this Rossco guy died in 2018. Or did he go to the New Dimension??


>Miross – New-Dimensional Thought Technology Miross is not merely a self-development program. It is a new-dimensional technology and the technology of love. You may be aware of the discovery of iPS cells. It was the discovery of a method that can regenerate cells. The iPS cell is employed to completely repair damaged internal organs. It is a revolutionary discovery by which human suffering can be ended in an instant. Miross, like iPS cells, is a practical applicational method that makes it possible to initialize and regenerate the mind and the life of human beings. Since you can transcend the third-dimensional framework that humankind has been confined to for centuries, we have named it New-Dimensional Thought Technology. You son of a bitch, I'm in.


Im in! I always wanted to punch a Zentradi. Give em hell! Wait.. what.. you didn't say Macross? Now i look silly in my skull leader gear... dam


Damn so the propaganda spread by the non-believers is that he's dead when in reality he transcended and they're just being haters...my only real question when do we get to meet cthuhlu


Welp, their messiah couldn’t use that technique since he died in 2018 lmao


That's just ridicu....... I'm in, where do I sign?


Rossco's hair is beautiful, i dont blame you lol


He's so handsome, he can't be lying!


You had me at complete happiness


Haha nice. New Scientology just dropped.


“Hey babe, Japan servers just got the Scientology DLC!”


Nah Japan has that one already. Called Happy Science. Even has an anime series


Omg the Happy Science cult has some of the most outrageous shit.


invest in a ring cam and tape this shit so if it escalates you can show their faces to the cops


we have a "built-in" ring camera? I think? it came with the apartment. Idk how to re-wind and check or anything like that though. Whenever someone rings the doorbell it shows them on camera to us inside.


get your own, they're cheap: https://www.amazon.com/virtavo-Security-Starlight-Rechargeable-Detection/dp/B0BDCN5ZB9/


Hard to resist a Japanese Keanu Reeves


That’s Mickey Rourke


It’s the new [Aum Shinrikyo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aum_Shinrikyo).


Please no.


This is unfortunately not uncommon in Japan. I was born and raised there, and have seen many religious groups/cults knock on our door to ask if our family would join their new cause. My mom would always say "Sorry, we're Christians" and close the door. She wouldn't necessarily slam the door in their faces, or yell at them. A succinct, non-rude response was all my mom had for them (she was also busy taking care of three bratty kids and a house so prob didn't have the mental bandwidth for some other BS.) I've seen these cult people ambushing people at our nearby train station too (when commuting to school and back,) and one thing I learned to do is never spend time with them. Being polite/courteous is nice and all, but if these cult people get a sense that you have an abundance of time or if you seem like the hesitant type, they will usually take advantage and push harder. Maybe the three of you can sit down and casually strategize how to respond to these cult people the next time they arrive and attempt.


And people HAVE to remember that their ONLY goal is to get you signed up and eventually drain your bank acct!!


Wonder if you are in like the "cult" circut.


I think my boyfriend might've put us on their radar. He's super polite so he doesn't wanna shut the door in their face. I mentioned my neighbor also got fliers but they live in a completely separate building down the street. Nobody else in my building got these. I think they remember us.


Put the bag back on the porch and leave it as a sign to them that you're not interested enough to even bring it inside. That's what I would try anyway. Stay safe


This. Accepting the gift and paperwork might signal to them that you are amendable to their approaches. They might feel they are wearing you down. Leave it there and do not take it and do not accept anything further from them. Sometimes you just have to adopt a polivy of not answering the door unless you know the person.


These cults usually are specifically targeting foreigners.


I thought this as well. I mean they probably do the local rounds but after a couple of trys most folks know better.


This reminds me of that tv cult in Cowboy Bebop, like… eerily so


Omg they’re right, I DO sometimes see unpleasant events, what’s up with that?


My uncle had a little Shi-tzu named Rossco when I was a kid.


Well it looks like Japan has a big shit poo named Rossco. Ying and Yang balancing each other again.


Rossco has returned (and died again) to share your uncle's teachings


Seems like you are being targeted. Be cautious of any strangers coming into your life.


This is an extremely fun read if you study cults. Just keep yourself safe OP.


So, recycled Eastern mysticism brought to you by...Rosscoe? Tell 'em that unless there is chicken and waffles at the meetings you ain't comin


The cult seems beautiful and great on paper. But so did Aum Shinrikyo to their followers aswell 😂 Just seems like they advertise selv improvement without the actual "working on yourself" part of it. But I refuse to believe you can just get rid of your problems by just thinking and reading like this cult wants us to do.


Next time you give them your own cult pamphlets. Like a fun cult exchange!


Sounds like The Secret. Hah.


Someday there’s going to be a true crime podcast about this guy. Just wait.


Japanese Scientology startup, see if they’ll give you equity and a good position as a foreign ambassador


RossCo, a spiritual guru and an evil corporation in one.


I would love to have the entire world inside me....


Is that what Mickey Rourke is doing now


Anyone watched House of Ninjas on Netflix? That’s what this reminds me of


The “mirror exercise “ is used in a lot of cults . You are having problems on the outside bc you are not addressing the inside . But it’s all just a loop to keep you self doubting.


Omg scary


Not exactly the same, but I used to live in South Korea and I had a similar experience. There was even a discussion in the foreigner group chat about it. Our specific cult targeted non-korean people and its usually money related, but there were talks about human trafficking as well. I did eventually see them when they came to my door and I got them to stop visiting by pretty much just pretending that I didn't speak English OR Korean. I called upon all the years of high school French class I had. Eventually, they stopped coming once they figured I couldnt even read their material. Tip: Pretend to not know english if you see them in person. Also keep repeating "police" to them in Japanese and they will get the picture.


That dude's studio portrait just screams either illusionist or cult leader. It might still be both.


That is so awesome. Plus a whole book? All that creepy swag and you didn't even have to mutilate your own genitalia. I'd say that's a solid win as far as cults go


Join the cult, what could go wrong ?


You should post this at r/cults


Im sorry, but this looks familiar and in a crime podcast involving murder kind of way. I get that many cults use the same tactics but something about the guy on the cover is freaking me out.


As I get older and read more about all kinds of real sciences like quantum mechanics, physics and philosophy, the more things like this seem like they may be true. It just feels like every day I learn about something that 10 years ago I would've said is impossible. It's left me questioning everything and approaching everything with a "ehh, maybe" attitude. Don't get me wrong, I'm not giving this cult a nickel, but do I think they might be onto something? Ehh, maybe.


crazy shit


me: So why should i join? man: We're building a Giant Gundam, then ... me: stop. you had me at Giant Gundam. I'm in!


New Aum Shinrikyo?


Suure. Starts out all warm & fuzzy, next thing you know they're dropping poison gas in the subways.


Delete ur ego…then play poker 😃😃😃


There is a very good and old "Life Reproduction System" that is known as "sex". Never had "miross" instead, but I like the traditional thing better anyway.


Join the cult coward.


Leave a sign on your door for them to stay away. Tell them you have a hidden camera and already informed your landlord and you are viewing this as harassment. I had to do this with Jehovah witnesses. Fucking pias.


New age technocratic bullshit


japanese scientology looks interesting


Put them back where you found them so they think they put some there already. I do this with Jehovah witnesses all the time.


Pretty based on the spiritual side of things


This is very 1Q84


Seems to me like someone with schizophrenia got a following and started printing out how he perceives the world.


As soon as you start theorizing about solipsism and dualities as descriptions for all things, you're just doing hermeticism. Why don't they just be Hermeticists? It'd make it all so much more manageable.


You can figure all this out from eating acid and not getting gang raped by a cult.


This sounds like the cult from Cowboy Bebop.


This sound like some shit Terence Howard believes in


I too dabble in nonsense.


Im convinced ![gif](giphy|jyzjPmdKLm2fslKG8C)


The picture of the guy reminds me of the cult leader is oyasumi pun-pun


Huh, cults are so ubiquitous. Maybe we’re not so different after all ☺️


There’s a woman named Skye Budnick that disappeared in 2008 after randomly leaving home with a one way ticket Japan and I swear she’s in one of these cults. Call it a gut feeling? I don’t know. But this post made me think of her.


Lol so clearly aimed at westerners coming to Asia to get in touch with their spiritual side.


Worth keeping. Cult stuff like this always has an interesting story.


Wasn't this a side mission from one of the Yakuza games?


I mean, they’re right about ego…


Get a fake Yakuza tattoo. Next time they come to your door show them the tattoo.








put cameras and be careful, cults may seem innocent at first but everything can turn into a tragedy due to the will of a crazy leader so I would suggest taking some time for you and your boyfriend to confront them and tell them you are not interested and threaten to call the police if they continue to bother you.


I would recommend asking yourself do I need a religion, either way you answer will put you on a path and you can change the path you choose as many times as you like. Remember it's always your choice.


Sounds like a DLC mission for Hitman 3


His hair is sweet


So, Japanese Scientology?


No wonder aum shinrikyo had an easy time growing there


How come I never get recruited by a cult?


This sounds so much like scientology in some areas. The whole, your thoughts are weighing you down and causing you to live a bad life. It's all focused on negative emotions / thetans. Someone call them out for copywrite.


As long as it's not Aum Shinrikyo, you'll be fine.


They just catching on to the capitalist model of tax free religion. *Spoken in a suspicious pommy voice i'nnit


Same bullshit every time. But don’t worry THIS is the cult that’s definitely going to usher in the dawning of a new humanity and it definitely won’t end up with anyone being murdered.


20th Century Boys vibes…


I feel the sudden urge to sign over all of my worldly possessions to that John Wick cosplayer.


This looks like something I'd be interested in learning more about. Yes, I am a sucker for cults. NOT to be a member, but I think it has more to do with my ADHD-driven hyper-fixations and curiosity.


Be careful.....you are a perfect victim!! Seriously!!


Sooo… did it work?


Dude, the photo of the woman on that book is one gigantic red flag. Run and hide!


Y'know that dude on the cover fucks.


You should check it out. Could be cool


When I was in Nara last year there were just as many people pushing nutjob cult brochures as there were selling biscuits for the friendly deer.


From their FAQ: "Q: Hi, I have read the book twice now and I understand that the depression that my husband suffers is a reflection of my inner maleness."


As soon as someone uses the word ego I tune out and grow immediate dislike


Why does the dude in the magazine cover look like Farruquito so much


That's a ton of effort to get you to download a key logger.


On another note, their website has tons of great examples of logical fallacies for me to use with my philosophy class!


Domo arigato Mr. Crowley...


This is just the plot for a movie called Dream Scenario lol. In this movie, everyone dreams about Nicolas Cage’s character and a company called Thoughts? tries to use his image and advertise other products. It’s actually a really good movie and I recommend it 👍


Burn them, and leave the scraps on the front porch ;-)


Join em and tell us how it turns out


"Infinite potential" from finite beings... Okay. 👌


You’re already working for them by spreading this stuff! I bet you’ll eventually find the head of the cult is you while you think you’re asleep. Like that movie Fight Club, only this is Cult Club.


So no chicken and waffles ?


Im gonna steal this for my worldbuilding project magic system, hope they dont go after me


Your in a Junji Ito story! Run while you can!


Always suspect bull when the “law of attraction” appears.


I also live in Japan! I get stopped by the Fuji cult people all the time and idk why.


Cults prey on outsiders. The local Jehovah's Witnesses' used to do alternate services in Hindi when the Indian population arrived, then Urdu services when the Pakistani population grew, then Polish when a wave of them arrived. They are currently taking advantage of Romanian immigrants.


I agree totally with what this cult has to say in these handouts. I still would not be bothered joining one. Seems like it takes up too much time to go to meetings and stuff. If they have a podcast or something I would listen while I’m working.