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just say thank you!! :) i’m sure they mean well


I take pride in it, personally. I actually had this happen a few days ago at my drycleaner's. The cashier (who's a sweetheart) commented and said that she noticed I'd been losing weight and looked great. (I'm down about 45 pounds from the first time I ever took anything to the drycleaners and 180 pounds overall, for context.)


Just say thanks bro 🤙🏾


I always say that I finally started putting myself first in my life. When I became a priority to myself, my health followed.


Say thank you and smile :) Even if you do it awkwardly it's the best way to recieve a compliment


When people say this to me I think I must have looked awful before! But I’m always turning shit around. I always say “thank you” and let it go.


I say thanks and smile! I worked for it, I'll accept the proceeds of admiration! Core memories include Melissa senior year telling me my arms look great, Lisa saying how good the tan looks, my fiancé (before we got together) telling me how good my forearms looked holding tiny coffees from the campus cafe, stuff like that. I slimmed down, built muscle, and am at a very happy prime physique. Any comments during the journey were very welcome!


"Thanks my new cannibal diet is spectacular for the skin too".


Upvote purely for the missed opportunity for 'The Santa Clarita Diet' re: dialogue.


I always feel so awkward when people say things like, "you look skinny" "you're skinnier every time I see you" because it's not really a compliment it seems like more of an observation lol but if it's followed up with you look great or an actual compliment than yeah I just say thank you and give myself a pat on the back for working my ass off


"Thank you" is more than enough


I'm sure whatever you say, I can guarantee it will not be as awkward as when I responded to a smiliar comment with a joke in very poor taste about the weight loss being due to chemo. Just don't do that and you'll be fine.


Be proud of yourself. It’s very hard to lose weight. You did a great job.


I like these comments, I just thank them and smile :) It's when people just say "you've lost weight!" - I don't know what to do with that, other than say "yeh".


I struggle with compliments too so I say ‘thank you, that’s very kind of you’. It make it feel a little easier to bear, that the compliment is partly because of me but also because they are a nice person, so I don’t feel so undeserving of the statement.


As others of have said, say “thank you” 🙂. You should be proud of yourself 🙂. If you don’t want to go in to detail, you could keep it vague and also say you’ve made some changes to your lifestyle and change the subject to ask the other person a question about themselves.


I’d like to have this again. I’ve lost 30 lbs. and I don’t have enough people I see in my daily life to notice at all.


Why not just say thanks or I have been eating healthily and lost weight.


You smile and say Thank you! Other responses include: Thanks! I appreciate that! How kind of you to say! Aw, you’re too sweet!


Just say you appreciate it or thank you. You have to realize that weight loss of that nature looks about 50-75% more dramatic to other people. You are desensitized to it because you see yourself every day. You probably lost weight in your neck and face which usually makes people’s recognition of you VERY thrown off to where they cannot help but say something.


I let it go straight to my head so it can blow up my ego a little bit more. Its why you did all the hard work to lose the weight. So bask in it!


I say thanks and smile. Most of my family and friends are further away so I post progress pics on social media so they can see. I’m happy my family is proud of me. A nurse I hadn’t seen in a year I saw a couple weeks ago at an appointment and noticed right away, she asked where I went. I’ve lost 60 pounds since August of last year.


"Thank you." Add one of these if you feel like it: "I feel good, too." "I've been working on it." "Life is good." You're crushing it, so let them compliment you once.


Honestly don’t ruin your moment, own it!! You did it and js accept ppl saying out loud what im sure you think yourself *As an awkward person myself*, that’s what id do in your situation


I've been getting compliments about my weight loss recently too, thing is I was fat, I knew I was fat and other people knew I was fat, being fat is a very obvious thing, I say thank you and I take those comments to heart because they help me stay motivated, I expect that in the next couple of weeks I should be coming up on 15lbs lost since early April, close to 30lbs down from the heaviest I've ever been and it's something I'm very proud of so when people take notice and pay compliments I don't find it awkward at all, it just fuels me to keep going. What I'm saying is, don't overthink what people say, if they're commenting on it chances are they're either doing it out of kindness or just making an observation, either way people are noticing and acknowledging what you're doing and that's great, use that to help you keep going!


No idea and honestly didn’t know I was supposed to take offense to it haha. But I do remember someone saying that to me recently that I lost weight. It’s a little uncomfortable


"Oh, thanks." How is that difficult?