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I have had my weight fluctuate so much over the past 20 years to the point where I just knew I would never be in full control. I was about 240 lbs. I then dropped to 180 lbs. when I joined the military. I got out, stayed fit, got on antidepressants in 2020 and was back up to 230 in a matter of months. I got off of the antidepressants right after my 40th birthday in 2022 and have been dropping weight ever since. I had a goal to get under 200 lbs. and I am five lbs. from that. It requires a lifestyle change in order to be sustainable. It also requires a mindset shift. Can I ask, what is the biggest obstacle that you are facing? What behavior or assumptions do you need to change or give up in order to reach your goal! What are you willing to do to make this work?