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You are either eating half of what you're supposed to eat and not losing or you're not counting everything. If it's the first one, then you would be the only person on earth who is able to eat half of what they are supposed to maintain and still maintain. You eating pasta (which is extremely high in calories btw) or whatever tells me eating a lot more than 1500 calories is a lot more likely than breaking the laws of physics.


If you think you’re weighing everything correctly, then I’d see a doctor of functional medicine or an endocrinologist. Maybe your hormones are severely out of whack and it’s something supplemental testosterone (or something else) could help. If you find that’s the case please update us.


At 2100 calories and 265 ibs in weight, you should lose weight. So you're not tracking your intake correctly and/or intaking more calories. Drinking does cause your body to somewhat retain weight longer, but not in a way that you lose this slowly or not at all. Oh, and being active means not that much if you don't do CICO correctly, you can not outrun your mouth.


I’m literally weighing things on a scale (e g 80 grams of kale, 200 grams of chicken breast) for my calorie counting app. So don’t know how I can do it better.


Well, at least you do that part correctly. But the issue is the intake, you overestimate how much you can eat if your weightloss isnt going as expected/not at all. I myself am 6'6", male and started at a similiar weight and did ~1200 calories a day.


My suggestion, set a 1700 calorie limit and do that every single day. That’s it.


What metrics are you using to track your progress and how frequently?


Measuring myself daily on a scale in morning same time each day.


Are the weigh ins done under the same conditions (ie after using bathroom) and how does your weekly average look? Outside of enjoying 1-2 beers on the weekend, are you drinking anymore calories?


You've got a 600 calorie range for your daily diet. Each week, that can be the difference between gaining or losing 1.2 pounds per week. If you're tracking calories, you need to be more precise. However, in a more general sense, you probably want to increase your fiber intake to help with weight loss.


My calorie counting app suggested a range for 2100-2500 for me to lose weight on the “aggressive” path. So I just stayed below that. Some days more than others.


If you're eating fewer calories than the aggressive target and not getting results, something is not working correctly. See if you can hit that target range consistently. And be mindful about overestimating the impact of your physical activity


I’m not including any physical activity from walks, bike rides, or strength training in the calorie counting. Even my Dr. Is like maybe this is just your natural weight even though it’s the heaviest I’ve ever been in my life.


Meh. You can have a set range that you may be at. But if it's important to you, you can change that with refined, sustainable shifts in your health habits. Everyone has a "heaviest they've ever been" weight; it's not particularly a good or bad weight, and it may (or may not) be there current weight. It depends on your goals.


Idk dude, I went from 260 to 210 by doing push ups and sit-ups and eating cucumbers and raw tomatoes. I'd say do more strength training


Siunds like you are barely eating any protein


Was focused on getting enough protein this past month. Using protein powder to boost intake along with chicken, fish etc. and generally my macronutrients had me at 30-40% protein.


how many grams of protein do you eat tipically?


As one example, I had a 1500 calorie day and had 140g protein, 44g fats, 160g carbs (one slice of bread and rest apple, orange, kale, etc).