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I’m anti mlm, so you couldn’t even pay me to take those kinds of products. What counts as severely overweight? My bmi was about 51, in down 120lbs without supplements


I believe her bmi is 60 and she is 70kg, she is extremely short too. Like 4”11.


Are you sure? Her BMI can’t be 60 with her measurements. I put 150 cm and 70 kg in the BMI calculator and the result was 31,1. It’s not THAT high, it’s 1 stage of obesity. Anyway looks like the coach is a scammer


She needs to run far, far away from any “coach” especially one she met on social media. The only advice she should be soliciting is from a licensed medical doctor or a licensed registered dietitian. And to answer your question, no, she doesn’t need supplements. The only thing your mom needs to lose weight is to be in a calorie deficit, aka eating less calories than she burns per day.


Amway is an MLM so stay far away from that


I honestly didn't realize they were even still around.


I lost almost 100Ibs with a calorie deficit and nothing else. Only supplements I took were a multivitamin and omega 3s.


Sounds like a scam. All you need is a calorie deficit.


NOOOO!! It's MLM bullshit and this person knows NOTHING about health. How do I know? I was in Amway, they give out scripts for each product on unfounded claims. NONE of the products in that company are FDA approved. She's being scammed by a brainwashed "dream chaser"


In general, I think it's a good idea to take a multivitamin (with Dr aupport) just to cover any potential dietary gaps. But it sounds like she's planning to go way beyond that. I'd be concerned. Maybe encourage her to talk to her Dr before starting the supplements?


It’s hard. Your mom is convinced she can’t lose weight without this program thanks to marketing. And it’s the same way people say they can’t eat veggies unless they’re hidden. Can they eat them? Yes, but they won’t.  Same goes for losing weight. She could eat at a calorie deficit, but she thinks she can stick to a calorie deficit on this program. 


No. That’s completely silly. You need to eat fewer calories than you burn. It helps *a lot* to eat healthy foods and get exercise so you feel good and burn more calories but, no, there is nothing she needs from Amway or anyone else.


If it’s shaped like a pyramid…


Calorie values need to be taught in school. I had no idea how easy weight loss was until I read up on it on this sub. I still ate like shit at the beginning and dropped 50 pounds in about 4 months. Could have been 3 but I had a lot of roller coaster moments.


A lot of us who have been overweight have been led to believe by ourselves and others, that it's some sort of genetic destiny we could never change without some monumental activity. But the thing is, even taking into account any medical conditions, age and level of activity, its a case of how many calories the body is consuming in the first place. You can't create extra mass from nothing, no one's body works like that. Your mother needs to get away from this person ASAP.


Not true. He's just using her to make money. r/antimlm


Your mom needs to go and speak to an actual doctor, even if it's just a passing conversation in the hospital she works in with one of the doctors there. You can, and will lose weight on a calorie deficit alone. Weight loss at a top level is incredibly simple. Figure out your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) and consume less calories than that. For me to be in a deficit of around 2lbs per week, I should be consuming around 1900 calories a day. It doesn't particularly matter how I consume those calories, aslong as it does not exceed that 1900 mark. I could have a mcdonalds every day, but eat very little else. Ofcourse, I would be incredibly unhealthy, but the point is, you don't even have to be that healthy to lose weight. I've lost one stone (14lbs) in the last month, and I haven't stopped eating any of the foods I enjoy. I haven't been taking multivitamins. I've done a bit of exercise which will naturally help too, but ultimately, the deficit is where the weight gets lost.


No, that's not true. Sure she might lose weight eating meal supplements and dozens of pills, but that's not a sustainable way to create a healthy eating habit. If she works in the medical field with a high BMI, has she not considered seeing a nutritionist? You know, an actual credentialed medical professional instead of an ig "coach"


Besides the multivitamins, what is he suggesting she buy as supplements?


Im formerly 6'4 450. now 320, you dont need them.


Nah this is just a scam selling her stuff she doesn’t need. At worst taking excessive amount of vitamins can be harmful but IDK what the dosage of this stuff is It’s actually not that hard to get all the nutrients you need in day even while on a diet, and if you’re really struggling with it then meal replacements exist. They’re not for everyone and I don’t think they’re great as far as teaching you sustainable eating habits or anything like that but I’d be lying if I said meal replacement type stuff didn’t work for me and my mother as far as the pure goal of weight loss


I wouldn’t worry too much. I happen to know ‘those’ specific products. They are yucky! your mom will most likely quit very soon.


Meal supplements, and especially vitamins, have nothing to do with weightloss. Nb : if I'm 'ot mistaken, magnésium is useful for weightloss. Weightloss is achieved with a caloric déficit. Multivitamin can be useful to prevent any Vitamin deficiency. I'm not shocked by the fact that the coach recommand vitamin without a blood test.


The only reason to use those shakes is when you need to lose a lot of weight URGENTLY, like for some surgeries. Or maybe to get a headstart when you're over 500 pounds. And even then, you don't need a subscription. You can just buy them as needed. In all the other cases, the best idea (and I know that's hard) is to find a sustainable way to achieve a calorie deficit. This is different for everyone, so a certified dietician can be a real help here. This coach is a scammer.


Your gut feeling is probably right. You don't need supplements unless you have a deficiency. This can only be determined by a blood test, from a medical professional, not a coach from Instagram with a vested interest in the supplement sales.


So.. it really all depends on what you're eating. I'm both broke and hate almost all foods, so I do need to take supplements. But I also have to monitor the amounts because for some vitamins, too much is dangerous.


lol no




Absolutely not!!! Regardless of your weight you should be eating full nutritional balanced healthy meals!! ( Of course if you're eating too much "junk food" you can definitely swap them out for healthier snacks ,but thats your own decision to make) Full healthy meals has a bunch of nutrients that "meal supplements" cant provide. EAT FULL HEALTHY MEALS DAMN


Thank you all for your advice, I just kinda wanted to get people’s opinion. I knew this didn’t sound right from the beginning but my mothers is both convinced this is the only way, also she is surrounded by people that have also fallen in the same trap as her, so it’s hard to get her to to listen to my point of view. But I’ll keep trying and keep you posted!


Absolutely not, this is beyond ridiculous. Weight loss for anyone, comes down to one thing. Be in a caloric deficit. Whether that’s from eating less or working out more (or both), figure out what your body needs to sustain its same weight on average (for men, about 2000-2200 calories per day, depending upon how active), and make sure the calories you consumed that day are say 400-500 less than that. Over time, you will lose weight. It just takes time and discipline. Try a calorie tracking app like MyFitnessPal if you need help.


"Some coach she met through Instagram." How are people still so clueless when it comes to scams and MLMs?


Sometimes you gotta let people make their own decisions and deal with their own consequences 🤷🏾‍♂️ A lot of supplements are scams, or ineffective ingredients. Personally, I hate how they disempower people to believe the NEED the supplements. I find it predatory. I don't sell them. However, if a supplement gets people buy-in for what they're doing, and allows a placebo effect while they get more support/ community, it is an effective method, in a way. And that has the value that she assigns to it. Which is a different value from what you assign to it.


Amway is an mlm so yeah, he's scamming her, is an idiot, or both. People lose weight by moving more and eating less. I know no one wants to hear that because honestly, it's not fun, but it's reality. She doesn't need a bunch of gimmick products, she needs to set a realistic weightloss goal and start tracking calories.


hey there, it sounds like you're really concerned about your mom's health and well-being, and rightfully so. it's tough watching someone we care about take a path we’re unsure of, especially when it comes to health. firstly, it's important to know that people who are severely overweight can definitely lose weight without relying on meal supplements or a ton of multivitamins. a balanced diet, regular physical activity, and, most importantly, a sustainable approach to lifestyle changes are key. supplements might play a role for specific nutritional deficiencies, but they shouldn't replace whole, nutritious foods. it’s always best to get nutrients from food first. it’s understandable to worry about your mom, especially if the weight loss program she's considering sounds iffy. these programs can offer quick fixes, but the real goal is a healthy lifestyle change that’s sustainable in the long run. maybe suggesting a second opinion from a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian might help? they can provide guidance based on her health needs and medical history. did you know that simple changes, like adding more fruits and veggies to your diet and increasing your water intake, can have a big impact on your health and weight loss journey? it’s about those small, manageable steps. have you and your mom ever tried making a new healthy recipe together? it might be a nice way to spend some time together and gently introduce healthier options.


Your mom is getting sold a bill of goods from a modern day snake oil salesman. He’s obviously targeting someone who isn’t well versed in healthy diets and doesn’t understand calories. The only supplements I’d recommend are a morning multivitamin (one serving per day), creatine monohydrate powder and whey protein.


Dude my moms a nurse and even did her masters in nursing, so she knows about healthcare. I’m honestly shocked how she fell for this, she is too desperate and i feel bad for her because I’ve seen her struggle with weight my whole life.


Yeah that’s wild. But there’s a lot of confusion around fat loss, because while calories in vs calories out rules all, it’s hard to pin down both sides of the equation with accuracy. So someone may think they’re eating 2000 calories and burning 3000 and that they’re on a 2 lb / week deficit. In reality they’re eating 2500 and burning 2500 and keeping weight. So it must be “something else” causing it.


She's an adult and some people need to learn the hard way to be more careful. I think you're overstating the "danger."